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E-cigarettes are hazardous to health: Disease Control Department


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The guy is an idiot, did he ever go to medical school? His counterparts around the world disagree with him just like they did on asbestos when that was claimed to be harmless when its killed millions. Thick as S>>>, but when cigs are filling peoples pockets with cash this is what you get, sod the people my pockets like the spin off

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2 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Since they are tobacco free, e-cigs are currently unregulated in the United States but that may change. Already cities like Boston, Chicago,New York, and most recently Los Angeles have restricted their use. And Utah, New Jersey and North Dakota have banned their usewherever smoking is prohibited. Other states and localities including Minnesota and Oregon are considering restrictions as well.


You mean since they are not hazrdous.  USA is going the same way as UK: regulation and licensing.

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2 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

What is your source of information?

Nicotine is a poison.  Ingested in liquid form it is particularly dangerous, but the same goes for quite a lot of household chemicals. But its the black carbon (tar) which causes lung cancer, as well as a host of other chenicals, and generally health is also undermined by carbon monoxide. 


Ecigs are undoubtedly much healthier than cigarettes precisely because they little or none of these chemicals.


The evidence cited in lab tests concerning nicotine as cancer causing in small doses is not recognized. 



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Complete Total B.S. most advanced countries. have proofed that Egigs are 95 to 97% safer than smoking. many reports have said they are  a Danger to health have been paid to make false report by by the baccy industry. Yes they are dangerous if you vape poisons or cheap food flavours that contain chemicals that can be harmfull. yes if your using nickle coils as over 600f becomes toxic  

VG Pg Food grade and proper flavourings make for Vaping is safer than smoking. 

I was smoking 60 a day and tried e cigs. that was over 2 years ago now my health has improved .i can smell again and tastes  food . My cardio has improved 100% 

As for Thai reports compared to to The USA and the UK i know who i would believe   

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I think he’s saying it’s not the best way to stop smoking, considering that the vape fluid industry seems to be totally unregulated at present, god only knows what junk is in these perfumed liquids.... direct from some Chinese chemical factory, untested.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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I am so very sad that e-cigs are prohibited here, when in the west it has been proven to be somewhat better than normal cigarette smoking.  E-cigs have saved many lives.  It’s sad that nations prohibit it just to get more revenue from cigarettes.  


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7 hours ago, Jap Pumkin said:

Here is a better video on E Cigs. A heart Surgeon in Canada

has opened his own vape shop.:shock1:



Thank you for providing this video link. I can say for myself, that the day I started vaping, I have never smoked a tobacco cigarette since. It was that easy for me. I smoked a pack every two days; sometimes more, if I had a few beers. Yet now, I don't vape in public, only @ home, and I'm more than willing to wait until I return home for the soothing pleasure that vaping the many selections I have in flavors of vape juice. I can't say if I smoke more now with vaping, as it's more of a pleasure, enjoyment of relaxing with my mod, and enjoying a flavorful smoke. I often wonder how I got by on just a single brand of tobacco cigarettes, when I find myself changing often with the vaping flavors that are available? I have also found that lowering my nicotine levels from a tobacco cigarette wasn't an issue either. As a normal cigarette ranges from 12 - 18mg, and I'm anywhere from 3- 9mg all depending on what flavor I'm using on that given day, without any issues or care about the mg level.

On a side note, there is a learning curve with vaping, like how to save money by making my own coils, and changing out the cotton in the coils, but I also find that since I can easily smoke the entire day without changing the cotton in my coil, that speaks volumes to me, with regards to the cleanliness with compared to tobacco cigarettes, where the filter is toast after just one cigarette, and yet this small piece of cotton between the coils can last the entire day. I have my coils, which I made with by just wrapping it around a screwdriver, last for weeks at a time, by just burning off the vape juice buildup inbetween cotton changes. Even though it took me some time to learn how to build my coils and properly stuff the right amount of cotton between the coils, I had the time, since I wasn't smoking tobacco any more, and my kids luv me more for it. 

