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Arrested after 4 year overstay

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My brother has just been arrested in Thailand for overstay of over four years ?????????

What a Wan*er, thats just taking the piss.

Deserves all he gets regardless of the UK stuff. Sounds like this guys thinks that no countries laws apply to HIM.

Idiot !

Maybe..... but the OP is his sister who is probably representing his mother and father who could be worried sick. The relatives are not responsible for his actions but will still care for his welfare. Please... less of the rant about the brother and his admittedly stupid actions. Those that have advise cant you help his sister and family, it's not their fault they have an errant brother and child otherwise just leave it. Edited by Mahout Angrit
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My brother has just been arrested in Thailand for overstay of over four years ?????????

What a Wan*er, thats just taking the piss.

Deserves all he gets regardless of the UK stuff. Sounds like this guys thinks that no countries laws apply to HIM.

Idiot !

Maybe..... but the OP is his sister who is probably representing his mother and father who could be worried sick. The relatives are not responsible for his actions but will still care for his welfare. Please... less of the rant about the brother and his admittedly stupid actions. Those that have advise cant you help his sister and family, it's not their fault they have an errant brother and child otherwise just leave it.

Simple answer - Go to (or ask) The UK Embassy and stop trolling forums.

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. Unfortunately when you put forward a legitimate statement especially concerning druggies, then all these so called Liberals appear and try to make it as though like minded people as ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

I don't wish to get in the way of your hand holding session with "like minded people", but making the claim that taxexiles statements are "legitimate" is ridiculous. Neither of you "like minded people" know zip about the person in question or what charges were laid against him.

It's quite ironic calling a person who uses the name "taxexile" a conservative.

It's even more ridiculous a member with the name "taxexile" acting like he's a angel.

There's too many of you "like-minded people" on this board. It's a real drag.

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[quote name='JacknDanny' post='1081026' date='2007-01-14 12:09:19'

Both posters along with myself and what must be millions world wide are more than aware of the effects on humanity and all the misery caused by these harmful drug substances.

Everytime some one makes a concerned effort to try educating "druggies " we are called all sorts of derogatory names.

Like the the posted remarks / statement by Hanuman1.

I,ll post it in it,s entirety so as to demonstrate what in effect is complete rubbish and a typical observation of recent times by as " JnD " correctly labels you accordingly.

Again most sensible people who have seen, experienced and witnessed the evil effects on others world wide.


hanuman1 Posted Today, 2007-01-14 12:18:58

QUOTE(JacknDanny @ 2007-01-14 12:09:19)

Unfortunately when you put forward a legitimate statement especially concerning druggies, then all these so called Liberals appear and try to make it as though like minded people as ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

No, you are not wrong. You're just bitter and vindictive, that's all.


This means we are right then and if so why the nasty references ??????????????????????

Are our observations so unreasonable to be classed, as you claim in your misguided way? sorry you do not make any sense at all.

NOW !!! this is for all you posters who think it,s cool, fashionable and " O.K. MAN " to partake ect., i hope you like it. ( All drug related threads by the way. )

Once again because Taxexile and JacknDanny live in the real world and refuse to become a part of your destructive / so called choice of freedom, you resort to trying to make it appear that you are right and statistics are wrong.

You seem to be living in a world of your own which is so far from reality it,s unbelievable and beyond rational thinking.

Taking drugs is not about giving users the right to destroy themselves, that is their foolish choice by he way.

If you wish to do so, it demonstrates your inability to see the true implications on it all and in doing so disqualifies you from being a part of a sane humanity.

You are also part of the evil trade by being party to the employment either directly or otherwise.

To read your comments in defence of " SENSIBLE "druggies and certain so called harmless substances is not shared by many and in effect is irresponsible.

The 2 cities i am associated with are systematically being destroyed by users and pushers alike.

( one by birth and the other i moved to due to my employment and set up home and my grown up children now live )

Perhaps we should get everyone to add to mine.................................................

