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End of fossil fuel is near: industry


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12 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

let me guess, you're just a troll or just grossly uninformed.



"Solar radiation management (SRM or solar geoengineering) is a theoretical approach to reducing some of the impacts of climate change by reflecting a small amount of inbound sunlight back out into space."

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3 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

One can only smile or maybe even outright laugh of graphs like the above. If plot is as percentage of total electricity generation in China you will soon see that is accounts for less than 1.5% and it is not even keeping up with the growth in power generation.

If you start with 1.5% of the total need, and increase solar capacity with 50% each year, which would be less than they do now, it takes less than 12 years to go to 100%.

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2 minutes ago, zakk9 said:

If you start with 1.5% of the total need, and increase solar capacity with 50% each year, which would be less than they do now, it takes less than 12 years to go to 100%.

Sound like a nice dream, but a dream that is also all it is. What will be the cost of this exponential growth? 100% of GDP?

To be fair, Denmark does generate more than 100% of electricity demand on very windy days or 3-5% of the time, but that will never happen in energy hungry China. Consider yourself lucky if they reach 10% in 12 years, then you are only 90% off the mark.

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25 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

One can only smile or maybe even outright laugh of graphs like the above. If plot is as percentage of total electricity generation in China you will soon see that is accounts for less than 1.5% and it is not even keeping up with the growth in power generation.

Lies, lies and damned statistics :smile:

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17 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Lies, lies and damned statistics :smile:

True, if we could run the world on lies, then the renewal industry could power the entire galaxy.


Meanwhile Chinese solar producers are going bankrupt and First Solar is trading at $48, well below its $300 all time high. The sun is still shining on the Oil industry.

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1 hour ago, zakk9 said:

If you start with 1.5% of the total need, and increase solar capacity with 50% each year, which would be less than they do now, it takes less than 12 years to go to 100%.

Sounds like Ponzi scheme numbers to me.

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7 hours ago, tomwct said:

This won't happen in my Lifetime! No ones going to give up their gas cars for a little electric golf car "cart"! Can you imagine loading the family into a mini electric for a 500 mile journey with three (3) stops for their tor recharging? Never happen! California with the most electric cars on the road, which isn't many, has electric cars for sale at 80% discount

to their original list price. A 4 year old Nissan Electric @ $4000 US from the $28000 List. Was listed for sale 2 weeks ago. Anyone want to buy electric? No thanks!

500 miles and three stops..no way they will go 300 miles with one stop

EV is the way of the future. Either embrace it or be like the ones that said autos will never replace horses. Norway has the most EV cars

Not California. 

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1 hour ago, Beats56 said:

500 miles and three stops..no way they will go 300 miles with one stop

EV is the way of the future. Either embrace it or be like the ones that said autos will never replace horses. Norway has the most EV cars

Not California. 

Once the novelty and tax breaks wear off, people will stop buying Teslas. They already did in Denmark.

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3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Meanwhile Chinese solar producers are going bankrupt and First Solar is trading at $48, well below its $300 all time high


In China, that means nothing.  A lot of bankruptcies are caused by the management stripping assets from the company and setting up 3 or 4  competing companies on the next city block.  Run by the GM's brothers and/or his buddies, with a lucrative seat on the board for the displaced GM- after the years and years of formalities to wind up the defunct company.  Watched it happen to the JV I went to China for...


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2 hours ago, Beats56 said:

500 miles and three stops..no way they will go 300 miles with one stop

EV is the way of the future. Either embrace it or be like the ones that said autos will never replace horses. Norway has the most EV cars

Not California. 

Down, down and then down again.


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12 hours ago, halloween said:

A nice little lightweight industry release, without any of the negatives and not a single informed question. Such as, why doesn't he include hydro-generation in the renewables industry? Such as, where does the energy for grid control come from, as the uncontrolled inputs fluctuate, and the sun goes down? Such as, why do the countries with the most renewable energy have the highest electricity cost?

