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free program to get jpeg date code from EXIF info ?

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somehow my friends wife lost 30,000 photos ......


then recovered them  but the name, date etc  she had on the photos was wiped ,


I think the EXIF info  will at least have the dates ,  and she can put them back in order by date the photo was taken ,


Is there a program that does this in bulk ?


Thanks for the help


Are you familiar with the command line?


I use a tool (single exe) named "jhead" and wrote me a batch ("pic_rename.bat"):
jhead -nf%%y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S %*


This results in files named like this:




13= day 13

181655 = 18 hours 16 minutes 55 seconds

I use this year/month/date format for easy sorting with Explorer or the like. Alphabetic sort = numeric sort.

I then move these September 2017 files to a subdirectory





OK, not an easy access :biggrin:


6 hours ago, userabcd said:


As far as I can see, Irfanview can not rename based on EXIF.

Only counters etc.


Guess there will be some free GUI tool.

Who does the search?




Of course a search for:


batch rename pictures (by) date (taken)


unveils misc stuff.

But as I don't know them I can't give any recommendation.

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