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Hiya all

I have a really massive penis, I am wondering is there anywhere I can get it made smaller as it really affects my life?

Thanks All

Did you have a bad dream ? :o


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Hiya all

I have a really massive penis, I am wondering is there anywhere I can get it made smaller as it really affects my life?

Thanks All

how do you know its massive? do you have small hands?

i think you need a trip to Specsavers!! :o

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Who you calling a troll? 7 posts and you rule the size of my genitals do you halfwit?

I have a medical need for my massive penis, whats wrong with that maybe you are just inadequate. I can lend you some after the op if you wish? Anyways you scorn me and you name yourself hugh hefner......I rest my case!


764 posts on this forum, and then a lame troll post like that....

I don't know, what's the world coming to....

*Shakes head sadly and walks away*

Edited by lopburiguy
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hey guy don't be cruel this guy have a problem . usually large penis is related to Pre-Ejaculation

and also due to large amount of blood going into his dick .. he usally can't think straight . which lead to poor sex life .

all i can say is i pity you .


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Yes you know my problem. I cannot think straight literally all my blood goes out of body, I am like a floopy rag on the end of a totem pole. Its like tossing the kaber without throwing it if you get what I mean. Thanks for your understanding of this gross affliction.

hey guy don't be cruel this guy have a problem . usually large penis is related to Pre-Ejaculation

and also due to large amount of blood going into his dick .. he usally can't think straight . which lead to poor sex life .

all i can say is i pity you .


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