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The cruel UK rule which forced a mum to return to Thailand without her daughter


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9 hours ago, Dene16 said:

what i would do is not important but of course he should of made the necessary requirements 

As much as i sympathise with him 

1 He knew the rules

2 He could of applied for other jobs rather then continue to stay in the same job 

3 he could of got a second part time job

Although each scenario should maybe be judged on its own merits some line must be drawn so that people cannot take advantage of the welfare system ( which he is not i should add)

People have a habit of ignoring the consequences until it is too late to put them right 

Sticking your head in the sand and expecting everything to be fixed when you pull it out is a fools option

You are stating he had no option which is simply ridiculous. He may not have good options but options he did/does have

Bottom line is, he chose to do nothing to meet the criteria and now feels aggrieved 



So your great wisdom is that everybody in the UK could be making a lot more money because all they have to do is apply for another job.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom.



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BrusterBudgen Thank you you for confirming that it is the law, I contradicted a fellow poster ( blues spunk ) for stating the no such laws exist. Unfortunately He's so blinded by his own bigotry, that he repeats the deniel in his post 215,

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14 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Read what was written not what you imagine is written it asked one question and told you what might happen if you called someone a Little Englander if you where in the UK


So yes you did not understand so very laughable.


No personal abuse at all.


My advice get yourself home for a few months and see it how it is and not what you read in stupid newspapers who push the limits of a news story so they can sell those papers to idiots.



You said I was an ex-borstal resident on the run.


That is personal abuse.


Learned how to work that out in school as well.


I have used the term little englander in the uk and will continue to do so if I encounter someone with such a closed mind set.


I have no idea what story or newspaper you are referring to.


Are you calling the lies spread by brexiteers such as johnson or little englanders such as farage, a story spread by papers with an agenda, because if you are, you are wrong.

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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Are you calling the lies spread by brexiteers such as johnson or little englanders such as farage, a story spread by papers with an agenda, because if you are, you are wrong.

Brexit will never happen, because none of the negotiators want it to happen.

The EU don't want the UK to leave, the Conservatives and Labour party don't want to leave.

Unless  there is an election that elects a majority of MPs that want to leave, it will never happen.

Just constant delays, and endless negotiations, which are probably more damaging to the UK than either staying or leaving.


Didn't the EU originally say hard exit 2 years from notification if no  agreement reached.

You don't hear that being said any more.


Anyway, if I were in charge of Brexit, I would have already introduced conscription, and be arming the British forces ready for war with Europe.

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Brexit will never happen, because none of the negotiators want it to happen.

The EU don't want the UK to leave, the Conservatives and Labour party don't want to leave.

Unless  there is an election that elects a majority of MPs that want to leave, it will never happen.

Just constant delays, and endless negotiations, which are probably more damaging to the UK than either staying or leaving.


Didn't the EU originally stay hard exit 2 years from notification if no  agreement reached.

You don't hear that being said any more.

I do hope you're right, and suspect you might be.


Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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3 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Brexit will never happen, because none of the negotiators want it to happen.

The EU don't want the UK to leave, the Conservatives and Labour party don't want to leave.

Unless  there is an election that elects a majority of MPs that want to leave, it will never happen.

Just constant delays, and endless negotiations, which are probably more damaging to the UK than either staying or leaving.

I may not agree with brexit, but short of another referendum or an election where a mandate to reject it is clearly given, then it will happen. 


Like it or not, the brexiteers won. 

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5 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Except that nationals of other countries are exempt of these laws.

As bad & in-just as it is, that's UK Law & I personally see no reason why the government shouldn't seek a level of financial "stability" before it lets people settle in the UK & not be a burden on the state... 


Before anybody has a go at me, my partner is a Filipina so I have some (more than most) skin in this game & don't like it anymore than anybody else but I'm busy working & planning so we can meet the UK rules & move there...