( just from actual experience of the areas they are associated with )

and by doing so put you all in the wider picture, world wide and by doing so demonstrate that you do not hold the ground on reality and it,s the reverse of the actual implications you would have us all believe.


If you wish to show yourselves for what you are about, carry on by all means, and by doing so, continue trying to make it respectable to do drugs, no matter what they are.

Remember one thing though the majority of T.Visa members are not fools and your creditability ceases to exist.

In my case anyway, be it worth anything or otherwise, but i feel confident many others are taking note even though many choose not to get involved in the debates.

I don,t care who you are or what your station is on T.V. your card will be marked and your reputation will be in tatters where it rightly deserves to be. :D

You probably do not care because your state of mind is possibly being clouded and confused by your liberal actions, which ARE dangerously harmful to your health and more important here in Thailand, should you think it is harmless, against the LAW. :o

marshbags :D and :D ................ :D


The overstay situation speaks volumes for the mentality of the offender.....drug claims aside, and for me is not related, apart from the O.P. linking the 2 together.

You must have been under the influence of something when you posted that....whatever it is, please give it up.

Edited by tropo
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. Unfortunately when you put forward a legitimate statement especially concerning druggies, then all these so called Liberals appear and try to make it as though like minded people as ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

I don't wish to get in the way of your hand holding session with "like minded people", but making the claim that taxexiles statements are "legitimate" is ridiculous. Neither of you "like minded people" know zip about the person in question or what charges were laid against him.

'warrant in the UK for DRUG CHARGES'

'Arrested in Thailand for 4 year overstay"

What part of that do you NOT understand.

Listen I know that reading and understanding at the same time might be a little too much for you, but take a deep breath.re read the OP post.then read what taxexile says.Digest, understand and then you can apologise :o

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[quote name='JacknDanny' post='1081026' date='2007-01-14 12:09:19'

Both posters along with myself and what must be millions world wide are more than aware of the effects on humanity and all the misery caused by these harmful drug substances.

Everytime some one makes a concerned effort to try educating "druggies " we are called all sorts of derogatory names.

Like the the posted remarks / statement by Hanuman1.

I,ll post it in it,s entirety so as to demonstrate what in effect is complete rubbish and a typical observation of recent times by as " JnD " correctly labels you accordingly.

Again most sensible people who have seen, experienced and witnessed the evil effects on others world wide.


hanuman1 Posted Today, 2007-01-14 12:18:58

QUOTE(JacknDanny @ 2007-01-14 12:09:19)

Unfortunately when you put forward a legitimate statement especially concerning druggies, then all these so called Liberals appear and try to make it as though like minded people as ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

No, you are not wrong. You're just bitter and vindictive, that's all.


This means we are right then and if so why the nasty references ??????????????????????

Are our observations so unreasonable to be classed, as you claim in your misguided way? sorry you do not make any sense at all.

NOW !!! this is for all you posters who think it,s cool, fashionable and " O.K. MAN " to partake ect., i hope you like it. ( All drug related threads by the way. )

Once again because Taxexile and JacknDanny live in the real world and refuse to become a part of your destructive / so called choice of freedom, you resort to trying to make it appear that you are right and statistics are wrong.

You seem to be living in a world of your own which is so far from reality it,s unbelievable and beyond rational thinking.

Taking drugs is not about giving users the right to destroy themselves, that is their foolish choice by he way.

If you wish to do so, it demonstrates your inability to see the true implications on it all and in doing so disqualifies you from being a part of a sane humanity.

You are also part of the evil trade by being party to the employment either directly or otherwise.

To read your comments in defence of " SENSIBLE "druggies and certain so called harmless substances is not shared by many and in effect is irresponsible.

The 2 cities i am associated with are systematically being destroyed by users and pushers alike.

( one by birth and the other i moved to due to my employment and set up home and my grown up children now live )

Perhaps we should get everyone to add to mine.................................................

