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Knifeman yelling "Allahu Akbar" shot dead after killing two in Marseille, France


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I think it is high time that the countries (which DO care about eradicating Islamist terrorism) stopped doing all business with, and isolated the governments which support or TURN A BLIND EYE (I emphasized this term because nowadays, hardly any country directly supports terrorism but there are quite a few that turn a blind eye to it) to Islamist terror. And, preferably also sanctions. Sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions.


I think most of us have a pretty good idea which governments I am talking about.


That would be a good start.

Edited by JemJem
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3 minutes ago, JemJem said:

I think it is high time that the countries (which DO care about eradicating Islamist terrorism) stopped doing all business with, and isolated the governments which support or TURN A BLIND EYE to Islamist terror. And, preferably also sanctions. Sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions.


I think most of us have a pretty good idea which governments I am talking about.


That would be a good start.

Complete disengagement from the Islamic world is a strategy favoured by a number of prominent writers.



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Just now, JemJem said:

I think it is high time that the countries (which DO care about eradicating Islamist terrorism) stopped doing all business and isolated the governments which support or TURN A BLIND EYE to Islamist terror. And, preferably also sanctions. Sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions.

I think most of us have a pretty good idea which governments I am talking about.

That would be a good start.

There are many ways to stop this, including sanctions but that is not easy as there is a very vocal opposition screaming racist and islamophobe when suggesting any remedies to get rid of muslim terrorists.

Good example are these "Welcome Refugee" clubs. When they tried to deport asylum seekers who had committed crimes they stopped the police and gave them instructions how wreck havoc on plane so that the flight will be cancelled. They succeeded.

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7 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Seems facts and reality are the new enemy now for leftist liberals. For you the muslim terrorists on killing spree are not the problem but "hatespeech" and you try to silence anyone who writes what really happened.

 Simple1, like myself, writes about and posts links to factual reports about what is known at the time about what actually happened.


It takes time for the authorities to ascertain the full facts, and even once they have done so they do not always release them immediately as doing so could hinder their investigation and even tip off other suspects, allowing those suspects to escape.


Is that what you want?



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14 minutes ago, JemJem said:

I think it is high time that the countries (which DO care about eradicating Islamist terrorism) stopped doing all business with, and isolated the governments which support or TURN A BLIND EYE


I am for this 100 percent.  


Using this logic, we would have to shun Great Britain.

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5 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:


21 minutes ago, JemJem said:

I think it is high time that the countries (which DO care about eradicating Islamist terrorism) stopped doing all business with, and isolated the governments which support or TURN A BLIND EYE

I am for this 100 percent.  


Using this logic, we would have to shun Great Britain.


Firstly, with my pedant's hat on, there is no such country as Great Britain.


Secondly, please explain your logic in accusing the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of turning a blind eye to Islamic terrorism.

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


In a Western democracy such as the UK the security forces work for the government, the government make the laws and procedures under which the security forces operate.


The UK has introduced much anti terrorism legislation over the years, we have unfortunately had to being firstly targets for Irish republican terrorists and now Islamic terrorists; the latest such being the TCounter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015


Statements that the UK government are doing nothing only highlight the ignorance of those making those statements.


Come on.


The security forces "work for" the government in the sense that they are ultimately paid for by the government, but that doesn't mean they agree on policy or anything else.


You could equally well argue that the coal miners in a nationalised industry "work for" the government, but that doesn't mean they agree with government policy.


The security forces get on with their job, because that's what they do, whether they're happy with policy or not.


I'm sure the 23 people slaughtered at the Manchester Arena, the 250 injured, and all their families, are utterly thrilled with the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.

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I believe that they need to put few more "acts" before this stops.


Slashing here, there and everywhere... even among muslims..


'Someone help me, my son's about to die': Father's heartbreaking plea as 15-year-old has throat slashed outside mosque  Syed Hassan Abbas is fighting for his life after celebrating his 15th birthday only the day before, in what his family believes was a targeted attack by a rival religious sect.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


Firstly, with my pedant's hat on, there is no such country as Great Britain.


