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Norweigan drunk driver kills Brit


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Briton killed in Pattaya road accident

PATTAYA: -- A Briton was killed early Saturday morning when his motorcycle was rammed into by a car allegedly driven by a Norwegian.

Police identified the Briton as Jimmy Hassim, 52 and the Norwegian as Hans Bjorger Mobraten, 58.

The accident happened at 20 minutes past midnight on Thappaya Road leading to Jomthien Beach.

Police said while Hassim was turning into the road to Jomthien Beach, his motorcycle was hit by the speeding car being driven by the Norwegian.

Police said the Norwegian would not stop but continued to head to Pattaya but he was stopped later at a road checkpoint.

Police said the Norwegian man appeared drunk.

-- The Nation 2006-12-30

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Briton killed in Pattaya road accident

Police said the Norwegian would not stop but continued to head to Pattaya but he was stopped later at a road checkpoint.

Police said the Norwegian man appeared drunk.

-- The Nation 2006-12-30

What a bastard ! :o:D

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Briton killed in Pattaya road accident

Police said the Norwegian would not stop but continued to head to Pattaya but he was stopped later at a road checkpoint.

Police said the Norwegian man appeared drunk.

-- The Nation 2006-12-30

What a bastard ! :o:D

I,ll second that and no F###### Excuses.

YOU CALLOUS B###### and no mistake for attempting a runner and not stopping.

There are far to many Westerners driving under the influence.......

We all know better and i do not care where we are or what the locals do.

This has nothing to do with Thai culture if it is as stated.

Alternative transport out here is always available, cheap and easily acquired / called upon, so why the f### do it.

Let the poor guys relatives decide his fate and give him an appropriate penalty.



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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

This goes without saying M.M.

ALL people under the influence of anything what so ever should NOT DRIVE / be allowed to drive.

My tongue in cheek reference was for any cynics out there that DO use the Thai way, drunks, runners and all as some sort of excusable statement that we are all to familiar with on serious issues. (T I T )

( also illegal and callous as you, I, and all proper minded citizens rightly know and abide by. )

Apologies for the misleading quote i sarcastically included to maybe eliminate the no brainers / T.I.T. merchants who should know better.

I get really upset and angry by these idiots on behalf of all the innocent victims.

Murder with a capital M for death caused by driving under the influence, along with dangerous driving.

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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Dear marshbags,

My post was not a response to yours although it looked like so. :D

And I agree totally with your post. Heavy penalties should be applied to those who have no concern with other peoples' lives!

Best regards,

Alan :o

I think this guy hit and ran because he has been living in Thailand too long. Maybe.(usual remarks here on TV)

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I fail to se the importance in reporting every expat that dies in any way in Thailand, especially non-crimes as traffic-accidents.

But as a note, I wished it was illegal to flee the scene of a crime/accident. As it is now the surviving driver taking a runner seems standard, not an exception.

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Police said the Norweigan man appeared drunk?

Well dont they have breath analyisers? 'Appearing drunk' is a funny thing to say, either he is pissed or not? didnt they test his breathe? Anyway anyway the fact is the poor sod is dead, all my best wishes to his family and relatives.



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Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive

yes they may drive differently to you and people living in your native country, and of course you can share you own personal opinion but please at least respect which country YOU live in now. If you dont like the way 'Thais drive' or think 'Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive' the answer is simple, dont drive or go on the roads! simple huh? some stupid remarks here from farang who should know better, you seem to have forgetton this isnt your country, you are a guest of the King, always.

Ahh i feel better now :o


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Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive

yes they may drive differently to you and people living in your native country, and of course you can share you own personal opinion but please at least respect which country YOU live in now. If you dont like the way 'Thais drive' or think 'Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive' the answer is simple, dont drive or go on the roads! simple huh? some stupid remarks here from farang who should know better, you seem to have forgetton this isnt your country, you are a guest of the King, always.

Ahh i feel better now :o


My guess is your a TROLL, out for bother, going by the tone.

By the way in my humble opinion.............................................

The King is being treated in a very disrespectful way by adding it to the end of your remarks and i think it is against forum rules to remark about the royal family in support of such comments.

