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Two Nigerian men arrested with fake passports in Nong Khai


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5 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

I have professional experience in these circles and I can tell you Nigerian people are literally the shit of the Earth.  They are masters of forgery and fraud and in all circumstances should not be trusted.  To the Nigerians who are good people I apologize, I think his name is Bob.  


Even in other Africa countries Nigerians are known for being rascals.  Not long ago there was a vigilante-type uprising in South Africa targeting foreigners, mostly Nigerians.


My experience with the Africans in Bangkok, and a few people I know as well, is guys laying down the patented 'give money to get more money' scams.  One bold fellow even approached me inside Siam Paragon, called me a racist as I was walking away from him.

Used to be a lot of Africans in Vientiane, if you went to the Thai embassy there ten years ago you'd have seen.  Only monkey business I witnessed was some of them approaching farang tourists (black and white) near the riverside trying the same scams mentioned above.  Then they were gone, almost overnight -- the cafe on the riverfront where they hung out was usually chockers, then it was empty. 


But these 2 clowns who got busted definitely did not do their homework, no James Bond here.  The days of the forged passport are over for any crossing that is "wired."  It might get them through a roadblock or a random check on a bus, but that's about it.  If the Thais didn't get them the Lao frontier guys would have. 



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9 hours ago, garet said:

Actually, many of Africans are dealing drugs in the Suhkumvit and Khao Sarn Road area. I've been personally offered drugs by Africans and so have others. I know it's tempting for liberals to cry racism, but many Africans really are selling drugs and other illegal activity. Of course it's only some of them, but extra scrutiny can weed out the criminals. That raid last week caught quite a few of them.

What else are they gonna do here? 

No Thai would employ them and neither would most farang.  

Further... what skill sets do they have? English fluent? Nobody wants them in their schools.  

Plus, many come here becuz they are trying to make their way to another country, escaping Nigeria. And they get stuck here.  Then visa tuns out and they do what they can to survive.  It was like this 25 years ago in Bangkok.  Fewer in number but Nigerian and other subsaharan stuck here and doing fake passports and drugs.  

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11 hours ago, Ochomo said:

"Police said the raids were carried out as part of crackdown on foreigners linked to crime in Thailand and who pose a security risk."

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost.  Their prison population must be examined against this unfortunate background. I do not condone crime by any race but reading the news, I cannot help but suspect that these raids may have  more to do with race than eradication of crime. But again, I may be wrong.

Who cares if they're targeted, good on the coppers.  Given that so many have been found to be here illegally and involved in crime then why not target them.  The poor dears, less money, can't afford lawyers, consular representation, who cares if they're proven to be criminals.  More of those quality tourists hey, and not related to the eradication of crime?  I say stiff cheddar, should more of it, and while at it get stuck into the caucasian  lot as well, then we won't have people playing the race card.


If it is proved that they're breaking the law, target them, profile them, and get rid of them.  Stop turning criminals into victims. And what is this unfortunate background? If they want to come here, then like the rest us, about 98 percent, do so legally.  And given what they've been charged with you don't think they pose a security risk?  Thank God you are not in charge of Immigration.:wai:

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So does this mean some Russian and European expats do not pose a security risk? Or does it mean that since Nigerians and most African expats usually do not have enough money to pay off officials they are treated different? Or does Thailand, like so many other countries, have  a problem with 'dark skin' expatriates?....

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14 hours ago, Ochomo said:

"Police said the raids were carried out as part of crackdown on foreigners linked to crime in Thailand and who pose a security risk."

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost.  Their prison population must be examined against this unfortunate background. I do not condone crime by any race but reading the news, I cannot help but suspect that these raids may have  more to do with race than eradication of crime. But again, I may be wrong.

Sorry to say, but you are wrong

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Did someone say "easy target?"

Thats because they are ALL up to something in Thailand. Do you think these Black Africans are coming to Thailand for a vacation for a few weeks, then back to Nigeria? The Thai police are not THAT stupid. Black Africans are in thailand for one of the following reasons:

-To sell drugs

-To smuggle drugs



-Email scams

-Face-to-face scamming (like coming up to you and after introductions, they tell you that they were freedom fighters from (insert shit country) and they have a business proposition for you). 