( just from actual experience of the areas they are associated with )

and by doing so put you all in the wider picture, world wide and by doing so demonstrate that you do not hold the ground on reality and it,s the reverse of the actual implications you would have us all believe.


If you wish to show yourselves for what you are about, carry on by all means, and by doing so, continue trying to make it respectable to do drugs, no matter what they are.

Remember one thing though the majority of T.Visa members are not fools and your creditability ceases to exist.

In my case anyway, be it worth anything or otherwise, but i feel confident many others are taking note even though many choose not to get involved in the debates.

I don,t care who you are or what your station is on T.V. your card will be marked and your reputation will be in tatters where it rightly deserves to be. :D

You probably do not care because your state of mind is possibly being clouded and confused by your liberal actions, which ARE dangerously harmful to your health and more important here in Thailand, should you think it is harmless, against the LAW. :o

marshbags :D and :bah: ................ :D


The overstay situation speaks volumes for the mentality of the offender.....drug claims aside, and for me is not related, apart from the O.P. linking the 2 together.

You must have been under the influence of something when you posted that....whatever it is, please give it up.


Please in future can you make sure these posts are accompanied with pictures and please cease to use words with more than say 6 letters. That way tropo might just be able to understand what you are saying :D

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1 week in monkey house 1 week in idc,

I bet that was nice... ! :D

Sounds like a new idea for a package holiday :D Might even catch on.... :o

My brother has just been arrested in Thailand for overstay of over four years and because he has outstanding warrent in the UK for drug charges. Where will he have been sent to, the Immigration detention centre? What is the procedeure for deportation when also wanted in the UK by police?

This person broke the laws of Thailand and the laws of UK. As someone whose daughter and her friends were approached at the age of 10 and invited to sample drugs free I have only one very angry comment -- Give him an injection -- a lethal one and save all the costs of trials and prison

So he should be sentenced to death without a trial? What happened to innocent until proven guilty, or the right to a fair hearing before ones peers?

From the limited information above, we can only say for sure that he has breached his bail in the UK, and overstayed in Thailand. Execution seems a little harsh for that, don't you think?

There is nothing to say he has been convicted of any drug crime in the UK. At worst he has been charged with drug offences, which is not the same as being convicted. For all we know, if he had gone to the police station when required the police may have told him there was no case to answer, apologised, and sent him on his way an innocent man.

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Sympathy to the family (and all that bull), but I have to say I totally side with taxexile on this. Irrespective on the UK drug issue (which may or may not be big), the guy has overstayed in Thailand for four years and that is taking the piss.

Worse than that, it is PRECISELY this sort of behaviour which has caused the authorities to clamp down on making it harder for all other farang to stay in Thailand. Idiots like this ruin it for everyone else.

I wish no harm on the guy or his family, but if you're going to act irresponsibly and arrogantly like this, then he has to face the consequences.

Good riddance.

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he knew what he was doing........He took his chances and just ot busted now.

Allright his sister is worried,but I think he got in his own shit,so there no sorry for that,the only thing you can do is stand by his side and support him as much you can,cause his still your brother.

But I don't think it is harsh anyway around what the thai authorities deside to do.....

I one way or the other ,he is in deep shit and he just should face it like a man,he will be free one day,and hope he learned his life lesson out of it,if not I not even would give it an option to think(if I was his sister)to help him in anyway.

For us expats,it is indeed a reason why the immgration gets stricter,The rotten apples are getting picked up.

Here in chiangmai province I know a german guy,who looks like a thai almost now,not crazy this guy has got over 20 years overstay............. :D:D I stay in a rural place where a lot of rich older farangs are moving too lately and rapidly,and I did't see him in a while.proberly moved further in exile........In Cm are walking several foreigners with years of overstay,it's just the thai's own policy in the past,they should have handled it better,they created this mess themselves in the firstplace,regardless what advantages some took out of this freedom. :o The government should handle us farang carefully

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Both posters along with myself and what must be millions world wide are more than aware of the effects on humanity and all the misery caused by these harmful drug substances.

