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Thai Government Agree To Sanction Iran

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I'm concerned that Israel(USA) is going to launch a preemptive strike on Iran, which will dobtless be applauded by all contries under pressure to do so by the US.

I would like to see Iran also have nuclear technology both as an energy source and a means of defending itself against attack from other countries.

It would be MAD for Israel and Iran to have a nuclear war, thus perhaps this would provide a peaceful solution in a way similar to the India/Pakistan situation.

I must admit there is something about Israel that leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

Agree completely

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OK, this is just plain conspiracy theory nonsense. The EU has also been pushing heavily to stop Iran enriching weapons grade plutonium. So the US invaded Iraq because because they stopped using US$?

You give 6 months until Iran is attacked? Do you honestly think that whilst trying to extract themselves from an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq that they would then dive head first into another one with Iran? Do you even think that the Democrat controlled Congress would support this even in the extremely unlikely event that many Republicans would?

Because you don't know, don't understand or it differs with your opinion does not make it a conspiracy theory.

I'm sure you've heard of the petro-dollar cycle, I'm sure you've heard of U.S. political hegemony, because they don't feature in the Fox news version of events does not mean they do not exist or have an influence on U.S. led sanctions against Iran.

Iran is surrounded by countries that either have nuclear weapons or are under U.S. 'control'. If I was Iran I'd be a little worried and I'd want to protect myself.

Has Iran invaded the U.S., placed a puppet dictator in charge of the U.S., try to destabilise the U.S. or imposed sanctions on the U.S. ?

The only rogue nation is the U.S.

Robski, I Agree completely

The present shah(the meaning as the last family to hold such a title in persia, whether or not the rightfull heir) and his website quote thailand as the 3rd largest place for which the iranian mullars invest their loot along with dubai and goa.

interesting that thailand was so slow in using these sanctions!!!!!!!

The sanctions against  Iran deal solely with nuclear related issues.

As thailand doesn't export nuclear related materials, they are pretty useless.

If all encompassing sanctions were passed against Iran, the price of oil

would be over 100 dollars/barrel. Not good for you or me.


Europe and Asia is the largest user of Middle east oil whose knees buckle at sound of oil and koran.

Someone better stand up before all is held hostage to oil exporting and religous tyrants.

Time for the world to get some b(e)lls and accept their share of the weak knee syndrome.

Don't use your freedom that many have lost their life for, so you can put a knife in their back.

May your wife and/or daughters be treated as many in the oil region because your not up to

the diffcult task of confronting oppressive and corrupt regimes because they have oil.

The present shah(the meaning as the last family to hold such a title in persia, whether or not the rightfull heir) and his website quote thailand as the 3rd largest place for which the iranian mullars invest their loot along with dubai and goa.

interesting that thailand was so slow in using these sanctions!!!!!!!

The sanctions against Iran deal solely with nuclear related issues.

As thailand doesn't export nuclear related materials, they are pretty useless.

If all encompassing sanctions were passed against Iran, the price of oil

would be over 100 dollars/barrel. Not good for you or me.

"Resolution 1737 (December 23, 2006)

The Security Council unanimously imposed sanctions against Iran. The text, calling for steps required by the IAEA, bans trade with Iran of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology which could contribute to Tehran’s uranium enrichment program and contains a list of persons and entities, whose assets are subject to a freeze. It also established a new sanctions committee to monitor compliance of the resolution."

Our research facility is partly under the umbrella of IAEA and give International seminars in particle physics (nuclear). I believe it will now fall under the 'technology' part of the resolution. Transfer of technology does not necessarily mean physical equipment or parts. Yes, we have had Iranians attend the conferences in the past. We also have trainees come from various parts of the world and Iranians may now be restricted in attending.

Regardless, it is more of a token then a real effect having Thailand participate in the resolution sanctions.

Europe and Asia is the largest user of Middle east oil whose knees buckle at sound of oil and koran.

Someone better stand up before all is held hostage to oil exporting and religous tyrants.

Time for the world to get some b(e)lls and accept their share of the weak knee syndrome.

Don't use your freedom that many have lost their life for, so you can put a knife in their back.

May your wife and/or daughters be treated as many in the oil region because your not up to

the diffcult task of confronting oppressive and corrupt regimes because they have oil.

