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Illegal Africans in Thailand: "The more we get rid of them the more they come," say police


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3 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Look buddy, you have to understand that by posting these truths, you're bursting these people's bubble.

People need to have these delusions to try to make sense of their place in the pecking order, their role in the world

In their minds, all farangs in Thailand are well-mannered, law-abiding, independently wealthy expatriates serenely showering the Thai economy with benign largesse and anyone who dares show them proof that this isn't the case is shouted down and labeled a basket case.

You're up against an entrenched mentality whereby we measure ourselves by our noblest intentions while measuring all other groups by their worst individuals.


All illegals should be deported - particularly those engaged in crime like these Africans.

It's when people reduce the discussion into a free-for-all to get their racist digs in about all Africans here being up to no good that these threads descend into farce.


interesting. but i stand by 99 because its the truth

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3 hours ago, Thai Ron said:


You're being way too generous.

Have you ever given a nice comment/reply,or thought about something good,done someone a favour for free,I promise it will open your mind to good thoughts,for once in your life,you just might like the feeling,all I have seen coming from you is bitterness and anger,do have a nice day,sad Ron.

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13 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

interesting. but i stand by 99 because its the truth

Sad Ron just might give a friendly,honest reply one day,he appears to be stuck in a attacking,anger mode all the time,has he ever given a friendly reply or a sensible non-attacking comment?

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The 'diversity' wasn't a problem when they actually prevented them coming in as easily as they do now.


I think the blacks just ditch their passport when they arrive as the immigration doesn't fingerprint them like they do in other countries. Since Thailand is a nationalist country (or was when I was there a few years back) it sounds like they need an actual ICE force like the USA has.

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19 hours ago, AboutThaim said:

We are discussing black Africans I believe.  The point about my gf is that, as a lot seem to think, the colour of a person's skin is the cause of the racism.  Personally I don't care what colour a person is, provided they are law abiding and respect other people.


Yes, I think slave owners definitely worried about the colour of their slave`s skin!  If they had a white slave they would probably be breaking the law OF THAT TIME.


I think I am very entitled to talk about “us whites” being white.  If it gets up your nose pretend you are not one of “us people”.  Maybe put some flowers back in your hair (if you are lucky enough to still have some) smoke another joint and dream of San Francisco!  555

The Irish were loaded on slave ships to the Caribbean way before the african lot were imported.


Makes me wonder who is feeding this lot of trash that infests Bangkok now, there can't be much money off of street begging and selling dildos can there?

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On 11/2/2017 at 9:32 PM, overherebc said:

Do they arrive at the aiports with proof of return flights, visa and cash etc etc? Can't be bothered to google what  nationalities get VE entries or not but, instead of lanes that signify Thai or Foreign passports have a couple of lanes that signify nationalties from the country of origin.

Call me xenophobic if you want and I won't argue.

3 Lanes:

  • Thais
  • Foreigners from nations with a higher per-capita income than Thailand
  • Foreigners from nations with a lower per-capita income than Thailand

No need to call out nations based upon ethnicity, etc, and muddy the waters.  Either an illegal-job in Thailand would be a "step up" - hence an increased likelihood of working illegally in Thailand - or it wouldn't.


On 11/2/2017 at 9:35 PM, ratcatcher said:

Are you perhaps suggesting Thai Immigration has a separate lane for "... English teachers?"

English-teachers are not a major crime-problem for Thailand or labor-problem for Thai citizens.  And easy to find and catch them "At Schools" working illegally / red-handed, if anyone really cared about this.  The fact that isn't done, tells me they don't really care, and just use this as an excuse for a different agenda.


Trying to sort that tiny segment of teachers, from of the thousands coming in at points of entry, is highly-inefficient and causes harm to the tourist-sector with false-positives and harassment of non-teachers.

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

3 Lanes:

  • Thais
  • Foreigners from nations with a higher per-capita income than Thailand
  • Foreigners from nations with a lower per-capita income than Thailand

No need to call out nations based upon ethnicity, etc, and muddy the waters.  Either an illegal-job in Thailand would be a "step up" - hence an increased likelihood of working illegally in Thailand - or it wouldn't.


English-teachers are not a major crime-problem for Thailand or labor-problem for Thai citizens.  And easy to find and catch them "At Schools" working illegally / red-handed, if anyone really cared about this.  The fact that isn't done, tells me they don't really care, and just use this as an excuse for a different agenda.


Trying to sort that tiny segment of teachers, from of the thousands coming in at points of entry, is highly-inefficient and causes harm to the tourist-sector with false-positives and harassment of non-teachers.

