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Living in the middle of nowhere I was surprise when I noticed TOT installing a fiber cable pass the house. On investigation found out this is part of the Governments plan to connect the villages to the net.


Currently I connect via Winet which I'm generally happy with, however occasionally at peek times streaming does suffer.


Could anyone with experience of this rural FTTx system kindly advise how they find the service. TOT are also offering their IPTV package as part of the promotion, does this stream well?


Thank you




I have ToT fiber since 2014 (individual installation).

Usually very stable and of course much faster than a WiNet can be.

Nominal speeds are not a guarantee that every stream from every part of the world will work without a glitch.


Should I mention that just today there was a 2 hour outage ("problem in your area")?

But it was the first problem since 4 months or so.

50 / 15 for 590 Baht is a good price and more than a enough for a private connection with few devices.

I would recommend.


Can not comment on ToT IPTV (I have a paid subscription for German IPTV which is more expensive than the internet connection).


I can't read what the difference between the 690 Baht and 750 Baht package is.


I have the same (50D/15u) for just under a month now, I also came from WiNet.


The Speed is a hit and miss, during the day and early evenings it can sometimes slow down to a crawl but overall I'm happy.


I didn't cancel my WiNet just yet, as I want to keep it as a backup for the time being, but today my Fiber went down and I turned on my Winet and it was also down ;)


When I went to apply for the Fiber at the TOT Office I also wanted the IPTV, but at the office they said it's not available, but YMMV.


Edit: @KhunBENQ I believe the difference between the 690 and 750 THB is that it has VOIP but not 100% sure.


This week we switched from ADSL 10Mbps/512Kps ( TOT)  to TOT fiber 2U  50Mbps/15Mbps / 590THb package and so  far I'm quite pleased with it, quite an improvement in speed on all devices, specially on the computer which is connected with a LAN cable

In general TOT gives a very good service and is always fast in solving problems.

I would recommend it.





One more thing I forgot to mention.


In our village, the Fiber Optic cable originates from the "Village Office", and TOT has setup a Wifi access Point there for the villagers to use. I believe the Access Point/ Wifi is called "Thailand Wifi MDES". Villagers can apply for access to this Free Internet by using their ID Card and Phone Number by accessing the Wifi.


Speed, at that Wifi access point, is limited to 15Mb per user, but one disadvantage is that on weekends and after School many kids are gathering at the village office to access "Free" internet, so Speed for people who get connections direct to their houses drops significantly.


Thank you for your replies


As MJCM mentioned I have noticed the wifi installation at our village hall and if that is going to offer a free internet connection I can understand possible issues with speed. Just hope the parents make the kids go home when it gets dark!


With a rural installation my concern is over a possible loss of connection due to cable damage. TOT have routed the cable at the side of rubber and palm plantations and in one area gone right over the top of some young palm trees. Harvesting the palm will result in large branches/leaves falling on the cable. Also they have crossed roads with not much head clearance, and no warning signs. Just hope, as Dutchbike said, TOT will be fast in dealing with this.


Maybe a 'wait and see' approach might be best.


About how they routed the cable, you can say that again !!!


When they installed our Fiber, they pulled a cable from the Village Office to our house, but the Guy who connected the Fiber to the house, forgot to pull the cable tight resulting that on our driveway the cable was only approx 2.5 meters from the ground. We noticed this when they already went to the next house so we called them and they came and just put on tie wraps to connect the Fiber cable to other cables that were already in place to get them up higher :blink::clap2:

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