Please don't set yourself up like that Khun? it's so easy to knock you down.

I mean Americans worry about their credibility in the world and there you are spouting of without an ounce of intelligence.

Do yourself and your country a favour.


Some of Ahmadinejad's comments are a bit controversial and I don't always agree with it but I am glad at least someone is standing up against George W. Bush's war machine and the stupidity of his poodle, Blair.

Long Live Ahmadinejad

Got that off my chest!!!


Ahmadinejad is Europe's the negotiaters problem, not Bush's or the U.S.'s at this point.

Bush is laughing at how their nice guy approach is being received like their not good enough

and just another measely beggers plea for crumbs. Ahmadinejad spits in their eye every time they open their mouth and responds as if they were street kids from some slum.

Please Ahmadinejad give us some oil & Business contracts, we will do anything you want.

Maybe better knee pads will help them, they have accomplished nothing.

Might try the UN kickback scheme if all else fails, what a joke he has made of them.


As an American, I am saddened that to many of you America is now seen as more dangerous than Iran. (I think you are very wrong about that but I understand how you came to think that.) For that, I give George Bush ample credit. Don't give up on America or hold a grudge too long; Bush now has only two years left.


Well could send a Katoey contingency to Tehran for talks. :D

On serious side, I have no issue with peaceful nuclear program, however the islamic fascist govt isn't interested in that, just the by products of such technology. If anyone is nutty enough to use a nuke - it will be Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he's mental. :o



Ahmadinejad: Holocaust made up to embarrass Germany

Iranian president, in a letter to German chancellor, once again questions veracity of Holocaust, suggests it was an Allied ploy to impede German progress

AFP Published: 08.28.06, 16:43

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany, the semi-official news agency Mehr reported.

The remarks by the outspoken Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly questioned the veracity of the Holocaust, came in a letter sent to Merkel in July whose contents have not been disclosed until now. "Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people ... to bar their progress," Ahmadinejad asked in the letter.

"The question is if these countries, especially Britain, felt responsible for the Holocaust survivors, why they did not settle them in their own countries?" he continued.

Europe and Asia is the largest user of Middle east oil whose knees buckle at sound of oil and koran.

Someone better stand up before all is held hostage to oil exporting and religous tyrants.

Huh? If Europe and Asia are so scared of the Koran then why have Albania, Armenia, Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine (23 European countries) and Azerbaijan, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand (7 Asian countries) all had troops in Iraq helping out the US? Not to mention the European countries which aren't in Iraq but are in Afghanistan; Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.

May your wife and/or daughters be treated as many in the oil region because your not up to

the diffcult task of confronting oppressive and corrupt regimes because they have oil.

So when will the invasion of Saudi Arabia begin?
Ahmadinejad is Europe's the negotiaters problem, not Bush's or the U.S.'s at this point.

Bush is laughing at how their nice guy approach is being received like their not good enough

and just another measely beggers plea for crumbs. Ahmadinejad spits in their eye every time they open their mouth and responds as if they were street kids from some slum.

Please Ahmadinejad give us some oil & Business contracts, we will do anything you want.

Maybe better knee pads will help them, they have accomplished nothing.

Might try the UN kickback schem

Europe has been negotiating with Iran with behind the scenes US support as the US doesn't have diplomatic relations with Iran. I can't see how you consider negotiating to be on One's knees begging. If that's the case then why is the US negotiating with North Korea when they are way further down the line towards developing a nuclear arsenal? The negotiations have not achieved nothing, if they hadn't been attempted then neither China or Russia would have voted to impose sanctions on them. What exactly have the six party talks achieved?



Look up Haman for a comparison

What he says about Isreal of today is mainly the making of the Arab world. Expelled people

that they now despite. Guess it was ok for them to treat Jews of their countries the way they do not like about the treatment of Palestinians of recent. Foolish either way

Although sympathy for the Jewish people certainly played a part in the UN's recognition of a new State of Israel in 1948, the plan to create the new modern state existed long before the Holocaust. Political Zionism is a product of the late 1800's and early 1900's, and religious Zionism has existed since the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. Thus, Israel is not a product of the Holocaust.

