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Air Asia flights luggage Carry on


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I will be doing some traveling in Thailand late this year can anyone tell me if they have traveled Airasia recently.

What I want to know is they have a carry on Baggage limit of 7kg and a size limit also. I have 8 separate flights scheduled

I am trying to do these via backpack and will most likely be able to operate within their rules but are they real picky, like you are 1/2 kilo over or 1/2" to large on luggage.

I just want to be sure because the check in at flight is pretty pricey. Most airports have a baggage thing that can size them to see if they are to large but I have never seen them used at other airports. 

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I never see them weighing or checking sizes. Think you are allowed 2 carry on bags with a max weight 7kg combined... I see people with up to 4 bags and struggling to lift the larger ones into the over head bins, no-one ever bothers them !!


Reckon 1 larger bag plus a small day pack and you'll be set...

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Kinda of what I thought. That was my experience some time back. I was just going to buy a new backpack that is close to their specs. I have traveled Thailand with luggage and it really limits your transportation options when they see a Farang rolling baggage. I will still try to respect their guidelines. Thanks 

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3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

I never see them weighing or checking sizes. Think you are allowed 2 carry on bags with a max weight 7kg combined... I see people with up to 4 bags and struggling to lift the larger ones into the over head bins, no-one ever bothers them !!


Reckon 1 larger bag plus a small day pack and you'll be set...

The official policy is 2 bags with a combined weight of not more than 7 kg.


I've flown AA on average about 8 times a year for the past 5 years and the enforcement is fairly random from what I have seen and mostly on international flights. I have seen them weigh bags only once but they were weighing anything that looked like it might be too big. A couple of flights ago, they were doing a forced gate check - it was actually at the door to the plane rather than at the gate since gate personnel didn't seem able to notice people with 4 and in one case 5 bags - because the plane was about 1/3 full and all the overhead bins were full already. People were not happy.


Due to the random nature of the policy, I never travel with more than 7 kg total in my 2 bags. 



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Where they usually nail people is at the checkin/ticket counter... I have never seen them check anyone at the gate before boarding... 


To reduce your risk I would reccomend you get their app which allows you to keep track of your flights and get boarding passes from their atm kiosks by using a barcode generated by the app thereby avoiding the need to go to the ticketing desk... and it also saves time waiting in one less line :-)

Edited by sfokevin
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My wife was hit with carry on baggage with Air Asia in Penang, Malaysia


AA even weighed the duty free, as a result paid around 2000 Baht


I thinks its better to stick with the 7Kg, and purchase in-advance check - in bags


I wrote to AA to complain especially the duty free, they didn't give a rats xxxx

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12 hours ago, Genericnic said:

The official policy is 2 bags with a combined weight of not more than 7 kg.


I've flown AA on average about 8 times a year for the past 5 years and the enforcement is fairly random from what I have seen and mostly on international flights. I have seen them weigh bags only once but they were weighing anything that looked like it might be too big. A couple of flights ago, they were doing a forced gate check - it was actually at the door to the plane rather than at the gate since gate personnel didn't seem able to notice people with 4 and in one case 5 bags - because the plane was about 1/3 full and all the overhead bins were full already. People were not happy.


Due to the random nature of the policy, I never travel with more than 7 kg total in my 2 bags. 



Last time I flew with Air Asia, which was about 2 1/2 years ago, they DEFINITELY weighed my carry-on, which was a backpack.  I remember because it kind of surprised me, and I had to move some stuff to my checked bag (which I had paid extra for and fortunately had some allowance left).

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I don't understand why people are always trying to bend the rules Air Asia clearly states that you are allowed 7kg carry on luggage 

They are a Low  Cost Carrier if you want more luggage pay more and go with someone like Thai who are very flexible  with carry on bags and give you 30kg checked baggage

You get what you pay for!!

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12 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

I don't understand why people are always trying to bend the rules Air Asia clearly states that you are allowed 7kg carry on luggage 

They are a Low  Cost Carrier if you want more luggage pay more and go with someone like Thai who are very flexible  with carry on bags and give you 30kg checked baggage

You get what you pay for!!

Well, in my case, I actually HAD weighed my backpack with a handscale before heading to the airport, and it read ok.  At the airport, their scale showed it about a pound heavier.  Does that help you understand?   I had taken the trouble to weigh my stuff and was NOT trying to bend any rules. 


But thanks for playing...



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Most airlines allow 1 carry-on and 1 personal item, such as a laptop or large handbag. Some airlines strictly abide by this policy, others don't. I usually fly China Southern from LAX to BKK and check 2 suitcases, have 1 carry-on and 2 laptop bags, never had a problem. Last flight was on AA. At the boarding gate, staff enforced the policy, took the carry-one and put it in the cargo hold. The upside was there was no charge.

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17 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

I never see them weighing or checking sizes. Think you are allowed 2 carry on bags with a max weight 7kg combined... I see people with up to 4 bags and struggling to lift the larger ones into the over head bins, no-one ever bothers them !!


Reckon 1 larger bag plus a small day pack and you'll be set...

I unfortunately use Air Asia, they do check carefully particularly when its a full flight, its 1 bag only 7kg max to there size.


You can have a computer laptop bag as well.

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Try to book a flight online and before you get to the payment screen it will show you all the carry on baggage options. 

AirAsia's customer service is nonexistent. They simply ignore all the emails I've sent them trying to get a refund of the tax for an unused flight. I try to avoid them now.

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i agree with stevieaus--all airlines have a carry-on baggage limit of 7kgs...i reguarly see people carrying on large bags and more than one bag,that must clearly be over 7kg....i actually wish airlines would check carry-ons more often,to catch out these bludgers.

i dont think aa is any worse than other airlines-its a budget flyer,a baggage allowance can be purchased for small extra cost...

