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Trump blames Puerto Ricans for slow hurricane response


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Trump blames Puerto Ricans for slow hurricane response

By Gabriel Stargardter


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A man stands inside of a destroyed supermarket by Hurricane Maria in Salinas, Puerto Rico, September 29, 2017 REUTERS/Alvin Baez


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump blamed Puerto Ricans on Saturday for failing to do enough to dig out from damage caused by Hurricane Maria, saying criticism leveled at his government for the slow response was driven by politics.


Ten days after the devastating storm wiped out power and communications systems, more than half of the 3.4 million people who live on the island do not have access to drinking water, and 95 percent remain without power, the Pentagon said.


Trump, who was spending the weekend at his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, fired off a series of angry tweets early on Saturday complaining that media coverage of the suffering was unfair, and took aim at the mayor of San Juan, the island's largest city.


On Friday, Carmen Yulin Cruz criticized Trump's Republican administration and begged for more help, pleas that received widespread television coverage in the mainland United States.


"Such poor leadership by the Mayor of San Juan and others in Puerto Rico who are not able to get their workers to help," said Trump, who is slated to visit the island on Tuesday. "They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."


Maria, the most powerful storm to strike Puerto Rico in nearly 90 years, has destroyed roads, making it difficult to get food, water and fuel around the island. The hurricane has killed at least 16 people, according to the official death toll.


Cruz, who has been living in a shelter after her home was destroyed in the hurricane, said municipal employees were working as hard as they could.

She also said her complaints had resulted in more food and water being provided.


"Actually, I was asking for help - I wasn't saying anything nasty about the president," Cruz said on MSNBC. "I am not going to be distracted by small comments, by politics, by petty issues."




Trump's comments drew swift condemnation on the mainland.


"The tweets this morning are despicable, are deplorable, are not statesman-like at all," said New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, a Democrat born in Puerto Rico.


"He needs to be in charge, he needs to take control, he needs to demonstrate some level of empathy over what is happening," Mark-Viverito said on CNN.


Trump was scheduled to speak by telephone to the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello, and other officials from the region on Saturday. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited the Federal Emergency Management Agency's headquarters in Washington for a briefing.


At a news conference, Rossello declined to comment on Trump's tweets, which he said he had not seen.


"Let me stress this: I am committed to collaborating with everybody," he said. "This is a point where we can’t look at small differences and establish differences based on politics."


The Trump administration has given Puerto Rico's government "whatever we ask for" in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, Rossello said. But he warned that the U.S. Congress would need to help rebuild the island, which is home to 3.4 million Americans.


"If Congress doesn’t take action with a significant package, then we are looking at a possible humanitarian crisis," he said. “What are the effects of falling into that predicament? Massive exodus without a doubt."


The insurance industry has begun to tally the mounting costs of Maria, with one modeling company estimating that claims could total as much as $85 billion. Puerto Rico has incurred most of the damage.


Police officers, firefighters and National Guardsmen loaned by other states were beginning to arrive to help local officials, Rossello said.


The U.S. business community was rallying to donate cash, with more than $24 million donated to relief charities as of Friday, said Marc DeCourcey of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.


San Juan resident Judith Berkan said power shortages and long lines for cash, food, gasoline, and medical clinics were wearing people down.

"Things don't seem to be getting better," Berkan, a lawyer, said in a text message.


"Although there are great moments of solidarity on the ground here, you can also see that patience is growing thin."


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-10-01
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33 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Have to agree with Trump on this one. The "manana" mentality is perfect for soothing tourists sucking on tall cocktails with umbrellas, but perhaps not best suited for disaster relief.

You can't even get your bigotry right. That's what Mexicans are reproached with by the ignorant.

As for blaming the Puerto Ricans, it's worth repeating that General Honoré. the person credited with turning around the fiasco of disaster relief in New Orleans after Katrina, has sharply criticized the Trump administration. Among other things, he said that ships were sent 4 days too late. I guess Trump was too busy tweeting about important stuff like NFL players to take notice of the disaster.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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It is truly disgusting that the richest, most powerful nation on the planet cannot take care of its own citizens. And even more disgusting when the leader of that country blames the victims themselves.


When comparing the response to the storms in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, one can clearly see that the response in Puerto Rico is far, far less important to officials. The only conclusion that I can draw is that it is because the people are 'brown' not 'white'.


