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The cruel UK rule which forced a mum to return to Thailand without her daughter


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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I never called for a second referendum, I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of farage saying there will have to be another referendum if the vote is close, when he thought he might lose, and then raging against the idea when he won by said margin.  


Once again, thank you for your advice on how I should act, but I will decide what I do, not you. 


The uk entered the common market because they needed the access to its trading markets. 


The old systems of imperial preference and commonwealth trade, you harken to was at an end and couldn’t be revived then and won’t be now. The uk needs access to the eu’s market if it is to prosper economically. FACT. 


The eu may  want to trade in the uk, but they don’t need its market nearly as much. UK farmers in particular are going to miss the eu subsidies. 


I agree the brexit vote was a democratic vote and I also applaud the fact that democracy allows me to point out it was a vote that will end in tears. 


British tears especially. 

utter nonsense!!! Amazing how its DEMOCRATS who are least willing to accept DEMOCRACY!!


As for EU subsidies ….yes yawn well really miss them…maybe the amount of benefits paid to illegal immigrants will cover them.


Oh sorry ….that doesn’t happen in a liberals world does it? 



By the way bluespunk Christmas is coming. Have you prepared your food parcels to send to those poor citizens of Switzerland and Singapore yet? After all theyre not in the EU either!!

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15 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Do you really think that all Brits are this greedy to take away a pension from somebody who paid into it of his life, but chooses to Retire in a different country?


As far as I am concerned, he paid into this pension plan, along with the company that hired him to work for them. That is his benefit that he already paid for and earned. I don't care if he decided to live on the Moon he is entitled to get this money that he put into it at least.   

GoldB, I did not re-quote above your entire post, because I agree there are better ways to spend money than engaging in useless wars. (For the record, Trump agrees with you. He is extremely critical of Bush's war in Iraq over "weapons of mass destruction".  So critical that Bush is now fighting back with the Dems applauding. Funny how Obama won an election being even more critical of Bush. Guess the Dems can ignore that.)


Oh well, back to UK pensions. When I said "smart" I was referring to a politician's need/desire to get re-elected. So, do I think politicians will take pensions away from expats?


Absolutely, they will!  Look when money gets tight, politicians take care of their voters, ESPECIALLY, when they can point to other countries (like Australia), and can argue this is NOT an unreasonable policy.  


Next,  my argument for taking pressure off the GBP lives on!


Regardless of other expenditures, sending pension money outside the UK puts further pressure on the GBP.  According to those opposed to BREXIT, the GBP is headed for serious trouble.  Not sure I agree with that, but some "pressure" is inevitable.

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35 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

The UK entered the Common Market - note, not the EC, never mind the EU - because Heath wanted to go out with some sort of bang. This despite the prima donna de Gaulle having uttered constant non's. And when there should have been a referendum, there wasn't.


And how much do you think the UK contributes towards the EU subsidising its farmers? The most inefficient farmers in the EU continue to be the French. Unfortunately, they are also the loudest, hence years of milk lakes, butter mountains, sugar mountains, at the time we went in; a time when there were only six member states - Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany (West) and the Netherlands - so hardly a vital market, especially when we were trading with Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

Yep common market at time, eu now. 


Heath went in because the old markets and old ways were in terminal decline and had been for a while. Since the 30s imperial preference was fading. It was during tgen, it’s not coming back.


New markets were needed then and the uk will still need access to the eu trade block. That’s why they are desperate to get those negotiations started. . 


All eu farmers get subsidies, some more than others, but the British farmers are going to be hurting when the uk leaves. 

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36 minutes ago, bizboi said:

utter nonsense!!! Amazing how its DEMOCRATS who are least willing to accept DEMOCRACY!!


As for EU subsidies ….yes yawn well really miss them…maybe the amount of benefits paid to illegal immigrants will cover them.


Oh sorry ….that doesn’t happen in a liberals world does it? 



By the way bluespunk Christmas is coming. Have you prepared your food parcels to send to those poor citizens of Switzerland and Singapore yet? After all theyre not in the EU either!!

Hmm, been a late night has it?


Discount the benefits of eu membership all you like, but you are wrong if you think that the uk economy isn’t going to be hurting when the uk leaves. 


You think the uk will emulate Switzerland and Singapore when it leaves. Now that is nonsense. 


Good luck with that. 