Secondly, please explain your logic in accusing the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of turning a blind eye to Islamic terrorism.

Every victim of these muslims terrorists shows that they are not doing their job.

First of all they should throw each and every radical out of the country or into prison. Then they should start to monitor every mosque what is going on in there. I could list couple of other remedies but leftist SJWs and other fanatics will be triggered or are forced to look for a safe space. I do not want to cause these loonies more mental pain.

Anyways, China does a pretty good job on this. If you don't live by the rules it has immediate action and they do not hesitate to use force. Guangzhou was just cleaned up pretty well from illegals. Safe haven to be, same as Hong Kong and Macau. Japan and South Korea are safe too.

People here ask that are Europeans going crazy and why they allow this? Many also canceled their traveling plans. Including those friends (yes, few) who already got robbed in France, Italy and Germany.

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42 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Every victim of these muslims terrorists shows that they are not doing their job.

First of all they should throw each and every radical out of the country or into prison. Then they should start to monitor every mosque what is going on in there. I could list couple of other remedies but leftist SJWs and other fanatics will be triggered or are forced to look for a safe space. I do not want to cause these loonies more mental pain.

Anyways, China does a pretty good job on this. If you don't live by the rules it has immediate action and they do not hesitate to use force. Guangzhou was just cleaned up pretty well from illegals. Safe haven to be, same as Hong Kong and Macau. Japan and South Korea are safe too.

People here ask that are Europeans going crazy and why they allow this? Many also canceled their traveling plans. Including those friends (yes, few) who already got robbed in France, Italy and Germany.


To be fair, you should also monitor every Hasidic Jew, Indian Sikh, and throw in a Vicar or two to cover all bases.  You want to be fair, don't you?  Spending time and money on precious resources placed upon all those Jews in England committing terrorist attacks will surely bring forth some ... what? There are no Hasidic Jews committing terrorist atrocities?  Didn't they have a bunch of black-clothed Hasidim slitting throats of young women in Luton while screaming Shalom?




Well, you still have to be fair to those GENTLEMEN in Luton who are committing atrocities lest you make them feel singled out and unwanted.  


So long as governments allow people into the country who tell you to your face that they will breed you out of power and out of your country, you will never make a dent in the problem.


Make no mistake, you should be fighting this as if it is a war.  


It is.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:


To be fair, you should also monitor every Hasidic Jew, Indian Sikh, and throw in a Vicar or two to cover all bases.  You want to be fair, don't you?  Spending time and money on precious resources placed upon all those Jews in England committing terrorist attacks will surely bring forth some ... what? There are no Hasidic Jews committing terrorist atrocities?  Didn't they have a bunch of black-clothed Hasidim slitting throats of young women in Luton while screaming Shalom?




Well, you still have to be fair to those GENTLEMEN in Luton who are committing atrocities lest you make them feel singled out and unwanted.  


So long as governments allow people into the country who tell you to your face that they will breed you out of power and out of your country, you will never make a dent in the problem.


Make no mistake, you should be fighting this as if it is a war.  


It is.

And how many casualties has this so-called war claimed in Europe? If all European wars claimed as many casualties as this one has done so far, Europe would have had a much happier history.

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10 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:


Casualties of war?  Ask the rape victims in Sweden. The groomed British girls who were sexually raped by good God-fearing Muslims. It's not just the dead but those who have been rendered dead inside by the violence and assaults. 

Resorting to emotionalism because statistics would only show how miniscule are these cases compared to what happens in war.

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13 hours ago, bert bloggs said:


You are quite right it is murder , unfortunatly these days it seems to be Islamic murder most of the time . and you and your friend 7 by 7 can spin it anyway you like .

