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Are they all lottery tickets ?


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Hi all,

Everything is in the title but I will stretch the thing so I may help someone.

I met a Thai woman that didn't speak English at all, then got to learn Thai, then got to know her ( as I thought ),married her, and it brought me to this point. They are all changing after marriage, so the more you know her the better you're gonna make it, but you get truly cheated whoever you met.

Mine is fine, there is much, ohh, much worse than her, but I got cheated on the merchandise. Maybe that's not Thai women, that's just women after all.

I knew she wasn't smart, I knew she was lazy, I knew my **** hurt her every time we did it but I didn't expect it to go worse after marriage. She faded her defects to marry me then I saw who she was. More unintelligent, more lazy and less sex. 

I guess flirting with your guy until he gives you a ring is an ABC for a woman, but hypocrisy ( or women) make(s) me mad when I'm betting my money on it and when I'm the one who gets stuffed.

Just a post to say you're the only trustworthy for yourself.



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There always seems to be bitter expats blaming the woman for everything that goes wrong.


However, you sir are the one that chose this lady and since we do not have all the facts, we do not know exactly what happened.


To answer your question? A woman is a woman no matter what part of the world she is from. If you were expecting a housekeeper, sex slave, etc. then you are learning the hard way.


Thai women can make the most wonderful companions and wives. However, if you are not smart enough to understand what a real relationship consists of, you will never have a relationship with any woman from any country.


Thai women are not French women and have their own behaviors and quirks which you obviously failed to understand.


It is not a lottery any more than dating a woman in any other country in the world


Love, attraction, mutual respect, sharing, caring it is quite simple and if you didn't heed any red flags along the way? It is a painful and sad ending.


It takes two to make a relationship work anywhere in the world. The fact you are in Thailand looking, no there is no magic solution.


Good family men find great Thai wives and live extremely happy lives.


But if you have perceived notions that do not match hers, then you obviously missed the red flags along the way.



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Missing red flags along the way happens everywhere in the world, not just Thailand. You knew before you married that there were issues, but you ignored them for some reason. This isn't the woman's fault, it is your fault. Sounds like it is time to move on.


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3 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

There always seems to be bitter expats blaming the woman for everything that goes wrong.


However, you sir are the one that chose this lady and since we do not have all the facts, we do not know exactly what happened.


To answer your question? A woman is a woman no matter what part of the world she is from. If you were expecting a housekeeper, sex slave, etc. then you are learning the hard way.


Thai women can make the most wonderful companions and wives. However, if you are not smart enough to understand what a real relationship consists of, you will never have a relationship with any woman from any country.


Thai women are not French women and have their own behaviors and quirks which you obviously failed to understand.


It is not a lottery any more than dating a woman in any other country in the world


Love, attraction, mutual respect, sharing, caring it is quite simple and if you didn't heed any red flags along the way? It is a painful and sad ending.


It takes two to make a relationship work anywhere in the world. The fact you are in Thailand looking, no there is no magic solution.


Good family men find great Thai wives and live extremely happy lives.


But if you have perceived notions that do not match hers, then you obviously missed the red flags along the way.



Perhaps because you haven't been in LOS very long, but you seem to have bought into every cliché about Thai women and farang males.


Thai women can make the most wonderful companions and wives. However, if you are not smart enough to understand what a real relationship consists of, you will never have a relationship with any woman from any country.


Thai women are not French women and have their own behaviors and quirks which you obviously failed to understand.



The marriage failure rate in western countries is around 50%, but we western males are somehow expected to "understand what a real relationship consists of". It's like it ALL down to the male. How about it's just as much down to THAI WOMEN to understand what a real relationship consists of as it is for farang men?

Not only are farang men having to try and create a real relationship with someone from an alien culture, that has a completely different outlook on life, but in many cases she is lying from the beginning, by pretending to "love" her new man, when all she really wants is a long term income, or at least a big pay off.

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You met her .... you went out with her ... you knew what she was like but you say she changed after marriage,  that makes you incompetent at really knowing her and doing a correct analysis if you were compatible.

I think assuming she was ' merchandise '  is where you failed miserably.

I suggest you don't get married again as the chances of a match are 1-1,000,000



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