I have said it before and (unfortunately) need to say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.




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Proving yet again, the clown potus is nothing resembling a real president. He's "great" alright though. The greatest twitter troll the world has ever known.





Lin-Manuel Miranda Slams Trump Over Puerto Rico: “You’re Going Straight to Hell”


Lin-Manuel Miranda, who has family in Puerto Rico, was one of the harshest, telling Trump he would be “going straight to hell.  No long lines for you. Someone will say, ‘Right this way, sir.’ They'll clear a path.”



Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

You can't even get your bigotry right. That's what Mexicans are reproached with by the ignorant.

As for blaming the Puerto Ricans, it's worth repeating that General Honoré. the person credited with turning around the fiasco of disaster relief in New Orleans after Katrina, has sharply criticized the Trump administration. Among other things, he said that ships were sent 4 days too late. I guess Trump was too busy tweeting about important stuff like NFL players to take notice of the disaster.

Oh, don't forget golfing. 

45 is the ultimate Lazy Boy.jpg

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"He needs to be in charge, he needs to take control, he needs to demonstrate some level of empathy over what is happening," Mark-Viverito said on CNN.


Confusius say; 'man cannot squeeze blood from a beet.'


Additionally, weather reports showed the storm's likely path DAYS BEFORE IT HIT PR.  A non-idiot would have made some preparation.  For example: loading ships with disaster-relief supplies, ready to deploy.  

I would have deployed parts of the US military, including all-terrain vehicles, to get supplies to the neediest.  Trump is too busy playing golf and bitching about 'taking a knee' while calling NFL players 'sons of bitches.'


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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Trump blames Puerto Ricans for slow hurricane


Donal trump...... "Damn Puerto Rican's, interfering with the weather." ?


Seriously though.... one would have thought that the priority should be aid and disaster relief, over the blame game. Hopefully Puerto Rican's will remember this come next elections ( same same for the nations sports and entertainment sector, over the knee bending fiasco)

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5 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Donal trump...... "Damn Puerto Rican's, interfering with the weather." ?


Seriously though.... one would have thought that the priority should be aid and disaster relief, over the blame game. Hopefully Puerto Rican's will remember this come next elections ( same same for the nations sports and entertainment sector, over the knee bending fiasco)

Of course Puerto Ricans can't vote in FEDERAL elections unless they're resident in any actual U.S. state (not Puerto Rico). Aside from the disaster, and the politics which will impact on any recovery from the disaster, I wonder about the logic of most people staying there now, given climate change issues. It's already known many people will leave for good. I'm suggesting it might be a good idea for half the population or more to leave for good. Better yet, to resettle in SWING states. 


That this happened under trump is particularly ironic. First of all of course his dangerous and totally MORONIC climate change denial. But there is also of course his appeal to white nationalists and worse, and demonization of Latinos. About half of Americans don't even realize Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens! I bet in his base it's much higher. So from the xenophobes POV, Puerto Ricans are pre-legalized "island Mexicans" who can instantly settle and VOTE in the "homeland". 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

"He needs to be in charge, he needs to take control, he needs to demonstrate some level of empathy over what is happening," Mark-Viverito said on CNN.


Confusius say; 'man cannot squeeze blood from a beet.'


Additionally, weather reports showed the storm's likely path DAYS BEFORE IT HIT PR.  A non-idiot would have made some preparation.  For example: loading ships with disaster-relief supplies, ready to deploy.  

I would have deployed parts of the US military, including all-terrain vehicles, to get supplies to the neediest.  Trump is too busy playing golf and bitching about 'taking a knee' while calling NFL players 'sons of bitches.'


That's just the down to earth platform that got him elected he'll be giving pointers about 

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Pathetic 45 wants "them" to do more for themselves? I'd love to see his FAT ass and his family there to "fend for themselves" for a week or so. Oh man that would be classic. It could be another TV show and maybe called "Fat Man's Family adventure in the Wilderness". 

nobody is better.jpg

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20 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Donal trump...... "Damn Puerto Rican's, interfering with the weather." ?