2) Israel's population does not comprise a majority of Holocaust survivors, or even a majority of Ashkenazi (European) Jews. The majority of Jews in Israel are Sephardi, i.e., they are Jews that were expelled or otherwise emigrated from Middle Eastern countries. If Mahmoud, wishes to disband Israel and repatriate its Jews to their countries of origin, then the Muslim nations of the Middle East will have to open their doors to a large influx of Jewish people.


Strangely the Jews in Iran, maybe 30,000 or so aren't treated as bad as would be expected. They have religious freedom and "although alcohol is illegal in Iran, a special legal provision allows Jews to make and use wine for Sabbath celebrations." They're even allocated a seat in the Iranian parliament. The Wikipedia page is an interesting read:

Persian Jews Current Status in Iran


Ahmadinejad is no angel, and ayatollas are no saints either.

However, if they want to look after their country, they have to deal with the situation:

The US invaded and occupied two of their neighbours, declared Iran the axis of evil, and makes no secrets about yet another "regime change".

The US is developing tactical nuclear weapons for use in the conventional war, perhaps turning Iran into a testing ground.

What do you think they should do?

I'm surprised they don't talk about acquiring nuclear weapons openly.

As for international treaties - what are they for if three countries in their neighbourhood built a bomb already? Why should Iranians abide by law no one else follows?

And the last thing that they are going to listen to is the sermons about democracy and freedom in the Middle East. From justice and righteousness point of view US policies there are completely bankrupt.

Democrats gains in the US, even a new Democrat presidency, will only postpone the stand-off, the actual root of the problems lies in Israel. Unltil that issue is resolved, Iran will always be a terrorist state and the enemy of the US.

Nuclear Iran only adds more problems to Israely-Palestinian questions.

North Korea is boring by comparison.


Why have sanctions if their talks done any good and why drag the U.S. into it and N. Korean talks also.

Europe take care of Iran and Asia take care of N. Korea leave the U.S out of it for once.

The U.S. went relectantly into the Balkans problems after many months of telling Europe it was their problem, fix it. Nothing was done until the U.S. agreed to go as a NATO force.

The U.S put over a half million people in the middle east to expel Sadam from kuwait

and has kept many thousands since then in the region. 16 years of trying to keep the peace

in the region is enough. Why didn't europe or Asia keep the forces in the region and give the U.S. a break for once in decades.

Why should the U.S. continue to be the scapegoat of the worlds problems.

Is it not enough the U.S. has hundreds of thousands of personnel deployed around the world everyday at a huge expense and life of its citizens.

Time for the world to earn its own freedoms in what ever way possible.

Give all countries Nuc weapons and let it be as it will be.

To much american life has been wasted in world wars. Would of been much better if the U.S.

would of made peace pacts with Japan and Germany and let them do whatever they were going to do. I think most know what today would be like.

Tired of hearing the whims of the unappreciated for their countries freedoms.


Europe has been negotiating with Iran with behind the scenes US support as the US doesn't have diplomatic relations with Iran. I can't see how you consider negotiating to be on One's knees begging. If that's the case then why is the US negotiating with North Korea when they are way further down the line towards developing a nuclear arsenal? The negotiations have not achieved nothing, if they hadn't been attempted then neither China or Russia would have voted to impose sanctions on them. What exactly have the six party talks achieved

Keep it focused on Iran, please, and even Iran has little to do with Thailand News Clippings.

Exactly bashing americans over Iran sanctions. Whats up with that

Keep it focused on Iran, please, and even Iran has little to do with Thailand News Clippings.

Exactly bashing americans over Iran sanctions. Whats up with that

No surprise! America bashing is the new international sport, more popular than football ...

Not saying Americans didn't ask for it voting in Bush two times.


So much fuzz about Iran nuclear capabilities. I had the displeasure to spend a couple of years in lovely Tehran dealing with Iranians as staff, boss and clients and did notice a couple of things. Iran was the earliest producer of Oil in the middle east, they did not do that by themselves, Anglo-Persian (now BP) discovered and developped the first (Madji I Suleiman) oilfield and subsequent ones. If my memory serve me right, it was around 1907, give or take a couple of years. Today despite producing 3.7 Millions barrels of oil per day, Iran is importing 50 to 75% of their gazoline. If it does not sound strange enough, with some 50 oil rigs operating in the country they are unable to increase their production. Production gains are offset by depletion, poor engineering, untalented geologist, incompetent managers, etc, etc.

