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Pirate in the park ?


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Yesterday about 4pm I went for a walk over Benjakitti  park, as I walked around the lake I walked past 2 police cars several police bikes and a couple of police boats in the lake.

Took me a while before I noticed a guy was sitting on one of the water filtration thingies that are situated in the middle of the lake.  After about an hour another car showed up with several guys who were water specialists. The 2 boats rowed out to where the guy was sitting and they spent about 40 minutes talking to him trying to get him into one of the boats and back to land ??

All the time he was stood up and had what looked like a stick in his hand although it could have been a sword. My guess is it was a stick.

He had no intention of leaving his little island. So after they had finished trying to get him back to no avail they left him a duck boat and rowed back to the side of the lake and got out.

They then all seemed to leave.

At this time it was getting dark so couldn't really see what was going on. Other than the fellow was staying put.

Just wondered if anyone knew the outcome of the story ? He wasn't there this morning when I was over so he either left or drown.

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