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46 minutes ago, bizboi said:

Yes and their definitions are very close to “racist” as i said - a word which snowflake liberals love to utter when they are well…..just plain wrong!! Another favourite trick of lefties is to switch off all their senses when something that doesn’t suit their rancid ideology hits them in the face!!  Such as Rotherham grooming scandals, the actions of the Police in turning a blind eye to their wrong doings for 2 years and courts which give two year sentences to immigrants that rape 22 year old women in the street in broad daylight and 5 years to someone who in disgust puts a pigs head on the mosque steps. 


You were the one that bought up Brexit in your original post


One day liberal lefties will take their heads out of the Guardian and see the world as it really is….by then perhaps it will be too late ….recent surveys calculate Western Europeans will be minorities in their own country ….maybe thats the aim of the left wing after all.


Right Ill let you get back to watching your BBC selective censored propaganda - hope the bubble doesn’t burst too soon… <double sigh>

I brought up brexit? Don’t think so, I seem to recall I responded to a post that did so. However I will check. 


However given the rest of your post I’m guessing you’re wrong, but I will check.


BBC propaganda? Liberal lefties? Snowflakes? Left wing conspiracies?


You really are hitting all those alt right slogans aren’t you, especially like the one about being a minority in your own country...now, where have I heard that type of nonsense before?  


Again I never used the word racist. You seem very sensitive about it’s use, defensive almost, one has to wonder at that. 

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basically, it's wrong that they made her leave. he didn't prepare properly either so he has to take some of the blame himself. and the decision to keep the daughter there and work less hours was another bad decision in my opinion. you have 2 people both working and the home office goes and kicks one out so now you have half a worker and a kid. well played? makes no sense at all. gone are the days of a case by case analysis. you need to know the rules to get around, or adhere to. shame really. no compassion

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 1:14 AM, Watchful said:

GoldB, I did not re-quote above your entire post, because I agree there are better ways to spend money than engaging in useless wars. (For the record, Trump agrees with you. He is extremely critical of Bush's war in Iraq over "weapons of mass destruction".  So critical that Bush is now fighting back with the Dems applauding. Funny how Obama won an election being even more critical of Bush. Guess the Dems can ignore that.)


Oh well, back to UK pensions. When I said "smart" I was referring to a politician's need/desire to get re-elected. So, do I think politicians will take pensions away from expats?


Absolutely, they will!  Look when money gets tight, politicians take care of their voters, ESPECIALLY, when they can point to other countries (like Australia), and can argue this is NOT an unreasonable policy.  


Next,  my argument for taking pressure off the GBP lives on!


Regardless of other expenditures, sending pension money outside the UK puts further pressure on the GBP.  According to those opposed to BREXIT, the GBP is headed for serious trouble.  Not sure I agree with that, but some "pressure" is inevitable.

You talk like there is going to be a mass exodus of Pensioners leaving the UK for better places. That isn't so! Brits have been doing this for as long as I can remember. Or the ones that can afford to and want to at least. Canada to, with many moving down to Florida in there Golden Years, or Mexico. Heaven Forbid if the Canadian Economy depended on how many Old People stayed in Canada compared to how many Old People moved to the States.


I don't see why you think that Politicians will win votes by taking away Pensions? Old People can vote to! They also have children and grandchildren who would more than likely side with them. Most of the remaining people to. To be honest I never met a person who did not have some compassion for a fellow countryman who worked hard all of his life and paid taxes, and now wants to claim his pension as he is too old to work.


So in my opinion any Politician who would stop Pension Payments is not winning votes, but in fact committing Political Suicide! I would never vote for any government ever again, who would try something like that. I am surprised they got away with this in Australia. Try something like this in France and you would have mass rallies and strikes. And as it should be when you have a government who enforce rules on there people that they shouldn't.


You said that when money gets tight they will cut out Pensions. My questions is, why would money get tight now? Is the UK in some war I never heard about? Believe me, the UK raises a lot of money through Taxes, and as does my country. If money is tight now, all that tells me is that they are mismanaging these funds and you need a new government. Look at this another way.


Lets say you own a factory with 100 employees and you make a very good profit. You have way more money a month than what you need. But then you marry a woman who loves luxury and spends more than even you can earn. On expensive jewelry, paintings, and gambling. She got you into debt now. Money has become tight now. So besides divorcing this woman what do you do to correct this problems?


Well you might sell those Painting and Jewelry and use that to pay off debt. You may even have to cut back on your spending for a little while. These are obvious things that anyone with half a brain can see or do. But governments don't see things this way at all.