Sorry but I have little sympathy for people who think they can just rock up & everything will be ok





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7 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Brexit will never happen, because none of the negotiators want it to happen.

The EU don't want the UK to leave, the Conservatives and Labour party don't want to leave.

Unless  there is an election that elects a majority of MPs that want to leave, it will never happen.

Just constant delays, and endless negotiations, which are probably more damaging to the UK than either staying or leaving.


Didn't the EU originally say hard exit 2 years from notification if no  agreement reached.

You don't hear that being said any more.


Anyway, if I were in charge of Brexit, I would have already introduced conscription, and be arming the British forces ready for war with Europe.

"Brexit Won't Happen"... You have any money you'd like to bet on that...


Brexit is a foregone conclusion, only thing that remains to be seen is how bad it is...



Then again, you can't teach stupid... 


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27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

You said I was an ex-borstal resident on the run.


That is personal abuse.


Learned how to work that out in school as well.


I have used the term little englander in the uk and will continue to do so if I encounter someone with such a closed mind set.


I have no idea what story or newspaper you are referring to.


Are you calling the lies spread by brexiteers such as johnson or little englanders such as farage, a story spread by papers with an agenda, because if you are, you are wrong.


Learned that in school, in the uk as it happens..,>>> was that a borstal and then you did a runner to climates that suit your mindset


I do not see the EX I do see a question that was asked it did not say you went to a borstal did it DID IT


So you are making it up again


So to answer it all that needs to be said is No i did not


You appear to not have seen the change in society in the UK you do you know what PC is Political Correctness.


There are many words and phrases you cannot use today as the country has moved on


Calling someone who is English a little Englander implies they are of no value hence bottom of the pile, I suggest you and others do not do it if you visit as the reaction would not be nice and will bloody hurt so please adjust your words and do not try and insult the UK people as all your doing is insulting your own intelligence.


Are you calling the lies spread by brexiteers such as johnson or little englanders such as farage, a story spread by papers with an agenda, because if you are, you are wrong.


Where they lies? or just him and other expressing there opinion which you can in the UK


One thing is for sure The EU does not want the UK to leave as it will in the end, break it up as the UK will succeed, they also need the UK money to support it along with UK troops to defend it. The EU today is a waste of taxpayers money and costs have gone up due to it. The UK joined the common market not the united states of Europe under German rue. Pehaps many where thinking lost 2 won 1 the Brexit.

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Just now, wakeupplease said:

Liverpool which I know well is just down the road, not sure what the rest means

Liverpool = Scousers...  :P


Yes mate. close to there but closer to OT... I'm an Man U fan, but my Team is Warrington Wires... Sorry Wolves... Rugby League :)


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6 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Hi Goldbuggy,


But to be fair, that is the figure quoted of 62,000 GBP is for the right to obtain a UK settlement visa for a spouse from a country outside of the EU or a yearly salary of 18,500 GBP.


The figure you are quoting relating to Thailand is a figure that must be in the bank or monthly equivalent for a one year extension of stay....it is not a visa and carries no rights with it at all.


IT JUST SAYS YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO SURVIVE IN THAILAND BY THEIR ESTIMATES FOR A YEAR! and then it is reviewed annually and the process starts again.


You cannot in fairness compare the two. In Thailand if you fall foul, run into overstay and are picked up by the police or end up getting deported etc you are thrown in IDC at soi suanplu, until you have funds to get you back to the UK.


In the UK if the situation is reversed, they are given the airfare, released on bail in the community when they get a solicitor , on legal aid usually!!, ( unless they are violent or dangerous or prolific offenders ) and it is a total different scenario.


Too many posters here and too many expats outside are expecting ' bespoke visas ' for their circumstances and that is impractical to say the least. Just the same as you cannot have a ' one size fits all ' situation. These rules and regulations are made and done to capture the majority of peoples needs and yes, sure, some special circumstances and rough treatment will slip through the net.


