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All The Beer Gardens Have Been Declared Illegal – Again


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19 hours ago, watcharacters said:




The government  could sure make a lot of 500,000 baht fines by walking down Pattaya's walking street and citing every bar with lady barkers  outside the bar.     "Section 32 of a 2008 law that bans attempts to “encourage” drinking".


Another misguided fiasco by this government.

Are the shirt sellers still enticing passer-bys to buy shirts in Pattaya? They were more of a nuisance and eye-sore than the lovely Chang girls.

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In order to obtain power, you must be "known" and "feared".  How many people had ever heard of "Alcohol Control Board director Nipon Chinanonwait" before this article telling of his raids?  Yet, among the people who can line his pockets, he is now "known".


First step accomplished.

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10 hours ago, hhinhh said:

I remember 2 years ago that police on motorcycles had shirts with Chang advertisement.

Funny change of mind:smile:. I think we can do well without both: Advertisement on policemen and putting beer gardens into the criminal corner.

For a minute then I thought you were going to say we could do away with police and motorcycles. What a great idea look at the tea money we could save to spend on beer and it would be easier to drive to the beer garden and park if there were no motorcycles

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6 hours ago, champers said:

I know in the UK there are many towns and cities who have by-laws making drinking outside illegal, tourist towns included.

In Thailand a mall is a popular place for Thai families to visit, so banning the advertising and sale of booze at such places could be viewed as protecting children.

I totally agree with you, there is no need to set these beer gardens up in a shopping mall. They should be set up as a separate establishment that is connected to a hotel or bar, not in a public shopping mall

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20 hours ago, watcharacters said:




The government  could sure make a lot of 500,000 baht fines by walking down Pattaya's walking street and citing every bar with lady barkers  outside the bar.     "Section 32 of a 2008 law that bans attempts to “encourage” drinking".


Another misguided fiasco by this government.

Hmmmmm. Ever been to Walking St?

The bar beers don't have "barkers" and the enticement the ones that do offer isn't drinking, but "something else".


However, agree with last sentence.

The people in charge seem to be trying to destroy the sanuk, and I wonder why, as I don't see what they have to gain, other than an unhappy populace, and I thought they were trying to encourage happiness among the people.

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13 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Typical, both feet at once again !   Carry on boys you've almost destroyed tourism in Thailand, then you can all give yourselves a nice shiny medal and march up and down Sukhumvit ( Abu Dhabi)  patting yourselves on your backs.....

You don't help your case by posting such obviously wrong content. Tourism is far from "destroyed" and IMO could do with a significant reduction in numbers as the effect of such large numbers is to cause many problems in LOS.

Re the OP, I doubt many tourists go to them, as they are a mainly Thai institution, but to try and ban them would be to shoot themselves in the foot.

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20 hours ago, lordblackader said:

I'm not sure what they're talking about. People go to bars and beer gardens to drink Chang and Leo mineral water, we know this because the evidence is in the current TV ads from both :)

They are talking about advertising. The girls in the photo have advertising on their dresses.

The conjunction of alcohol advertising with attractive women is apparently too much for some in authority to bear.

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13 hours ago, phetpeter said:

lIf the 'Boss' has got any sense, he should bring in all these idiots and inform them to stop being prats. This is why Thailand keeps having the generals take over, The holier than thou, sit in their padded clouds and because their lives are empty and pointless like a thief in a gold vault with everything he always wanted  and has , but nowhere to go. Their minds started deciding on things that make them jealous of not being able or cannot do because they don't know how! Is the Boss up there or is he able to stop these people before they really cause the problems to enlarge.  the country has to restart again!

Nothing particularly Thai about that. All bureaucracies nowadays come up with insanities, wherever in the world they are.

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23 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I totally agree with you, there is no need to set these beer gardens up in a shopping mall. They should be set up as a separate establishment that is connected to a hotel or bar, not in a public shopping mall

Thou jest.

In Bkk beer gardens are independent entities because they have a large enough population but many small cities/ large towns have no suitable hotels or bars to be connected to. All they have is a Big C or similar.

In the place I used to live the "beer garden" is in the shopping mall, and is almost invisible, though the beer dollies are welcome eye candy. It's hardly going to encourage mass debauchery among the town's citizens.


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Am I out of date with the English language?  But to me a BG is out of doors, perhaps with shrubs and flowers attached to a pub.  There are tables and chairs and is normally a very pleasant place to sit with or without friends and enjoy a (?) drink.  For instance I would say that the Irish Pub has a beer garden, even if they don't refer to it as such.