Everytime some one makes a concerned effort to try educating "druggies " we are called all sorts of derogatory names.

Like the the posted remarks / statement by Hanuman1.

I,ll post it in it,s entirety so as to demonstrate what in effect is complete rubbish and a typical observation of recent times by as " JnD " correctly labels you accordingly.

Again most sensible people who have seen, experienced and witnessed the evil effects on others world wide.


hanuman1 Posted Today, 2007-01-14 12:18:58

QUOTE(JacknDanny @ 2007-01-14 12:09:19)

Unfortunately when you put forward a legitimate statement especially concerning druggies, then all these so called Liberals appear and try to make it as though like minded people as ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

No, you are not wrong. You're just bitter and vindictive, that's all.


This means we are right then and if so why the nasty references ??????????????????????

Are our observations so unreasonable to be classed, as you claim in your misguided way? sorry you do not make any sense at all.

NOW !!! this is for all you posters who think it,s cool, fashionable and " O.K. MAN " to partake ect., i hope you like it. ( All drug related threads by the way. )

Once again because Taxexile and JacknDanny live in the real world and refuse to become a part of your destructive / so called choice of freedom, you resort to trying to make it appear that you are right and statistics are wrong.

You seem to be living in a world of your own which is so far from reality it,s unbelievable and beyond rational thinking.

Taking drugs is not about giving users the right to destroy themselves, that is their foolish choice by he way.

If you wish to do so, it demonstrates your inability to see the true implications on it all and in doing so disqualifies you from being a part of a sane humanity.

You are also part of the evil trade by being party to the employment either directly or otherwise.

To read your comments in defence of " SENSIBLE "druggies and certain so called harmless substances is not shared by many and in effect is irresponsible.

The 2 cities i am associated with are systematically being destroyed by users and pushers alike.

( one by birth and the other i moved to due to my employment and set up home and my grown up children now live )

Perhaps we should get everyone to add to mine.................................................

( just from actual experience of the areas they are associated with )

and by doing so put you all in the wider picture, world wide and by doing so demonstrate that you do not hold the ground on reality and it,s the reverse of the actual implications you would have us all believe.


If you wish to show yourselves for what you are about, carry on by all means, and by doing so, continue trying to make it respectable to do drugs, no matter what they are.

Remember one thing though the majority of T.Visa members are not fools and your creditability ceases to exist.

In my case anyway, be it worth anything or otherwise, but i feel confident many others are taking note even though many choose not to get involved in the debates.

I don,t care who you are or what your station is on T.V. your card will be marked and your reputation will be in tatters where it rightly deserves to be. :D

You probably do not care because your state of mind is possibly being clouded and confused by your liberal actions, which ARE dangerously harmful to your health and more important here in Thailand, should you think it is harmless, against the LAW. :o

marshbags :D and :D ................ :D


The overstay situation speaks volumes for the mentality of the offender.....drug claims aside, and for me is not related, apart from the O.P. linking the 2 together.

Oh dear. I trust the wave of self-righteousness and superiority that washed over you as you clicked 'Add Reply' was on a par with what most 'druggies' would define as a 'good hit'. The 'nasty references' I made in connection with your good self (bitter and vindictive) were designed to be no more or less nasty than the terms you used to describe people who's lives were already largely ruined. Ruined either by themselves, their 'pusher', the drugs or whatever other 'evil' influence was at work. So really it just remnded me of you kicking someone when they're already down. Just leave them - why be nasty by calling them names like 'idiots?'

You correctly pointed out that I considered your remarks 'right' in essence. I do not condone the use of drugs (for more educated readers, i'm now referring to illegal drugs - if we bring in the alcohol and cigs debate, i'd be at risk of being accused of diluting the 'evil' impact of the illegal ones), so really you and I don't differ too greatly on the basic points here.