We cannot have it all ways, toughening up on immigration and then everybody being as ' special case when it suits '  How many ' jack the lad ' cases have there been with UK expats walking away from responsibilities for sun, sea, sex and sand in Thailand and buying a bar which fails??


It then all goes ' pear shaped ' and they expect to go back to the UK with a Thai wife and two or three kids in town at the wrong side of fifty plus years old, low job prospects, no savings, and expect the British state to take care of everything!!

Great Story but may I ask how many of these people you described here do you know personally and who actually did this?


I highly doubt anyone comes to Thailand with the plan of finding a woman to have a few children from so they can all move back and live off of UK Welfare the rest of his life. If Welfare is the same as it is in my country they live pretty poor, and a lot poorer then if both of them were working.


True there is people who milk the system. I once met a lazy fat blob living on Welfare who had about 7 kids, and was bragging he never worked a day in his life for years. It is shameful to me that people like this actually exist. But they do. But they do it with local girls and don't travel half way around the world to do that with.  

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Just now, LostinSEA said:

Liverpool = Scousers...  :P


Yes mate. close to there but closer to OT... I'm an Man U fan, but my Team is Warrington Wires... Sorry Wolves... Rugby League :)


Know the area well Gold nightclub ring abell, forgot its previous name but behind car garage opp Speak est what a place?

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40 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


Learned that in school, in the uk as it happens..,>>> was that a borstal and then you did a runner to climates that suit your mindset


I do not see the EX I do see a question that was asked it did not say you went to a borstal did it DID IT


So you are making it up again


So to answer it all that needs to be said is No i did not


You appear to not have seen the change in society in the UK you do you know what PC is Political Correctness.


There are many words and phrases you cannot use today as the country has moved on


Calling someone who is English a little Englander implies they are of no value hence bottom of the pile, I suggest you and others do not do it if you visit as the reaction would not be nice and will bloody hurt so please adjust your words and do not try and insult the UK people as all your doing is insulting your own intelligence.


Are you calling the lies spread by brexiteers such as johnson or little englanders such as farage, a story spread by papers with an agenda, because if you are, you are wrong.


Where they lies? or just him and other expressing there opinion which you can in the UK


One thing is for sure The EU does not want the UK to leave as it will in the end, break it up as the UK will succeed, they also need the UK money to support it along with UK troops to defend it. The EU today is a waste of taxpayers money and costs have gone up due to it. The UK joined the common market not the united states of Europe under German rue. Pehaps many where thinking lost 2 won 1 the Brexit.

Lies: the whole BS about how much would be spent on the NHS is the one I always wonder at, how did they make that promise disappear.


No worries on trade is another that makes me shake my head as well.


Squirm as much as you like, but you accused me of being a borstal student on the run.


That is personal abuse.


As to my use of the term little englander. I will continue to do so where I see appropriate, it describes a closed mindset that fears all things foriegn.


Your definition of it as an socio-economic one is not one I share.  Nor does the dictionary. 


Your final paragraph is a mixture of truth and nonsense. The eu doesn't or didn't want the uk to leave, that is true, goodness knows why all things considered, but certainly not for the reasons you claim.


The eu doesn't need the UK's money [a substantial amount of the uk's contributions went back to the uk for one thing] or troops to defend it, that's just pure nonsense.


As to your views on the future progress of the eu [your views on Germany's intentions, I must say made me laugh out loud, do people still believe that nonsense?], who knows where it will lead?


However one thing is clear...the uk govt is absolutely desperate to gain access to the EU's markets after they leave.


To not do so will not be good for the uk’s future economic progress. 




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2 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Great Story but may I ask how many of these people you described here do you know personally and who actually did this?


I highly doubt anyone comes to Thailand with the plan of finding a woman to have a few children from so they can all move back and live off of UK Welfare the rest of his life. If Welfare is the same as it is in my country they live pretty poor, and a lot poorer then if both of them were working.