What spin? None whatsoever. As  usual supporters of the far right posting misinformation and at the same time no recognition of the terrible suffering of the victims, families and loved ones. Only a self centered agenda masquerading as patriotism, in complete contradiction to the advice of security agencies.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

What spin? None whatsoever. As  usual supporters of the far right posting misinformation and at the same time no recognition of the terrible suffering of the victims, families and loved ones. Only a self centered agenda masquerading as patriotism, in complete contradiction to the advice of security agencies.

The best way to provide "recognition of the terrible suffering" is to do everything to ensure that this sort of Islamist atrocity does not happen again and again. Anything else is mere hand waving. That requires stating the obvious -- that this is a problem with Islam -- and discussing it openly and forthrightly.


Yet the mainstream media does the opposite. They do their best to bury the Islamic connection, and focus instead on the dangers of an "Islamophobic backlash".


They care more about the well-being of nameless Muslims who have not been attacked, than they do about citizens who have been blown to pieces or hacked to death by Islamic madmen. That has to change.

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16 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The best way to provide "recognition of the terrible suffering" is to do everything to ensure that this sort of Islamist atrocity does not happen again and again. Anything else is mere hand waving. That requires stating the obvious -- that this is a problem with Islam -- and discussing it openly and forthrightly.


Yet the mainstream media does the opposite. They do their best to bury the Islamic connection, and focus instead on the dangers of an "Islamophobic backlash".


They care more about the well-being of nameless Muslims who have not been attacked, than they do about citizens who have been blown to pieces or hacked to death by Islamic madmen. That has to change.

I guess it will never happen as we see from many posts in this discussion.

I believe we suffer from "terroristphobia":shock1:. We should just tolerate and do nothing other than give all our monies to these "refugees".

Similar to case in Finland when parents were outraged when one of these terrorist was put into same class with their teenage kids. He killed two and injured eight in Turku. Dangerous individual and this was known prior to his attack.

Finnish police tweeted after the attack when the parents came out in public to voice their concern: "Learning does good for terrorists too! Maybe they broaded their views and become more tolerant"! He came really vocal that education is right for these violent deadly muslim terrorist. I wonder what kind of drugs he takes...


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16 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

Every victim of these muslims terrorists shows that they are not doing their job.

First of all they should throw each and every radical out of the country or into prison. Then they should start to monitor every mosque what is going on in there. I could list couple of other remedies but leftist SJWs and other fanatics will be triggered or are forced to look for a safe space. I do not want to cause these loonies more mental pain.

Anyways, China does a pretty good job on this. If you don't live by the rules it has immediate action and they do not hesitate to use force. Guangzhou was just cleaned up pretty well from illegals. Safe haven to be, same as Hong Kong and Macau. Japan and South Korea are safe too.

People here ask that are Europeans going crazy and why they allow this? Many also canceled their traveling plans. Including those friends (yes, few) who already got robbed in France, Italy and Germany.


Bringing up the PRC as an example is kinda funny, from someone obsessed with criticizing the powers that be.

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14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And how many casualties has this so-called war claimed in Europe? If all European wars claimed as many casualties as this one has done so far, Europe would have had a much happier history.


13 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Resorting to emotionalism because statistics would only show how miniscule are these cases compared to what happens in war.


Just another variation of the road accidents argument.


People's perceptions of death and violence are not based solely (or even mainly) on statistical analysis. Some things are almost ignored - natural disasters, road accidents, workplace accidents, chronic health related issues. Some aren't, like wars. But even when it comes to wars, they are not all seen as similar.


There's a difference between one's country being at war, and an ongoing terrorism threat which (for most people) seems at a disconnect from their reality. All the more so when violence is committed by home grown terrorists or newly arrived ones seeking refuge.


As for resorting to emotionalism, I completely agree - but have to wonder as to why this is applied selectively.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:



Just another variation of the road accidents argument.


People's perceptions of death and violence are not based solely (or even mainly) on statistical analysis. Some things are almost ignored - natural disasters, road accidents, workplace accidents, chronic health related issues. Some aren't, like wars. But even when it comes to wars, they are not all seen as similar.