Seriously though.... one would have thought that the priority should be aid and disaster relief, over the blame game. Hopefully Puerto Rican's will remember this come next elections ( same same for the nations sports and entertainment sector, over the knee bending fiasco)


....except they can't vote for prez, and have no senators or congresspeople.  One might think Rubio would step up, and he's in a rich state which is closest to PR.  But then again, ....he's a Republican, definition: hyper-selfish, only thinking about how to make the rich richer.   


Republican expressing affection for dark-skinned people: "Sure, I like black and brown people.  I like how they're so good at sports, and can jump so high.  They're good musicians also.  Yet, if there's a brown skinned man cruising through my neighborhood in a pick-up truck, I'd feel more at ease if he had a lawn mower in the back."

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

One might think Rubio would step up

He has, albeit in a soft voice:

Sen. Marco Rubio ... publicly urged the president to move faster and put the U.S. military in charge of recovery and logistics efforts on the island.

“Nothing good happens in the tropics with eight days of no power,” ... “We have to respond to an unusual event with unusual measures.”
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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I think most people are still searching for the start of it.

For some one who told as of how smart he is at nauseum.

personally I am still waiting for it:laugh:

He is certainly, politically tone deaf. In Politics as in Comedy Timing is kingt. There is a time to talk and there is a time to shut up, and Trump suffers from diarrhea of the mouth.

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First let me say that , no one is more against Trump than me,

But I have being watching what I consider the only viable TV news outlets, CNN and MSNBC, IMO Fox has become a political arm of the Republican party, and it seems to me that the coverage of Puerto Rico has being one long, Anti-Trump informational.

If so I am afraid they are heading the Fox route and I am beginning to think. If they can be this way about this, what else have they being that way about??/

In my mind they are also losing what little credibility they had.

Someone needs to tell them that, for propaganda to be effective, one needs to be covert. Overt propaganda was a way of backfiring.

A mother that wants to put the baby to sleep does not shout , SLEEP , SLEEP at it.

A lullaby is much more effective!!!



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God save America!


Because only God can save America.


I think that pig ignorance and lacking edumacation, poor leadership, and  lack of vision have sunk it, but you never know God's will.


Lets see if God can do what others have tried and failed to do...


Edited by eddie61
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Watching CNN’s totally biased coverage makes me ill most of the time. The news anchors have become anti-Trump commentators which is very wrong. While Trump definitely lacks empathy sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it and the tweets do not help. With Harvey and Irma the Federal response worked well because they had very strong coordination with the states and this was sorely lacking in Puerto Rico. Looking at all of the containers stacked in San Juan  I have to wonder if Puerto Rico officials communicated that they had no way to deliver the requested goods once they were delivered to the port. Yes the USA government response could have been better but Puerto Rico officials are not blameless. 

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57 minutes ago, eddie61 said:

God save America!


Because only God can save America.


I think that pig ignorance and lacking edumacation, poor leadership, and  lack of vision have sunk it, but you never know God's will.


Lets see if God can do what others have tried and failed to do...


So the jock goes something like this:

Heavy rains and the waters are raising 

Police knocks on the door and advises man to evacuate

Mans says God will save me.

Water raises to the first Floor and rescue team with boat comes,

Man refuses to leave "Mans says God will save me. '

Water is almost to the roof and helicopter comes but man refuses to leave.

" Mans says God will save me. "

Man drowns and at the pearly gates asks God why he did not save him.

God replies, "First I send you a policeman, then a boat, and finally a helicopter..........

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

First let me say that , no one is more against Trump than me,

But I have being watching what I consider the only viable TV news outlets, CNN and MSNBC, IMO Fox has become a political arm of the Republican party, and it seems to me that the coverage of Puerto Rico has being one long, Anti-Trump informational.

If so I am afraid they are heading the Fox route and I am beginning to think. If they can be this way about this, what else have they being that way about??/

In my mind they are also losing what little credibility they had.

Someone needs to tell them that, for propaganda to be effective, one needs to be covert. Overt propaganda was a way of backfiring.

A mother that wants to put the baby to sleep does not shout , SLEEP , SLEEP at it.

A lullaby is much more effective!!!



I'd give your remark more credence if the various news networks had done the same for the Trump adminstration's efforts in Texas. But in fact he got a very good press. ANd following that, his ratings in the polls improved. For once he acted presidential. So maybe, just possibly, however unlikely it may seem to you, the Trump adminstration screwed it up in Puerto Rico. There is good evidence to this effect. I don't know why you choose to ignore it.

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