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Midweek Rant …..a conversation with Somchai in authority


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Midweek Rant….. a conversation with Somchai in authority



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Rooster is speaking to “Khun Somchai In Authority”


“Hey Somchai”.


“Rooster old chap, sabai dee ler? Watdee pee mai”.


“Khraphom. Just phoning about a few things. The 375 people dead on the Thai roads in the first of six of the “seven deadly days” for example. Just over 61 a day. Average. Proud of yourself?”


“Rather, Rooster. It’s all smiling faces here at the ministry, I can tell you. Down 0.5% on 2014. Transfers put off! Quite a result”.


“Yes I am sure you’re right”.


“Figures from TAT show there were a billion more cars and pesky motorcyclists on the roads at New Year, too. Ergo we should have expected more accidents. We know they love a drink – who’s to deny them that freedom? Besides, as you well know, it’s the devil’s own job keeping the people in their place”.


“The morgue you mean”


“Now, now Rooster….remember the defamation laws”.


“Noted. But didn’t you have 100,000 officials and police mobilized to prevent this. What did they get up to?”


“Busy, busy, all of them, tireless in the heat, an example to all, all that Chicken Essence to hand out. Convenience and safety. Would have been much worse without them old chap”.


“The Chicken Essence or the officials?


“You are a Western wag Wooster!! Both. Anyway was there something you wanted, I am a bit tied up patting myself on the back with the Daily News reporters at the mo”.


“Any other ideas what causes all this carnage?”


“Nasty word, Rooster. Remember what Big Too has been saying about the media and fake news. Let’s be positive for a change. Let’s call it…er…. Another C word….I know Carma!! Get it!




“You see the public are lawless. Always have been. Better to blame them than us – they’ll suck it up”.




“Who cares anyway – the stiffs are 80% bikers aren’t they. Expendable in the great Thai cosmic scheme of things. Besides they’re poor – they never learn. Be positive, elections are due in November old boy! And if not November, as soon as possible after that.”




“Frankly, there are so many more important things to worry about rather than life and death. It comes to us all. Get over it. Mai pe rai naaa! Have some spicy som tam. Yummy. Click on a few Facebook likes. It’ll go away if we ignore it. I am sure you understand, you’ve been in Thailand yonks, haven’t you?”


“True, true, all true. Actually the reason I was calling was that I was at the hospital earlier and your six year old daughter was there”.


“Jing?….how is the little scamp. Still asking after Khun Phor I expect. Na rak!”


“Er, not exactly. She’d just been thrown out of the back of a pick-up. The driver was drunk. It was your wife! Who would credit it! Just thought you’d like to know.


“I saw the little one in the morgue. They had just sewn her head back on, little poppet looked at peace. Missing a bit of brains. Not to worry, Por Teck Tung swept that mess up and shoved it in a roadside bin. All neat and tidy now. You’d never have known it happened.


“And great news – you might get some compensation! Also another bonus - your missus didn’t die. She was wearing that luang phor amulet you gave her on her birthday. She can’t speak – win,win – ha,ha…..phut len na khrap.


“Lost a leg and a couple of arms though, but hey, that’s par for the course. Must have stepped on a cockroach in a previous life.


“Even better news – the garage say they can repair the damage (to the truck at least, just another little joke!). You can pick it up in a couple of days on your way to the funeral.


“They said they’d wipe the blood off too. Now that’s service! Pen gan eng! Don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket with the license plate number – the wife not dying must be a sign! Unbelievable luck!


“Fancy a few drinks later? Somchai? Somchai? Are you still there?”


“Yes. Oh Rooster, now I have seen the light. You have taught me a life lesson with this tale of karmic woe. I admit it, we can learn from other people, other countries can teach us the error of our ways and show us a better path. Being number one in road death is not all it’s cracked up to be”.


“Really? Great. So what are you going to do about it Somchai my friend?”


“That’s a tough one. I know! I know! Let’s set up a committee!


“See you at Songkran!”




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-01-04
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We all know that there is a huge problem with road casualties. Here on TVF we have all been over it and floated reasons and solutions ad infinitum.

This is an extremely ill judged (perhaps even sick and nasty) little "rant", which brings nothing to the debate, adds no new thoughts information or suggestions and serves only to mock those killed and injured, especially the innocent victims and their nearest.

Rooster - I suggest that you are sufficiently well connected to ask the TVF powers that be to take it down.


Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app









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16 hours ago, JAG said:

We all know that there is a huge problem with road casualties. Here on TVF we have all been over it and floated reasons and solutions ad infinitum.

This is an extremely ill judged (perhaps even sick and nasty) little "rant", which brings nothing to the debate, adds no new thoughts information or suggestions and serves only to mock those killed and injured, especially the innocent victims and their nearest.

Rooster - I suggest that you are sufficiently well connected to ask the TVF powers that be to take it down.


Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I think you have been here too long and have lost your British sense of humour; in this case 'black'. Black humour often works when all else fails. Trouble is 'Somchai' just wouldn't get it, would he? What Thailand needs is some good satirical cartoonists. Im convinced most Thais think in pictures anyway so they might get such cartoons. Most questions I ask my missus receive a reply plucked straight from her imagination.....:whistling:.



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The big winner out of the road safety campaign seems to be Brands with their Essence of Chicken. I wonder who stitched up that neat deal and how much it cost taxpayers and how much commission was paid?


Edited by Cadbury
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