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What Is The Big Attraction That Keeps People Here


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I’ve just got back from the bar so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong section. This is a great forum and has helped me a lot. However it seems that many of the posts on the forum are all about the ifs and buts and all of the problems associated with living in los, of which there are many, Which makes me wonder why, with all these problems and uncertainties of living here do people choose to do so? What is the big attraction that keeps people here? What's in it for you?

I won’t bother elaborating as those who have been here for any length of time know exactly what I mean.

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Absolutely, it's the Thai people and Thai culture's effect on me. If they moved all the folks in California over to Thailand and all the Thai people to California, I'd be happy to go live in California! Over the years, Thailand has made me a gentler, more honest, less fearful and happier person. Thank you, Thailand!

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Absolutely, it's the Thai people and Thai culture's effect on me. If they moved all the folks in California over to Thailand and all the Thai people to California, I'd be happy to go live in California! Over the years, Thailand has made me a gentler, more honest, less fearful and happier person. Thank you, Thailand!

Interesting response, it seems your head's well in the sand!

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Absolutely, it's the Thai people and Thai culture's effect on me. If they moved all the folks in California over to Thailand and all the Thai people to California, I'd be happy to go live in California! Over the years, Thailand has made me a gentler, more honest, less fearful and happier person. Thank you, Thailand!

Interesting response, it seems your head's well in the sand!

Just back from the bar at 6:49am, resentful, grumpy, envious of other's happiness. My friend I've been there myself and there is help, but you've got to ask for it!

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envious of other's happiness

B@@llocks! look at the posts on this section of Thai visas, residency and work permits. Do all these people seem happy with the problems they have relating to being in los? I doubt it.

Incidentally, nothing to do with being to the bar, I had a great time!

Curious about what this er, help is though???

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Life does have it's problems, but soldier on! No need to become bitter. The gods often put obstacles in our way to test our resolve! It's often the solving of these problems that presents life's greatest adventure... But never be afraid to go back to your home country and the people who love you.

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The forum is a place where quite a few people come with their little gripes and problems (sometimes big) re the practicalities of living in Thailand.

In my opinion when you're upset over one particular aspect of the life in Thailand, you're not necessarily totally disillusioned about the place!

And it's human nature to be more vocal about the problems and negative things in life, as compared to the positive things. And be more interested in it as well, just look at a newspaper and what they have to print to be able to sell :o

So my guess would be that pretty much all people posting their problems would be that their overall quality of life is still much higher then where they came from!

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I’ve just got back from the bar so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong section. This is a great forum and has helped me a lot. However it seems that many of the posts on the forum are all about the ifs and buts and all of the problems associated with living in los, of which there are many, Which makes me wonder why, with all these problems and uncertainties of living here do people choose to do so? What is the big attraction that keeps people here? What's in it for you?

I won’t bother elaborating as those who have been here for any length of time know exactly what I mean.

Somebody once said to me that the things that first attracted you to Thailand, that you fell in love with and accepted, after a while you grow to hate those same things :o

I have been over here for over 7 years and from time to time sure you get frustrated with all sorts of things too numerous to mention. But I love it here and I do not see myself moving back to the UK this lifetime :D

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I’ve just got back from the bar so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong section. This is a great forum and has helped me a lot. However it seems that many of the posts on the forum are all about the ifs and buts and all of the problems associated with living in los, of which there are many, Which makes me wonder why, with all these problems and uncertainties of living here do people choose to do so? What is the big attraction that keeps people here? What's in it for you?

I won’t bother elaborating as those who have been here for any length of time know exactly what I mean.

Somebody once said to me that the things that first attracted you to Thailand, that you fell in love with and accepted, after a while you grow to hate those same things :o

I have been over here for over 7 years and from time to time sure you get frustrated with all sorts of things too numerous to mention. But I love it here and I do not see myself moving back to the UK this lifetime :D

I could not agree more with you. Only one snall difference, I do not see myself moving back to France this lifetime...........

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What's in it for you?

