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I am really sad that so few people have a good knowledge of some called natural medicines.

Personally, I am out of bench with allopathy for about 20 years


2/3 years ago I started to have serious hip pain, could not climb the stairs, many difficulties to do my shopping without trying to sit down sometimes somewhere…anywhere.


So I took turmeric a big tablespoon a day in coconut milk with black pepper. 

Passed 500 grams of ginger in a blender with water, filter everything and drink a big glass every night. 

300mg a day of Gingko Biloba to improve the local microcirculation.

MSM 250mg a day.

Harpagophitum 250 mg/Glucosamine700 mg/Condroitine 600mg 2 capsule a day

And probably the most important of all: Systemic enzyme 3 tablets of 300mg on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

Nobody is forced to believe me but two years ago I saw myself condemned to the operation, today I do not even think about it anymore.

By the way, to day November 13th is my birthday I am 73 Y.O.

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Good to hear everything went well with your op. Is your implant cemented or not?


I had my hip done 4 months ago today. Been a learning experience you might say.:laugh: Didn't appreciate quite how difficult walking would be. The hamstring tendons in my normal leg have been really stiff for some reason, but improving.

Most of all....no hip pain anymore!! Feels great.:smile:


Good books:


Anything written by Douglas Kennedy.

Haruki Murakami is also a superb writer.

Keep us posted on your recovery please.

16 minutes ago, faraday said:

Good to hear everything went well with your op. Is your implant cemented or not?


I had my hip done 4 months ago today. Been a learning experience you might say.:laugh: Didn't appreciate quite how difficult walking would be. The hamstring tendons in my normal leg have been really stiff for some reason, but improving.

Most of all....no hip pain anymore!! Feels great.:smile:


Good books:


Anything written by Douglas Kennedy.

Haruki Murakami is also a superb writer.

Keep us posted on your recovery please.

What implant? Fortunately, I avoided this operation, was I not clear enough? 

1 hour ago, kickstart said:


........The numbers, Lopburi government hospital said 75.000 bart for the operation ,as I said I speak Thai and trying  to work  out our costs  almost lost me ,and they where knocking  on our door ,Saturday  night for some  money, wife and nice had to go to the ATM machine at Tessco's  up the road from the hospital ,and  we had some insurance with AIA .

My AIA insurance is an accident policy, and they said they would pay up 200.000.baht mainly for  room and nursing care ,in the end thay paid 90,000 baht,their agent is a friend of ours and she  was not happy about that,  and we paid 180 000 baht in 3 lots , the bill was  all  itemised,  but the femure I had was ceramic, I lead a fairly active life ,and a ceramic femur last a lot longer than a titanium  one ,but it is 20,000 baht  more expensive  than the titanium one, still think it was worth it.          

  Since leaving the hospital , I have to herd  this from two different sources, the hospital doctors are there  for the  coughs, colds, and sprains, anything special ,ie hip replacements,thay get a doctor in from one of the Bangkok  hospitals,  you coud say we had  one of the best?, but his surgeons fees where 40 000 baht plus ,and the hospital probably had a cut of that as well, operating theater costs were 8 000 baht, no free lunch there .

So the total was 270K?


I am surprised an accident policy would pay out anything for this, since degenerative disease nto result of accident.???


Indeed I expect they did surgeon up from Bangkok, very unlikely to have someone with the caaopcuty to do this on staff at an upcountry private hospital.  40K surgeon fee is not a lot for that sort of thing esepcially given need to travel, and it is not usual for a private hospital to get a "cut" of doctor;s fees,  without the surgeon they have nothing and the surgeon is an independent contractor.


An amazing story with a happy ending


We hear many stories of insurance NOT paying


This is however Thailand


I am not sure how you managed it but probably no where else in the world would an accident policy have paid anything for this, at best routine wear and tear, or was it precipitated by an actual accident, in any case very interesting

28 minutes ago, al007 said:


We hear many stories of insurance NOT paying


The old newspaper line: It isn't news when the plane lands safely.

7 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

What implant? Fortunately, I avoided this operation, was I not clear enough? 

Something I forgot to write ,got back from the op ,and a nurse come in my to the room with a blooby plastic bag ,she  said it was what was left of my femur ,I have a cd rom of my x-ray and it looks a mess ,in the flesh they was no cartilage left just bone ,not round  all most flat with 2 ridges in it , where it had worn away ,no way any natral  medicine would have worked .


           Looking back at a past post ,you wrote about less invasive technics  for hips,I asked the hospital doctor about hip resufasing ,the doctor said he worked in New York  for a while and knew the Birmingham technic  where it is popular ,were caps are put on the femur and in the hip ,no joint replacement no pins in the leg ,but he said my hip was well past the hip resurfacing  technic and needed a compleat new  joint.

Re insurance ,my AIA policy I took out 3 years ago ,and it does say in their small print they will pay for some of the hospital expenses.

I have a medical insrance policy from the uk ,which  I took out 18 months ago ,but I had to declear that I had Busitus in that joint and was taking some mediction ,ibufane as it was ,as you said I was told to wait 2 years before anything could be done with  that hip joint that would be May next year ,no way could I last untill then ,if I did not declear the problem ,and  had the op  and clamed, the company say looked at the x-rays , no way would thay have paid up ,thay could see the problem has been around for a long time ,can not win with insrance  comanys .

As  I said  we have a military hospital near here ,and it has a good name ,and  like our government hospital ,also a long queue,I would liked to have gone they but no way I could  wait .   


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