If the government was running your factory instead of you, and ran into the same financial difficulty as you did, and for the same reason, they would not sell these Painting or Jewelry, as this would reduce there Net Worth. The first thing they would do is hire a bunch of outsiders at inflated wages and form a panel to study this for a year and tell them why they have money problems. Which causes them to borrow more money to pay for that.


The next thing the government would do is instead of cutting spending, they would cut the wages and benefits of the 100 people working for them. So now they all have less money to buy the products you build in your factory. When that isn't enough they cut there staff from 100 people to 50 people, but give them all huge Severance Packages or Early Retirement, so any money that will be saved is long gone.


You factory needs 100 people to run efficiently, but now that the staff is cut in half to only 50 people, production is now cut in half to, and you end up making less than half the income you used to make. So what does the government do now? The answer is simple. They just borrow more money and continue on there spending spree as after all it is the Tax Payer's Money.


Sending Pension Money outside of the UK does not put pressure on the GBP. That is just a Spit in an Ocean. They are also entitled to collect Income Taxes on that money to. The UK does not have a Negative Net Migration Rate. In other words there are more people moving to the UK than leaving.


The Philippines have many people working outside of the country who are not there to spend there money. So you would think this would hurt there economy. But in reality this helps there economy as most of these people send money back to there family. The Overseas Worker from the Philippines adds to there economy to a tune of 10% or more.


By the way you talk I gather you think that there after tax pension money they receive and by living someplace else, it is money not spent in the UK, so lost. What you need to understand is that to be a non-resident of the UK, and thus not having to pay Income Taxes, is very difficult. To do that, you are only allowed to visit in the UK up to 90 days a year. So you are not using any of the services that tax dollars provide, like Medicare. Most people living overseas have to buy Private Insurance. Old People use Medicare more than anyone other age group, for obvious reasons.  


Another thing you never considered is many Retired People who are enjoying there Retirement outside of the UK, and not full time. In Canada for example. many just send the Winter in Florida, and the Summer In Canada, and are subject to full taxation. They thus are basically tourists. So if you are going to withhold these funds from Old People based on money not spent in the UK, then you need to hold passports on all citizens who want to travel outside of the UK on a vacation. I wonder how many votes that would buy there?


There are plenty of ways in which governments can save money by reducing there spending, or increasing tax obligations to the Wealthy, and yes reduce Welfare Costs as well. Increasing employment from bringing in more good jobs brings in a lot of extra income. So they really don't need to pick on a bunch of Old People who worked hard all there lives and contributed to a promised future pension all there lives to, who's pension is hardly enough to live on to begin with. If anything a good government should increase this income.           



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1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

You factory needs 100 people to run efficiently, but now that the staff is cut in half to only 50 people, production is now cut in half to, and you end up making less than half the income you used to make. So what does the government do now? The answer is simple. They just borrow more money and continue on there spending spree as after all it is the Tax Payer's Money.


No need to mention Teresa May, if she wants 1,000gbp trousers at the people's expense, she has every right to do so.

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On 10/23/2017 at 5:06 AM, GOLDBUGGY said:

I agree with much you have said but my question to you as a UK Citizen from a wealthy country, why did you have to get Lucky (as the way you put it) to be able to bring your wife to come and live with you? It should not be that way!


Let me ask you something honestly. If your wife was allowed to come with you in the first place, to live and work, would you now be sitting on your Butt collecting Welfare and laughing at the ones who have to work for a living? Or your friend?


I highly doubt it! Your wife being with you would have only made it better for the both of you and she would have gotten a job to help you out. Like Normal Couples these days and both working. If your wife is anything like mine is, she would have no problems serving tables in a restaurant, or cleaning toilets in a hotel, and she is University Educated.


The whole problem with this generation is they don't stand up for there rights or against stupid laws anymore. They just take it on the chin. Especially if this law doesn't effect them personally. Not seeing that any law which takes away a person rights is against them personally.


Remember those Trade Unions back in the 70's. You can say a lot of negative things about them, but had they not grouped together and stood up for there rights, you would be working 55 hours a week with no overtime payment, with no benefits, and no laws to protect you from working at a dangerous job. As making more money was far more important than protecting you from injury at work, or helping you and your family after you lost a leg.


My point is plain and simple. If people don't stand up for there rights then they will soon not have any. Of this I am sure.

