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14 Arrested In More Raids Targeting ‘Black People’ In Bangkok


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1 minute ago, mlmcleod said:

I am quite sure that everyone here realizes that the Africans in Thailand are low hanging fruit!  They are few in number and easy to victimize!  Racial profiling is wrong no matter how it is done!


Why ?  Would you be strip-searching Chinese people on a Dubai-bound flight looking for terrorists?  No, of course not, no more than you would be ask a blonde complicated questions.

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6 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Africans although one of the smallest torist minorities visiting Thailand are the largest foreign contingent in Thai jails. Must just be racism, nothing to do with them being found guilty? Seems to be a huge Worldwide conspiracy.. The whole World's jails are full of black people...

Coincidence ?


You are most probably right as globally the africains are a majority in jails.....and naturally it has nothing to do with racism.


I am not supporting or condoning anybody but perhaps we could push the thought a bit further and without standing up for criminal activity, take in to account that Africa is one of the poorest nations in the world........ that may be the common denominator and a factor of influence of the phenomena.


We can lock them all up for sure, but it is at the cost of society and bears huge financial burdens on the taxpaying criminal justice systems...and it may slow down the symptoms but not be a cure.


As long as there is high poverty in any country, it's citizens will indulge in any activity to survive.... if you or myself were in their place, we would probably be doing the same...obvisouly not a reason enough, I agree......high poverty in Africa, a country rich in natural ressources, is maintained and exploited by large western or chinese alliances and corporations.


With high corruption and huge paybacks, a minority of African locals get rich while the rest remain in highn poverty. All this under the compliance of developped western nations or multinationals....nothing new I am saying here, but indirectly it is our fault in the west on what is falling on us from Africa (and other nations) as we are just closing our eyes on what's going on there.

Edited by observer90210
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32 minutes ago, observer90210 said:


You are most probably right as globally the africains are a majority in jails.....and naturally it has nothing to do with racism.


I am not supporting or condoning anybody but perhaps we could push the thought a bit further and without standing up for criminal activity, take in to account that Africa is one of the poorest nations in the world........ that may be the common denominator and a factor of influence of the phenomena.


We can lock them all up for sure, but it is at the cost of society and bears huge financial burdens on the taxpaying criminal justice systems...and it may slow down the symptoms but not be a cure.


As long as there is high poverty in any country, it's citizens will indulge in any activity to survive.... if you or myself were in their place, we would probably be doing the same...obvisouly not a reason enough, I agree......high poverty in Africa, a country rich in natural ressources, is maintained and exploited by large western or chinese alliances and corporations.


With high corruption and huge paybacks, a minority of African locals get rich while the rest remain in highn poverty. All this under the compliance of developped western nations or multinationals....nothing new I am saying here, but indirectly it is our fault in the west on what is falling on us from Africa (and other nations) as we are just closing our eyes on what's going on there.

Africa is not a nation.  It is a continent made up of nearly 60 countries, some more wealthy than others.  'Locking them all up' might be tricky.


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7 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

Ah the good old racists of TVF. Looking forward to when the RTP go after certain 'white' sections of society and then watch these lot squirm :) 

If some group of 'whites' were known to be as dastardly as these groups of 'Blacks' I, as a white. I would welcome the relief of the cops targeting them also....... But for now the police are doing a good job and if any blacks are not guilty..... Then they don't have to sweat it........

Why is this world allowing criminals to use 'race' to hide behind, If they are not guilty they have nothing to fear..... If being stopped and asked a few questions bother them, they shouldn't be bothered....... It happens to me every time I go to an airport..... and I'm white...... I WELCOME IT too..... I want them to catch the 'bad guys' and I'm comfortable knowing it isn't ME............

I welcome 'racial' or any other 'assistive profiling'..... STOP tying the cops hands and expect them to protect you.......... LOOK AT THE SUCCESS RATE these cops are having....... If you care to open your eyes...

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4 hours ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

So to round up criminals is wrong, according to yourself,  ( 9 in the country illegally, 5 on overstay) I'd say the police would have a better idea of who the criminals are, regardless of their skin colour, than yourself.  Given the multitude of criminal activities that some are involved in, then sure, get on with the racial profiling.


