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Goski´s Good Morning Chiang Rai


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Good morning Chiang Rai!

I was thinking that people usually do stuff. Well, at least they get out of bed.

Considering all the tips and tricks for visas, buying land, building houses, starting businesses and other boring stuff on the forum, there must be something normal that people do as well. That must be more fun!

What are you up to today? Are you going somewhere interesting, have a hobby to share, found out about an event or just going down the rubbadub or café?

Why not just a: "Good morning, I'm feeling sick"? To get the forum a bit more active I mean, in a less serious way, as well as a bonus.

Myself I'm going to deal with some fantastically boring people about whether the airline will allow me to transport a bowling ball as hand luggage or not and in that case will they store it somewhere else than in the head compartment? Fantastic isn´t it? Your turn.


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Good morning too!

I have a hang-over today but that isn't my fault, because it's localguys fault.

The day before yesterday for some reason he decided to become father again and yesterday we celebrated this remarcable fact in Bo's Place.

It's a beautiful baby, 52 cm and 3.5 kilo at birth :o .

The mother is doing great and so does the father.

He was born at 7.39 am.

Transformed into to a lottery number this moment was worth about 120.000 Baht :D

What a start for the little fellow! He made merit to his parents before he even had opened his eyes yet!

Congrats localguy! (I mean with the baby :D )

Limbo :D

Concerning my plans for today: A visit to our local cultural center Big C is on the program and after that whatever comes up.

Have a nice day everybody!

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So why "Goski's Good Morning Chiang Rai"?

Why not " Good Morning Chiang Rai" ?

We already have "Goski's Guess where" or something. More than enough with that!

Maybe because 'Goski' is a brandname?

Anyhow, it is a quality product :D

Limbo :o

PS: By the way Svenivan, you couldn't make a couple of photo's today on that great village market you live close to?

Don't try to change the subject of this topic ... :D

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Well firstly a big CONGRATULATIONS must go out to LocalGuy on the birth of your new baby boy.

Today I am back at work, nothing exciting. I will sneak out for a coffee at Bo's at around 1:30, but apart from that a relatively boring day.

Yesterday on a day off, I ventured with a group of friends (Thai and Farang) for most part of the day to Pattaya Noi. Arrived at around 11:30 and left at 6pm. Just sat by the river drinking nice golden refreshing beverages and picked at delicous Thai fried treats.

listened to music and had a nap. Great way to spend my free time!

ITR :o

Edited by In the Rai!
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Good Day Chiang Rai ! . . unfortunately I am with you in spirit only. I am currently in the UK, where it is wet,windy,cold and miserable . . but, am I depressed ? . . YES ! :D However, had I been in Chiang Rai, I have no doubt that I would spend the day at Khieng Doi Fishing Park trying to catch the big fish and maybe partaking of an alcoholic beverage or two :o

Have a good one :D

ImageDude :D

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Good Day Chiang Rai ! . . unfortunately I am with you in spirit only. I am currently in the UK, where it is wet,windy,cold and miserable . . but, am I depressed ? . . YES ! :D However, had I been in Chiang Rai, I have no doubt that I would spend the day at Khieng Doi Fishing Park trying to catch the big fish and maybe partaking of an alcoholic beverage or two :o

Have a good one :D

ImageDude :D

Image dude,

Hello from Chiang Rai!

where is Khieng Doi Fishing Park and is it the best one to go to for some nice coldies and good fishing?

cheers ITR

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When it comes to fishing, what is recommendable? I'm just thinking that there must be some nice places for a weekend of fishing with friends.

Sven-Ivan, I think I remember I got the idea for the good morning thread from you actually :o You can have some credits for it (and if it turns out to be a very bad idea I give you all the credits :D).



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Check it out . . . . also, if you look on my website you will find plenty of pics of Khieng Doi and it's fish ! :D


Address: 12 Moo 5 Tambon Tasai, Chiang Rai - Toeng Road, Muang District, Chiang Rai,


ImageDude :D

Image Dude,

thank you kindly. I will check it out on the weekend. I will try to save you a fewer of the smaller fish for when you get back. :o

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Well today I am at work. Not much happening but I will go for a jog this afternoon.(highlight of the day)

Bring on tomorrow. I love FRIDAYS..

I am going to try one of those indian curries.


Be Careful Out There :o . . . the last time I visited someone in the Intensive Care Unit of our local hospital, the beds were full of Joggers and Squash Players who'd eaten too many curries : :D:D:lol: lol:

ImageDude :D

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i was in chiangrai last week.....and i gotta say you guys (and gals) must have it good up there. what a beautiful place! silly me to not have visited before....dont tell the chiangmai forum..but i like chiangrai better :o

too short visit though....

ermm well i think /hope this counts as valid for the thread :D

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i was in chiangrai last week.....and i gotta say you guys (and gals) must have it good up there. what a beautiful place! silly me to not have visited before....dont tell the chiangmai forum..but i like chiangrai better :D

Sssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone!

:o:D :D

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i was in chiangrai last week.....and i gotta say you guys (and gals) must have it good up there. what a beautiful place! silly me to not have visited before....dont tell the chiangmai forum..but i like chiangrai better :D

too short visit though....

ermm well i think /hope this counts as valid for the thread :D

As even the smallest child would notice: This is off topic as off topic can be.

Because of my proverbial leniency I will not delete your posting this time, but consider it a serious warning!

Limbo :o

PS: What do you think ladies (?) and gentlemen, shall we nominate MiG16 for the Nobelprize in literature? :D

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goski thanks for the pic (and more so for joining me in being off topic :D)

Id bet in thailand people would get excited by the after pic :D dont they call it 'mae-kaning' up north? :D

ok to redeem myself...while in chiangrai i got up each morning, put on my gloves (in addition to ofcourse other clothing items! :D ) and then set out to ocnquer the various 'dois' :o

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Thanks Goski for the great pics!

I think they are absolutely on-topic :D as they show us another and very important positive aspect of living in Chiang Rai: The weather!

But, as there is a little Swede housed in me too, they gave me aside from cold shivers a slight feeling of melancholy as well. Yes, I would love to stay a couple of days in Sweden again!

Limbo :o

PS: At 7 o'clock this morning it was 12 degree Celsius outside in Chiang Rai.

And, otherwise than in Sweden, we don't have central heating, so inside the house it wasn't

much warmer.

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