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New traffic tickets in use by December


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23 minutes ago, French mate said:

Log book work good engough for most of the people as the offender are usualy local people who do the same offence at the same place most of the time.

for exemple one of my Thai brother in law got catch 3 time in the last 2 years for drink driving  (he could harldy walk but drive is ok), always in the same sector around the same time. They did not cancel his driving licence because he never got one in his life, but their warned him than next time they catch him he wont just get out with just a fine (dont say tea money that impolite) but he will go directly to monkey house (understand he will have to paid big tea money next time).

Here the issue isnt really about how up to date is the ticket system.

I disagree,  first this country has enough money since they are building all those roads and making toll booths for the using them to have a national computer system to track all drivers whether they have a license or not.  There are millions of Thai who are driving throughout Thailand for work or during their holidays and that includes you Brother in-law. Since he likes to abuse the law how does the province he might visit arrest him for drinking know he has already had 2-3 offenses so they can take him to the monkey house. How does the thousands of tour mini-van drivers who travel the roads of Thailand get tracked for example. Is it only when they kill someone that they do the homework?

The share fact that the ticket system isn't updated and another fact as you will agree is the lack of enforcement in this case several offenses yet they continue to allow him to drink and drive that is the problem. Those who can do something about it don't because they don't really believe thinking the honor system actually works.

Last,  the real fact is a person who drink can't even walk but O.K. to drive is why so many are dead today. Thais have brought into the ignorance that " this is thailand "  and when that happens they got one foot already in the grave.

Edited by thailand49
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17 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

Is it just me or does this report imply that if we do pay our fines the points won't be deducted?


Another article that leaves me asking more questions than it answers...

I have never heard of the points system here, never been mentioned to me in ten years of driving here.

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2 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

Same as back home. It is a kind of brownie system where you have lest's say 20 points and each traffic violation has points deducted. Red light is usually a lot. Speeding depends on how fast.


wgdanson... don't you have that back in your homeland?

No we don't. In UK you get 3 or 6 points for various misdemenours, and when they add up to 12 you get banned. Are you saying that each 'driver' has 20 points and each time they get caught speeding, some points are deducted until 20 are gone, then they take your licence. So what if I am driving GFs car?

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2 hours ago, David Walden said:

Not carrying my licence on me ..."you have only only photo copy, no good",  you have to carry real licence on you  "you have to pay Bt500".  I have just obtained a new International licence in Australia for my soon arrival in Thailand.  Now that I have a real "Thai Retirement Visa" and not just a tourist visa. I will get a Thai Motorbike Licence soon after arriving as I can...that should fix everything...OK.

not having a valid license is against the law. What I was talking about the fake law that all motorcycles are to stay on the left side of the left lane which is not true. There are no special laws only for motorcycles. That's a scam by the police and because of it, the people are scared of having to pay a day's wage for driving safely but rather put themselves and others in danger. I think this is one of the key reasons Thai roads are the most dangerous in the world. It's because of police corruption and the blatant extortion that takes place. There are no special laws for motorcycles unless posted such as you can't use the much safer overpasses rather than navigating dangerous intersections. Get a ticket for a law that doesn't exist, as long as the police get commissions from such tickets, extortion should be easy to prove.

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33 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

not having a valid license is against the law. What I was talking about the fake law that all motorcycles are to stay on the left side of the left lane which is not true. There are no special laws only for motorcycles. That's a scam by the police and because of it, the people are scared of having to pay a day's wage for driving safely but rather put themselves and others in danger. I think this is one of the key reasons Thai roads are the most dangerous in the world. It's because of police corruption and the blatant extortion that takes place. There are no special laws for motorcycles unless posted such as you can't use the much safer overpasses rather than navigating dangerous intersections. Get a ticket for a law that doesn't exist, as long as the police get commissions from such tickets, extortion should be easy to prove.

The keep left law is not specific to motorcycles but all traffic.