Spot on.  Just look at Australia, now changing their minds very quickly about renewables and subsidies.  South Australia, who has 50 percent renewables, now has the highest electricity prices in the world. What happens when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow?  This story is so full of rubbish.:wai:

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10 hours ago, tomwct said:

This won't happen in my Lifetime! No ones going to give up their gas cars for a little electric golf car "cart"! Can you imagine loading the family into a mini electric for a 500 mile journey with three (3) stops for their tor recharging? Never happen! California with the most electric cars on the road, which isn't many, has electric cars for sale at 80% discount

to their original list price. A 4 year old Nissan Electric @ $4000 US from the $28000 List. Was listed for sale 2 weeks ago. Anyone want to buy electric? No thanks!

How many years do you have left? 


My grandparents, now deceased, were born before the first car hit the roads. By the time my parents were born mass production of internal combustion engined cars had begun. The infrastructure was developed to keep them running on a dangerous, volatile fuel, that seemed plentiful and relatively clean at the time. However, new sources are increasingly difficult and costly to extract, and come with ever increasing environmental cost. Engines may be more efficient, but powering heavier vehicles, now burdened with emissions control devices, and conveniences, cars are no more fuel efficient than a generation ago. The technology has had a hundred years, and has almost had its day. In future it will become increasingly expensive and applicable to specialised uses.


The basic infrastructure for distributing electrical energy is already in place (though it may need a boost), and its production and means of storage is developing apace. Electric vehicles already perform as well as gasoline powered ones, and do so with fewer moving parts. Range has been a limiting factor in their acceptance, but in truth few people do more than 50 km a day in the course of daily life. Even a few years ago electric vehicles had the range to cope with that. Now many have a range of hundreds of km, and in some countries the infrastructure for charging en route  for longer journeys is developing. 


If you are in the sunset years of your life, it may not happen in your lifetime……. but if you are still a sweet young thing, or even approaching middle age, for the future in your lifetime is surely environmentally friendly electricity, generated from renewable resources…… The sun is reckoned to be good for another 4 billion years.

Edited by Aj Mick
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Of course the end of fossil fuels is near!!! Lol  :smile:
Now just explain that to Chevron, BP, Exxon, and the Western military complex that keeps implementing the  foreign policy needed to create chaos in oil rich regions of the world until they come under Western control. And of course, who are those planning natural gas pipelines though the Middle East, the Caspian, the Caucasus, and under the Mediterranean, overland through Myanmar and Pakistan and through Eurasia bypassing the Straights of Malacca, because fossil fuels are about to end?  And for example, issues in the Rakhine State are about ethnic cleansing?  For those who don't understand the economic corridors that are being establish though the Central Asian and Eurasian regions as part of the OBOR/BRI, then invoking images of genocidal Buddhist fits the pop narratives of those countries in direct competition with a new economic paradigm in Eurasia, and who in the West now have the equivalence of Eurasian economic penis envy. 
And coal, my dear friends, is still a valued commodity. <Gasp>

Humm.  But not to worry.  The average person doesn't grasp the dynamics of foreign policy and geopolitics because they aren't supposed to.  Just keep reading syndicated news - it will keep you from experiencing cognitive dissonance.  And go back to sleep.  Dream about green energy and Gaia.  And don't think too much about what to do with all the chemical and byproducts needed to make the batteries and solar cells that will power this green machine, and what will need to be done with the toxic byproducts after these products reach the end of their life-cycles. Shhhhh. Ignore it.  It will go away.  Dream green where unicorns abound.

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9 hours ago, farang62 said:

spraying aerosols over The Kingdom?? to what end, who?

First i have heard about this!

Yes, I looked it up on google, and clearly, post #13 and #15 apply.



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15 hours ago, webfact said:

End of fossil fuel is near!

The end of everything is just about near in Thailand.

End of justice.

End of self expression.

End of free democratic elections.

End of reporting of truth by media.

Then there is the no-end to things in Thailand.

No end off RTP extorting money

No end of incompetence and corruption in Thai government bureaucracy.

No end of impetuous stupid ideas from military government idiots.

No end of excessive spending on useless military toys.

No end of junkets for military honchos.

No end of rules to limit the freedom of ordinary Thais.

No end of lying statistics by TAT.

No end of foodcarts on footpaths.


There are more but I am getting too depressed to think of them.

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Yesterday Josh Frydenberg, Oz Minister for Environment and Energy, addresses a conference on energy supply. He stressed the need for RELIABLE SUPPLY rather than intermittent inputs. To the uninformed, that means coal.

