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Caught on CCTV! Australian steals Thai woman's bag at Suvarnabhumi departures


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I was at DMK on Saturday evening waiting for the last flight up to Phitsanulok. A young girl (15 -18yo I'd guess) came and sat opposite me where she began taking selfies with the backdrop of the planes doing their approach for landing. She finished that and moved away.


I looked over to where she was sat about 5 minutes later and noticed a Thai passport sitting there. I opened it to look at the picture page and while trying to find that noticed she had just flown in from Qatar and had her boarding pass for Phitsanulok in it. I stood up to hand it in and saw her with I presume her mother and returned the passport.


The reason I posted this was because of what I was thinking between the time of finding the passport and returning it. It has turned out to be a really sad world where, by doing someone a favour, that favour could be deemed as theft in some people's eyes while in your possession for that short time. I honestly thought that, but would still do the same if it happened again.


Nothing really to do with the thieving Aussie, just an aside reacting to a couple of other posters comments...................:wink:

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35 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:


But you didn't did you?


Lots of people's parents didn't have jobs and even if they did, they certainly wouldn't have had enough to cover the cost of the high quality education or healthcare that was available back then out of their own pockets.

Consider what the Thais get in terms of education and healthcare compared to what we had

My SIL's two kids don't pay for their education themselves either in Thailand.

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22 minutes ago, MadMuhammad said:


By no means am I putting BG’s down mate, I actually impressed by the ability of what many manage to achieve.

A friend of mine is also married to an ex BG and she’s one of the lovliest woman I’ve ever met.

Kudos to you.



Ok sure, idiots are of every demographic. Better? Not all sex tourists are idiots, sorry if you were offended lol


All good mate, Kudos back to you.


I don't get offended from my wife's past short lived "career", and I knew what you were on about, that's why I refer to her as my village slut now, because if you can't laugh at others judging people, life would be boring.


Let those who judge as I refer to them; (the blind), lead the blind, as they will all fall into the pit, will they not ?



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34 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Of all the countries where I've been to in my life (Europe, Middle East, East and SE Asia), two stick out as where I have had things stolen/burglaries: China (bank cards and  shopping bags stolen while shopping!); household items, even food, and pet fish stolen during a break-in!) and Thailand (wallets stolen when on travel, or at work). China being by far the worst place where I've been to, regarding theft and burglary, within a short time span. Thailand less frequently and over a longer time-span. Never had things stolen in Europe, incl. Balkans, Japan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, or even Cambodia. Just always the aforementioned places.


Back to the post; I think that Aussies are generally decent folks, but this scumbag is giving all foreigners here in LOS a bad name!

I had a motorcycle helmet stolen in Phnom Penh in the parking lot of the Paragon shopping mall, perhaps it was one of the guards...cost me $12 to buy a new one for the rental agency. I also had a camera stolen from my backpack the first time I went to Cambodia in 2003 by airport security in Siem Reap.

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4 hours ago, over it said:

What this guy did was just plain stupid, but, I wonder what the tally would be if someone sat down and added up all the houses stolen from foreigners, businesses stolen from foreigners, money stolen from foreigners, diamonds stolen from governments, etc., etc.

Exactly, how much would it be?


Perhaps, but I doubt it, Thai people will stop trying to characterize people negatively.


There are websites that track the deaths of foreigners, maybe we need a site for stolen monies.

On a positive note.  Now I'm convinced that all Aussies are actually "rocket scientists."  certainly the ones I've met in Thailand.

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2 minutes ago, smew said:

Another frequently returning quality tourist. 12 yrs now, how many times has he done it before CCTV came to be?

well since the first cctv system was installed back in the early 40's and spread since i doubt he has had too much opportunity to do it in an airport without cctv which have certainly all had over the past 12 years i would have thought

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4 hours ago, over it said:

What this guy did was just plain stupid, but, I wonder what the tally would be if someone sat down and added up all the houses stolen from foreigners, businesses stolen from foreigners, money stolen from foreigners, diamonds stolen from governments, etc., etc.

Exactly, how much would it be?


Perhaps, but I doubt it, Thai people will stop trying to characterize people negatively.


There are websites that track the deaths of foreigners, maybe we need a site for stolen monies.

So, I hope you are not suggesting that two wrongs definitely do make a right.    I am really not sure what you are trying to say here. Surely there is no possible connection to make!

Edited by The Deerhunter
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38 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


All good mate, Kudos back to you.


I don't get offended from my wife's past short lived "career", and I knew what you were on about, that's why I refer to her as my village slut now, because if you can't laugh at others judging people, life would be boring.


Let those who judge as I refer to them; (the blind), lead the blind, as they will all fall into the pit, will they not ?



"why I refer to her as my village slut" Bar fine?  Short time, long time price.  Thanks... 

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

If you take something that is not yours and not directly give it to lost and found your a thief. Why the need to take it at all. 


So, he took the bag but did not remove any contents?

And moved it to the mens room? Where he did what ... put it in a stall or on the counter and then went out to change money.

I am going to guess : he went out to exchange some money to see if he would get pinched. If he did not get pinched, he would return to the bathroom and steal valuable contents. 

Or perhaps there were no valuable contents... only small packets of Maa Maa noodles and some underwear. And he realized there was nothing to take and left the bag in the can to be found. 

Not the smartest thief, but ballsy. 

Any idiot knows the airport is flooded with CCTV. Better to make friends with the baggage handlers - they get into bags occasionally.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


All good mate, Kudos back to you.


I don't get offended from my wife's past short lived "career", and I knew what you were on about, that's why I refer to her as my village slut now, because if you can't laugh at others judging people, life would be boring.


Let those who judge as I refer to them; (the blind), lead the blind, as they will all fall into the pit, will they not ?




The ‘offended’ part of my comment was actually in reference to someone else’s, for some reason it didn’t quote the second comment. 


From I’m your previous posts regarding tax law I’d consider you far from and idiot! ?


p.s. I love the joke regarding wifey. I constantly take the piss out of myself so I’m a subscriber to the ‘if you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at’ ideology

Edited by MadMuhammad
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