They should be summarily turned away at the border.

Last time I was in Bangkok, lower Sukhumvit looked like Lagos. Black streetwalkers everywhere, and dark chappies actively trying to sell drugs to people walking by.


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14 hours ago, Ochomo said:

Actually there's no South African Embassy in Vientiane. Laos is covered by the Bangkok office. If you are going to lie at least do some homework.

If they did their homework they wouldn't get caught. Dumb, desperate mules. They don't get it. The average Thai cop "on the beat" is as clueless as every cop everywhere. But DSI are serious, very sharp. They already know everything you've done. They're just checking. 

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16 hours ago, Ochomo said:

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost. 

Good Morning,


with 6+ intense years of experience in West-Africa, I would not like to agree on that.

Yes, of course they stick out -- as I stick out in Lagos and I stick out in SEA.


However, more relevant is their cultural habit, which is a rich mix of desperation, faith, entitlement and experience of living in a totally corrupted society (without any reliable signs of governance).


They love to bend rules, taking short cuts and hustle their way through -- very similar to the Thais by the way. Nevertheless I am proud to call some of them my very best friends.

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4 hours ago, Jimdandy said:

So does this mean some Russian and European expats do not pose a security risk? Or does it mean that since Nigerians and most African expats usually do not have enough money to pay off officials they are treated different? Or does Thailand, like so many other countries, have  a problem with 'dark skin' expatriates?....


Or does it mean that  Nigerians have a high profile, admittedly partly because of their skin colour, are involved in drug dealing, fraud and street prostitution in significant numbers, and in the case of these two were caught in a particularly inept attempt to pass through the borders using forged documents?


There probably are some Russian and European expats pose a security risk, there are certainly some Russian and European (and even North American)  expats who are engaged in crime. They should be investigated, prosecuted and expelled. Just as the Nigerians should be. It is not racist when a highly visible and easily identifiable group, a very significant number of whom engage very publicly in overt criminal activity are targetted by the police..

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24 minutes ago, JAG said:

There probably are some Russian and European expats pose a security risk, there are certainly some Russian and European (and even North American)  expats who are engaged in crime. They should be investigated, prosecuted and expelled. Just as the Nigerians should be.

The major difference might be the threshold: while there are a lot of genuine European, American and Russian Tourists and a few persons from these countries who pose a security risk, there are not many genuine West-African tourists. They do no enjoy Thailand as a Tourist destination. They have the same climate and nature, they hate the food and nobody ever understand why I would like to live in Thailand or SEA.


There are a lot of very nice and educated people in West Africa, it is very easy to socialize and make friends there. But you won't meet them in SEA and the people you meet in SEA are a poor representation of that part of the world, but a very impressive one unfortunately.



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@IgboChief Your argument is sensible and am willing to accept that. I do not however agree with the likes of @soistalker who claim:

"Black Africans are in thailand for one of the following reasons:

-To sell drugs

-To smuggle drugs



-Email scams"

You know what? Some black Africans come to study, some to do legitimate business, some to work for the UN and other multinational companies, some to teach, and yes there are Africans with enough money to travel for leisure.  A few Nigerians do not represent all black People, and this is why I think the conversation on crime committed by Africans is usually racist. A Nigerian, Gambian, Senegalese or Namibian criminal does not represent the entire Black Africa.  The police and the media should stop tarnishing the name of an entire race on the basis of crimes committed by nationals of particular countries. If they did their job properly in the first place these criminals would not enter their country. Remove the criminals from the streets and let the law abiding people be. When a Chinese does something bad we do not say that all Asians are bad. When a Frenchman kills himself we do not say that all Europeans are suicidal. But alas when a Nigerian is arrested, damn those Africans! Deport the entire lot!!

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18 hours ago, Ochomo said:

"Police said the raids were carried out as part of crackdown on foreigners linked to crime in Thailand and who pose a security risk."