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1 hour ago, Techno Viking said:

The keep left law is not specific to motorcycles but all traffic.

you're missing the point I think. I was told a motorcycle can ride in the 1st and 2nd lanes from the left but not the 3rd. That's not true at all. Slower traffic to the left, you should not pass another vehicle on the left, in fact there are circumstances where that is against the law. On a motorcycle you can pass any vehicle from any lane on the right side of said vehicle. There is no law that motorcycles cannot ever use the far right lane as the police seem to think they can ticket for. That is my point. I've had the police tell me, "neung, song, ga dai. Neung, song, sam mai dai" as they point out the lanes. That is a lie!

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21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

 It is well beyond time that the cops stopped the tea money traffic stops and went out looking for and punishing bad and dangerous driving. I can guarantee they wont have to look too far or too hard, as we all see examples of it everywhere on a daily basis.

The problem is that the cops won't recognise bad and dangerous driving because they drive like that themselves.  When all these new driving schools are open around Thailand, the first question I would ask is, "Who trained the instructors?".

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18 hours ago, watso63 said:

Who on earth that's living in Thailand and welcomes western style traffic policing and enforcement should pack their bags and get the hell as far away as possible and as soon as possible!!!

You have the freedom to express your opinion now let me take my freedom and express my opinion as to your remark!


First, I think I can safely say we come from western countries that has an enormous amount of freedom to free speech. Just because we visit or live in Thailand doesn't mean we can close the door to a right we have all our lives. I feel those who aren't afraid to speak up are the hero's of the world for they are the one who speak for the one's who can't or won't but benefit the most.


To you speaking out on the problems here is bashing Thais, it should be noted, those who have a negative about Thailand didn't wake up one morning and say here we go I'm going to get them much of the negative are much deserve so it is no surprise whenever a topic such as this comes up the majority of opinions are just that, it is not rocket science.  Whenever I hear someone say if you don't like it pack up your bags and get out, it reminds me in the States people telling the Blacks to go back where they came from as if they had a greater right to stay in the country!


Second, Thailand isn't North Korea!  Thailand leaders want to be part of the International community ( United Nations/Asean ) for example have their hands pimping themselves to the world including China. In the past ten years they have accepted millions of dollars from the World Health Organization for help regarding the issue of accidents and death yet in those ten years instead of improving they have regress to being unofficially number #1 in the world for accidents and death. When a country opens themselves up to the world accept money and help they also open themselves up to criticism and that is exactly what they are getting in this thread and many others!  Whether you or Thais understand it or not!  The term " This is Thailand " just doesn't hold water in my book!


Third, in general many Thais have no idea where cars and motorbike were invented. There are so many patriotic Thais who seem to think Thailand is the center of the world and that makes them stupid.  As one Thai official once said " the more patriotic the more stupid ".  The car and bike were invented in the West and the driving rules the big difference no one ever explained the real implication as to how to apply those rules, generations, they have turn those rules into being into a big joke that today it is killing the greatest resource of their country and that is Thai lives!  If for no other reason everyone should speak out instead of going home!  A country of this size, great place to live, wonderful exchange rate , regardless of the corruption can do much better especially for their own people.  


This is a simple fix but their leaders don't have the fortitude to do it along with just not having an idea as to how go about it.  The simple fact you can put up all the smoke and mirror which they have been for 10 years and nothing changes. Nothing works except 24/7 enforcement, and enforcement isn't a pat on the back, coming out with a new form,  respect Buddha, don't do it again and hope the honor system works down the road. New flash it hasn't!  Enforcement is got to be harsh just like the West, because we are dealing with lives, driving is a PRIVILEGE AND NOT A RIGHT as they think here in Thailand. When a driver regardless of their economic situation break the law they got to lose something of value that makes them think twice and if they got to lose their freedom so be it. Human nature and that includes us if you have little chance of a lost and your kids are old enough to see and learn that the production of death continues as we know children will mimic children and that is what is happening here. 


As for going home no chance and I will continue to voice my opinion although not Thai until maybe one day someone hears me.  I suggest you think about going home yourself since you don't seem to have much to contribute to saving lives, you can be the solution or the problem!!!!


Good day, you got my 2cent and some change!



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7 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

I have never heard of the points system here, never been mentioned to me in ten years of driving here.


Now you know. Confirmed in article by OP. Known it since first day I got stopped 15 years ago.


