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How to catch a drone in CM?


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Let's say i had a airflying drone controlled by some wave or beam guided thru an electrical gadget i held.  If i so commanded the drone could immediately shut the power and drop like a stone onto the earth.  All such functions of going and coming i control. On this small machine lies a mini-tv camera and a device to beam the live photos to a satellite and live computer link up.  Also built into the drone is a pick-up chute which can collect airborne particles of stuff at altitude.  The drone can fly at 2000 meters above the surface, 170 km/hr for a duration of 2 hours.  Size about like a macbook pro with 4 tiny rotors powered by lithium-ion batteries. Weight 1.3 kg.


If the civil or military authorities could not locate the drone master, how would the police stop this drone if they wanted to do so?  I'm in Chiang Mai and want to be safe. 

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the question is about how it could be brought down...


back in the gold old bad old days, all it took was a powerful Army surplus HF radio transmitter

- and you swept the Band, until the Dipon the meter equated to a Dip in the flightpath

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So essentially, if somehow the earth to drone electronic signal were scrambled, the drone would drop.  And if tifino is correct, a HF (high frequency?) radio transmitter is all that is needed. Am curious about the range of the radio transmitter.  But if communication between the master and the drone can be done at 2000 meters, that's a long way in the distance.

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HF will travel around the world. The signal 'skips' so some areas will receive it, others will not. Change the frequency and the skip distance changes also.

Re:  your OP ...

Attempt to circumvent the Law of the Land - especially in a foreign country - at your peril.

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45 minutes ago, chingmai331 said:

What rampant speculation is happening on these pages.  

Enlighten us ... why would you want to know how the Police or Military would remove a drone from the sky ?

You want to be safe - as stated in your OP. Safe from what ?  The drone falling from the sky and hitting you on the head ?

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, most would assume that it is a duck.

So pray tell us ...

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20 hours ago, Dipterocarp said:

Drons must be registered. Same thing in America now with the larger ones.

Sure, just like all guns in the US are legal 5555555555555555555555.

Terrorists are sure to register their weaponised drones :cheesy:.


OP, we're all doomed anyway, so just enjoy whatever life you have left.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/25/2017 at 1:20 AM, chingmai331 said:

I speak to my interest after 26 October.


10 hours ago, chingmai331 said:

Well, thanks for the invite but legal issues, esp the Lese Majeste laws of Thailand prevent me  from discussing this sensitive matter any further on a public forum.  I'm sure you will agree.

Speaks Loads to your credibility ...

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On 10/24/2017 at 7:18 PM, chingmai331 said:

So essentially, if somehow the earth to drone electronic signal were scrambled, the drone would drop.  And if tifino is correct, a HF (high frequency?) radio transmitter is all that is needed. Am curious about the range of the radio transmitter.  But if communication between the master and the drone can be done at 2000 meters, that's a long way in the distance.

As drones operate on UHF, 2.5Ghz and higher, HF will not help you any. At these frequencies it is line of sight, barring the odd weather oddity.  I would imagine that modern systems have a clever handshake to prevent others from taking control and a return home function if it loses signal.

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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 8:27 PM, Dellboy218 said:

As drones operate on UHF, 2.5Ghz and higher, HF will not help you any. At these frequencies it is line of sight, barring the odd weather oddity.  I would imagine that modern systems have a clever handshake to prevent others from taking control and a return home function if it loses signal.

Not in Thailand, but back home if any drone is spying on me no "handshake" is going to see it return to sender.

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On 11/4/2017 at 5:03 PM, chingmai331 said:

Well, thanks for the invite but legal issues, esp the Lese Majeste laws of Thailand prevent me  from discussing this sensitive matter any further on a public forum.  I'm sure you will agree.

Since the issue of LM has been brought up I am assuming that our OP is up to no good.


So this one is closed, unless our OP gives me a compelling reason to re-open it.

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