So if after 100 years of oil production they still cannot produce their own gazoline, I wouldn't worry too much about a nuclear warhead, let alone the capabilty to deliver it anywhere with any sort of accuracy.

Thinking about it, he lack of accuracy could be the real problem :o

No surprise! America bashing is the new international sport, more popular than football ...

Not saying Americans didn't ask for it voting in Bush two times.

Bloody right, we love bashing the yanks. :o

Says it all about humans in general though, everybody knew that voting Bush in again was a bad idea, the world held it's breath and prayed that U.S. citizens would do the right thing, fat chance.

Khun? post #34.


too bad it counldn't be three and bring maggie back in the picture.

Robski drink a few less brewski

Your life is a conspiracy and all because the U.S. and Jews

About time the U.S. settles the score on taking over the embassy.

Maybe we done one better and gave them the great Ahmadinejad Robinski


Another quality post Khun?

Ahmadinejad Robinski :o now that is quality, public enemy number one. Hold on let me phone Chuck D. :D

Really Khun? I don't know what kind of gung ho bs they've been feeding you on, but it's time to wake up the world doesn't hate Americans per se, but it does hate everything the U.S. has inflicted on this world in the last 60 years politically, try tuning in to a different T.V. program now and then or better still try reading a book, or maybe two. How about 'hegemony or survival' by noam chomsky. I know he's a lefty, but what the hel_l he's probably still the smartest American since Abe Lincoln. Try it you might learn something, if any of your redneck buddies see you reading it tell them that it's research, know your enemy and all that. Good luck.


Norm was a loser from the left ( his mind) kind of way.

Lucky for LSD in the 1960's or he would of been or should of been mowing rednecks lawns.

A known liar and fictional writer, to bad he got wrapped up in his prior readings for his whole life

and still is to this day. Nice to know your right up there with him, have another brewski.


So you don't read a lot then Khun?

Maybe right wing neo nazi pamphlets are more your style.

Ok thats up to you, sometimes I think Noams a bit of a leftie too, but I don't think he'll be be mowing any lawns anytime soon.

Don't worry about it 'bro, stick on some Danzig and let the good times roll. Don't think. Consume. You are what ever you are told to be.

Know your enemy.

L8ers. :o


In short, Chomsky believes that only he and those who share his radical perspective have the ability to rise above the illusions that keep everyone else slaves of the system. Only he can see things as they really are.

Since the European Enlightenment a number of prominent intellectuals have presented themselves as secular Christ-like figures, lonely beacons of light struggling to survive in a dark and corrupting world. This is a tactic that has often delivered them followers among students and other idealistic youths in late adolescence.

The long political history of this aging activist demonstrates that double standards of the same kind have characterized his entire career.

Chomsky has declared himself a libertarian and anarchist but has defended some of the most authoritarian and murderous regimes in human history. His political philosophy is purportedly based on empowering the oppressed and toiling masses but he has contempt for ordinary people who he regards as ignorant dupes of the privileged and the powerful. He has defined the responsibility of the intellectual as the pursuit of truth and the exposure of lies, but has supported the regimes he admires by suppressing the truth and perpetrating falsehoods. He has endorsed universal moral principles but has only applied them to Western liberal democracies, while continuing to rationalize the crimes of his own political favorites. He is a mandarin who denounces mandarins. When caught out making culpably irresponsible misjudgments, as he was over Cambodia and Sudan, he has never admitted he was wrong.

Today, Chomsky’s hypocrisy stands as the most revealing measure of the sorry depths to which the left-wing political activism he has done so much to propagate has now sunk.


Ok tell me one thing. Did you write that yourself? If so I'm impressed that you are capable of thinking for yourself.

But really, the derisory tone of your post tells me that you are really very stupid, incapable of rational thinking and prone to believing right wing propaganda because it makes you feel comfortable.

You don't think Chomsky has a valid point?, I'm sure you can find plenty of right wing websites that will run his name through the mud, even I think he's a bit 'soft', but he is held in high regard around the world for his factual and outspoken critique of U.S. foreign policy.


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