Not sure how many though.



6 hours ago, wgdanson said:

So what if I am driving GFs car?


If caught on a speed cam... your gf gets the ticket. If you are driving then you pay

Edited by LazySlipper
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3 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

you're missing the point I think. I was told a motorcycle can ride in the 1st and 2nd lanes from the left but not the 3rd. That's not true at all. Slower traffic to the left, you should not pass another vehicle on the left, in fact there are circumstances where that is against the law. On a motorcycle you can pass any vehicle from any lane on the right side of said vehicle. There is no law that motorcycles cannot ever use the far right lane as the police seem to think they can ticket for. That is my point. I've had the police tell me, "neung, song, ga dai. Neung, song, sam mai dai" as they point out the lanes. That is a lie!



Yeah I dont understand your Thai waffling but the law is all vehicle must keep left unless overtaking.

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2 hours ago, Techno Viking said:



Yeah I dont understand your Thai waffling but the law is all vehicle must keep left unless overtaking.

I've always been told standard procedure if you are driving a car in Thailand and are over the limit and are pulled up for a breath test you first place Bt 4000 on the seat beside you then you get out and engage those nice people in conversation.  2 or 3 minutes later you get back in your car and would you believe the money the has gone.  Well what do you know about that  "Everyone is happy????

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18 hours ago, Techno Viking said:



Yeah I dont understand your Thai waffling but the law is all vehicle must keep left unless overtaking.

My experience of road rules in Thailand is that there is none.  I wonder if anyone else agree with me ?  Perhaps I'm the only one in all Thailand who thinks this way.

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Just now, David Walden said:

My experience of road rules in Thailand is that there is none.  I wonder if anyone else agree with me ?  Perhaps I'm the only one in all Thailand who thinks this way.

I think there is some as they keep sending my tickets in the mail, what they are for I do not know as I cannot read Thai so toss em in the trash.

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21 hours ago, thailand49 said:

You have the freedom to express your opinion now let me take my freedom and express my opinion as to your remark!


First, I think I can safely say we come from western countries that has an enormous amount of freedom to free speech. Just because we visit or live in Thailand doesn't mean we can close the door to a right we have all our lives. I feel those who aren't afraid to speak up are the hero's of the world for they are the one who speak for the one's who can't or won't but benefit the most.


To you speaking out on the problems here is bashing Thais, it should be noted, those who have a negative about Thailand didn't wake up one morning and say here we go I'm going to get them much of the negative are much deserve so it is no surprise whenever a topic such as this comes up the majority of opinions are just that, it is not rocket science.  Whenever I hear someone say if you don't like it pack up your bags and get out, it reminds me in the States people telling the Blacks to go back where they came from as if they had a greater right to stay in the country!


Second, Thailand isn't North Korea!  Thailand leaders want to be part of the International community ( United Nations/Asean ) for example have their hands pimping themselves to the world including China. In the past ten years they have accepted millions of dollars from the World Health Organization for help regarding the issue of accidents and death yet in those ten years instead of improving they have regress to being unofficially number #1 in the world for accidents and death. When a country opens themselves up to the world accept money and help they also open themselves up to criticism and that is exactly what they are getting in this thread and many others!  Whether you or Thais understand it or not!  The term " This is Thailand " just doesn't hold water in my book!


Third, in general many Thais have no idea where cars and motorbike were invented. There are so many patriotic Thais who seem to think Thailand is the center of the world and that makes them stupid.  As one Thai official once said " the more patriotic the more stupid ".  The car and bike were invented in the West and the driving rules the big difference no one ever explained the real implication as to how to apply those rules, generations, they have turn those rules into being into a big joke that today it is killing the greatest resource of their country and that is Thai lives!  If for no other reason everyone should speak out instead of going home!  A country of this size, great place to live, wonderful exchange rate , regardless of the corruption can do much better especially for their own people.  