Our differences can be summed up by looking at the degree of tolerance we each have for those around us. You appear to have relatively little, which is surprising when we consider your evidently religious use of the 'evil' at every available oipportunity, and fire-and-brimstone observations of the drug problem worlwide. Surely you would consider tolerance a virtue? Or is it just for soft, stupid people?

I do take exception to being branded as irresponsible and part of the drugs problem simply because I called you bitter and vindictive. Does anyone who offers a less-than-flattering opinion of you merit such chastisement?

Finally, for the benefit and entertainment of our fellow readers, could you please explain what you mean by 'evil'. I confess I am at a complete loss when people use that term.

Kind regards.


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why dont u stop helping that w*nker dave. dont pay his overstay pay up the money (thousands of pounds) he owes me and all of the other farangs in surin he has borowed from. all of us that were stupid enough to fall fro his stories and it is becasue we thought we were his mates.

he needs to go back and do the time he was collared for. at the end of the day he needs to have a wake up call. then maybe he will think twice about being the arse that he is.

here are his options: go home to england and stay in an english prison that is clean and decent or stay here with the loveable nigerians in the Thai monkey house!

all of us in surin think that justice has fianlly been leveled and he deserves what he gets!!!

Edited by bristolgerry
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It is interesting that whenever illegal drugs are mentioned the same old posters start raving on with the same old rubbish ie hang,draw and quarter them, scum of the earth, som nom na etc

These same posters would probably work themselves into an epileptic fit if they could just find themselves a paedophilic , drug dealing , visa overstayer.

I don't know the guy or his circumstances but it seems that he will be soon paying for his sins. It doesn't make me feel any better that he is in gaol or facing whatver he is going to face. Illegal drugs are not going to go away. There are always replacements and always more victims.

Of course the drugs that cause the most problems for society are legal ie alcohol and tobacco. Drugs by their nature are addictive and many people who otherwise would not get into problems with the law do so out of an addiction to these substances and thus get caught in a downward spiral. I feel sorry for anybody caught in this situation. It gives me absolutely no pleasure to see them suffer or to start ranting about the harm they cause themselves or other unfortunate victims of the drug culture.

The attitudes expressed by a number of posters unfortunately reflects a very nasty, compassionless mindset.

Have a nice day!

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Yeh Marshbags do you always get out of the wrong side of bed or is it just a mention of that word that sends you into a hissy fit?

If anyone derails a topic it's you.

Bristolgerry you seem to have the s.p. on this, please tell us more.

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The government should handle us farang carefully

Why? Or are you being sarcastic? They can handle us long term farangs any which way they like. They don't like us, they don't particularly see they need our money. What they do want is short term tourists who arrive, cough up the dosh and leave to repeat again next year.

Basically, every country in the world has laws and rules (to a greater or lesser extent) and those laws apply to all citizens and visitors as appropriate. A four year visa overstay is no minor oversight, it is nothing less than a premeditated and deliberate attempt to ignore the visa regulations of Thailand and as such should be punished accordingly.

The arrest warrant is a totally separate issue for the UK authorities to deal with which they will do as, alomost certainly, his name will be in a databse somewhere. There is no point in discussing the drugs rap he is up for as we do not know the details but I would guess it's more than a minor possession issue to justify an attempt to disappear.

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here is the story on this bloke. he cons everyone, beats his Thai wife, got his own Thai/farang deprted from England and thereby depriving him from a proper english education and a better life. He denied him being his son so he was sent back to Thailand by the English governement. his mommy sent him a lot of money which he pissed away. he borrowed from every farang he met and never paid anyone back. he was a real piece of shit to tell you the truth.

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here is the story on this bloke. he cons everyone, beats his Thai wife, got his own Thai/farang deprted from England and thereby depriving him from a proper english education and a better life. He denied him being his son so he was sent back to Thailand by the English governement. his mommy sent him a lot of money which he pissed away. he borrowed from every farang he met and never paid anyone back. he was a real piece of shit to tell you the truth.

And he was your best mate :o

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