While I agree of some of what you say, some things you off on


First I was lucky as I never went to bars in Thailand, I met someone who at the time was training to be a doctor, she was a head nurse at the that time. Second After retiring from a job I did for 30 years, I invested in a media company, then buying it out fully when my friend when off to live in Australia as he wanted a new life in the Sun and enjoy life with his kids. He deserved it and had the money to do it.


So now you know we do not get welfare or ever will and as for sitting on my butt, the only time I have the time to do that is when I go fishing. PS the wife is a real asset to the UK and a loss for Thai, she has said she will never go back, but only time will tell.


Our aim was to spend 6 months in UK and 6 in Thai, that is now changing fast due to some silly laws. Australia may see an investment in a home there as I can own it.


Yes you are right on the rights issue, as you see much closer to you what has happened over 8 decades. Trade unions in my memory where a mess and caused so many problems for many of us, but sort of kept the government in check to a point, except when Labour where in and then the children where at play.


On 10/21/2017 at 7:43 PM, Bluespunk said:

Hmm, been a late night has it?


Discount the benefits of eu membership all you like, but you are wrong if you think that the uk economy isn’t going to be hurting when the uk leaves. 


You think the uk will emulate Switzerland and Singapore when it leaves. Now that is nonsense. 


Good luck with that. 



I have said it before and now again you do not live in the UK so go on stories you hear or just read the headlines.


Things will hurt at first, but not for long as we buy more from them than they buy from us


Cars White goods and everything else in that field, well most come from Germany, so if they do not play with us fairly, Tax the Mercs, Bmw, Audi, VW and so on like Thailand does at 300% or tell them build a factory and employ UK citizens and they can sell import tax free, The UK just happens to be one of their biggest markets in the world. Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota and many others will expand their share of the market with no German and French cars being sold due to high import prices. I drive a Merc but happy to buy local as German cars cost a fortune when repair time comes around.


The lazy french farmers get most of the subsidies and the country pays in less than the UK why is that mate.




We did not marry them we went into a business arrangement with 28 other countries. When you leave a business or company you partly own, you do not keep on paying to support that company do you? Most of the time you get paid for your share of the ownership.


The French, Polish and Romanians  plus a few others get the majority share of the subsidies and want to keep it that way. The French of which there are 70 million, (How many in the UK 65.6 mill) have never paid their fare share at only half of what Britain pays, so why is that?




Many on here complain their pensions are frozen as they live overseas, yes a bit unfair but the UK has to pay such a large fee to the EU that it has to come from somewhere and as you are not in the UK you are not contributing to the current cost of running the country are you and living cheap so you are one of the things that takes a hit.


Before the CM - EU we flew as a country and will so again after. When businesses here stop being lazy and get off their ass and sell again like their forefathers did.


My company now sells  media service including Web Design and Web Hosting to the UK, Europe, Laos, Cambodia Australia, the USA and a few more countries, if I can do it all business can and should try.


No I no longer sell to Thai. my choice.


Somethings are unfair, but you have more to worry about with your permanent location that I have, so stop putting ill founded comments on here as you you know very little about the situation.


Have a good evening and think b4 you speak

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On 10/20/2017 at 8:34 AM, davehowden said:

Presumably the Mother could have taken her daughter back to Thailand with her, then the kid and Mother could be happy together and the father could work, after all what is so special about a "British education".


The rules are there to stop free loaders.

which is ironic because one suspect this sentence infers he will go on social assistance:



Mr I'anson said since his wife's departure he had also been forced to give up his £15,000 job as a warehouseman because the hours did not fit in with school pick-ups and drop-offs, something she would normally have done.

one assumes they are not living on air.

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On 10/20/2017 at 10:25 AM, YetAnother said:

what kind of a rule is that ?! what if i am retired and have  a lot of money in the bank ?

if you were retired with alot of money in the bank one would assume you had time to read the article which answers that very question

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Just now, bizboi said:

"I have absolutly no sympathy for your point of view"


..and that just about sums up remainer democrats” 


Well heres some news - the people voted for it - accept it!!!!!

Where did I say brexit-stupid as it is- shouldn’t happen?


Please be specific. 



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14 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Where did I say brexit-stupid as it is- shouldn’t happen?


Please be specific. 



Bizboi -

Democracy is not mob rule it is a process -  

"countries which cannot change their minds “cease to be democracies”. David Davis

Margaret Thatcher resisted referendums on the grounds that they are “the device of dictators”


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