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2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Well, in my case, I actually HAD weighed my backpack with a handscale before heading to the airport, and it read ok.  At the airport, their scale showed it about a pound heavier.  Does that help you understand?   I had taken the trouble to weigh my stuff and was NOT trying to bend any rules. 


But thanks for playing...



It doesn't hep me understand at all because having flown Air Asia for years both domestically and Internationally I have never had a problem always good service and very helpful.

On a recent overseas trip via Kuala Lumphur with a baby and stroller we were told the stroller doesn't count for checked in luggage

So to me that's a reasonable airline perhaps your scale isn't accurate !!

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Yeah I dont know if the 7 kgs thing translates well, had a recent flight with AA as a last leg of 4 long flights, I had no trouble with baggage limits thankfully on any flight, however plane was full and getting things into overhead lockers was turning into a game of chess, this guy from a few rows ahead of me tried to move my bag( I had watched him try unsuccessfully to lift this bag into the lockers, dont know if it was the family fortune in gold bars) I said no he is not putting that thing above my head thank you to the flustered attendant and thankfully they moved crew stuff about to accommodate.

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3 hours ago, murraynz said:

i agree with stevieaus--all airlines have a carry-on baggage limit of 7kgs...i reguarly see people carrying on large bags and more than one bag,that must clearly be over 7kg....i actually wish airlines would check carry-ons more often,to catch out these bludgers.

i dont think aa is any worse than other airlines-its a budget flyer,a baggage allowance can be purchased for small extra cost...

Not all. Even Ryan Air, the notoriously cheap carrier has a 10kg limit and a separate small item. Seems that AA even had Ryan Air beat in the silly limits department.




Ryanair Hand Baggage

Passengers may take one main item of hand luggage into the cabin. This item must not be more than 55cm x 40cm x 20cm in size and 10kg in weight. You may also take a smaller item, such as a handbag or laptop, no larger than 35cm x 20cm x 20cm.

Hand luggage is free. However, if overweight, cabin baggage will either be refused at the gate or will be or where available, placed in the hold of the aircraft for £50/€50.

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I have a really bizarre idea maybe ask air asia? Arrive early and have your bags weighed by them if one is overweight shuffle items between bags. I usually keep my bags a bit light as some scales actually differ

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I typically carry a bag that weighs more than 7kg (about 12kg), and I have never been questioned. It is smaller than the size limitation. It contains my camera gear, worth thousands. It also has all my batteries for my camera equipment (you can't check Li batteries). I don't trust my camera equipment to the baggage handlers.


Most airlines have an exception for professional camera equipment .... but unfortunately I'm not a professional.


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13 hours ago, StevieAus said:

It doesn't hep me understand at all because having flown Air Asia for years both domestically and Internationally I have never had a problem always good service and very helpful.

On a recent overseas trip via Kuala Lumphur with a baby and stroller we were told the stroller doesn't count for checked in luggage

So to me that's a reasonable airline perhaps your scale isn't accurate !!

"So to me that's a reasonable airline perhaps your scale isn't accurate !!"


OMG!  A pound off!  Call Delta Force!  Call Seal Time Six!   007!  Spider Man!   Interpol?   No - I know.  I'll file a class-action lawsuit against the scale-maker!!  (But which one...)


Geez.  Obviously, somebody's scale was a bit off.  The POINT however went right over your head.  It wasn't that I thought I was being at all hassled.  Not at all (but you're far too spring-loaded to catch that...)   'Just a response to the notion that because I was a bit over I had been trying to skirt the rules.  Just the opposite, in fact.  Save the self-righteous crap for Sunday School or your recovery meetings or whatever, and get real.


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I fly AA and the only time I have seen them check the weight was when, in Chiang Mai, the Chinese passengers put their bags right in front of the boarding area so they would save their place in the front of the line. The head lady frowned and had them checked. 


My backpack is heavy with a laptop, iPad, all my electronics and anything I can't afford to lose. Never looked at.

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Clearly, with Air Asia your carry-ons certainly CAN be checked, but aren't always.  So you can choose to play by the rules or you can take your chances.  Up to you.   (But I think that if you're obliged to move something to a checked bag that puts it over ITS limit, the extra baggage fee they'll then charge can be pricey, and I've seen that happen, too, thankfully not to me.  It was an older lady in line ahead of me, and she wasn't even close.  'Looked like big money changed hands by the time she was finally done....  If loudness was any indicator, she was certainly very unhappy.  I felt sorry for the counter girl.)






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1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

"So to me that's a reasonable airline perhaps your scale isn't accurate !!"


OMG!  A pound off!  Call Delta Force!  Call Seal Time Six!   007!  Spider Man!   Interpol?   No - I know.  I'll file a class-action lawsuit against the scale-maker!!  (But which one...)


Geez.  Obviously, somebody's scale was a bit off.  The POINT however went right over your head.  It wasn't that I thought I was being at all hassled.  Not at all (but you're far too spring-loaded to catch that...)   'Just a response to the notion that because I was a bit over I had been trying to skirt the rules.  Just the opposite, in fact.  Save the self-righteous crap for Sunday School or your recovery meetings or whatever, and get real.


What ever other problems you are suffering from after reading that rant I realize now that you should have calculated the weight of your luggage in kilos not pounds long long time since I have seen pounds used by an airline


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Thanks for all the replies.

 I purchased a backpack that meets their specs I packed it so it was almost full and I was still under weight. I have no issues paying for checked in baggage and will with four legs of this trip. Its more the ease of transportation with taxis or motorcycles or walking.

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