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Dear members!

I would like some information from anyone who has recently been to Singapore for a Non Immigrant 'O' visa based on Marriage to a Thai national.

I am going to Singapore on Sunday 21st to apply for the afore mentioned visa on Monday.

I thought that I had goten a handle on the requirements, but thought I would email the consulate in Singapore just to make sure. The reply I received has made me very confused.

Please read:

Dear Sir,

In order to apply for the non -Immigrant visa, we need you to get us a photocopy of your

marriage cert,house registration photocopy, your bank book or a copy of it under your

name which need to have at least 400 thousand bahts, one passport size photo, and

one visa form to be fillup at the visa counter, charges in singapore dollars $220/-.(mult-

entry visa for a period of 1 year) each stays only allowed for a period of 3 months only.

Submission hours are only from Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 12.15noon, and it takes

2 working days to process for the visa, collection will be from 2.00pm to 4.30pm only.

Need any further information kindly contact me at tel : 67372644 ext 3.

Best regards


I was under the impression that proof of savings/income was only required if you wished to extend your visa for a year in Thailand. Also that the 400000Baht option was only available to people who had already applied before October 1st, 2006. The new requirement being 40000Baht per month single/combined income.

As I do not wish to extend, but simply use it as a multiple entry (90 day) visa, this should not be a requirement. Or is it?

Could this perhaps be a case of misunderstanding/misinterpretation by the kind Shima in Singapore. I have tried to call to clarify the situation, but the line has alwyas been busy.

I would be very interested in our members opinions on this case.


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Do not know about Singapore but I obtained my non-im O Visa in England (Birmingham consulate) 4 months ago. All I had to produce was my marriage certificate. The cost was 80 pound and was ready in 15 minutes. This gives me 90 days multiple entry.


Dear members!

I would like some information from anyone who has recently been to Singapore for a Non Immigrant 'O' visa based on Marriage to a Thai national.

I am going to Singapore on Sunday 21st to apply for the afore mentioned visa on Monday.

I thought that I had goten a handle on the requirements, but thought I would email the consulate in Singapore just to make sure. The reply I received has made me very confused.

Please read:

Dear Sir,

In order to apply for the non -Immigrant visa, we need you to get us a photocopy of your

marriage cert,house registration photocopy, your bank book or a copy of it under your

name which need to have at least 400 thousand bahts, one passport size photo, and

one visa form to be fillup at the visa counter, charges in singapore dollars $220/-.(mult-

entry visa for a period of 1 year) each stays only allowed for a period of 3 months only.

Submission hours are only from Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 12.15noon, and it takes

2 working days to process for the visa, collection will be from 2.00pm to 4.30pm only.

Need any further information kindly contact me at tel : 67372644 ext 3.

Best regards


I was under the impression that proof of savings/income was only required if you wished to extend your visa for a year in Thailand. Also that the 400000Baht option was only available to people who had already applied before October 1st, 2006. The new requirement being 40000Baht per month single/combined income.

As I do not wish to extend, but simply use it as a multiple entry (90 day) visa, this should not be a requirement. Or is it?

Could this perhaps be a case of misunderstanding/misinterpretation by the kind Shima in Singapore. I have tried to call to clarify the situation, but the line has alwyas been busy.

I would be very interested in our members opinions on this case.


In my humble opinion the problem is the standard one of Thai's who think they can communicate in English.

Because you based you request on "marriage to a Thai", rather than say"visiting TW's family, Khun Shima has interpreted your request as an O-A Multi Entry Visa. Hence the detail about marriage certificate etc. She obviously is not yet up to speed in reqard to the new rules yet.

Also she has simply stated the requirement for O-A that it is only valid for 90 days at a time max, which it is, but the benefit is compared to an O you do not have to leave the Kingdom so you save on Visa run expenses.

If it was me I would do exactly as she says and go for the O-A Multi Entry and try my luck, a 12month O-A Multi Entry is far better than an O. Do not try to be too smart you have her email and if she props just politely point out you are simply following her directives.


Thanks very much for that quick response. This board is the best. I will take your advice and see what happens. I'm sure I managed to confuse poor Shima.



There is no such thing as an O-A visa for marriage or requirements for 400k bank accounts. I am afraid this may be a new criteria for issuance of a multi entry O visa by Singapore. I wish you luck but if you do not have the mentioned items I suspect you will still be able to obtain a single entry. Let us know either way as it may be important to a lot of people. Thanks.


You're right!

The 400000 is the old requirement for extension of stay. That's what makes me think that there has been some confusion. If they really did want to introduce a new monetary requirement for Non-Immigrant O visa applications they would, if logic prevails, use the new 40000 requirement.

I will know more on Monday when I put in my application. Don't panic just yet!

