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Hundreds of Las Vegas shooting victims file lawsuits in California court


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23 hours ago, webfact said:

Aziz said Slide Fire was not named because most of his clients supported the right to bear arms.


"We want to focus on hotel and venue security, not turn this into a gun rights case," he said.


I wish these two paragraphs had appeared at the top of the story rather then at the bottom. I then would not have wasted my time reading this article.


Most of his clients support the right to bear arms? Fair enough then, most of his clients received zero sympathy from me. I'll reserve what ever sympathy I can muster to go to his clients that DO question this 'right'

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LV, the church in TX, and other recent mass shootings in the US disprove a basic tenet held up by gun lovers:   NRA and their rabid fans often shout about how; 'if all us good people have guns, then bad guys wouldn't be able to shoot us.'   


Well, none of that protection worked in LV or TX or the average; one mass shooting incident per day in the US. 


Reasonable people know that proliferation/saturation of military-grade guns is the #1 reason there are so many shootings in the US.  

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So a TX based lawyer is suing NV venues in CA? Maybe the hotel should sue the estate because the shooter skipped out on the hotel bill. :whistling:

Some pretty weak comments about guns laws from people who have no clue. Even a claim that TX gun owners didn't do anything when it was clearly a Texan with a legally purchased gun who killed the shooter.

Sueing the NRA or the bump stock makers would be about as stupid as sueing alcohol makers and car makers because some idiot got drunk, drove and killed someone.

Lawyers and courts have gotten it so bassackwards that they've made it possible for the 0.001% of the population to drive prayer out of schools, God out of the pledge of allegiance, ok to disrespect the national anthem publicly and burn the flag but say something against that 0.001% and you're a bigot or racist.

Creation of new laws will NOT make the criminals that already break the laws suddenly law abiding.

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12 hours ago, JemJem said:

Isn't it weird that we still don't know the motive behind this massacre ?! Will we ever know, I wonder ?!

He owned an arsenal...  so, it could be  similar to     ... "'If we have them, why can't we use them?" ( DT about nukes) 

Edited by Opl
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