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China says war must not be allowed on Korean peninsula


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What  diplomacy? If  you  understand  that the  situation  exists  that there  is a standing  position  of  war  which  currently  is  in a state  of  ceasefire and  that  while  the  USA  has  progressively   enhanced  its   nuclear   capacity whilst  attempting  to   sanction   North  Korea to  abandon  its  own   rather  futile  right  to  defend/ resume  aggression. 

There  remains  this  assumed  perception  that   "Might  is  Right" in the  face  of   dogged defiance  of  it!

Such  is  the  ever  shortening   fuse of  the unnecessary explosion of  war of  a type  which  should   have  been  well  buried  by  Horrorshima  and... !

The  Chinese  statement  is  correct. Not  in  defence  of  NK  as  such   but  in defence  of  the  general  asian  region. 

A  nuclear  debacle  would be  of  no  benefit.

But  it  is   concievable  that  in  the   mind  of  one  and  some that   such a   debacle  conceived  as  remote  from  the  US would  enhance  the  false  dogmatic illusion of  " Make   America  Great "again" ?? " !  The  loss  of  Hawaii  or  even  seconded allied  territory in  the  preservation  of  the  US   mainland could  be  militarily  considered as   unfortunate   and  inevitable.

The  more  likely  outcome  is  that  all  hell will break  loose on a  scale  unprecedented!.!

The  US  administration has  ever failed  to  recognise the  resolve of  the  opposition . The  Korean  example followed  by  Vietnam  and  Cambodia is  evidence  of   that  at  very  least.If  it  were  to  be  taken  back  to  basics   even  the   Civil  War  of  the  USA is  still  unresolved  as  evidenced by the  factional  standoff  of  Republican/ Democrat ideollogy !



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North Korea has not lived up to any of its negotiated commitments. What happens

when the short fat kid starts making demands like, I want all sanctions lifted and 100 billion a year. I really cant see this ending well. 50-50 on the winter Olympics taking place I think. Russians out as a nation, the US has remained silent on any confirmation of whether they will definitely attend. A perfect time for North Korea to make demands.  We live in interesting times.


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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

China's economy shouldn't be hurt too much.  If war breaks out, the global economy will tank for a bit anyway.


He's a dictator and worried about democracy showing up on his front door. LOL

He's worried about radioactive clouds, and hordes of starved refugees, drifting in through his back door.


So Comrade Xi, if you don't want war on the peninsula, then reign in your psychotic client!   You're a much bigger bunch of thugs than he is; you should be able to handle it.   But it's embarrassing, isn't it?  How do you tell fatboy anything about "limits", when the whole world's watching you grab half the western Pacific?  

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9 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

What  diplomacy? If  you  understand  that the  situation  exists  that there  is a standing  position  of  war  which  currently  is  in a state  of  ceasefire and  that  while  the  USA  has  progressively   enhanced  its   nuclear   capacity whilst  attempting  to   sanction   North  Korea to  abandon  its  own   rather  futile  right  to  defend/ resume  aggression. 

There  remains  this  assumed  perception  that   "Might  is  Right" in the  face  of   dogged defiance  of  it!

Such  is  the  ever  shortening   fuse of  the unnecessary explosion of  war of  a type  which  should   have  been  well  buried  by  Horrorshima  and... !

The  Chinese  statement  is  correct. Not  in  defence  of  NK  as  such   but  in defence  of  the  general  asian  region. 

A  nuclear  debacle  would be  of  no  benefit.

But  it  is   concievable  that  in  the   mind  of  one  and  some that   such a   debacle  conceived  as  remote  from  the  US would  enhance  the  false  dogmatic illusion of  " Make   America  Great "again" ?? " !  The  loss  of  Hawaii  or  even  seconded allied  territory in  the  preservation  of  the  US   mainland could  be  militarily  considered as   unfortunate   and  inevitable.

The  more  likely  outcome  is  that  all  hell will break  loose on a  scale  unprecedented!.!

The  US  administration has  ever failed  to  recognise the  resolve of  the  opposition . The  Korean  example followed  by  Vietnam  and  Cambodia is  evidence  of   that  at  very  least.If  it  were  to  be  taken  back  to  basics   even  the   Civil  War  of  the  USA is  still  unresolved  as  evidenced by the  factional  standoff  of  Republican/ Democrat ideollogy !



The USA has progressively enhanced it's nuclear capacity?  And North Korea hasn't.  You're post is too one sided to even read.

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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

The fact that war hasn't broken out since it ended in the 50's is a sign that diplomacy has worked somewhat well.   Trump is hell-bent on changing that.  Heck, a new Korean war would the greatest diversion (from the Russia investigation), and US presidents have always increased their popularity when starting wars.  I'm sure Trump knows that.


Do you realise that South Korea and North Korea are still at war ?

There has been a stalemate for 70 years , diplomacy hasn't solved the issue , the issue has just been avoided .

   I do not want to talk about Trump anymore , it gets monotonous keep talking about him, the same people calling him the same names everyday 

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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Please don't post inaccurate information. North Korea has been threatening the U.S. and it's neighbors for a very long time. 


And they've never listened. Why? They are dictators and are afraid of being overthrown. 


He was being sarcastic, which you would have known had you read his previous post.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Do you realise that South Korea and North Korea are still at war ?

