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LAN Switch Help


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Just repaired power supply and LAN switch seems to be working.


The switch is a Maginet SW2240M manufactured by SAMWOO Telecommunications Co., LTD.  Label on back also states it is 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet QoS Switch.


The switch has a console port in the form of a RJ45 jack on the front and I would like to connect old PC running WinXp using HyperTerminal.


I've tried searching the web but have been unable to find any info on the switch. I identified the IC (as RS232 type)on switch main board that feeds the console RJ45 jack and traced IC connections to RJ45 jack and made up cable with following connections.

DB9      RJ45

Connect cable to switch console jack and Com 1 on PC.
Configured HyperTerminal to Com 1, data bits 8, parity none, stop bit 1 and flow control to none.

No luck getting switch to respond.


Being new at networking what do I type to make switch respond?

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You should have at hand a known working console and connecting cable before attempting to connect to suspect hardware.

If this switch is not faulty and you have a working serial port then it will reply with the settings you have shown.


The switch will most likely have an IP address in the 10.x range.


Personally I would throw a switch without readily available documentation in the trash.

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  • 8 months later...
14 minutes ago, raed2018 said:

i have same issue but i used cisco console cable and im able to see text non readable keep writing and no stop any advice pls

Junk text is likely wrong baud rate / bits (7/8) / parity. Do you have the manual for your switch?


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Try setting your terminal to:-


9600 baud

8 data bits

1 stop bit

No parity


I've failed miserably to locate a manual online, without it you're likely to struggle to configure the beast ?


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