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Thai police "being kind" in mother of all New Year road carnage "U-Turns"!


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1 minute ago, oldlakey said:

You are over thinking this, holidays would not be the same without all the slaughter

70% of deaths are motorcyclists. Many are drunk youths and some are older people, the victims of bad drivers of bigger vehicles.

The odd pick-up with bodies spilled all over the highway is dramatic, as are vans on fire with all the occupants burnt alive but they are a minority of the overall deaths.

I read recently the number of vehicles on Thai roads had increased by 30% in the last five years. That figure must be wrong, surely?

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10 hours ago, quadperfect said:

People in the back of a pick up or not wearing a helmet has no effect on my personal sefety.

Let them do there thing.

All well and good, unless they do end up impacting on you, following the highly likely ( in this country) event of an incident with a non helmet wearing scooter rider.... or perhaps your vehicle is in some way involved in a bingle with a truck illegally transporting kids in the back.


whos to fault? Not you... just ask cuntstable plod, as your being dragged away.

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Because the Thais have a different view on life and death from what we normally do, they probably regard road deaths as a form of natural wastage-a form of population control. That could be why there is very little enforcement to reduce the road toll. 

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11 minutes ago, bannork said:

70% of deaths are motorcyclists. Many are drunk youths and some are older people, the victims of bad drivers of bigger vehicles.

The odd pick-up with bodies spilled all over the highway is dramatic, as are vans on fire with all the occupants burnt alive but they are a minority of the overall deaths.

I read recently the number of vehicles on Thai roads had increased by 30% in the last five years. That figure must be wrong, surely?

Yes the grim reaper accepts all applicants guilty or not, there is no colour bar with the old lad

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I might be cynical but I think I have worked out why they have done the U-Turn. Thailand has too many poor people that do not contribute to the government but they still put their hand out to the government every month for their 3,000baht. These poor people drive either pick ups or motorcycles with no helmet so I think the government is trying to kill off these poor people so they have more money to put back into their own pockets and it also keeps control of the population better than forced contraception

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20 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I might be cynical but I think I have worked out why they have done the U-Turn. Thailand has too many poor people that do not contribute to the government but they still put their hand out to the government every month for their 3,000baht. These poor people drive either pick ups or motorcycles with no helmet so I think the government is trying to kill off these poor people so they have more money to put back into their own pockets and it also keeps control of the population better than forced contraception

Unbelievable post, i might suggest you to put down the bottle, but i suspect your problems are much bigger.. Hope somebody help you.

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:22 PM, snooky said:

I know I will get a lot of flak for this but many folks only ride on the back of motorcy taxi's to get to the end of their soi's from the bus or train stops or vice versa.  Most of the motocy drivers do not carry extra helmets, most folks will not carry a helmet around all day for a 2-4 minute ride to or from their homes.  Plus even if the drivers carried extra helmets, how many passengers would put them on considering they were worn by hundreds of previous riders, several of whom may be infected with lice or other things.  I realize how dangerous it is without helmets, but does anyone got a decent answer for this quandary other than "wear a helmet"?? 

This is a clear example where the law could be and should be EASILY enforced! For <deleted> sake, how difficult is it/would it be for the police to  come to any  m/cycle taxi stand and tell them if u dont have extra helmets for your passengers tomorrow you will be locked up or shut down or both! It is then up to the passengers if they wear them or not.

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13 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Truth is they have no way of stopping it, never have had and never will have, so better to save face now than look the useless bunch of numpties they are when the questions are asked later !

Their "kindness" will "kill" several thousands during this short period of time...

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This subject about enforcing the driving rules is said every year and nothing happens 

There should be a directive  from government to the police 

to enforce the law  about dangerous driving  

to many people in the back of pick-ups no wearing of helmets 

drinking ect 

this will not happen as effects to many people in travelling around Thailand 

Getting to work school and so on 

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1 minute ago, ttrd said:

Sorry Mac, a little to quick on this one - injury several thousands and kill several hundreds...



Ok, fair enough, before you said "kill" several thousands..

But i am sick to hear people who pretend to be worried for the Thais travelling on the back of pick-ups, like they could afford a fortuner every 4 of them.. It's a holiday <deleted>, and for some family a rare chance to meet some distant relatives and have some party... Avoid the roads if you think they are dangerous, and stop moaning.

For once, i support the Police statement, let the unwashed enjoy the holiday !

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Loads of angst and breast beating but it would have been impossible to enforce anyway- there would be a huge backlash and possible civil unrest if every other vehicle was taken off the road. 


2 cops pull up a vehicle with ten plus drunks on board- what do you think the outcome will be?