If as you are indicating you are Thai, or otherwise ? then you will know that it is impossible in every sense to avoid these nutters Thai or otherwise, pedestrian, motorist or what ever, it effects everyone no matter what their place of origin is.

The O.P. is about a particular foreigner who should have known better.

You come under the T.I.T. brigade in my humble opinion and the posts in this and another forum you have posted in questions your motives on the debates.

Also just maybe you wouldn,t pass a breathalyser in your present state either.

If you think most Thais find drunk driving acceptable you are misguided.

marshbags :D

P.S. Thanks M.M.

Edited by marshbags
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Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive

yes they may drive differently to you and people living in your native country, and of course you can share you own personal opinion but please at least respect which country YOU live in now. If you dont like the way 'Thais drive' or think 'Thais shouldnt be allowed to drive' the answer is simple, dont drive or go on the roads! simple huh? some stupid remarks here from farang who should know better, you seem to have forgetton this isnt your country, you are a guest of the King, always.

Ahh i feel better now :o


You come under the T.I.T. brigade in my humble opinion and the posts you have posted it questions your motives on the debates.

marshbags :D

Marshbags, I think what you meant to say was "You ARE a TIT"

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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

A British man is killed in a traffic accident involving a Norwegian.......

Why did you make this totally irrelevent comment ?? .....this has nothing to do with Thai drivers...This comment could only be considered as immflammatory and very much below the standard of your usual posts MMT.

If I was a Mod....you would be issued with a caution notice.


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I can't comment about this particular case but I had near misses with 3 motorbikes today in my pickup, and one drove into my tail. All driving all over the place with complete disregard for their own and others safety. Could perhaps have been the car driver - though drunk - didn't do anything wrong and tbe bike driver was swerving or driving out in front of him, not giving him a chance.

I don't know, but don't lynch the poor bastard until all the details are known.

As for fleeing the scene, it seems to be par for the course here, not least as others pointed out already, to avoid being lynched on the spot by an angry mob.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

A British man is killed in a traffic accident involving a Norwegian.......

Why did you make this totally irrelevent comment ?? .....this has nothing to do with Thai drivers...This comment could only be considered as immflammatory and very much below the standard of your usual posts MMT.

If I was a Mod....you would be issued with a caution notice.


Fully agree with you gburns. What a silly comment in a thread like this about a very serios matter. Deep sympathy to Mrs Hassim. A sad story.

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just to clear this up ,jimmy was waiting to turn right into the jomtien complex ,when the Norwegian was on the wrong side of the road overtaking other cars at speed and went head into jimmy giving him no chance and drove off at speed going towards pattaya , heartless bastard !! .

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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

<deleted> are you on about, it was a Noreweigian that was driving the car and done a runner, NOT A THAI !!

Still I suppose you had to make some lame comment

Oops! Like a lot here I didn't read the OP clearly. I'll save my comment for the next time when a thai is involved.

My comment usually fits here on TV but maybe not this time.

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just to clear this up ,jimmy was waiting to turn right into the jomtien complex ,when the Norwegian was on the wrong side of the road overtaking other cars at speed and went head into jimmy giving him no chance and drove off at speed going towards pattaya , heartless bastard !! .

Many thanks for clearly stating the facts of the occurance. As a London cabby, this guy would have known very well how to behave on the road - he spends many months, sometimes years, earning the right to drive a cab.

As to eighty percent of the posters on this thred - this is a tragedy - please do not lessen the event by your juvenile trivialities.

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There is no excuse whatsoever to drive drunk and you have to be completely mad to do it with the stiff penalties they have here in Thailand, a trip with the Bath buss is usually only 10Bath.

Sources: Associated Press

A court in northeastern Thailand sentenced a 23-year-old man to death, as he was charged with killing four people and injuring another five during a drunk driving rampage. It is a historic verdict, since this is the first time ever that the ultimate penalty is imposed for a drink driving offence, while it signals the authorities determination to stamp out similar incidents in the future. Thailand has one of the worlds highest mortality rates from road accidents, while 80% of those are caused by drunk drivers.