The now remind me daily how good my room smells with vape juice compared to when I smoke tobacco. They usually get the flavor scent correctly, even though I don't smell the odor as strong as when I first starting using vape juice, I now just get the flavor enjoyment, while the people around me get the pleasure of not smelling tobacco burning. Breath is also fresher too, from vaping, so that's a plus for me as well.

Edited by ajarnmarc
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12 minutes ago, Globalres said:

I am so very sad that e-cigs are prohibited here, when in the west it has been proven to be somewhat better than normal cigarette smoking.  E-cigs have saved many lives.  It’s sad that nations prohibit it just to get more revenue from cigarettes.  


Not necessarily for everyone who doesn't smoke but is compelled to inhale the thick smoke from those things. I smoker's feelings vs others' health ... 

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13 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

"Moreover, many reports say that more youths who start the smoking habit with e-cigarettes tend to become addicted to ordinary cigarettes than those who do not begin with e-cigarettes." Not condoning one or the other but that's BS.

No, there is no BS in that statement. Here is the explaination.

If you start smoking in some way, of course you are more possible to become a real smoker than if you never try smoking anything. That just says itself. :cheesy:

But you are right, it´s a really weird statement and the information is twisted to a grade of being impossible to deny.

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6 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Not necessarily for everyone who doesn't smoke but is compelled to inhale the thick smoke from those things. I smoker's feelings vs others' health ... 

Vaping is juice.  There is no smoke.  It dissipates quickly and is not in the least bit hazardous.

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

The Disease Control Department still insists that e-cigarettes are hazardous to health because people who use e-cigarettes can still get nicotine, the addictive substance contained in ordinary cigarettes. Therefore, people who smoke e-cigarettes can be addicted to nicotine, similarly to the way they are addicted to it from smoking ordinary tobacco-based cigarettes, Dr Assadang said.

totally missing the point; no matter how long you live here, the low level of governance continues to astonish

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16 hours ago, Enoon said:


Not just any BS.


100%, Grade A, hand rolled BS:






Your link attachment is spot on. As acknowledged by research in Australia also which the AU Govt also banned E ciggys from being sold but the difference is you are allowed to smoke E Cig.. The Au law states", It's legal to use e-cigarettes, with or without nicotine, but the state government has pretty much made it as hard as they can to actually do it. They're classed as products which mimic smoking under the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006; that means it's illegal to sell them".


Clearly the Thai and Australian tobacco laws are a hidden agenda to protect the massive tax they make on tobacco. Bunch of hypocrites both countries. In short by burning tobacco it adds about 100 poison chemicals to a ciggy and does do worse damage to the body than E Cig but ECigs only create about a handful of toxins because the nicotine is heated NOT burnt plus physical damage so say veins in your organs etc using an E ciggy is almost non existent.  Plus proven it helps those trying to give up a better chance of doing so statistically rather than cold turkey.


So Dr Assadang . How much tea money do you get from the Thai tobacco industry?

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

No, there is no BS in that statement. Here is the explaination.

If you start smoking in some way, of course you are more possible to become a real smoker than if you never try smoking anything. That just says itself. :cheesy:

But you are right, it´s a really weird statement and the information is twisted to a grade of being impossible to deny.

Another real Get Real statement.

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2 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

Please cite your sources.



It is common knowledge and observable- steam is steam, smoke is smoke.  The best source is Public Health England which references peer reviewed studies published such esteemed organs as the Lancet.  E-cigs are also proven to have toxin levels many times lower than conventional cigarettes (the carcinogenic effects of passive smoking have also now been disproven by large scale studies.)


You seem to be relying on quack scare stories, and fear of the unknown.

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1 hour ago, maximillian said:

Another real Get Real statement.

Okey! Tell me then if it ain´t right? Do you not see that they are twisting the world in the statement and leave a lot of information out.
The facts they are trying to proof are bent to only focus on the people already smoking something are more possible smokers of cigarettes in the future, without taking non-smokers into consideration.

If you have another view, I would like to hear that.


Regarding that the statement came from me is easy to see, buy looking on the left side of every comment. Anyway thank you so much for informing both me and other posters about that function.

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