This is a simple fix but their leaders don't have the fortitude to do it along with just not having an idea as to how go about it.  The simple fact you can put up all the smoke and mirror which they have been for 10 years and nothing changes. Nothing works except 24/7 enforcement, and enforcement isn't a pat on the back, coming out with a new form,  respect Buddha, don't do it again and hope the honor system works down the road. New flash it hasn't!  Enforcement is got to be harsh just like the West, because we are dealing with lives, driving is a PRIVILEGE AND NOT A RIGHT as they think here in Thailand. When a driver regardless of their economic situation break the law they got to lose something of value that makes them think twice and if they got to lose their freedom so be it. Human nature and that includes us if you have little chance of a lost and your kids are old enough to see and learn that the production of death continues as we know children will mimic children and that is what is happening here. 


As for going home no chance and I will continue to voice my opinion although not Thai until maybe one day someone hears me.  I suggest you think about going home yourself since you don't seem to have much to contribute to saving lives, you can be the solution or the problem!!!!


Good day, you got my 2cent and some change!



Dunno what you're wittering on about but I'm all for freedom and if that includes risking my life every time I go out of the house then that's a risk worth taking. I just want Thailand to be left alone and stop careering towards the totalitarian police state where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offences. Hope you enjoyed wasting your time with whatever meaningless drivel you responded with lol. Have a nice day now.

Edited by watso63
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7 minutes ago, watso63 said:

Dunno what you're wittering on about but I'm all for freedom and if that includes risking my life every time I go out of the house then that's a risk worth taking. I just want Thailand to be left alone and stop careering towards the totalitarian police state where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offences. Hope you enjoyed wasting your time with whatever meaningless drivel you responded with lol. Have a nice day now.

Having to risk your life to go to a 7-11 is not any freedom at all... You are supporting lawlessness and chaos which is rather an extreme viewpoint. Many would prefer balanced laws which exist to protect the populace. 

Laws and fines exist to give us our freedoms, the Laws In Thailand (with the exemption of a couple of obvious ones) as they stand are not extreme. It is the enforcement of these existing laws which would make Thailand much safer and save lives. 

A cavalier anti-nanny-state attitude is one thing and each end of the law & enforcement spectrum is flawed, applying a balanced and consistent enforcement of existing laws is a perfectly reasonable approach which only serves to benefit society and the 'greater good'.


You also point out that you want to stop careering towards a Totalitarian Police State where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offenses, but very few truly are victimless... Speeding kills, parking poorly can result on lack of visibility and accidents etc etc...  Ultimately, I and I assume many / most others prefer to live in world where our lives are considered more valuable than the livelihood of those who flout existing laws. 



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3 hours ago, watso63 said:

Dunno what you're wittering on about but I'm all for freedom and if that includes risking my life every time I go out of the house then that's a risk worth taking. I just want Thailand to be left alone and stop careering towards the totalitarian police state where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offences. Hope you enjoyed wasting your time with whatever meaningless drivel you responded with lol. Have a nice day now.

My final drivel, what you afraid of Totalitarian police State, you got to be kidding me " your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offences "  Are you sleeping under a rock here or you just afraid of your own shadow?  Sadly, like everyone we do risk our lives whenever we hit the road personally. I hope those close to you understand when your number comes they don't bitch instead LoL, to the person who is responsible since it was you who claim yourself own life is victimless.

Enjoy it while it last!

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Having to risk your life to go to a 7-11 is not any freedom at all... You are supporting lawlessness and chaos which is rather an extreme viewpoint. Many would prefer balanced laws which exist to protect the populace. 

Laws and fines exist to give us our freedoms, the Laws In Thailand (with the exemption of a couple of obvious ones) as they stand are not extreme. It is the enforcement of these existing laws which would make Thailand much safer and save lives. 

A cavalier anti-nanny-state attitude is one thing and each end of the law & enforcement spectrum is flawed, applying a balanced and consistent enforcement of existing laws is a perfectly reasonable approach which only serves to benefit society and the 'greater good'.


You also point out that you want to stop careering towards a Totalitarian Police State where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offenses, but very few truly are victimless... Speeding kills, parking poorly can result on lack of visibility and accidents etc etc...  Ultimately, I and I assume many / most others prefer to live in world where our lives are considered more valuable than the livelihood of those who flout existing laws. 



Bravo Bravo!

