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Thai police "being kind" in mother of all New Year road carnage "U-Turns"!


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He told Thai Rath that this was not a loophole that would leave leeway for police to profit from the situation.

<sarcasm> Absolutely not, I'm glad he cleared that up.  I'm surprised that the question was allowed to be asked or that he felt the need to answer.  I think they should arrest the reporter that asked the question as it was very insulting.  </sarcasm>

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7 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Truth is they have no way of stopping it, never have had and never will have, so better to save face now than look the useless bunch of numpties they are when the questions are asked later !

Oh, there is a way - they just don't have the will. :saai: As an aside, they look so stupid with their new haircuts.

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7 hours ago, quadperfect said:

So much back peddling .

Kind of the police to back up and let a few hundred more people die this new years. Thats nice of them.

I say let it go .its the thai peoples choice. They dont seem to mind. 

So why should anyone care.

People in the back of a pick up or not wearing a helmet has no effect on my personal sefety.

Let them do there thing.


Its the bozo trying to drive the D Max or similar, with a dozen or so loose cargo, eating, drinking, and unrestrained, moving around in the cargo tray.

That i worry about. 

He is the one who ultimately steers or loses control of the vehicle.

Through his actions, lack of concentration, too much stimulus. 

(You can put your own input here)

Lack of driver skills. 

It goes on and on. 


Then it collects another similar vehicle.

Or bus load of innocent tourists.

And the 12 becomes 24 dead.


But the powers that be can smile and feel good, because of the decision to delay this until after Christmas. 

(We not do Because we be nice to family travel at Christmas.)


Early January, THEY can look back on the year gone and say...

"Jeez, we got that one wrong again "


And the BIB can concentrate on collection of the month end tea money/supplemental pay.


Its a win / win again.




Its another tragic LOS backflip. 

That will impact on innocent civilians and motorists again..




Edited by dallen52
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7 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Truth is they have no way of stopping it, never have had and never will have, so better to save face now than look the useless bunch of numpties they are when the questions are asked later !

They really are even more stupid than you could ever wish to think - these cops must have one hell of a community spirit - Lovely to see them sharing one brain between the lot of them, even if it is somewhat defective.

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I was once in a country where there was no U-turn on a very very long highway. Why? Because too many people died when they made u-turns and the vehicles coming in from the opposite direction slam into them. So the government said oh no this mustn't go on so they closed all u-turns.

 I was driving merrily then I discovered that I was on the wrong highway I was looking for u-turn there wasn't any until I reached almost the end of the highway.

I also know a country where if the people find their shoes don't fit they went to the doctor to amputate a little bit of the toes so it fits just nice after the healing process.

I also know a country where if you shoot at policeman(police didn't die) they cut off your index finger and thumb to make sure you will never shoot police again. A preventive measure they say in case you want to take revenge. They say no harm in cutting off little bit of your fingers.

What measures are Thailand taking? Not decided yet? How are these people going to go home? Why can't they have 2 new year dates so half the people go home and the other half go on other dates then it wouldn't be so congested on the highways would it? The buses would not be overbooked.

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12 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

Its the bozo trying to drive the D Max or similar, with a dozen or so loose cargo, eating, drinking, and unrestrained, moving around in the cargo tray.

That i worry about. 

He is the one who ultimately steers or loses control of the vehicle.

Through his actions, lack of concentration, too much stimulus. 

(You can put your own input here)

Lack of driver skills. 

It goes on and on. 


Then it collects another similar vehicle.

Or bus load of innocent tourists.

And the 12 becomes 24 dead.


But the powers that be can smile and feel good, because of the decision to delay this until after Christmas. 

(We not do Because we be nice to family travel at Christmas.)


Early January, THEY can look back on the year gone and say...

"Jeez, we got that one wrong again "


And the BIB can concentrate on collection of the month end tea money/supplemental pay.


Its a win / win again.




Its another tragic LOS backflip. 

That will impact on innocent civilians and motorists again..





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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The cops are not being kind at all. People will die from this decision, so it is actually an extremely cruel thing to do. I just wish that for once, they would stick to their guns and do something that helped save lives, rather than worrying about the public's reaction.


Thai police "being kind" in mother of all New Year road carnage "U-Turns"!



Picture: Thai Rath






"Thai Rath said in their headline that the Thai police were "being kind".