Stop applying logic from your own countries to driving in Thailand- it's pointless.

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9 hours ago, ajarnmarc said:

My first impression on this country upon arriving was it was ran by the people.

I liked not having to look over my shoulder each time I wanted to make a turn where I normally wouldn't be allowed, to park where I could, not where I was required to.

To enjoy a cold beer on the beach,

open for all to see if they wished.

For bars & restaurants to stay open until the customers were gone.


As a child I enjoyed riding in the back of my parents vehicle,

safe or not, I enjoyed the open air.


When people complain or express their opinions on this forum,

it's often stated that if they don't like it, 

go back to where they came from...yes?


I've never made such a statement, 

again let people be who they wish to be,

say what they will...


Now let the citizens of this country decide for themselves what they wish, 

how they care to travel; live.

It's their country after all.


All we expats can do is enjoy the freedoms which drew us here to begin with, 

and try to protect ourselves with auto cameras; thank goodness for technology, 

auto / health insurance,

and most of all be responsible for ourselves.

Rather than trying to draw a line in the sand,

each time something transpires which we fail to see the logic in, 

or don't necessarily agree with,

it might be better to go with the flow, 

so we can enjoy whatever it is that this country has to offer?


After 18 years, I'm still trying to figure out what that is?

For now I know/ think it's better than what my nanny state has to offer, 

so I remain here until something better comes along, 

isn't that all we can do...?

Happy Holiday everyone, 


truhly spoken i love it here inspite the lack of brains of the ruling goverment 

i used to pay 51 % tax and there was not 1 thing better than here( maybe only the driving)

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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Ok, fair enough, before you said "kill" several thousands..

But i am sick to hear people who pretend to be worried for the Thais travelling on the back of pick-ups, like they could afford a fortuner every 4 of them.. It's a holiday <deleted>, and for some family a rare chance to meet some distant relatives and have some party... Avoid the roads if you think they are dangerous, and stop moaning.

For once, i support the Police statement, let the unwashed enjoy the holiday !

What make me sick are persons who pretend they understand that other pretends especially when they don't. Noone have talked about Fortuners except you. Different public transport alternatives exsists and are made available to a cost that all can afford especially when you compare it With the price of a life and to not forget that you have a 12 months period each year to save up for that Journey. It doesnt justify to support this kind of traditions which of the same reasons New Law and regulations has been made. Maybe an idea to change the brand of coofee that obously is not good for you...;)

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10 minutes ago, ttrd said:

What make me sick are persons who pretend they understand that other pretends especially when they don't. Noone have talked about Fortuners except you. Different public transport alternatives exsists and are made available to a cost that all can afford especially when you compare it With the price of a life and to not forget that you have a 12 months period each year to save up for that Journey. It doesnt justify to support this kind of traditions which of the same reasons New Law and regulations has been made. Maybe an idea to change the brand of coofee that obously is not good for you...;)

My coffee is very good, thanks, although it's true that i drink a lot of it.

i and many others, have come to Thailand because it's Thailand.

Of course we have to take the good and the bad of it.

What you call " this kind of traditions" it's a lot of fun and joy for many families and friends.

Would you like to lock them in a minivan ?

I am not saying that i would be happy to sit on the back of a pick-up driven by some drunk, and i am pretty sure that Thailand in the near future will have to tackle very seriously the issues of bad driving and road rage.

Btw i was not accusing you to pretend anything.

Happy New Year



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17 hours ago, seajae said:

if they were serious they would be on the roads enforcing the laws as they currently stand

Like the law that currently stands that pick-up trucks can be over-loaded to a maximum of 3 meters in hight or that it's perfectly leagle to transport children in the back of a pick-up truck like pigs to a slaughter? Yeah, that would be a great place to start...:whistling: 

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Back peddling/schmeddling!

This isn't the problem ... it's a symptom.


The problem is that the authorities have no understanding of road safety and resort to the same old same old pattern.

A nabob emerges from deep thought in a small room and announces the latest dictum on any perceived problem, in this case road safety.

The pronouncement is accepted unquestioningly by his subordinates because that is the way and an announcement is made.


As there has been no research into the idea, no planning, no training, no forethought, no consideration of the ramifications, no consultation with other bodies concerned, no input from experts or colleagues; the dictum is usually unworkable and useless. However as no high ranking official can lose face, a contorted procedure of adjustment and delays had to be implemented so as not to embarrass anyone.


The result? A total waste of time and effort and incompetence triumphs yet again.