If I'm right, what a fuss about nothing!!  But please tell me someone if I have themeaning correct.

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22 hours ago, watcharacters said:




The government  could sure make a lot of 500,000 baht fines by walking down Pattaya's walking street and citing every bar with lady barkers  outside the bar.     "Section 32 of a 2008 law that bans attempts to “encourage” drinking".


Another misguided fiasco by this government.

The happy hour specials are especially egregious. Thank goodness.

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Just another pathetic 'bright idea' from someone in the Govt.  I can be a hero and fix this terrible crime.  How about concentrating on the real issues of the land instead of the 'easy hits'n fixes'.  Obviously the real issues are in the too hard basket ie: drunk driving / deaths on the roads,  corruption,  taxi gangsters etc. etc. etc. 

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On 12/18/2017 at 12:41 AM, Andybristol20032003 said:

Typical authorities in Thailand, let's think of ways to stop people having fun

Typical authorities anywhere. You see them easing up on such restrictions anywhere? (Unless it's something to do with gays. No, I don't want to stop gays having fun, I just want equal rights.)

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I just love how the title of the article is "All Beer Gardens are Illegal" and then it gets my attention and I read the article and it turns out that it's about some lawsuit against the Beer Gardens.  I get it the current government doesn't like drinking okay but don't misrepresent what's really going on stick to the facts.  No one said that Beer Gardens are illegal.  Personally I like the Beer Gardens and the government should be encouraging them it's good for the economy.  Crack down on all the real problems like human trafficking and other issues which I've read that they are but focus on the real problems if people want to drink that's their right.  In fact I think I'll have a Singha right now.  

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On 12/18/2017 at 5:51 PM, smedly said:

who creates these various agencies who are a total waste of time and money.


Money and effort that could be spent on worthwhile cause like road safety and combatting corruption


time for these useless agencies to be dismantled, in any developed country they are nothing more than crackpot voluntary activists who don't know how to enjoy themselves 

they might know how to enjoy themselves but they haven't a clue about the rest of us 

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On 18/12/2017 at 11:44 PM, PEE TEE said:

Why don't they just Ban alcohol and make it a class A drug like the others after all kills more than any other drug . anyone selling should be classed as a drug dealer . OHHH why not they are banning everything else /also ban loud music from bars   .also ban loud speaker adverbs from moving pick ups ect . also make a prison sentence for motorbike with no lights an on and on   welcome to land of B. S 

Bad adverbs always bother me too! :)

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17 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

I would be happy if they put all the people who want to drink and smoke cigarettes in a indoor beer garden with no fresh air ventilation until the PPM2.5 and VOCs goes off scale.


If you're dumb enough to drink and smoke cigarettes you won't know what that means. ?

Do I detect some judgment here? Are you a member of the House of Saud moral police? Are you Muslim? A quaker? A Puritan? Has anyone ever told you how incredibly distasteful judgment of the masses is? Hey, just because you have made this life choice, does not mean people who enjoy a beer from time to time are dumb. I agree the guys who get up in the morning, and drink their first beer at 10am, on a daily basis are dumb. Dumber than wood. But, for the average recreational drinker, what gives? I mean, we all like to relax a bit, and chill out from time to time. From where does your need to criticize the world come from? 


However, I do agree with you about smoking tobacco. Now, that is just plain dumb. Why do something that is not only likely to kill you, but is also incredibly annoying to anyone around you?

Edited by spidermike007
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On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 10:43 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

You don't help your case by posting such obviously wrong content. Tourism is far from "destroyed" and IMO could do with a significant reduction in numbers as the effect of such large numbers is to cause many problems in LOS.

Re the OP, I doubt many tourists go to them, as they are a mainly Thai institution, but to try and ban them would be to shoot themselves in the foot.

The now closed Onnut beer garden and the newly opened Phra khanong beer garden...... Thai places ?   Go have a look...... Packed with what's left from the customers from lower Sukhumvit..... (Abu Dhabi).....As i say carry on, Cambodia's doing a roaring trade....... Just about everyone i've spoken to about tourist figures and more importantly business has said that the place is dead, apart from the TAT, who of course say the figures are rising...... The figures maybe, but not the actual persons....... Once the best night out in the world turned into an expensive miserable experience.........

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