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Academics object to 'expensive' US coal purchase


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I can't believe people are still suckered by the idea humans are causing so-called global warming ( a global save face) started by the Muslim leaders of the UN as a big money maker, there have been billions won and lost, scientists told to keep their mouths shut. one of the big money makers was, or still is when the ice melts much land will go underwater, I bet many kids have said but mom, dad, how can that be the ice is already in the water (shut your mouth you don't know what your talking about) damn waisted my money sending  them to school. I can go on and on there is so much to prove suckered. yes, clearing forests is a bad idea not because it causes global warming but it sends the rain elsewhere the late king of Thailand understood this very well. the truth is, global wobble and position of planets, earth to the sun it is not new been going on before man walked the earth.

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just more smoke and mirrors by little p hoping Trump will forget as he did in the meeting by talking about other things that where more important to the days events, Little p was just sat on the sidelines doing his best to look what he is.

Edited by wakeupplease
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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Trump to Prayut:

"Either the US ships 50,000 tons of coal to Thailand or American 50,000 troops."

Your choice.

The troops in a heart beat. What a pay day that would be for Thailand. Money falling out of the sky.

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