Generalising and prosecution, not persecution, is the go, get rid of them if they're criminals and want to flout the law of the country. If they are good people, which there are plenty of here, nothing to worry about, just these dregs, who for whatever reason, you want to turn into victims, are the ones who should be concerned.  What about the legitimate victims of these lot, don't care hey, not a word about them I see?


Your world must be very topsy turvy especially when you want to drag the POTUS and Confederate Flag as well as the rubbish that you have listed in your last paragraph into the debate and want to compare it with the arresting of criminals.  So, if they rounded up 15 Caucasians under the same circumstances, what would you have to say.  Nothing I'd guess, as it doesn't give you the base to start off a racist calling post, thus enabling you to attack any one who has an opposing opinion.:wai:

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As much as I dislike racism- I do not believe what the police are doing is racist.  Simply walk down Sukhumvit Road between Soi 5 to Soi 15 and you will see scores of Africans sitting on the street -not purchasing anything- and basically loitering. Many are calling out to passersby attempting to sell some 'goods'.  In addition, their are now scores of African Women plying their trade all over the Sukhumvit area. Since Thai vendors are no longer allowed to sell on the street -why should foreigners be allowed to do the same,.


For years, the police have done nothing about the nuisance that has been created and now that the vendors are no longer allowed on the street- the Africans stick out even more. People have complained about being harassed  and the police have finally taken action.  In addition, I have seen the police stop caucasians and ask for their documents. If one is in Thailand and on overstay- whether caucasian or African- the penalty is the same. If one is not on overstay; not bothering anyone; and not in possession of an illegal substance- the police will not arrest you.

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33 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

As much as I dislike racism- I do not believe what the police are doing is racist.  Simply walk down Sukhumvit Road between Soi 5 to Soi 15 and you will see scores of Africans sitting on the street -not purchasing anything- and basically loitering. Many are calling out to passersby attempting to sell some 'goods'.  In addition, their are now scores of African Women plying their trade all over the Sukhumvit area. Since Thai vendors are no longer allowed to sell on the street -why should foreigners be allowed to do the same,.


For years, the police have done nothing about the nuisance that has been created and now that the vendors are no longer allowed on the street- the Africans stick out even more. People have complained about being harassed  and the police have finally taken action.  In addition, I have seen the police stop caucasians and ask for their documents. If one is in Thailand and on overstay- whether caucasian or African- the penalty is the same. If one is not on overstay; not bothering anyone; and not in possession of an illegal substance- the police will not arrest you.

Some Caucasians are African too....came from Africa

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5 hours ago, car720 said:

Nothing to do with race.  My ex wife and my children are black but they behave in a civilized manner and are subsequently treated with civility wherever they go.  The groups in question here are anything but civilized.

I grew up in a very mixed neighborhood in the Northeast USA - 'black people' were called Colored or Negro.  They didn't seem to mind back then.  Whites were Caucasion, Blacks were Negro, Asian were Oriental, Puerto Ricans were Hispanic.  I think life was much simpler back then, of course that was the Sixties/Seventies.

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9 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

what other than it is bs that certain 'races' commit more crime that others

If the cap fits.... yes

statistics prove it time & time again... this has nothing to do with racism, it's profiling with evidence to back it up!

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10 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Nothing wrong with targeting a special race if they have a record of crime that is remarkably higher than that of another race - at least in the location of the raid.

Agreed, whole heartedly agreed....as long as a honest approach is taken to ensure that when anyone truly impacted (beyond just being stopped) is really guilty of illegal activity. There may actually be some black people in the Kingdom that have not been up to no good. But it sure seems like the majority have nefarious reasons for being here.

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9 hours ago, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

Ridiculous. If you want to stop Muslim extremism you would have to investigate/infiltrate the Muslim

community. If you are investigating the Yakuza it would be people of Japanese ethnicity. Sinaloa Cartel

it would be Mexicans. If data indicated 70% of Russians were alcoholics, I would maybe open up a liquor

store selling Vodka in a Russian community. I cannot tell you if any particular Russian is an alcoholic

IE. Putin or Yeltsin just that 70% were. The issue you bring up regarding racial profiling in the USA is

quite different. The reason why is African Americans don't use drugs, or commit crimes at a higher

rate than white or Latin groups of a similar socio economic level. It is poor people who tend to commit

crimes and the African American community that tends to be less well off than the white community.

