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Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote


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@ kawika4058 'I agree the US should pull out of the UN, have it moved somewhere else. We should all so cut  our foreign aid to all Arab country who take our money then vote against us.  Why are giving money to terrorist states in the first place? They have been abusing our generosity for far too long. If they don't need us, we sure as hell don't need them.'

Perhaps that's why the US gives financial assistance so that they can later withdraw such assistance if they choose to.

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9 hours ago, Morch said:


Suggesting things is easy, explaining how things would work or offering realistic alternatives is harder. Does the above imply that all nations would have an equal say on all matters? Should the weight of small, or even tiny, countries such as those ridiculed in previous posts be identical to that of larger countries and superpowers? Considering superpowers and even smaller countries cannot be easily (or at all) compelled to act against their own wishes, how would the change suggested address things better? And, of course, nothing in the above actually relates to bloc voting or superpowers leveraging their influence and might.

In a Democratic system all would be equal, failing that we can all develop nukes and nbc systems and live on a triggers edge the choice is simple.

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14 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

In a Democratic system all would be equal, failing that we can all develop nukes and nbc systems and live on a triggers edge the choice is simple.


And they all lived happily ever after. Disregarding the comment above does not even begin to address the points raised, there is a vast difference between theory and practice with regard to democratic systems. The alternative is, of course, not necessarily the doomsday nonsense suggested. The veto power is in place at present, and the world at large does not generally live as described. Similarly, it is not immediately apparent how having an ideal democratic system (disregarding the issue of its attainability) would decidedly prevent problems related to "nukes and nbc systems".

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7 hours ago, TKDfella said:

@ kawika4058 'I agree the US should pull out of the UN, have it moved somewhere else. We should all so cut  our foreign aid to all Arab country who take our money then vote against us.  Why are giving money to terrorist states in the first place? They have been abusing our generosity for far too long. If they don't need us, we sure as hell don't need them.'

Perhaps that's why the US gives financial assistance so that they can later withdraw such assistance if they choose to.

It is this type of statement that makes me realise the chasm of difference in the educational standards in the world. It is clear that the term 'history' and even geopolitics is not given any type of priority or seriousness in some educational systems.

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10 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

He should go beyond threats, throw them out of NYC, stop giving them money and completely withdraw from such a useless organization.

Make it happen and good riddance to the American blowhards.

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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It is this type of statement that makes me realise the chasm of difference in the educational standards in the world. It is clear that the term 'history' and even geopolitics is not given any type of priority or seriousness in some educational systems.

You might be on to something.


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13 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It is this type of statement that makes me realise the chasm of difference in the educational standards in the world. It is clear that the term 'history' and even geopolitics is not given any type of priority or seriousness in some educational systems.

Could you tell me which statement you were referring to because, as your quote 'history' does not appear in either statements. Would like to know how you think this shows a '...chasm of difference...'. Certainly I cannot comment on today's educational standards and although the topic of History has been in school curriculum for a long time (one could choose which period to study) as far as I know the term 'geopolitics' originated in the early 20th century. Would not such a topic be for those interested in studying Politics?

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/21/2017 at 7:30 AM, ezzra said:

Just so you know, the US has enough of it's oil and even export some out,

beside, the UN is a dinosaur that it's time and relevancy has passed,

if they want the 500 million dollars the US contribute every year, don't

vote against them, as they say, the man with the money is the man

with the powers, ask any billionaire....

When and if the US pays them. They are consistently behind on their payments


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