True there is people who milk the system. I once met a lazy fat blob living on Welfare who had about 7 kids, and was bragging he never worked a day in his life for years. It is shameful to me that people like this actually exist. But they do. But they do it with local girls and don't travel half way around the world to do that with.  

There are scroungers in the UK for sure like all countries but the laws have been tightened so much that most are going back to work as the cash mountain is drying up. That is why there are more employed in the UK now that ever before, Google It


Refugees and Asylum is another ball game and everyone on here knows that, if you dont take them and push them out to sea like some do the world moans at you hey and it could happen locally in years to come if things do not change.


having been through what our man is going through it bloody hurts if you really love some one, so the thing to do is take on as many jobs as possible for just over a year then you have the income you will need. As long as she has not screwed up on her previous visa she can visit, stay 3 months, go home for a month, go back for a month and return for 6 months and then go home and apply for final visa.


I was lucky I had more than enough to finally get the settlement in the end, but having to go through red tape local was worse for me.


A friend is doing this right now, 9 months into it so has only 90 days to go. just do it and do not try to get attention from stories like this as it can go against you.


Some laws are bloody stupid but you cannot fight the law.

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17 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Know the area well Gold nightclub ring abell, forgot its previous name but behind car garage opp Speak est what a place?

No mate, never heard of Gold nightclub (Though I am 51 so might be after my time)


Where you from? I'm sure I've visited a club local to you when you "setting out" :P


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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Lies: the whole BS about how much would be spent on the NHS is the one I always wonder at, how did they make that promise disappear.


No worries on trade is another that makes me shake my head as well.


Squirm as much as you like, but you accused me of being a borstal student on the run.


That is personal abuse.


Your final paragraph is a mixture of truth and nonsense. The eu doesn't or didn't want the uk to leave, that is true, goodness knows why all things considered, but certainly not for the reasons you claim.


The eu doesn't need the UK's money [a substantial amount of the uk's contributions went back to the uk for one thing] or troops to defend it, that's just pure nonsense.


As to your views on the future progress of the eu [your views on Germany's intentions, I must say made me laugh out loud, do people still believe that nonsense?], who knows where it will lead?


However one thing is clear...the uk govt is absolutely desperate to gain access to the EU's markets after they leave.


To not do so will not be good for the uks future economic progress. 




What have you been drinking today




Squirm as much as you like, but you accused me of being a borstal student on the run


You where never accused of that, just asked, there is a difference you know, but you cannot or will not read what was written.


As for the rest being so far away from the country we are talking about you cannot keep up with what is actually happening and what was said yesterday can you.


Yes they want access, but as the EU sells more to the UK so they want it even more as for the money the EU is using that at the moment (So Called divorce Bill) to make the UK pay billions of £'s to support the others after the UK leaves.


I am sorry you are not up to speed on the current negations or the stumbling blocks and I remind you a majority voted for the Brexit, a majority is a bloody majority not a minority who think they can have their cake and eat it.


But why is it a problem for you as you left and are not going back are you, so move on leave it to those who stood by there county to sort it out as no longer your business is it.


Get on and enjoy life if I was you and forget about the old country.

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14 minutes ago, LostinSEA said:

No mate, never heard of Gold nightclub (Though I am 51 so might be after my time)


Where you from? I'm sure I've visited a club local to you when you "setting out" :P


A long way from there London but spent 2 years on an investigation there Fallows 2 was the name of the club with Mr C in Warrington, Kiss I think In Aintree,> Gold/Fallows2 was down the Warrington road past the ford plant on right then on to a big housing estate on left called I think Speak. Yes at 51 you maybe a bit young to remember it, but you did not miss much. Keep well.

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1 minute ago, wakeupplease said:

A long way from there London but spent 2 years on an investigation there Fallows 2 was the name of the club with Mr C in Warrington, Kiss I think In Aintree,> Gold/Fallows2 was down the Warrington road past the ford plant on right then on to a big housing estate on left called I think Speak. Yes at 51 you maybe a bit young to remember it, but you did not miss much. Keep well.

happy Days :)... 