If you are only here for "whats in it for you" THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE

If you are unhappy here THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE

If here isn't giving you what you need THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE

If you dont understand why you are here THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE

Many "IFS" you should have your own answers to but if you dont THEN YOU SHOULD LEAVE

As for the "problems" you talk about there are none just new legislation.

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Absolutely, it's the Thai people and Thai culture's effect on me. If they moved all the folks in California over to Thailand and all the Thai people to California, I'd be happy to go live in California! Over the years, Thailand has made me a gentler, more honest, less fearful and happier person. Thank you, Thailand!

Interesting response, it seems your head's well in the sand!

Ask people for their thoughts and then shoot down their responses.... buddy you are a class act :o

As for a response, well all I can say is the people, the prices and it's wonderful culture. Oh oh and pretty dam good food and beer.

I hope this fits in with your response guidelines :D

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I love Thailand

If you have a problem, money will save you

If you like an ordered life, this place isn't for you

Anarchy in the UK, more like Anarchy in the LOS

gotta love it :o

Edited by pampal
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For me, the people and their relatively gentle and polite attitude. Additional bonuses are: the culture, the country's location at the centre of a fascinating region, the climate and the food.

I first came to Thailand 29 years ago on a trip which also took in Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Hong Kong. On the trip, Thailand just stood out as being different. I've never looked back - been a constant visitor to Thailand and all over the region ever since then. For me, Thailand wins hands down. I'm moving here permanently to retire this year.

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the thing about los is that life is never certain,

it keeps one guessing what is going to happen today. will you live or will you be run over by a mad mad on the footpath?

oh im hungry, lets just go and have some cow moo dang.

i feel like a chat, lets go to the gekko bar.

i feel like looking at some stunners, lets just step out on the street.

i feel like looking at some craking backpackers, lets go on the koh san road.

i feel like diving and a beach, lets go to koh tao.

i feel like buying a telephone, lets go to M.B.K. 3rd floor :D

i feel like getting a hang over, lets go see david j tayler. :o

your a cracker dave. :D

i feel like a bit of chaos, lets look out the window.

its all good mate and the west is so dam predictable. :D

hope that helps you.

cheers. :D

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the thing about los is that life is never certain,

it keeps one guessing what is going to happen today. will you live or will you be run over by a mad mad on the footpath?

oh im hungry, lets just go and have some cow moo dang.

i feel like a chat, lets go to the gekko bar.

i feel like looking at some stunners, lets just step out on the street.

i feel like looking at some craking backpackers, lets go on the koh san road.

i feel like diving and a beach, lets go to koh tao.

i feel like buying a telephone, lets go to M.B.K. 3rd floor :D

i feel like getting a hang over, lets go see david j tayler. :D

your a cracker dave. :bah:

i feel like a bit of chaos, lets look out the window.

its all good mate and the west is so dam predictable. :D

hope that helps you.

cheers. :D

OK OK Fireman...We've had the B.S. Now tell the truth... :o

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the thing about los is that life is never certain,

it keeps one guessing what is going to happen today. will you live or will you be run over by a mad mad on the footpath?

oh im hungry, lets just go and have some cow moo dang.

i feel like a chat, lets go to the gekko bar.

i feel like looking at some stunners, lets just step out on the street.

i feel like looking at some craking backpackers, lets go on the koh san road.

i feel like diving and a beach, lets go to koh tao.

i feel like buying a telephone, lets go to M.B.K. 3rd floor :bah:

i feel like getting a hang over, lets go see david j tayler. :D

your a cracker dave. :bah:

i feel like a bit of chaos, lets look out the window.

its all good mate and the west is so dam predictable. :D

hope that helps you.

cheers. :D

OK OK Fireman...We've had the B.S. Now tell the truth... :o

the katoys :D

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I’ve just got back from the bar so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong section. This is a great forum and has helped me a lot. However it seems that many of the posts on the forum are all about the ifs and buts and all of the problems associated with living in los, of which there are many, Which makes me wonder why, with all these problems and uncertainties of living here do people choose to do so? What is the big attraction that keeps people here? What's in it for you?

I won’t bother elaborating as those who have been here for any length of time know exactly what I mean.