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost.  Their prison population must be examined against this unfortunate background. I do not condone crime by any race but reading the news, I cannot help but suspect that these raids may have  more to do with race than eradication of crime. But again, I may be wrong.

Perhaps they should have gone to a country where folk look similar to do their shit then eh...:stoner:

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33 minutes ago, Ochomo said:

@IgboChief Your argument is sensible and am willing to accept that. I do not however agree with the likes of @soistalker who claim:

"Black Africans are in thailand for one of the following reasons:

-To sell drugs

-To smuggle drugs



-Email scams"

You know what? Some black Africans come to study, some to do legitimate business, some to work for the UN and other multinational companies, some to teach, and yes there are Africans with enough money to travel for leisure.  A few Nigerians do not represent all black People, and this is why I think the conversation on crime committed by Africans is usually racist. A Nigerian, Gambian, Senegalese or Namibian criminal does not represent the entire Black Africa.  The police and the media should stop tarnishing the name of an entire race on the basis of crimes committed by nationals of particular countries. If they did their job properly in the first place these criminals would not enter their country. Remove the criminals from the streets and let the law abiding people be. When a Chinese does something bad we do not say that all Asians are bad. When a Frenchman kills himself we do not say that all Europeans are suicidal. But alas when a Nigerian is arrested, damn those Africans! Deport the entire lot!!

Let's put it this way: the number of Black Africans who come to Thailand to do criminal activity is exponentially larger than that of those from western countries. It's just a much, much larger percentage. I don't notice them doing criminal activity in Bangkok because they are black. I noticed because of obvious African prostitutes grabbing men as the walk past. Or a nice African gentleman trying to sell drugs on Sukhumvit. They are openly, and stupidly so, engaging in criminal activity. If they were any other nationality or color, they would also be easy to spot.

But trying to portray them as just like any other farang in thailand is disingenuous and shows that you are drinking the diversity cult  Kool Aid.

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18 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

my experience at lower Sukhumvit:

the Africans want to sell me drugs

the Indians want to sell me shirts

the Thai tuktuk wants to take me to a soapie

it's never, ever the case that the Africans want to sell me a shirt, or take me to a soapie

and vice versa for Indians and Thai.

I think they are profiling me, so now I've profiled them. There. 

Usually the Indians there wants to sell me Rolex

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22 hours ago, Ochomo said:

"Police said the raids were carried out as part of crackdown on foreigners linked to crime in Thailand and who pose a security risk."

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost.  Their prison population must be examined against this unfortunate background. I do not condone crime by any race but reading the news, I cannot help but suspect that these raids may have  more to do with race than eradication of crime. But again, I may be wrong.

I refrain from commenting in case people call me a racist. I had some bad experience with some "zionists" (from isreal; yes I check the counter register for nationality) during my stay in guesthouse in Chiang mai. The chosen people of God just look down on everyone. They should go home and beat the poor palestinians because other people are not so easy to bully. Of course they were not happy not being able to display their racial superiority in Chiang Mai.

I know my last bit of comment was uncalled for. But I want to get it off my chest.

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Give a Nigerian a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a Nigerian to phish and he'll become a millionaire........:coffee1:



Give a Nigerian a fish, he'll fill it with drugs... Teach a Nigerian how to swim and you don't need fish anymore.

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On 17-10-2017 at 4:18 PM, Ochomo said:

"Police said the raids were carried out as part of crackdown on foreigners linked to crime in Thailand and who pose a security risk."

Africans are an easy, highly visible target. I refuse to accept the narrative that Africans are the ones most linked to crime in Thailand. They are just easier to target. They have less money,  mostly without consular representation, cannot afford lawyers, and honestly, nobody likes them so they can be targeted without cost.  Their prison population must be examined against this unfortunate background. I do not condone crime by any race but reading the news, I cannot help but suspect that these raids may have  more to do with race than eradication of crime. But again, I may be wrong.

How do you think they get here by kajak ? Sure the ones who get here can afford a plainticket and have plenty of money for cost and living bc according to your news they are a gangmember so nothing to do with racists.

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