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Thaksin Forgets His Past As Ceo


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General news >> Monday January 15, 2007


Thaksin quickly forgets his past

Veera Prateepchaikul


How dare he? That was the question asked by news anchor Kanok Ratwongsakul during his morning news programme on Friday as he reacted to a remark by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the blackout on news about him ordered by the Council for National Security (CNS) would harm the country's image and he would like to see press freedom being restored.

Mr Thaksin was quoted by his lawyer and personal spokesman Noppadon Pattama as saying that interfering with news presentations would deprive the public of direct access to information and slow down the process of national reconciliation. Expressing concern about the CNS blackout on news about him, the ex-premier appealed for quick restoration of press freedom.

I couldn't agree more with Kanok. How laughable is it that a man who once held the media in deep contempt and who did everything within his power to silence his critics is now advocating freedom of the press?


Please go to the following url for the complete article.


For someone who, it was claimed by his contradictory mouth piece has had enough of politics and wants to leave it all behind.

Taking into account all the media restrictions he put in place along with " How " the International community perceives Thailands image thanks to his governments dishonest endeavours, corrupt pratices and human rights ect. ect.

The more he and his lawyer speak the more they make fools of themselves and chip away at their being taken seriously ever again, and put their big feet into their ever growing mouths to voice their verbal comedy of denial.

They are indeed a farce NOT to be taken seriously,who,s only objective is to cause unrest/ chaos along with trying to undermine the present government.

marshbags :o

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Have to agree with you marshbags. Thaksin cannot be taken seriously on this issue.

Same goes for the anti-Thaksin "free speechers" who stood behind Supinya when she criticized Thaksin but dumped their support as soon as she critisized the presently unelected administration as being far more dangerous than Thaksin ever was. They martyrized her only to use her as a weapon against Thaksin, then stopped listening to her once he was gone.

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I couldn't agree more with Kanok. How laughable is it that a man who once held the media in deep contempt and who did everything within his power to silence his critics is now advocating freedom of the press?

That Thaksin himself has not exactly a clean record regrading government interference with the media (yes, there is a certain irony in Thaksin complaining about censorship) does not change the fact that the present government is clearly guilty of interfering with freedom of the press.

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It is still the same Thaksin in that ‘his way only.’ Obviously Thaksin is upset that the news does not benefit him. If there was any truth to the matter that he said he is out of politics it should not matter if he is not in the news. But seeing he seems incapable of saying the truth...

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Yes, I agree with you. I chose my words carelessly.



This reply really made me laugh big time and i in turn couldn,t agree more with this quote and i must be careful in saying DIS HONEST / HONEST mistaken things about such an outstanding ex prime minister.

I should say you are a wonderful person who everyone knows was a CEO / Premier of renowned integrity with a genuine love for Thailand and it,s citizens.

But that would be an unfair assessment and the DISHONEST / HONEST side of me coming out.

The HONEST / DISHONEST truth is, I have to say............................................................................


( Toxin as in, you are truly poisonous waste and should be, / have been, disposed of accordingly on a non returnable basis. )

As and when i see a rocking horse **** i will believe your crap and support you in your future Dishonest / Honest Mistakes should they be at YOUR proven expense and NOT at Thailands.

marshbags :o:D what an efin :bah:


It would be a sad day indeed should he be allowed to take an active role in future politics and would undermine all the great and good who have taken such courageous and monumental actions to get rid of this devious individual, along with his cronies, and stop his corrupt pillaging of Thailands assets.

Edited by marshbags
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Well, Marshbags, that was elegant. Suffice it to say that many of us on TV forum would not describe the junta as "the great and good who have taken such courageous and monumental actions". "Devious, crony, corrupt, pillaging" now perhaps those words of yours could apply to the current right-wing rulers. Cheers!

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The man is completely irony-free and brassnecked as you like to be able to say things like that. :o It maybe says a great deal about the cultural-deficiency / moral cowardice known as "face" that let his ego get so big / unchecked in the first place? :D

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Mr Thaksin was quoted by his lawyer and personal spokesman Noppadon Pattama as saying that interfering with news presentations would deprive the public of direct access to information and slow down the process of national reconciliation. Expressing concern about the CNS blackout on news about him, the ex-premier appealed for quick restoration of press freedom.

marshbags :o

Well at least he's admitted that the previous administration under his premiership divided the country to a degree that requires a process of reconciliation.

But as for him bowing out of politics, no way on earth is he going to do that without a fight. The whole principle behind his little Asian tours is to stir up his supporters and create tension with Thailand.

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I've noticed that my life has not changed one bit, from the previous regime to the current one. So, the question I ask is, "Does any of this really matter?"

Is it going to matter 5 years from now, 10? Thailand will still be here. Thai people will still be "sabai sabai, mai pen rai, jai dee" I can still eat Tom Yum Koong.

I think that 90% of the things we worry about never happen anyway, so I think I'll stop worrying so much, lol

Pass the bowl dude!

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I've noticed that my life has not changed one bit, from the previous regime to the current one. So, the question I ask is, "Does any of this really matter?"

Is it going to matter 5 years from now, 10? Thailand will still be here. Thai people will still be "sabai sabai, mai pen rai, jai dee" I can still eat Tom Yum Koong.

I think that 90% of the things we worry about never happen anyway, so I think I'll stop worrying so much, lol

Pass the bowl dude!

LOL :o

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