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Exchange rate lower because of the holidays?


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I wish posteres would give an indication as to their thoughts about the direction of currency when they post.   


In the past, I've read posters saying the baht is weak when it is going  stronger  against Western currencies.   


I can only gather they don't quite get the whole picture.

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Call it market forces, currency market, speculation, whatever, but not "rip off at exchange booths in high season" like another poster did :biggrin:



And at the same the US government accuses Thailand to use unfair practices to LOWER the Thai Baht :wacko:

And at the same time prices for IMPORTED products are on the RISE again and again.

No fun visiting the supermarkets :angry:

Edited by Sunak
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2 hours ago, Sunak said:

Call it market forces, currency market, speculation, whatever, but not "rip off at exchange booths in high season" like another poster did :biggrin:



And at the same the US government accuses Thailand to use unfair practices to LOWER the Thai Baht :wacko:

And at the same time prices for IMPORTED products are on the RISE again and again.

No fun visiting the supermarkets :angry:




I should not admit it but I really don't bother to check THB rates against any currency except on special occasions.


I can't change it and would not be reacting.






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The exchange rate on a Friday is typically set to something known as the weekend rate which has a wider spread than at other times during the trading week. The FOREX market only operates from Sunday afternoon up to Friday night but institutional investors have access over the weekend also but typically don't trade then, although they can and do so in extreme circumstances, for example when a government initiative is about to be released on a Monday morning.

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