Out of interest what I would like to know is what percent of the black people in this "stop and question" group

were found to have been working illegally,  had drugs in their system/selling drugs, overstayed their visa

etc...etc....One thing is for sure, the Thai police are unconcerned with political correctness. Corrupt yes,

politically correct unconcerned. 



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9 hours ago, farang1979 said:

Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid nd just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 


   They are not getting prosecuted for being black though, they are getting arrested because the Thai authorities believe them to be committing crime

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Just some common sense. There are wealthy Africans, but they can afford to vacation in "posh" places.


Those are not the ones sitting on sidewalks along Sukhumvit, selling their "wares".
- Could it be, that their e-mail scams don't work anymore and the EU increasingly refusing to accommodate "economic-refugees", thus them entering countries with "Easy Tourist-Visas" regulations to continue their "career" on location?

Nobody in his right mind would consider a person loitering around and selling their "wares" as a genuine Tourist along Sukhumvit. To crack down on those "artists" has nothing to do with racism whatsoever. Surely, if Farangs would be hanging around Sukhumvit, selling their "wares" on the sidewalks, the BKK cops would apply the same procedures.
GOOD GUYS IN, BAD GUYS OUT, regardless of race. = Common sense, no rocket science.

Of course, some bleeding-heart liberals on TVF have no use for "common-sense". They still claim that Charles Manson was "a victim of society". So the non-caucasion criminals on Sukhumvit are "victims of African society".:clap2:

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9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

 What they should be doing is systematically checking for those who entered illegally, who remain here illegally or are engaged in illegal activities of any kind. And they should be doing that based on all intelligence they have. 



That's exactly what the RTP are doing and let's hope that they continue to do it.

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7 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

I am quite sure that everyone here realizes that the Africans in Thailand are low hanging fruit!  They are few in number and easy to victimize!  Racial profiling is wrong no matter how it is done!


They're not being victimised as much as being caught!  Victimisation would suggest that they were doing nothing wrong, wouldn't it?

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13 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Everything depends on which statistics you want to use and in which context you wish to use them.


In this context, there is a concentration of people from the African sub-continent located in a relatively small geographic area who when checked show a high proportion of illegal entries, visa overstays, or are engaged in illegal activities.


The headlines don't help. What they should be doing is systematically checking for those who entered illegally, who remain here illegally or are engaged in illegal activities of any kind. And they should be doing that based on all intelligence they have. 



the intel is that black people are hanging around lower sukhumvit taking income from Thais. 

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7 hours ago, berybert said:

Question for all the "I'm offended on behalf of" people.

Why do you think Africans hang around Nana Plaza/ lower Sukhumvit ?

Simple question so give a simple answer.

Because it is not illegal to hang out anywhere. I see lots of white, Arab and other colours of people hanging out there too. Oh but I don't like the black people so what are they doing here?

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On 23/10/2017 at 8:04 AM, webfact said:

Sweeps for people of African origin were conducted in 32 areas including the Bang Na, Udomsuk and Lat Phrao areas. They resulted in the arrests of nine people, seven from Somalia and two from Nigeria, accused of being in the kingdom illegally. Another four Nigerians and an American were charged with overstaying their visas

Now let the police do a sweep for people of European origin in 32 areas of Bangkok. They will capture hundreds of people that are here illegally or that are overstaying their visas. To those going on about African drug dealers or scammers, non were found in this instance (or were released at a fee and only the relatively minor criminals with overstays were apprehended). With apologies to Samuel Johnson, racism has become the last refuge of the incompetent!

You are blind or racist if you cannot see the racism in  a police force that targets not Nigerians, not Somalis, not Black Americans - for while this would be lazy, it would at least be appropriate profiling - but anyone who is black. And it does this not just  in lower sukhumvit, nor Ramkhamhaeng, but in 32 areas of Bangkok!

If the police wanted to solve the problem of drug dealers in lower Sukhumvit, they would do it in a day. The rest are easy, racist excuses. Try going to peddle sweets or cakes on Soi 4 and see if you can last a day. So why is it possible for certain people to stay there everyday from January to December peddling God knows what?


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