Ever heard the expression 'tongue in cheek'


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This is typical racist approach. If they want afro thai will not be involved into criminal activity they need to get them legal work permit. I would start  migrant decriminalization campaign. So any migrant living there with overstay can go immigration center and receive new legal visa with work permit. It will reduce amount of illegal migrants here giving them legal status and better integration into thai society.


I need to notice that current thai immigration policy enforce foreigners into criminal activity because getting legal work permit is quite complicated procedure. When people cannot get work permit they just have no other chance rather to go criminal way. You know in Europe and USA if you marry with citizen you immediately get visa and work permit without  any other requirement like money on bank account or income proof. And after very easy way to citizenship. Thailand needs to be less racist and more migrant friendly like western world.


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9 hours ago, TheBrain said:

When people cannot get work permit they just have no other chance rather to go criminal way.

You left out the 3rd way - deportation. 

When employers prefer not to pay what citizens will work for, and the government favors the employers over the citizens, Betrayal of Citizens, as you describe, is what happens. 


Been there and done that in the USA.  Millions of citizens have been thrown out of the middle-class into poverty - and social-safety-net costs running huge debts - as a Direct result of not removing illegal-aliens from jobs and the country for decades.


The solution is not difficult:  Hire an illegal = go to jail for a very long time.  It's treason, after all, to destroy the lives and families of your fellow citizens this way.  Most bosses are not like drug-dealers, so won't take the risk if enforcement is ongoing.  Then watch wages go up, and the middle-class expand.


Also, deport the illegal-alien after a reasonable jail-sentence, and if they return a 2nd time, they also go to jail for a very long time - housed in the same cell-blocks with the illegal employers.


All proceeds from the forced-labor done by these inmates can be used to help pay for the unemployment fund.

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18 hours ago, oldhippy said:

200.000 illegals, of which 80.000 Nigrians and Somalis.

That leaves a maximum of 120.000 illegal Khmer and Burmese.

Is that possible?

Or are the numbers fantasized?


Yes but they provide confirmation bias for some people

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10 hours ago, Mansinthe said:


Well people still need to go to a language school before they get that marriage Visa. (A1-for germany )

Before they are able to work there is another  language school ahead of them (A2 and B2)


Both levels are around 800€ each.

For citizenship that person needs to work 5~6 months at least and have another test for citizenship.


So it comes at a cost and some effort is required. And actually citizenship with german passport takes years. 


While most illegal immigrants in Thailand have neither of all that. 


I actually like the idea that Thailand is not that easy for foreigners to buy land / houses / condos and that there are requirements for retirement visas and so on. 

Wish we had that in Europe. Keep immigrantion of certain nations low. 

go vote for NSDAP and new hitler, lol:)

The idea foreigners cannot own land here is stupid. Thailand loses billions of investment money and distract reach people. I like European approach to migration, if you buy house let's say in Spain you get permanent residence - this is how good state should threat people. Anyway multicultural society benefits everyone in every state, migrants bring new ideas and collaborating together with local people the whole society can achieve better living and cultural standards.

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

You left out the 3rd way - deportation. 


The solution is not difficult:  Hire an illegal = go to jail for a very long time.  It's treason, after all, to destroy the lives and families of your fellow citizens this way.  Most bosses are not like drug-dealers, so won't take the risk if enforcement is ongoing.  Then watch wages go up, and the middle-class expand.


Don't you think if state segregates people on two categories legal and illegal is quite same thing as racism. If some one agree to wok for less salary it is just free market competition, making national goods more competitive on world market. By making more restrictions on hiring migrants you only destroy national economy and increase illegal activity.

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12 hours ago, TheBrain said:

I need to notice that current thai immigration policy enforce foreigners into criminal activity because getting legal work permit is quite complicated procedure. When people cannot get work permit they just have no other chance rather to go criminal way. You know in Europe and USA if you marry with citizen you immediately get visa and work permit without  any other requirement like money on bank account or income proof. And after very easy way to citizenship. Thailand needs to be less racist and more migrant friendly like western world.



Thailand is surrounded by extremely populous nations China, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Bangladesh, the aforementioned countries have more then 1 billion people who lives under an extreme level of poverty, earning less then 3 dollars a day, relax immigration rules and you'll get flooded instantly, the Phills and Bangladesh has huge number of unemployed population exceeding the 60 million cap, for example in the Gulf region they are more then 12 million of these workers, relax Thai work permit rules and you'll get them overnight.