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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

I feel that several posters have unjustly misunderstood what M.M.T. was referring to.

In my post ( No.3 ) I quoted the following:-

" There are far to many Westerners driving under the influence.......

We all know better and i do not care where we are or what the locals do."


All that M.M.T. was doing was adding in a NON cynical way the additional observation post ( 4 )


" Thais should not be allowed to drive! "

Meaning Thai,s as well as Westerners shouldn,t be allowed to drive under the influence. If you read post No. 5 you will find what my comment about the " what locals do " in response to M.M.T.

His comment was therefore relevant and not out of order.

It would be nice if you could reread the posts and perhaps encourage M.M.T. to carry on with the thread as your commments were undeserved in my humble opinion.

Perhaps send him a Pm,d apology :o

Reagrding waiting for the facts as has been suggested, it would seem the O.P. is correct and even more disturbing details have now been posted on the incident.

I hope this maybe puts the comment in it,s intended context in reply to my previous post

Thanks and stay coolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tonight, safe and happy.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

I feel that several posters have unjustly misunderstood what M.M.T. was referring to.

In my post ( No.3 ) I quoted the following:-

" There are far to many Westerners driving under the influence.......

We all know better and i do not care where we are or what the locals do."


All that M.M.T. was doing was adding in a NON cynical way the additional observation post ( 4 )


" Thais should not be allowed to drive! "

Meaning Thai,s as well as Westerners shouldn,t be allowed to drive under the influence. If you read post No. 5 you will find what my comment about the " what locals do " in response to M.M.T.

His comment was therefore relevant and not out of order.

It would be nice if you could reread the posts and perhaps encourage M.M.T. to carry on with the thread as your commments were undeserved in my humble opinion.

Perhaps send him a Pm,d apology :o

Reagrding waiting for the facts as has been suggested, it would seem the O.P. is correct and even more disturbing details have now been posted on the incident.

I hope this maybe puts the comment in it,s intended context in reply to my previous post

Thanks and stay coolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tonight, safe and happy.

marshbags :D:D:D

I think he actually admitted not reading OP properly. I respect a man who is big enough to admit a mistake.

Let us hope people of all races do not drink and drive - especially tonight.

Certainly stay cool and have a good time - safely.

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Thais should not be allowed to drive!

I feel that several posters have unjustly misunderstood what M.M.T. was referring to.

In my post ( No.3 ) I quoted the following:-

" There are far to many Westerners driving under the influence.......

We all know better and i do not care where we are or what the locals do."


All that M.M.T. was doing was adding in a NON cynical way the additional observation post ( 4 )


" Thais should not be allowed to drive! "

Meaning Thai,s as well as Westerners shouldn,t be allowed to drive under the influence. If you read post No. 5 you will find what my comment about the " what locals do " in response to M.M.T.

His comment was therefore relevant and not out of order.

It would be nice if you could reread the posts and perhaps encourage M.M.T. to carry on with the thread as your commments were undeserved in my humble opinion.

Perhaps send him a Pm,d apology :o

Reagrding waiting for the facts as has been suggested, it would seem the O.P. is correct and even more disturbing details have now been posted on the incident.

I hope this maybe puts the comment in it,s intended context in reply to my previous post

Thanks and stay coolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tonight, safe and happy.

marshbags :D:D:D

I think he actually admitted not reading OP properly. I respect a man who is big enough to admit a mistake.

Let us hope people of all races do not drink and drive - especially tonight.

Certainly stay cool and have a good time - safely.

Sorry for any misunderstandings Chruncher.

I personally Pm,d MMT to thank him for being gracious enough to apologise on the day and was hoping the others who keep referring to it to maybe accept the context of his quote.

Condolences are foremost in all our minds for the poor man who was killed and are the main priority in all this.

and that,s a fact.

It,s the ones who keep quoting the line in question and having a go at MeeMiaTai who have not grasped the non cynical reason he posted it in the first place that i am appealing to.

marshbags :D

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The Pattaya TV station has been sensationalising this story over the last day. I've seen the bloodied corpse of the victim on TV about 5 times already

When will this TV station wakeup to what they are doing? Who's behind all this focus on gore?

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