Meanwhile, a coal mine in NSW which had been refused an extension by Land and Environment court will be the subject of new state legislation to allow it to expand. It is the sole suppler to Mt Piper PS (2 x 660 MW units) which generates 11% of NSW's electricity.

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If you consider that "near" is at least 300 years, then the time line could be reasonably accurate.


There are a couple of great books regarding this, by Ian Plimer....


Heaven and Earth   (2009)


Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Ripoff   (2017)


He makes a point of what an early poster said on the subject, the cost of manufacturing solar and wind components, both in materials and energy, and they exceed any benefit that may be gained from those forms of harnessing nature.


Background  info on the author, and I know exactly what those for renewables will argue


Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies.

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There are so many products made of oil and their by products that thisstory is Fake news.

 So many things like in those solar panels, Plastic is an oil product,  the rubber compound on the wiring (oil) and many other components.  Look at your clothes,  how about the thread (Oil) and even your shirts and rubber and such in your footwear. How about the diesel truck that delivers almost every thing in the stores that you shop at. Fossil fuel is far from dead, Look at all the plastics that are in Cars, Trucks and even motorbikes and regular bikes  . It does not matter if they runon batteries, gasoline or diesel, oil iw needed today and for the rest of our lives,  and I do not need to see any more

fake news stores that say it is near the end. Not in at least 3 lifetimes.


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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

There are so many products made of oil and their by products that thisstory is Fake news.

 So many things like in those solar panels, Plastic is an oil product,  the rubber compound on the wiring (oil) and many other components.  Look at your clothes,  how about the thread (Oil) and even your shirts and rubber and such in your footwear. How about the diesel truck that delivers almost every thing in the stores that you shop at. Fossil fuel is far from dead, Look at all the plastics that are in Cars, Trucks and even motorbikes and regular bikes  . It does not matter if they runon batteries, gasoline or diesel, oil iw needed today and for the rest of our lives,  and I do not need to see any more

fake news stores that say it is near the end. Not in at least 3 lifetimes.



"Not in at least 3 lifetimes."  And possibly a LOT more Stargazer.  The problem is that the politicians fell for the line, cost their citizens billions, and now have to look at a  face saving way (even westerners save face!!) to reverse the decision, reintroduce fossil fuels as the dominant source of energy, and cost their citizens even more billions.

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They also ignore 2 of the biggest users of coal production energy, the production of steel and aluminium. Approximately 0.6t of coal is required per ton of steel, and aluminium, sometimes referred to as solid electricity, needs ~2.8MWh/ ton on a 24/7 basis due to the continuous refining process

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I read recently that 97% of emissions are natural, volcanoes, wildfires, etc., so only 3% are due to us.


It's narcissistic in the extreme to even think that if we reduced emissions to zero, every country to zero, that we could make a difference.   It is just absurd.


I saw Australia's chief scientist, I think his name is Finkel, a rabid warming believer, being asked by a senator in a senate committee, what difference to world temperatures would a halving of all countries' emissions have.   His response was "next to nothing".    And he's a believer!!!

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On 10/10/2017 at 10:23 AM, F4UCorsair said:


"Not in at least 3 lifetimes."  And possibly a LOT more Stargazer.  The problem is that the politicians fell for the line, cost their citizens billions, and now have to look at a  face saving way (even westerners save face!!) to reverse the decision, reintroduce fossil fuels as the dominant source of energy, and cost their citizens even more billions.

It should be brought in that if these clowns of politicians do things that border on the criminal and costs us taxpayers billions, then the "P's" should be in the dock.  They don't care, they take their huge salaries, huge pensions and get out early and take paid positions that they have nurtured throughout their terms.  Just leave the ordinary citizen and businesses going bust because they cannot pay their electricity accounts.  And the ordinary person keeps voting for them.  God, what do some of them have between their ears? :wai:

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" I can confirm the era of fossil fuels is ending " and " we will have no need to build large controversial fossil fuel powerstations " coo'ed S P C G exec' Wandee .. Really .. Where exactly will the big electricity required to run the H S T networks the Govt keeps crowing about come from .. And the internal combustion engine that is an integral part of millions of vehicles from motorcycles upto giant earth moving machinery will ensure a demand for gasoline / LPG / NG / diesel for decades .. Wandee dream on baby you are deluded ( utterly ) .. 



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