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13 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

What have you been drinking today




Squirm as much as you like, but you accused me of being a borstal student on the run


You where never accused of that, just asked, there is a difference you know, but you cannot or will not read what was written.


As for the rest being so far away from the country we are talking about you cannot keep up with what is actually happening and what was said yesterday can you.


Yes they want access, but as the EU sells more to the UK so they want it even more as for the money the EU is using that at the moment (So Called divorce Bill) to make the UK pay billions of £'s to support the others after the UK leaves.


I am sorry you are not up to speed on the current negations or the stumbling blocks and I remind you a majority voted for the Brexit, a majority is a bloody majority not a minority who think they can have their cake and eat it.


But why is it a problem for you as you left and are not going back are you, so move on leave it to those who stood by there county to sort it out as no longer your business is it.


Get on and enjoy life if I was you and forget about the old country.

You are still squirming. What you said is personal abuse. 


I am fully up to speed on negotiations and the eu’s insistence that the uk meets the financial commitments it has. I wonder if you are though. 


Yes of course the eu wants access to the uk market, however the uk’s need for access to the EU’s market is greater and more pressing. 


I havent said brexit can’t or shouldn’t happen at any point on this or any other thread. 


I think it’s wrong, but unlike the little englander in chief, farage, I can accept losing the debate.


However I also don’t see why the brexiteers are dead set against a second referendum, especially as the first met farage’s criteria for a second one.


I don’t necessarily say there should be a second referendum, but do not understand the hostility of the brexiteers.


Surely they think they will win again. 


As for your personal advice to me regarding my life, all things considered I’ll decide that. Thanks, but I really think I know what’s best for me. 


Oh, yes, one final thing. I don't drink.


I find it clouds judgement and is really quite bad for ones health, don’t you know. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I don’t necessarily say there should be a second referendum, but do not understand the hostility of the brexiteers

Well try this there was a vote the Brexit team won may be by only a few % but they won, so do they have to keep voting until a no comes up like they did in Ireland?


The EU wants Britain in for many reasons one is when they leave as they will and make a success of it others will do the same and the whole thing might crash, there are murmurs within the other 27 now. Look at Spain Portugal Greece, and Italy now almost bankrupt, yet has so much holiday cash going in every year, Spain 80 million visitor they say where is all that cash going, they should be super rich but get mega handouts from the EU.


Me I did not vote as I was not there, but do remember the time we joined the common market at this time we sold and bought from all over the world and had paid off all war loans and doing ok.


Now I will quote my dear Mother (RIP MOM) back in those days before we joined The UK purchased a lot from many country's like Butter and Lamb from New Zealand and Australia, within weeks of joining Mom used to say I cannot get that anymore as its too expensive, that went on for a few years and included fruit and many other things. Prices shot up like no tomorrow but products traveled just a few miles across the channel. FACT


As for Germany Mercedes, BMW, and Audi and washing machines co and god knows what else, sells so much to the UK,  No deal fine build a factory in the UK and employ UK staff if you want to sell. France at 67 million people but pay only half of what the UK pays into the EU, why is that> Screwing the UK farmers


Message to Britians Employers get off your bloody ass and do as your forefathers did and sell to the world who are lining up for trade deals.


This is democracy, which maybe you have not been apart of for a few years.


Have a good night and stop worrying, let the Brits do as they are entitle to with a majority vote in place.


