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Arrogant Policemen & Government Oficials


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For 5 years I live in Thailand and I know, every where one can find good AND bad.

However, I get more and more upset by the "thousand and one" bad things, coming to me every day.

In Chiang Mai, I can easely see 4/5 policemen, driving a motorbike no wearing a helmet, a day.

Today, my gf had to pay them for no wearing a helmet, 400 Bath again. Afternoon a policeman drove around and had no helmet. I stopped him and asked where his helmet was, told him that he had to wear a helmet aswell, told him that I was very angry that my gf had to pay 400Baht etc etc.... His only reaction was a smile and a "mai penrai, I am police". While I wrote down his name, a Thai women, aged 40/45 came to us and started doing really bad to me; I had no right to criticize the police, I better go back my country etc... she was furious and shouting and jelling very bad things to me. But most important, she said; police can do what they want coz they are the police. If he likes to drive without a helmet, he can do..... no problem.....

What can i do about this in particular and about other bad things with government officials or police. Please inform.

Other people have similar experiences? Other examples? Pls tell me/us.


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Bribe his boss. I bet that would work.

Go offer his boss 10,000 baht if he makes this cop wear a helmet.

That should do it.

Problem solved. :o

P.S.......buy the girlfriend a helmet, a real one...not a plastic job.

Edited by pumpuiman
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Mai pen rai my friend ! I personally have never had any problems with the police...except 1 time I was not wearing a helmet, and he gave me a ticket instead for not having papers....only a 200 baht fine. If the police want to ride around not wearing helmets, that is their prerogative, it's also their brains that will get splattered all over the highway :o

As for pulling over a police man to complain to him that he is doing something illegal :D I am surprised he didn't give you another ticket or two ! :D Why create a problem ? Send a letter to your congressman :D:D:bah: :bah:

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Your sense of justice (or injustice) will do you no favours in a society like Thailand.

When the police pull you up for some imagined or real offence, you have 1 minute to drop the name of the Chiang Mai governor or police chief into the conversation with some obscure connection to yourself. You will find the likelihood of you being allowed to go on your way improves dramatically.

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Get real - we wouldn't do that back home. Houston police have a strict rule, that they must violate at least 9 traffic laws per hour. You simply do not pull on Superman's cape, and you don't mess with big, bad boys in brown.

I agree with not annoying Thai police but you wouldn't do it in your home country?? Even if they were breaking their own laws so blatantly?

A Copper breaks the law in England(say by speeding) and its in the papers the next day.Guaranteed.If a policeman broke the law right infront of me,i'd let him f@@king know about it.Without breaking the law myself ofcourse.

I can see why a Thai would be afraid to critisize the police,the old womans comments in OPs post says it all,"he a policeman,he do what he want" But people in the west ain't supposed to be afraid of the very people that are out to protect us :o

As i said though,Thailand is Thailand.They make the rules(normally on the spot...) and thats how it is.OP was lucky the policeman had a sense of humour.

Edited by Jonson83
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Five years in Thailand and you've learnt nothing.

Get your g/f a decent helmet if you love/like her, and make sure she

wears it. It's for her own good. and whats good for you is, leave Policemen

who break the law, alone.

Relax. Enjoy the country. There are people loke me who would love

to be Thailand for five years.

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> What can i do about this in particular and about other bad things with government officials or police

You could take a chill pill, and then remind yourself that if your girlfriend falls off her bike one day while wearing a helmet and therefore escapes death, that she will still be with you all because of that police man who bothered to do his job and remind her to wear a (*$#(*&Y#(* helmet.



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For 5 years I live in Thailand and I know, every where one can find good AND bad.

However, I get more and more upset by the "thousand and one" bad things, coming to me every day.

In Chiang Mai, I can easely see 4/5 policemen, driving a motorbike no wearing a helmet, a day.