From my experience these type of guys are the first to scream, when they need help!


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17 hours ago, watso63 said:

Dunno what you're wittering on about but I'm all for freedom and if that includes risking my life every time I go out of the house then that's a risk worth taking. I just want Thailand to be left alone and stop careering towards the totalitarian police state where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offences. Hope you enjoyed wasting your time with whatever meaningless drivel you responded with lol. Have a nice day now.

The main problem with many Thai people is that they believe good sound advice is sometimes defamation.  Even if you have a Thai friend who has a restaurant or other business that is going broke and you suggest how to improve things because of your experiences, like revised menu or suggest the old menu is not good they will often regard that advice as defamation.  In Thailand defamation is a criminal offence.  Just how silly is that...5555...The only place in the world with that attitude.

Edited by David Walden
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On 9/29/2017 at 4:31 PM, thailand49 said:

You have the freedom to express your opinion now let me take my freedom and express my opinion as to your remark!


First, I think I can safely say we come from western countries that has an enormous amount of freedom to free speech. Just because we visit or live in Thailand doesn't mean we can close the door to a right we have all our lives. I feel those who aren't afraid to speak up are the hero's of the world for they are the one who speak for the one's who can't or won't but benefit the most.


To you speaking out on the problems here is bashing Thais, it should be noted, those who have a negative about Thailand didn't wake up one morning and say here we go I'm going to get them much of the negative are much deserve so it is no surprise whenever a topic such as this comes up the majority of opinions are just that, it is not rocket science.  Whenever I hear someone say if you don't like it pack up your bags and get out, it reminds me in the States people telling the Blacks to go back where they came from as if they had a greater right to stay in the country!


Second, Thailand isn't North Korea!  Thailand leaders want to be part of the International community ( United Nations/Asean ) for example have their hands pimping themselves to the world including China. In the past ten years they have accepted millions of dollars from the World Health Organization for help regarding the issue of accidents and death yet in those ten years instead of improving they have regress to being unofficially number #1 in the world for accidents and death. When a country opens themselves up to the world accept money and help they also open themselves up to criticism and that is exactly what they are getting in this thread and many others!  Whether you or Thais understand it or not!  The term " This is Thailand " just doesn't hold water in my book!


Third, in general many Thais have no idea where cars and motorbike were invented. There are so many patriotic Thais who seem to think Thailand is the center of the world and that makes them stupid.  As one Thai official once said " the more patriotic the more stupid ".  The car and bike were invented in the West and the driving rules the big difference no one ever explained the real implication as to how to apply those rules, generations, they have turn those rules into being into a big joke that today it is killing the greatest resource of their country and that is Thai lives!  If for no other reason everyone should speak out instead of going home!  A country of this size, great place to live, wonderful exchange rate , regardless of the corruption can do much better especially for their own people.  


This is a simple fix but their leaders don't have the fortitude to do it along with just not having an idea as to how go about it.  The simple fact you can put up all the smoke and mirror which they have been for 10 years and nothing changes. Nothing works except 24/7 enforcement, and enforcement isn't a pat on the back, coming out with a new form,  respect Buddha, don't do it again and hope the honor system works down the road. New flash it hasn't!  Enforcement is got to be harsh just like the West, because we are dealing with lives, driving is a PRIVILEGE AND NOT A RIGHT as they think here in Thailand. When a driver regardless of their economic situation break the law they got to lose something of value that makes them think twice and if they got to lose their freedom so be it. Human nature and that includes us if you have little chance of a lost and your kids are old enough to see and learn that the production of death continues as we know children will mimic children and that is what is happening here. 


As for going home no chance and I will continue to voice my opinion although not Thai until maybe one day someone hears me.  I suggest you think about going home yourself since you don't seem to have much to contribute to saving lives, you can be the solution or the problem!!!!


Good day, you got my 2cent and some change!



The main problem with many Thai people is that they believe good sound advice is sometimes defamation.  Even if you have a Thai friend who has a restaurant or other business that is going broke and you suggest how to improve things because of your experiences, like revised menu or suggest the old menu is not good they will often regard that advice as defamation.  In Thailand defamation is a criminal offence.  Just how silly is that...5555...The only place in the world with that attitude.  


