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Three Killed In Southern Thailand


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Three killed in southern Thailand

"Suspected Islamic militants have beheaded a Buddhist man and shot dead two others in southern Thailand" :o :


also news here:





I'm surprised it's not (big) news in Thailand as this was published this afternoon -Sunday- GMT already.


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Bring back the firing squad.

I think public execution of criminals like the ones who kill innocents, police, teachers and government workers will let those involved know that their days are numbered! They should not be allowed to continue these killings without the ultimate consequence. The Government better be sure who did it before taking that action but once certain the public should hear all the facts proving the criminals did the crime. Then justice should be given for these innocent victims.

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Thanks for all the news links, Laopo. This issue is important to me as I often go to Malaysia and like to stop in HadYai. The killings, whether Buddhist or Muslim, sicken me. Wish the local PuYais could have a powwow and sort it out. Too deep rooted I guess, and the separatists seem pinned on their goal at whatever price. Vengeance and gang wars, too? Pity the regular folks who just want to get on with their lives.

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Having spent time in the Middle East as a child, and having a father who spent over 15 years working there I'm afraid this isnt a suprise to me, it was an everyday occurance some 20 years ago (albiet not against a buddhist) against one another and I'm guessing things have only worsened. Foreigners would often get dragged to the front of the baying crowd on a Friday at 'Chop chop block', the local be-heading site. A kind of 'dont break the law in our country or else' message.

Wether its a twisted offshoot of their religion (Which it seems to be), or the way they are bought up its hard to imagine such crimes against another human being. My opinion, and if I get gunned down for this then so be it, is they are the most barbaric and primative of all races

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Wether its a twisted offshoot of their religion (Which it seems to be), or the way they are bought up its hard to imagine such crimes against another human being. My opinion, and if I get gunned down for this then so be it, is they are the most barbaric and primative of all races

Religion is just used to inflame the ignorant. This is no more about religion than the troubles in Northern Ireland were.

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It sickens me to read this everyday, very sad and gut wrenching.

Quote from the news article:

"Militants in Thailand's Muslim-majority three southern provinces, a Muslim sultanate until Bangkok annexed the region a century ago, never claim responsibility for attacks, nor have they set out their aims."

and this

"In the 1970s and 1980s, guerrillas fought a war for independence in the region, where most people speak a Malay dialect and feel few connections to overwhelmingly Buddhist Thailand."

What is the answer to stop this bloodshed? I don't know but surely there must be a way forward.

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Wether its a twisted offshoot of their religion (Which it seems to be), or the way they are bought up its hard to imagine such crimes against another human being. My opinion, and if I get gunned down for this then so be it, is they are the most barbaric and primative of all races

Religion is just used to inflame the ignorant. This is no more about religion than the troubles in Northern Ireland were.

Yep. Its usually more about turf / territory than religion. But it seems that ignorance and religion cannot survive without each other.

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Apologies I'm very uneducated on the conflicts in Southern Thailand and the Malaysian border area and I shouldnt of automatically assumed it was down to religion. I did not know there were territorial conflicts in that part of Thailand... :o

Can anyone enlighten me a little?

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Apologies I'm very uneducated on the conflicts in Southern Thailand and the Malaysian border area and I shouldnt of automatically assumed it was down to religion. I did not know there were territorial conflicts in that part of Thailand... :o

Can anyone enlighten me a little?

Hi, Glenbat. Try googling yala, pattani, southern thailand history. One site I found is


But do a bit of research as many sites are biased to whatever side they are on.

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Apologies I'm very uneducated on the conflicts in Southern Thailand and the Malaysian border area and I shouldnt of automatically assumed it was down to religion. I did not know there were territorial conflicts in that part of Thailand... :o

Can anyone enlighten me a little?

Don't believe a word of it. They are just dragging up old history as a smokescreen. Pattani has never ever had very close links to Malaysia, it has on the other hand had very peaceful links with Thailand for hundreds of years. These so called Muslim activists are using this as a way of inflaming the local population, because they now feel that because of the current anti Islamic climate they would be better off allying themselves with strong and muslim Malaysia.

When will people learn that under Islam there is no need to justify ones actions, as it is all "inshala" ...god's will!

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When will people learn that under Islam there is no need to justify ones actions, as it is all "inshala" ...god's will!

I just had a phone conv with Syrian ayatolla. Ournamflint, you said nonsence, sorry :-)(

Also, he said about this expression - that all hussle happen exactly due to ppl who has no idea whatabouts, claim they do.

Like "bush-the-prez" talks on behalf of JC himself, blessing, condemning and protecting as a profet..., thus some ppl do.

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