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Tourism visitors and revenue notably up year-on-year


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Tourism visitors and revenue notably up year-on-year




BANGKOK, 16th October 2017 (NNT) – The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has reported latest tourism earnings at 1.37 trillion baht, 7.6 percent up, attributing the growth to its focus on traditional Thai life as a tourist attraction. 

Minister of Tourism and Sports, Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul says the overall tourism picture has been positive with revenue and visitor numbers both up. From 1st January of this year to 11th October, 26.9 million travelers entered Thailand, generating a combined 1.37 trillion baht in revenue, hikes of 5.6 and 7.6 percent respectively year-on-year. 

Chinese visitors remained in the top position with 7.63 million traveling to the Kingdom, especially during the China National Day holiday, when 227,648 chose Thailand as their destination, 69.04 percent more than last year. They spent 12.528 billion baht, 75.66 percent more than in the year prior. 

Kobkarn assured the public that preparations have been made for the high season, during which the ministry will continue to promote traditional Thai lifestyles as well as sports tourism to disperse travelers across all the regions.

-- nnt 2017-10-16
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Try reading their reports few months back...


The numbers don't add up by big margin. One month XXX, two months later YYY ... Like someone is sucking it out of cheese.


Let's see


Total earnings at 1.37 trillion baht

26.9 million travelers

Chinese visitors remained in the top position with 7.63 million

They spent 12.528 billion baht


=> that means Chinese spent 1642 baht per person


Someone can't count

Edited by Coconut007
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2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Oh, really?  And didn't I read a report just last week that said the numbers were actually down a bit?  Right hand not knowing what Left hand is doing? 


Yes we all read it and whose statement was it, the same person in the  photo in this story, Pineapple eyes, <deleted>!

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4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Oh, really?  And didn't I read a report just last week that said the numbers were actually down a bit?  Right hand not knowing what Left hand is doing? 


October 10th:

Thailand's tourism minister on Thursday said the country expects 33 to 34 million visitors this year, down from an earlier forecast of 35 million.  



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Unfortunately! without a doubt tourism figures go up year on year, the physical evidence is there with overcrowded airports etc. Quite why is beyond me, wish China would ban there folks from visiting Thailand! that would really hurt and make the tourist numbers manageable! I was in China recently all the locals I spoke with had visited Thailand, many on numerous occasions, there reasoning was always the same, cheaper to visit Thailand than go on holiday in China! Quality tourists?

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Please can somebody explain to me how precise figures of tourist expenditure can be issued just 4 days after the period has ended.

The UK , for example , takes 3 months to collate the information required to crunch said numbers .The Thais involved must be the most efficient , hard working people on earth , or the spokeswoman just makes it all up , you decide !

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Please can somebody explain to me how precise figures of tourist expenditure can be issued just 4 days after the period has ended.

The UK , for example , takes 3 months to collate the information required to crunch said numbers .The Thais involved must be the most efficient , hard working people on earth , or the spokeswoman just makes it all up , you decide !

Oh ye of little faith !

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21 hours ago, kelboy said:

I just spent 2 weeks going around thailand on my bike and all the resorts and bars etc EMPTY 

Same in Pattaya.  We are pretty much in the low of the "low season."  Last year friends and others that own various businesses, from restaurants, bars and rentals say, "There really wasn't a high season last year."


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Might be. At the same time the invasion of the Chinese is acting as a deterrant to western tourists and the shops not in the tour bus route are dying off. Thailand has become a boring processing factory for Chinese tours.


Once they leave, you'll be able to hear a pin drop.

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