And for watso63...I had a friend when I was a kid (long time ago) by the name of watson.  A standard retort to him when he came out with long winded comments was,   "So- what watso, watso good about that...watso?  The really big no no problem is giving advice to Thais,  Just sit back and let it happen.  It's the reason that things are so cheap in Thailand.  


The best and cheapest education you can get is "when you learn by other people mistakes"  Perhaps Thais could learn that by at least being educated about other people's road accidents they will be more careful...TIT

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On 28/09/2017 at 7:48 PM, watso63 said:

Who on earth that's living in Thailand and welcomes western style traffic policing and enforcement should pack their bags and get the hell as far away as possible and as soon as possible!!!

I want to like this post a hundred times. 

Agreed!! I like the freedom. 

Last night I got my first parking ticket, and as dodgey as the signage was regarding not parking at the spot, the fine equates to $15, yippee!! Better than the corporate n corrupt in Australia scamming $100+ per ticket. 


Love Thailand! 

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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Having to risk your life to go to a 7-11 is not any freedom at all... You are supporting lawlessness and chaos which is rather an extreme viewpoint. Many would prefer balanced laws which exist to protect the populace. 

Laws and fines exist to give us our freedoms, the Laws In Thailand (with the exemption of a couple of obvious ones) as they stand are not extreme. It is the enforcement of these existing laws which would make Thailand much safer and save lives. 

A cavalier anti-nanny-state attitude is one thing and each end of the law & enforcement spectrum is flawed, applying a balanced and consistent enforcement of existing laws is a perfectly reasonable approach which only serves to benefit society and the 'greater good'.


You also point out that you want to stop careering towards a Totalitarian Police State where your livelihood can be removed for a few victimless petty traffic offenses, but very few truly are victimless... Speeding kills, parking poorly can result on lack of visibility and accidents etc etc...  Ultimately, I and I assume many / most others prefer to live in world where our lives are considered more valuable than the livelihood of those who flout existing laws. 



I came her for the lawlessness and chaos ..... long may it last!

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This rubbish from another poster !?



Whenever I hear someone say if you don't like it pack up your bags and get out, it reminds me in the States people telling the Blacks to go back where they came from as if they had a greater right to stay in the country!

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33 minutes ago, David Walden said:

The main problem with many Thai people is that they believe good sound advice is sometimes defamation.  Even if you have a Thai friend who has a restaurant or other business that is going broke and you suggest how to improve things because of your experiences, like revised menu or suggest the old menu is not good they will often regard that advice as defamation.  In Thailand defamation is a criminal offence.  Just how silly is that...5555...The only place in the world with that attitude.  


And for watso63...I had a friend when I was a kid (long time ago) by the name of watson.  A standard retort to him when he came out with long winded comments was,   "So- what watso, watso good about that...watso?  The really big no no problem is giving advice to Thais,  Just sit back and let it happen.  It's the reason that things are so cheap in Thailand.  


The best and cheapest education you can get is "when you learn by other people mistakes"  Perhaps Thais could learn that by at least being educated about other people's road accidents they will be more careful...TIT

Fully understand your view,  what is lacking in their education system even their own expert is " Criticism "  I say the same thing if they were to fix all the stuff we bitch about the exchange rate wouldn't be so good but when you have something at stake here the exchange rate is secondary.

Last, I realize they can't be educated when it comes to driving until they hand it over to someone who isn't Thai, Thais can't fix the problem since those who are in charge they come from the same system and use the excuse "this is Thailand".

Edited by thailand49
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23 minutes ago, DjSiN said:

This rubbish from another poster !?



Whenever I hear someone say if you don't like it pack up your bags and get out, it reminds me in the States people telling the Blacks to go back where they came from as if they had a greater right to stay in the country!

Why be a coward!  I Thailand 49 said it!  and I stand by it!  It might be a bad example to you because it reflects race, but why is it rubbish?  You don't agree with others so you tell them to go back to where you came from. You suppose to be educated so have a conversation other than telling someone this is their country go home!

Edited by thailand49
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