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Word Of The Decade


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The word of the decade for me is...


Everyone wants it.Now those guys who were mistreated in Iraqi prisons want it!!

will the families of the militants who got butchered down south be asking for it next??? probably.

Dogs,cats,rapist,murderers,blacks who cant get jobs,whites who can,everyones talking COMPENSATION!!

Thats my word of the decade...anyone else got one?

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Gosh golly gee, there could be so many words of the decade...


The continuing discovery of more photos and videos, of part-time junior inexperienced soldiers (poorly supervised by their officers and military commanders), in compromising actions with their Iraqi detainees, could quite possibly be the best recruitment for new islamic terrorists that we have ever seen.


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May I suggest a tea made from senna pods or failing that some perfectly good proprietary medicine available at any good pharmacist.

This will cure your constipation in no time.

However I think you should post it under another heading.

I know we are only four years and a bit into the decade but I am sure a more appropriate word could be found.

Still each to his own.

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The word of the decade for me is...

Thats my word of the decade...anyone else got one?

Well I'm gonna cheat a bit and say that my word for the decade is:


This is a wonderful time to be a part of the human evolutionary ladder. Sure there are a lot of bad things going on around the world. It is easy to overlook so many wonderful things going on because the bad things are so magnified sometimes. But the good things in life outnumber the bad things by a huge majority.

Would anyone rather have lived 100-150 years ago, when the average life span was 15-20 years less, when the common cold could be a life or death experience, or having to walk out back to a stinky outhouse in the dead of winter for the morning constitutional?

Life is good, drink it in, enjoy it and be a part of it.

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Splitlid - since your so sweet I'll further clarify my submitted words to you;

DYNAMIC - filled with its ups and downs, good and bad, everchangingness of everything.

BUSH -since the beginning of the decade it was Bush and at the end of the decade it's another Bush, nothings changed for the better so I think we better get out of the bushes (pun intended), ya know what I mean???

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