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BPH Emergency Experience


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I had the opportunity to check out the 'Emergency' department at BPH this morning...I had a heart rate issue caused by a new medication.  It caused major dizzyness/heart racing to the point that two guards had to help me into our car.  Anyway we arrived at the hospital and they immediately had me lay down, took blood pressure and did an ekg.  Everything looked okay, so they sent me upstairs to the heart center. 


I was promptly seen by a cardiologist who after examining me recommended blood tests for thyroid and one to detect if I'd had a heart attack.  He also suggested an exercise stress test.  The tests were back in an hour-normal and then followed the stress test-also normal.  By this time I was feeling a bit better.  The doctor gave me some medications to control the heart rate and my doctor back in Australia said to immediately cease the culprit medication.  I was home by 1pm.  


Anyway, the visit to emergency, ekg, exercise stress test, blood tests, cardiologist, and misc nursing charges came to 6800baht.  I thought it was a good deal.  They gave me a package price for the exercise stress test without me asking.  Overall a very good experience.  Maybe a little more spoken English would help, but to be expected-I'm not in Australia.  Hope this helps.  

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Nice to hear your you are fine and had a good experience. I am in/out of BKK Group hospitals with some serious procedures. Mostly perfect treatment & service outstanding. Comparing apples with apples prices are way below international levels with few exceptions, mostly situation-, rarely Dr. based. Cardio Dept. is outstanding.  

Wishing you all the best.  MS>

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Went there the other day to take advantage of the promotion on health checkup packages. Was walked through the registration by an absolute goddess. All I could say was yes, yes, anything! She had mercy on me and signed up for the next cheapest. With great power . . . and all that. Well, then it was difficult to leave and then to drive home. Some serious scenery in that place.

Edited by JSixpack
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17 hours ago, JSixpack said:

Went there the other day to take advantage of the promotion on health checkup packages. Was walked through the registration by an absolute goddess. All I could say was yes, yes, anything! She had mercy on me and signed up for the next cheapest. With great power . . . and all that. Well, then it was difficult to leave and then to drive home. Some serious scenery in that place.

that'd get me a serious case of white coat hypertension, and maybe difficult to get prescription for ED in there as well

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The Dr back in Australia's advice reminded me of that old Henny Youngman joke


Patient: "Doctor, Doctor, it hurts when I do this."

Doctor:  "Then don't do that!"


Ok on a roll here...another one from Henny


A doctor says to a man "You want to improve your love life? You need to get some exercise. Run ten miles a day." Two weeks later, the man called the doctor. The doctor says "How is your love life since you have been running?" "I don't know, I'm 140 miles away!"


And let's finish off with a lawyer classic,


A man calls a lawyer's office. The phone is answered, "Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz and Schwartz." The man says, "Let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "I'm sorry, he's on vacation." "Then let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "He's on a big case, not available for a week." "Then let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "He's playing golf today." "Okay, then, let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "Speaking."


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