Road safety is science based and needs a methodical long term approach to achieve results. Anyone who thinks they will make a difference by introducing random measures just days before an event is so mistaken it would be risible if it weren't for the fact that human life is involved.



Edited by Airbagwill
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I see repeated calls to "enforce the law". I would have thought that it would be pretty evident even after a cursory glance at the situation in Thailand that this is wishful thinking.

Firstly the law has to be clear cut and precisely defined.

Then you need those enforcing the law to be appropriately trained.

After that the enforcers and judiciary need to be officially/constitutionally separated.

To effectively enforce laws, there needs to be an appropriate administrative infrastructure e.g for meeting out and collecting fines etc.

Then the roads need to be correctly laid out...lanes, signage etc all have to be standardised and correctly marked out.

Finally the public then need to be informed of the law and their duties and responsibilities as road users.

Then you can " just get the police to do their job," ...simple isn't it?

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Most people posting here have missed the statistical truth in a shroud of personal opinions.  I can understand why people would think riding in the back of a pickup does not seem safe--but the fact is, in this case, it is the safer option and may well save lives--to the potential tune of hundreds.  The math that I've been looking at supports this.  Therefore, the police have done the right thing to allow this established tradition to continue during the holiday season.


It would be nice if governments would recognize that adult people are not babies, and they are capable of making mature decisions on their own--such as whether or not they wish to wear a seat belt.  Seat belts do save lives--but they also kill people, depending on the type of accident.  Some die in a fiery crash when they are unable to undo their seat belt.  Some drown.  A few years ago I heard of a van load of people--a 15 passenger van in a developed country--that was returning home full of workers who'd been up a logging road.  Apparently the ruts on the bridge caught the tires, causing an accident which threw the van off the bridge and into the river.  Only one of the 15 people in the van survived to tell the story--he wasn't wearing his seat belt and was the more able to escape.  If you go with the numbers, seat belts may save more lives than they destroy--but should not the decision about whether to wear one remain with the adults whose lives are at stake?


The same freedom should be afforded to those who might choose to ride in the back of a pickup. 

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33 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

Most people posting here have missed the statistical truth in a shroud of personal opinions.  I can understand why people would think riding in the back of a pickup does not seem safe--but the fact is, in this case, it is the safer option and may well save lives--to the potential tune of hundreds.  The math that I've been looking at supports this.  Therefore, the police have done the right thing to allow this established tradition to continue during the holiday season.


It would be nice if governments would recognize that adult people are not babies, and they are capable of making mature decisions on their own--such as whether or not they wish to wear a seat belt.  Seat belts do save lives--but they also kill people, depending on the type of accident.  Some die in a fiery crash when they are unable to undo their seat belt.  Some drown.  A few years ago I heard of a van load of people--a 15 passenger van in a developed country--that was returning home full of workers who'd been up a logging road.  Apparently the ruts on the bridge caught the tires, causing an accident which threw the van off the bridge and into the river.  Only one of the 15 people in the van survived to tell the story--he wasn't wearing his seat belt and was the more able to escape.  If you go with the numbers, seat belts may save more lives than they destroy--but should not the decision about whether to wear one remain with the adults whose lives are at stake?


The same freedom should be afforded to those who might choose to ride in the back of a pickup. 

Sorry but your post is utter nonsense. What you advocate are not freedoms, they are impositions. You are adhering to arguments that were discredited in the 1960s

Edited by Airbagwill
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The public must be laughing at these so called police force Just goes to show that the cops are to lazy to do their jobs Was out in my car yesterday watching all the clown drivers with big smiles on their faces They prob just got the news the cops backed down again about the helmets Thai smiles everywhere Also here is a bit of irony There was an accident  Happened about 10 minutes before me i guess All the traffic had stopped There was 2 people dead on the road Came off bike Both dead someone told me And the cliche Drum Roll They died of head injuries Oh enough said Give me a beer sick i seeing this sort of carnage  My prediction 30,000 dead this year Hooray Gold medal again

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1 minute ago, Happyman58 said:

The public must be laughing at these so called police force Just goes to show that the cops are to lazy to do their jobs Was out in my car yesterday watching all the clown drivers with big smiles on their faces They prob just got the news the cops backed down again about the helmets Thai smiles everywhere Also here is a bit of irony There was an accident  Happened about 10 minutes before me i guess All the traffic had stopped There was 2 people dead on the road Came off bike Both dead someone told me And the cliche Drum Roll They died of head injuries Oh enough said Give me a beer sick i seeing this sort of carnage  My prediction 30,000 dead this year Hooray Gold medal again

oh forgot to mention They were not wearing helmets the guy told me after i asked him Gruesome site 

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