Plus they got the Cambodian and Burmese, so Thailand aint in need of human resources and wants only to attract wealthy individuals from all around the world including African businessmen, who'll bring in cash or investments and for those people, it s very easy for them to get longer term visas and work permits (elite visa, BOI Companies etc..), so someone like Aliko Dangote will be received here with the red carpet.


if you are over 50s and you deposit 800k in the bank you'll got retirement visa,

if you pay 500K you'll get 6 years elite visa,

if you form a company you'll get a work permit,

if you pay a university course you'll get an education visa.

if you have a work permit and you've paid your social taxes for at least 3 years in a row you can apply for permanent residency.

if you do not have money or Job then simply do not come here, Thailand's priority is taking care of the welfare of its citizens.



All that is very easy and straightforward process ? so what else should Thailand do ? bring all these jobless migrants and refugees and pays free welfare to them at the expense of the taxpayer's money ? sorry Thailand can not imitate the madness of the west.




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1 hour ago, TheBrain said:

Don't you think if state segregates people on two categories legal and illegal is quite same thing as racism. If some one agree to wok for less salary it is just free market competition, making national goods more competitive on world market. By making more restrictions on hiring migrants you only destroy national economy and increase illegal activity.

It is not the same at all - on many levels.

  • From a Cultural Angle - addressing the "race' issue:  If foreign-children were adopted as infants by multi-generational citizens of a nation, there would be no problems with "assimilation" or cultural-conflict.  The "genetics" of people is not the issue - cultural-conditioning, originating in childhood, defines individual's mores and morals, not their genes.  When people say they want to "preserve their nation's culture" - they are not saying, "we think X-color of people are better than Y-color."  They are saying, "Look, most interactions in society are anonymous, so we need to believe "the other" we are dealing with has similar mores/morals to us," or society falls apart (people start voting based on ethnicity instead of ideas - vying for power over "the other," etc). 
  • From an work/employment angle: Libertarians in my passport-country, the USA, share the "free market competition" angle, and say that it is wrong for employers to have to pay more than a "global wage" for workers.  But adopting this reasoning, requires one simply "not care" if this results in the impoverishment of one's fellow citizens, and the destruction of the middle-class, which is the only known 100% effective antidote to totalitarian-communist ideology.  Sure, you can suppress people with police in riot-gear, but that doesn't "cure" the diseased ideas.  A middle-class actually fixes the problem (why I support Thailand maximizing the number of self-supported, well-behaving foreigners who live here - they boost the Thai middle-class).
  • Ideally, nations with large middle-classes should do everything possible to preserve them, by limiting the "supply" side of the labor-equation and putting "wage-based tariffs" on imported goods.  Wage-based tariffs would allow foreign-employers to pay either tariffs OR higher-wages.  When they pay higher-wages, their employees can afford goods from higher-wage nations (solving trade imbalances) AND they will purchase more goods and services from other citizens in their own country, creating the missing economic-ladder in those nations.  Everyone Wins.
  • Destroying the few enclaves of shared-prosperity on Earth (large middle-class populations) could very well mean we never have them again - or maybe not for 1000 years - or who knows how long.  People with access to slave-labor don't need to fund mechanized production - as we saw when production moved from the USA to China, when formerly "robotic" stages of assembly reverted to "cheap humans" doing the insanely-monotonous tasks (putting in the same screw, over and over).
  • Even if the artificially-created (by tariffs and borders) middle-class never spread into other countries - if they refuse to change their childbearing habits through education, close their borders to mass-immigration, and institute smart-tariffs - the existence of any large middle-class populations anywhere reduces suffering in at least those areas, so is a net-plus.


Simply taking down the borders creates a "race to the lowest wage" / "race to the bottom" situation.  Global labor is unlimited, relative to supply, so the pay will invariably fall to "bare subsistence."  Even less, if govt subsidizes the poor (why many jobs in the USA pay less than the cost of "bare subsistence" right now).


Higher wages do not hurt consumers.  The cost of labor in most products is a tiny-fraction of the retail price.  Take a pair of Nike shoes retailing for $100 - that price is based on "what people will pay for that brand," not the cost of production. 


Similar with I-Phones, where crazy "it will cost 10 times more if made in the USA" stories run in transnational-corporate-owned media outlets - as if 100% of the cost of an I-Phone was labor-costs - a blatant lie.  On the contrary, most of the cost of an I-Phone is due to, "People are *#$^ enough to pay $XX for a phone with our label on it."  (similar to Nike).  So that's what they charge - the market-price - with nearly all income from those sales distributed to the shareholders, and very little to those who actually "make" the device.  The only "downside" to high-wage I-Phones, would be in the form of smaller bonuses to the board of directors, and a tiny cut in dividend payments (which add up to a meaningful value, if you own 100K+ shares).