Steinbeck said, after travelling around the U.S., 'Almost without exception, everyone I met wanted to be somewhere else'. Couple that with the magnifying effect of the conditioning we are subjected to, making us constantly dissatisfied (to sell more product) with ourselves... and what we have... and you have a board full of complainers.

It doesn't matter what your physical location... which can start out in the first year as beautiful, exotic, etc.. you will get used to it. The euphoria will fade. It doesn't matter what physical objects/activities you acquire, they will lose their luster. You may not believe in a spiritual aspect but for many people the true secret of happiness lies not in the external physical world but there. The best that most of us can do in this regard is in physical love, which is far too fleeting a glimpse of what's possible.

As for me, I try to remain grateful to Thailand for allowing me to be a guest in their country and try not to have unreasonable expectations. If I wanted a full service sanitised society I would not be in Bangkok but Hong Kong or Singapore. It's the edge that gives it colour and interest.

I left the UK for reasons which far outweigh the minor problems I encounter in Thailand and am still impressed by the small kindnesses and politeness I experience from most Thais. When you give respect, you usually get it back.

Maybe it's none of the above but simply that old chestnut...

'Familiarity breeds contempt'. :o

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You got to live somewhere, and I found this cheap ticket to Bangkok.

There are people who live in Newark, New Jersey. Nobody asks why.

Great reply. My ticket to Bangkok was so cheap, I bought a round trip and threw the return ticket in the trash in Chiang Mai. There are people all over Thailand who never ask why they live where they do.

Oh, the original question, why are we so happy that we stay here, in spite of the frustrations? Because the frustrations are minor, compared to the cost of living in San Francisco, the weather in the Yukon, or commuting to a stupid job in Neuw Yahwk City.

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The same as all these other phoneys, the chicks! :o

I think you hit the nail on the head for many of us Ulysses. I know that was the main attraction for me when I first visited Thailand many years ago. I checked with my friends now living there what the best part of living in LOS and their answer was a universal "P*ssy" and the 'cost of living'. I think I would have to go along with that as I guess I am just as perverted as my friends. I must admit that I appreciate many other aspects of the country but I guess I am not as intellectual as many other forum members in evaluating the best aspect of LOS. :D:D

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There are so many reasons to live here, it almost makes the question itself a stupid one. No snow, good food, pleasent people, i get to escape a divorce rate thats over 50% back home, I also get to escape a majority female population that is obese (yes, the US), realistic cost of living, islands, ladies, .... Does this question serously need to be asked?

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I say the low prices and the really nice people. I'm back in California but my job is teacjing English to Asians. The weather is good there. Here in Cali the temperature dropped to 35. That's cold as hel_l to me and yes I have lived in Minnesota but that was 7 years ago. I burned out on LOS before I left but I burned out on Cali much faster.

Notice I didn't say anything about women but that ranks number one!!!!!!

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What keeps me here in Thailand is about 1.55 metres tall, and still goodlooking at 41 after knowing her for 14 years and married for 7 and a 2 1/2 year old who keeps me going strong.

My wife is a good cook which is what attracted me in the first place and she keeps me under control with a loose rein.

We live in the central region on the edge of the Mae Wong national park, yes I have been, it was free to me as we have friends up there, fresh air and a good living.

After 14 years of coming and going to Thailand and about 9 or 10 living here at times I can honestly say that the only 2 reasons I go to Bangkok are to visit my heart doctor every 3 months for a check up and to

buy food and the odd things that I cannot buy in the region.

I have lived in Bangkok on and off for about 5 years and up here for nearly 3 and apart from the reasons I mentioned you would ahve to pay me to live there and as for Pattaya I can find no polite words so I will say nothing.

I have never been further south than Hua Hin/Cha Am but I spent 4 years working in Isaan and I liked it there but here is home and I like it a lot more.

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I'll say....the complainers should bugger out off the country..no offence... :o

the complainers, but still seeing one thing worth staying...hang in there... :D

The rest.... :D I salute you!

Since so many have mentioned that they are in Thailand for the women, I'll just add that some of us are in Thailand for the men. A land full of beautiful people.

Finnaly a sensible idea....

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