There's a difference between one's country being at war, and an ongoing terrorism threat which (for most people) seems at a disconnect from their reality. All the more so when violence is committed by home grown terrorists or newly arrived ones seeking refuge.


As for resorting to emotionalism, I completely agree - but have to wonder as to why this is applied selectively.

Virtually all arguments raised in this forum will inevitably be variations on some long past original one the source of which lies beyond the confines of thaivisa.com. If there are any Einsteins of discourse here they have yet to reveal themselves.  So, yes ,it is "Just another variation of the road accidents argument".  "Just"? And what of it? Seems like you're just sniping for the sake of sniping. And it's particularly pointless in this instance when the argument was raised in response to someone who claimed that Europe is in a state of war.



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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Virtually all arguments raised in this forum will inevitably be variations on some long past original one the source of which lies beyond the confines of thaivisa.com. If there are any Einsteins of discourse here they have yet to reveal themselves.  So, yes ,it is "Just another variation of the road accidents argument".  "Just"? And what of it? Seems like you're just sniping for the sake of sniping. And it's particularly pointless in this instance when the argument was raised in response to someone who claimed that Europe is in a state of war.




I'm sure you think you had a point there, somewhere.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


People such as you and your numerous fellow travellers on this forum betray the efforts of our security agencies. 

That is a truly bizarre conclusion to arrive at.


I should have thought it would be clear to the meanest intelligence that if I had any say in the matter, I would have gone straight to the security agencies and asked them what they needed to root out the evil canker of Islamic terrorism.


More money, more people, more technology, and several simple policy changes which would not seriously impact most citizens, but which would have measurable positive effects on security.


There always has to be a balance between security measures and the burden placed on normal citizens as they go about their daily life.


Due to spineless government and a compliant and largely Islamophilic media, the UK is now in a position where security is still rather poor, but the security-related burdens on the daily lives of people grow constantly.

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58 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

That is a truly bizarre conclusion to arrive at.


I should have thought it would be clear to the meanest intelligence that if I had any say in the matter, I would have gone straight to the security agencies and asked them what they needed to root out the evil canker of Islamic terrorism.


More money, more people, more technology, and several simple policy changes which would not seriously impact most citizens, but which would have measurable positive effects on security.


There always has to be a balance between security measures and the burden placed on normal citizens as they go about their daily life.


Due to spineless government and a compliant and largely Islamophilic media, the UK is now in a position where security is still rather poor, but the security-related burdens on the daily lives of people grow constantly.


Obviously you don't listen to the advice of government that propaganda such as yours ultimately creates unnecessary additional overhead / distraction to the efforts of security aggencies.

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40 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Obviously you don't listen to the advice of government that propaganda such as yours ultimately creates unnecessary additional overhead / distraction to the efforts of security aggencies.


I believe that propaganda on behalf of Islamic terrorism is likely to cause much more burden to the security forces than people asking the government to get its act together. I'm sure government doesn't like to be criticised -- politicians never do.


But that's in a different league to when you have an Islamic preacher at a UK mosque telling children that that non-Muslims wanted to kill them and that they must “stand up and be ready to sacrifice, be ready to spill blood and have your blood spilt.


This charming individual went on to suggest that the kiddies go to non-Muslims and “finish them and remove their heads for what they do. Inshallah... we will see the black flag rise over Big Ben and Downing Street."


That's what I call creating a burden on the security forces.

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1 minute ago, simple1 said:


HMG has started down the path of banning the more extreme elements of the right. Obviously you think, plus the usual clique who 'like' your posts,  you're better informed than the professionals  - I don't. IMO wilfully ignoring  the advice of our security agencies is unacceptable.



It was not RickBradford that invited these jihadis into Europe. It was the professionals. The government and ministries. Therefore RickBradford most certainly IS better informed than the professionals, the professionals that caused this mindless violence to be present on the streets of Marseilles.

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