Today, my gf had to pay them for no wearing a helmet, 400 Bath again. Afternoon a policeman drove around and had no helmet. I stopped him and asked where his helmet was, told him that he had to wear a helmet aswell, told him that I was very angry that my gf had to pay 400Baht etc etc.... His only reaction was a smile and a "mai penrai, I am police". While I wrote down his name, a Thai women, aged 40/45 came to us and started doing really bad to me; I had no right to criticize the police, I better go back my country etc... she was furious and shouting and jelling very bad things to me. But most important, she said; police can do what they want coz they are the police. If he likes to drive without a helmet, he can do..... no problem.....

What can i do about this in particular and about other bad things with government officials or police. Please inform.

Other people have similar experiences? Other examples? Pls tell me/us.


Invex I sympathise but the police are almost akin to feudal law. You're lucky all the copper did was have a civil conversation. More unscrupulous police may of taken a more aggressive stance against you.

That woman needs a good slap though, he sounds like a racist btch!

In the south of Thailand (Deep South) they are a lot more unfriendly.

If its after the fifteenth of the month the police will be more likely to set up check-points etc.

I've seen whole phalanxes of bikers do U-turns en masse to elude the check-points!

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It's not often I get such an easy question. Here's what you do: Have our girlfriend wear her helmet while riding her motorbike.

Given the circumstances as you have clarified them, the strength of your feelings on the subject is certainly understandable! :o

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It's not often I get such an easy question. Here's what you do: Have our girlfriend wear her helmet while riding her motorbike.

Given the circumstances as you have clarified them, the strength of your feelings on the subject is certainly understandable! :D

Man! I have got to start proofreading my posts. :o

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I can understand your frustration mate, its annoying to be told what to do by a hypocrite, but on the other hand the policeman is doing you and your girlfriend a big favour, your girlfriend has less chance spilling her brains on the road.

If he chooses to ride without a helmet, let him, there is a whole lot of concrete hungry for his soft skull (god forbid!) and its his choice to risk it!

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Hey, Invex,

You know that old woman was saving your arse. I just sussed it out. She probably knows some farangs. CM is a tourist city. She knows they are sticklers for rules not like Thais. So she acts like she's really angry with you and the policeman has to do nothing. The situation is effectively defused.

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Hey, Invex,

You know that old woman was saving your arse. I just sussed it out. She probably knows some farangs. CM is a tourist city. She knows they are sticklers for rules not like Thais. So she acts like she's really angry with you and the policeman has to do nothing. The situation is effectively defused.

Yep, that old woman was doing something right on from several different points of view. I have seen many old Thai women take effective action with sharp words.

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First of all to wear a helmet is for your safe

- well i got to say . - anyway if you get stop for not wearning helmet next time say you only have 100 or go back to police station is only 200 . not 400 . but rate changes as i say i guess.

as a guest we should behave . more like a guest .

learn to be street smart .

and blend in . thailand is a nice place . without many of us .. . and as a guest . you should behave .

what had you proof by confronting a police . you are brave . or thailand is unfair to you ?

There did not fine you for something that is aginst the law .

you ride without a helmet . you get arrested . and got a fine . you broken a law.

yet you come complain here hoping for pity ?

try singapore . you would be arrested . and put in jail for your action ..

go ask yourself .. in your country riding without a helmet what the fine . and if it aginst the law.

in singapore and malaysia you get a fine no less then 2000 baht . for this action .

now confronting a police that is another story is your choice .

but like a saying go if you can't slove problem don't create more

hope you enjoy your stay in thailand and if you don't . i am sure you can afford to leave :o

Arrogant can be a double edge sword .

sometime is us who is Arrogant in a country so kind to us .

Edited by Ta22
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is a land where bullet is cheaper then lawsuit , And 3 police witness is stronger then a doz onlooker.

i am sure you be resting in peace in no time :o

you have a choice to live asyou are or let someone choose if you live .

if you don't break the law in the first place , where do you think there grap you by your balls with ?

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