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3 hours ago, heroKK said:


Thailand is surrounded by extremely populous nations China, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Bangladesh, the aforementioned countries have more then 1 billion people who lives under an extreme level of poverty, earning less then 3 dollars a day, relax immigration rules and you'll get flooded instantly, the Phills and Bangladesh has huge number of unemployed population exceeding the 60 million cap, for example in the Gulf region they are more then 12 million of these workers, relax Thai work permit rules and you'll get them overnight.


Plus they got the Cambodian and Burmese, so Thailand aint in need of human resources and wants only to attract wealthy individuals from all around the world including African businessmen, who'll bring in cash or investments and for those people, it s very easy for them to get longer term visas and work permits (elite visa, BOI Companies etc..), so someone like Aliko Dangote will be received here with the red carpet.


if you are over 50s and you deposit 800k in the bank you'll got retirement visa,

if you pay 500K you'll get 6 years elite visa,

if you form a company you'll get a work permit,

if you pay a university course you'll get an education visa.

if you have a work permit and you've paid your social taxes for at least 3 years in a row you can apply for permanent residency.

if you do not have money or Job then simply do not come here, Thailand's priority is taking care of the welfare of its citizens.



All that is very easy and straightforward process ? so what else should Thailand do ? bring all these jobless migrants and refugees and pays free welfare to them at the expense of the taxpayer's money ? sorry Thailand can not imitate the madness of the west.




China, Indonesia and Malaysia people have higher salaries than Thai. India and Bangladesh at the moment have lower salaries, but both India and Bangladesh are democratic countries and have better economic growth. If current trend continue for 15 years than Thailand will be at the bottom.


I do not see any madness in West. Western countries become reach cause they have immigrant friendly policies for generations. I never told about paying free welfare for migrants, but Thailand should make procedure of getting work permit, citizenship and visas more liberal.


For example in UK you can apply for working visa outside of the country and they give you 3 years work permission, after you can enter UK, find job there and work. You do not need to go immigration check every 90 days and renew Visa every year. Easy and comfortable, because in west they threat people with dignity. 


Here in Thailand they use migrants only for collecting money, they charge for everything, not too much, but you need to visit this immigration center every 90 days, and brings tons of document every time. For example if you marry Thai you need to declare 40 000 baht month income to get marriage visa. It is nonsense. How and average person working in Thailand can have that income. My friend works as a teacher here, getting around 35 000 per month and cannot get marriage visa.


If you marry thai citizen, they should give you visa with work permit before you earn money and after with this work permit you can go and look for a job here, this is how immigration works where government care about people, but not only think how to setup corrupted schema to soak money from foreigners.


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2 hours ago, Mansinthe said:

Marriage visa is not limited to your monthly salary. A mix of funds in your bank account + salary is possible as well. 

And since he works as a teacher he has a work permit that provides him with a visa already.


If foreigners could buy land / houses or set up companies without thai people hired for each falang how long do you think it would take till prices go up so much while labour costs go down that thai people couldnt buy anything anymore?


Citizens should always come first in their own country.



It is a market prices can go up and down, there is nothing wrong if prices go up, it will boost construction industry and workers will have better salaries. In US and Europe any foreigner can buy a land and a house and receive residence after buying. If it works in western world why it cannot work here?


If foreigners could buy land and open business without opening thai company with thai nominee it will simplify bureaucratic procedures and give better property rights, as a result more investments come here and economic growth will go faster with rising local salaries. The only persons who will have a disadvantage after that type of reforms are corrupted state employees. Thailand needs better measures against corruption rather that threatening "ïllegal" migrants and enforcing destructive protectionist laws.

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27 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:

So You suggest it would be a awesome idea to invide people like that from african and arab countries etc to provide cheap labour to boost the economy?


Your English teacher friend for example...if he wants a marriage visa shouldn't he be able to provide for that familie at least? 40.000 baht sounds fine to me as a requirement for that. 


400~800k baht sounds fine to me as well to get a marriage / retirement visa. Its not that much really. 

Thailand should not be forced to provide for foreigners that have no money. 

You know where is a war in Syria and many people were forced to leave theirs home country and move out, mostly to Europe and Tourkey. I still believe that Thailand can accept refugee from Syria and help poor people. Refusing to enter here to anyone who has no money is just plain egoistic. Refusing to give poor people marriage visa is same as above. Do you think only reach people should be allowed to marry Thai?

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5 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:


Nothing wrong if you want to marry a thai or anyone else from another nation poorer or richer than your own. 

But the regulations to stay / work in that country are up to the people that are running the country.