There has been a stalemate for 70 years , diplomacy hasn't solved the issue , the issue has just been avoided .   I do not want to talk about Trump anymore , it gets monotonous keep talking about him, the same people calling him the same names everyday 

Yes, I know that, technically (on paper), the US and NK are at war.  But they haven't been actively at war.  Have you seen/heard the US dropping bombs on N.Korea in the past 65 years?  When the US goes to war, it tends to drop bombs.

It's like a couple who are officially married, but haven't resided together for decades.  


Trump is awful in too many ways to list here.  If you like, I can easily list some new denigrating names, if it helps dispel the boredom of hearing 'the same names everyday.'   


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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Yes, I know that, technically (on paper), the US and NK are at war.  But they haven't been actively at war.  Have you seen/heard the US dropping bombs on N.Korea in the past 65 years?  When the US goes to war, it tends to drop bombs.

It's like a couple who are officially married, but haven't resided together for decades.  


Trump is awful in too many ways to list here.  If you like, I can easily list some new denigrating names, if it helps dispel the boredom of hearing 'the same names everyday.'   


Please please please stop mentioning Trump , just please stop talking about him .

The USA and Norther Korea are not technically at war .

Can you brain not function with mentioning the USA and Trump ?

North Trump and South Trump are at war..............you got me at it now

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Please please please stop mentioning Trump , just please stop talking about him .

The USA and Norther Korea are not technically at war .

Can you brain not function with mentioning the USA and Trump ?

North Trump and South Trump are at war..............you got me at it now

Trump is a key player in this imbroglio.  Prior to Trump, there was some news about NK, but it was only after Trump got in the top seat that every intelligent/aware person around the world is seriously concerned about war breaking out.


Prior US administrations kept things at a simmer.  Trump is liable to throw the petrol-dipped poodle into the woodstove.


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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is a key player in this imbroglio.  Prior to Trump, there was some news about NK, but it was only after Trump got in the top seat that every intelligent/aware person around the world is seriously concerned about war breaking out.

Prior US administrations kept things at a simmer.  Trump is liable to throw the petrol-dipped poodle into the woodstove.

You are obsessed with him, I just cannot write is name anymore times today , the t r u m p keys on my computer are getting worn out .

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is a key player in this imbroglio.  Prior to Trump, there was some news about NK, but it was only after Trump got in the top seat that every intelligent/aware person around the world is seriously concerned about war breaking out.


Prior US administrations kept things at a simmer.  Trump is liable to throw the petrol-dipped poodle into the woodstove.


1 minute ago, sanemax said:

You are obsessed with him, I just cannot write is name anymore times today , the t r u m p keys on my computer are getting worn out .


He''s obsessed with Trump and it's your keys getting worn out? How does that work? Are you 2 flatmates?

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17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is a key player in this imbroglio.  Prior to Trump, there was some news about NK, but it was only after Trump got in the top seat that every intelligent/aware person around the world is seriously concerned about war breaking out.


Prior US administrations kept things at a simmer.  Trump is liable to throw the petrol-dipped poodle into the woodstove.


Did they keep it at a simmer, or did they bury their heads in the ground?

Similar to many politicians in the 1930’s. At that time some people called Winston Churchill a war monger.


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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


He''s obsessed with Trump and it's your keys getting worn out? How does that work? Are you 2 flatmates?

No, I have to keep writing his name in reply , he must have replaced his t r u m p  keys numerous times already 

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You are obsessed with him, I just cannot write is name anymore times today , the t r u m p keys on my computer are getting worn out .

Give yourself a break.  I just cut down 5 pine trees, each about 2 feet diameter, ....and then limbed them and bucked them into 4 and 5 meter lengths.  I must be in better shape than you, if you get tired out pecking at a computer keyboard.


4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Did they keep it at a simmer, or did they bury their heads in the ground?

International affairs are always fodder for Monday morning quarterbacking.  I was a fan of Carter, Clinton and Obama, but even some of their diplomatic decisions left me cold.  I liked Obama's Sec of States, though:   HRC and Kerry.  I thought they were both knowledgeable and wise.  Far different than the people Bush Sr and Jr picked, and a far cry from Texan lap dog Tillerson.


3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No, I have to keep writing his name in reply , he must have replaced his t r u m p  keys numerous times already 

You can write the letter 'T' instead.  We'll know who you're referring to.   Reminds me of an old blues song:


T for Texas, T for Tennessee /  T for Texas, T for Tennessee 

T for Thelma, she made a wreck out of me.


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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

The USA has progressively enhanced it's nuclear capacity?  And North Korea hasn't.  You're post is too one sided to even read.

I  do  not intend   it  be a one  sided  opinion. The   "nuclear  deterrent"  rational is  a  worn out  crock of  justification  in the  face  of the  fact  that  it  is  so easily  obtained  by regimes  such as   NK.  The  posturing achieves  nothing other  than to  increase  the potential  for  global  disaster inflicted  on  the  majority  who  are  not  even part  or  willing  party  to  the  base  issue  of  NK other  than that potential. Offering   red  rags  to  a  bull is  dangerous.  But  when two bulls  adorned  with  similar  flags   face  each  other it  is  contrived stupidity !

But  I suspect  that it  has been  encouraged  to  progress  to this  point for  reasons  well removed  from concern  for  the  global   community!


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