Being "kind"!!!! Get the cops of their ass and actually patrol and arrest.


To allow the road DEATHS and off road deaths remain at approximately 136 PER DAY!!! This copper should report to the UN for Thai genocide. Merry Xmas!


May his kids, nephews,nieces grandchildren, daughter and so on and so on  be in the back of a pickup - motorbike etc ... Oh and have a sober rider /driver based on your laws. But speeding etc OK! All good?


What a moron.




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I think these guys come second to S. Africa for being the worlds worst drivers . 

In SA they have no idea regarding the laws of physics such as : momentum, centrifugal force or inertia.

Overloading and overtaking on a solid white line are just standard operating proceedures !


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No surprise here except that they made the statement in the first place. Those over the limit of alcohol will have their cars impounded...always assuming they don't have scrape them up from the ground, that is. So we'll just have to wait and see but one thing for...as usual I will not be driving around at holiday time. I don't celebrate New Year anyway...just another day.

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5 minutes ago, CanuckThai said:

So be it....par for the course, in the land of smiles.  The almighty intelligent have spoken.

 Intelligence -  if their brains were high explosives, there would be insufficient to blow the crap out of their ears. 

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This subject, Artisi's sig above, and multiple similar threads recently, got me to modify my sig.


"There is a logic to it, it's just not your logic." ‒ Anonymous Old-timer

Edited by MrY
for credit where credit is due
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Many years ago in England there used to be a series of comedy movies made for TV

all called "carry on something"

example: "carry on up the kyber" featuring Sid James, Barbara Windsor and crew

we could call this U-turn "carry on regardless" or even "carry-on carnage" !!!! 

It's just like a comedy show !

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Well for helmets and sitting in the bed of a pickup i can't be bothered, is their own choice.


But driving against traffic is done EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME....why does the police allow that and force the motocycles to dlive lept?? They think i want to commint suicide by dliving lept??

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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

Where the hell would they store all the confiscated motorbikes anyway? They need a compound the size of Don Muang airport.........haha!

Since it's cold in BKK they suddenly wear helmets today.


But i still see loads without licenseplate...

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46 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Many years ago in England there used to be a series of comedy movies made for TV

all called "carry on something"

example: "carry on up the kyber" featuring Sid James, Barbara Windsor and crew

we could call this U-turn "carry on regardless" or even "carry-on carnage" !!!! 

It's just like a comedy show !

...Fawlty Towers  endless mix-ups and farcical lunacy. comes to mind on a daily basis....

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I know I will get a lot of flak for this but many folks only ride on the back of motorcy taxi's to get to the end of their soi's from the bus or train stops or vice versa.  Most of the motocy drivers do not carry extra helmets, most folks will not carry a helmet around all day for a 2-4 minute ride to or from their homes.  Plus even if the drivers carried extra helmets, how many passengers would put them on considering they were worn by hundreds of previous riders, several of whom may be infected with lice or other things.  I realize how dangerous it is without helmets, but does anyone got a decent answer for this quandary other than "wear a helmet"?? 

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7 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

In this case, it seems best to allow people to use their vehicles for their intended purpose (which, in this country, includes carrying people), especially given such short notice before the holiday when so many have already made their plans. 


I think it would be a very difficult quest to establish the number of lives that may be either lost or saved by this.  Consider that if people do not ride in the backs of pickups, many of the displaced would instead be occupying seats in minivans and buses--vehicles that have a dismal track record in Thailand.  I would daresay more lives are lost in vans and buses than in the back of pickups.  Can anyone find statistics that establish otherwise?

You are over thinking this, holidays would not be the same without all the slaughter

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7 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

In this case, it seems best to allow people to use their vehicles for their intended purpose (which, in this country, includes carrying people)

Rear of vehicle, not fitted with seat belts, are not designed or intended for passenger transport.... anywhere.


admittedly , here (and in some other countries) the vehicles are used excessively outside manufacturers guidelines... but that doesn’t make it ok.


Ask any vehicle manufacturer if it’s ok in their vehicles, and the answer is no, in fact, this is also included with the documents supplied with the vehicle


Also, with the wealth of research into this, allowing transport of passengers unsecured in the rear, is disgraceful for any country that wants to have “law” discussed as a part of its constitution


And.... without looking, unrestrained passengers are probably already outlawed within the road laws that exist


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