Its a different matter if highly skilled workers come to Thailand that will actually help the country by providing skills / jobs etc than people that will only take away jobs of uneducated workers and poor families.


That Thailand prefers cambodian or myanmar workers to do cheap labour is their own choice.

Is it for racist reasons... politicial reasons.?

Language barriers?. 


I would prefer polish workers or Italians etc in Germany over syrians . Turks or african people as well if it was up to me.



Ah.... attracting highly skilled immigrants, that is something we hear a lot in Europe these days.

Colonialism first wave: steal their muscles (slavery)

Colonialism second wave: steal their minerals and agricultural produce

Colonialism third wave: steal their brains


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/2/2017 at 8:51 PM, mike888 said:

Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

What are you talking about? obviously a lot of goodelygook. There are no visa "loopholes" apart from South Africans and a small number of others, it's quite difficult for Africans to visit Thailand for any purpose. If anything it's easier for them to get a student visa than a tourist visa.


Again the "racist" word being thrown around by another self-righteous virtue signaller, who almost certainly isn't African himself. Let me ask you a theoretical question: would you still visit Thailand if 95% of the population were African?


Africa and Thailand are more linked than western countries? Since when? I've never heard of any Africa-Thailand Free Trade Agreement.


Ever heard of the Australia-Thailand Free Trade Agreement also known as TAFTA? It's a major agreement between the two countries under which Thailand now sends some 200,000 cars to Australia every year duty free. 900,000 Aussies visit Thailand yearly, more than the numbers of tourists from every African country combined.


I've never heard of a Thai interested in travelling to Africa, or going there at all, other than South Africa (for safaris) and Egypt (to see the pyramids).


Prostitution is illegal in Thailand and doubly illegal for foreigners. I don't understand why they can't just blacklist all the illegal foreign prostitutes.

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On 11/6/2017 at 11:29 PM, Mansinthe said:


Nothing wrong if you want to marry a thai or anyone else from another nation poorer or richer than your own. 

But the regulations to stay / work in that country are up to the people that are running the country.


Its a different matter if highly skilled workers come to Thailand that will actually help the country by providing skills / jobs etc than people that will only take away jobs of uneducated workers and poor families.


That Thailand prefers cambodian or myanmar workers to do cheap labour is their own choice.

Is it for racist reasons... politicial reasons.?

Language barriers?. 


I would prefer polish workers or Italians etc in Germany over syrians . Turks or african people as well if it was up to me.



Logically Myanmar and Cambodian workers are going to be preferred over Africans. First is proximity (they can just come across a shared land border), second is religion (most are Buddhist, just like Thais), third is culture and ethnicity. The world is becoming a stranger place by the year, but no way in hell Thailand is going to start employing black Africans to pump gas or at restaurants as waiters. Automation will arrive to replace the jobs of the Burmese and Cambodians before they'll give these menial jobs away to people from the dark continent. Besides, why would they even consider Africans, when there are also millions of poor Vietnamese, Filipino, Bengali and Indian workers who would be recruited first?

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On 11/6/2017 at 10:14 PM, TheBrain said:

It is a market prices can go up and down, there is nothing wrong if prices go up, it will boost construction industry and workers will have better salaries. In US and Europe any foreigner can buy a land and a house and receive residence after buying. If it works in western world why it cannot work here?


If foreigners could buy land and open business without opening thai company with thai nominee it will simplify bureaucratic procedures and give better property rights, as a result more investments come here and economic growth will go faster with rising local salaries. The only persons who will have a disadvantage after that type of reforms are corrupted state employees. Thailand needs better measures against corruption rather that threatening "ïllegal" migrants and enforcing destructive protectionist laws.

Because Thailand doesn't want to become a sh**hole like much of the west has become. Why should Thailand replace it's own people, cause housing to be so expensive as to be out of reach to all except for rich migrants, have a hostile government and media in power that despises it's own people, a local populace that is taught to hate itself everyday, more and more jobs leaving for cheaper countries all to achieve some kind of bizarre, unrealistic utopia?


No thanks, I think I would rather live in the current Thailand, with it's rough edges and all.


"Protectionist" laws? Actually they are very good - car manufacturers are happy because over 90% of the population buys a Thai made car, preserving the industry from unnecessary competition. This is good for these companies, for Thai workers in the industry (who have a job) and the economy overall.

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Just have a look at the picture illustrating another topic here today about five illegal aliens arrested in a 'crackdown' in Chantaburi (4 Indians, 1 Vietnamese) and tell me: in which country has this picture been taken... Except the BiBs, how many men(!) on it are NOT Africans...? But they all had a valid passport and visa. No doubt. All bona fide tourists, also that 'marabu'. Sure.

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