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Well try this there was a vote the Brexit team won may be by only a few % but they won, so do they have to keep voting until a no comes up like they did in Ireland?
The EU wants Britain in for many reasons one is when they leave as they will and make a success of it others will do the same and the whole thing might crash, there are murmurs within the other 27 now. Look at Spain Portugal Greece, and Italy now almost bankrupt, yet has so much holiday cash going in every year, Spain 80 million visitor they say where is all that cash going, they should be super rich but get mega handouts from the EU.
Me I did not vote as I was not there, but do remember the time we joined the common market at this time we sold and bought from all over the world and had paid off all war loans and doing ok.
Now I will quote my dear Mother (RIP MOM) back in those days before we joined The UK purchased a lot from many country's like Butter and Lamb from New Zealand and Australia, within weeks of joining Mom used to say I cannot get that anymore as its too expensive, that went on for a few years and included fruit and many other things. Prices shot up like no tomorrow but products traveled just a few miles across the channel. FACT
As for Germany Mercedes, BMW, and Audi and washing machines co and god knows what else, sells so much to the UK,  No deal fine build a factory in the UK and employ UK staff if you want to sell. France at 67 million people but pay only half of what the UK pays into the EU, why is that> Screwing the UK farmers
Message to Britians Employers get off your bloody ass and do as your forefathers did and sell to the world who are lining up for trade deals.
This is democracy, which maybe you have not been apart of for a few years.
Have a good night and stop worrying, let the Brits do as they are entitle to with a majority vote in place.

How can it be undemocratic to have a vote on the terms that are finally agreed for Brexit. If they could be considered unfavourable for the UK's future, surely the British people should have an opportunity to accept or reject them?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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17 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

How can it be undemocratic to have a vote on the terms that are finally agreed for Brexit. If they could be considered unfavourable for the UK's future, surely the British people should have an opportunity to accept or reject them?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


They will just wait and see and ignore the current political games going on between Labour, Librels and the Tories all playing their cards to gain one upmanship. If it was Labour in power the same would be happening with the other side saying what labour say now. We pay them to do a job so they should come together as 1 and do it, but not playing games with peoples lives is all they do for votes.


Democratic games at times sad to say.


As time progreses they will join together. The Eu is trying to screw the UK with pay for this and that and Divorce, Its not a bloody divorce, it was a business arrangement that now sees the UK leave the company so that should end payments in. But no they want the UK money so France does not have to pay more.


The UK helped to save their backside twice and now they want to screw us again, Did Germany ever finish paying the UK for the war payments due no, but the UK paid the USA for all its help not just for the UK but the whole of Europe.


Sweet dreams

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

Well try this there was a vote the Brexit team won may be by only a few % but they won, so do they have to keep voting until a no comes up like they did in Ireland?


The EU wants Britain in for many reasons one is when they leave as they will and make a success of it others will do the same and the whole thing might crash, there are murmurs within the other 27 now. Look at Spain Portugal Greece, and Italy now almost bankrupt, yet has so much holiday cash going in every year, Spain 80 million visitor they say where is all that cash going, they should be super rich but get mega handouts from the EU.


Me I did not vote as I was not there, but do remember the time we joined the common market at this time we sold and bought from all over the world and had paid off all war loans and doing ok.


Now I will quote my dear Mother (RIP MOM) back in those days before we joined The UK purchased a lot from many country's like Butter and Lamb from New Zealand and Australia, within weeks of joining Mom used to say I cannot get that anymore as its too expensive, that went on for a few years and included fruit and many other things. Prices shot up like no tomorrow but products traveled just a few miles across the channel. FACT


As for Germany Mercedes, BMW, and Audi and washing machines co and god knows what else, sells so much to the UK,  No deal fine build a factory in the UK and employ UK staff if you want to sell. France at 67 million people but pay only half of what the UK pays into the EU, why is that> Screwing the UK farmers


Message to Britians Employers get off your bloody ass and do as your forefathers did and sell to the world who are lining up for trade deals.


This is democracy, which maybe you have not been apart of for a few years.


Have a good night and stop worrying, let the Brits do as they are entitle to with a majority vote in place.


I never called for a second referendum, I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of farage saying there will have to be another referendum if the vote is close, when he thought he might lose, and then raging against the idea when he won by said margin.  


Once again, thank you for your advice on how I should act, but I will decide what I do, not you. 


The uk entered the common market because they needed the access to its trading markets. 


The old systems of imperial preference and commonwealth trade, you harken to was at an end and couldn’t be revived then and won’t be now. The uk needs access to the eu’s market if it is to prosper economically. FACT. 


The eu may  want to trade in the uk, but they don’t need its market nearly as much. UK farmers in particular are going to miss the eu subsidies. 


I agree the brexit vote was a democratic vote and I also applaud the fact that democracy allows me to point out it was a vote that will end in tears. 


British tears especially. 

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On 10/20/2017 at 7:34 AM, davehowden said:

Presumably the Mother could have taken her daughter back to Thailand with her, then the kid and Mother could be happy together and the father could work, after all what is so special about a "British education".


The rules are there to stop free loaders.

'The rules are there to stop free loaders.' They should be. Funny they only work when government deems they should. The UK benefits system has been a soft touch for every idle bugger and his/her dog for longer than I can remember; and that means both domestic, and foreign immigrants.

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

The uk entered the common market because they needed the access to its trading markets. 


The eu may  want to trade in the uk, but they don’t need its market nearly as much. UK farmers in particular are going to miss the eu subsidies. 

The UK entered the Common Market - note, not the EC, never mind the EU - because Heath wanted to go out with some sort of bang. This despite the prima donna de Gaulle having uttered constant non's. And when there should have been a referendum, there wasn't.


And how much do you think the UK contributes towards the EU subsidising its farmers? The most inefficient farmers in the EU continue to be the French. Unfortunately, they are also the loudest, hence years of milk lakes, butter mountains, sugar mountains, at the time we went in; a time when there were only six member states - Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany (West) and the Netherlands - so hardly a vital market, especially when we were trading with Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

The words xenophobia and bigotry mean exactly what their dictionary definition says. They especially apply when you hear phrases like “floods of illegal immigrants” and such nonsense as “foreigners have more rights” than nationals. 


Voting brexit makes no difference to whether a uk national can take their non eu spouse back to the uk, as the rules this couple have fallen foul of are uk laws not eu laws. 


Ironically put in place to pacify the foaming at the mouth fury of little englander brexiteers.


Sigh indeed.  

Yes and their definitions are very close to “racist” as i said - a word which snowflake liberals love to utter when they are well…..just plain wrong!! Another favourite trick of lefties is to switch off all their senses when something that doesn’t suit their rancid ideology hits them in the face!!  Such as Rotherham grooming scandals, the actions of the Police in turning a blind eye to their wrong doings for 2 years and courts which give two year sentences to immigrants that rape 22 year old women in the street in broad daylight and 5 years to someone who in disgust puts a pigs head on the mosque steps. 


You were the one that bought up Brexit in your original post


One day liberal lefties will take their heads out of the Guardian and see the world as it really is….by then perhaps it will be too late ….recent surveys calculate Western Europeans will be minorities in their own country ….maybe thats the aim of the left wing after all.


Right Ill let you get back to watching your BBC selective censored propaganda - hope the bubble doesn’t burst too soon… <double sigh>

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1 minute ago, Jonmarleesco said:

The UK entered the Common Market - note, not the EC, never mind the EU - because Heath wanted to go out with some sort of bang. This despite the prima donna de Gaulle having uttered constant non's. And when there should have been a referendum, there wasn't.


And how much do you think the UK contributes towards the EU subsidising its farmers? The most inefficient farmers in the EU continue to be the French. Unfortunately, they are also the loudest, hence years of milk lakes, butter mountains, sugar mountains, at the time we went in; a time when there were only six member states - Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany (West) and the Netherlands - so hardly a vital market, especially when we were trading Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

Maybe we can spend part of the 341 million we donate to the EU every year to help them - by the way the total grants we GAIN from the EU is 98 million a year

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