I'll let everyone know how I get on.


I will take your advice and see what happens.

When filling out the visa application form be sure to write “visit family” in the field “purpose of visit”. Bring the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate and also a copy of your wife’s ID card in case it should be asked for.

As far as your application for a non-O visa goes, you are visiting Thailand, not living there, and therefore you should not be expected to have a bank account in your name in Thailand.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


I will take your advice and see what happens.

When filling out the visa application form be sure to write “visit family” in the field “purpose of visit”. Bring the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate and also a copy of your wife’s ID card in case it should be asked for.

As far as your application for a non-O visa goes, you are visiting Thailand, not living there, and therefore you should not be expected to have a bank account in your name in Thailand.




Thank you very much for you advice. I have been an avid reader and member of this board for a while and have always found your comments helpful and insightful. I will certainly make sure I follow your suggestion.



I called the said Embassy 10 days ago and then they stated the same requirements for Multiple Non-Immigrant O as last year, i.e. copy marriage certificate and copy of wife’s ID card. :D

But, well things change fast here these days and so do the Thai-Singapore relationship, who knows what’s up. :o


October 2006, Thai Consulate DUABI, issued me a non-immgrant O Multi entry One year visa on following documents.

Original marriage certificate, copy of house registration, copy of wife id card, and a letter from my wife written in Thai Language “requesting consulate to issue a visa for my husband” (she faxed the above letter to Thai consulate Dubai) copy of Return Air ticket, and 500 Dirham Fee. That’s it nothing else


Singapore have got their own rules

Already 2 years ago when I applied for a Non-O to visit Thailand for purpose of contemplating retirement, they issued a single Non-O (which is what I asked for as I could have got a multi by paying more)

But to issue that they required to see the evidence of more than 800K in a bank account !

Good job I could print statements from my home bank in Euros on the internet which they accepted.


We only have to look at the different ways that Thai Consulate/Embassies even in the same country issue visas, I obtained my non 'o' in KL as I am married to a Thai and posted my experience on this forum last week and would reccomend everyone to go there, I would have preffered to go to Penang but they only issue single entry visas, make sure that your wife signs all the relevent photocopies as well and take your origonal wedding certificate along, it shows how things change as I spoke to a couple of single guys in a bar in Pattaya a month ago who obtained multiple non 'o' visas in Singapore no problem, maybe that's still the case and the fact you are married to a Thai makes it more difficult ? lets face it since when have the Thais used common sense when dealing with anything.


I am thinking along the same lines as you, Lop. I suspect in the future (if not already), 400K in the bank will be the requirement for a Non-O issued in the region.

I have already booked flights to Singapore early next month for a Non-O multiple, I will stick everything in minus the bank statements (which are in order), and see if I am asked for them.

Just when you thought it was all over.............



I seriously doubt you will get a MULTI entry Non Imm O based on "visiting family", at the embassy in Singapore,

unless you are Singaporean.

If you are married, why do you need the multi-entry??

A single entry should suffice, then you get the extension based on income.......

and a re-entry permit if you travel a lot.


Unfortunately the embassies/consulates can apply their own interpretation of the rules. :o



You got no problem buddy..Just got back from Singapore today and had a blast..I am married to a great thai lady and got the Non o with zero problems and it was a pleasure seeing that 90 day stamp today at the airport..Make sure you tell that sweat islamic lady Steven said hello..


You got no problem buddy..Just got back from Singapore today and had a blast..I am married to a great thai lady and got the Non o with zero problems and it was a pleasure seeing that 90 day stamp today at the airport..Make sure you tell that sweat islamic lady Steven said hello..

Did you get a 12 month multi-entry? And did you have to show proof of income?

I am thinking about making myself applicable for this NON-O 'marriage' visa, I have more than B40,000 coming into my bank every month but does this money have to come from one source or can it just be my total monthly income is over the B40,000 minimum?

Nikkijah :o


I got a 1 year non o there 3 months ago based on marriage, and only needed to give a copy of the marriage cert and the wifes id card. No proof of funds or any other documents.

They have proably changed the requirements but i dont know about the money thing. I e-mailed Shima several times and all of her replys were very hard to understand, but she never made mention of having to so funds, so maybe this is a new requirement. I would call her.

No proof of income needed or coin in the bank..was told the next time i need to show 400k in bank.

And next time will be when? The question seems to be if you received a single entry visa or a one year multi entry. I would guess multi entry from the 400k next time requirements but only you can answer for sure.


You got no problem buddy..Just got back from Singapore today and had a blast..I am married to a great thai lady and got the Non o with zero problems and it was a pleasure seeing that 90 day stamp today at the airport..Make sure you tell that sweat islamic lady Steven said hello..

That is very good news. I am confident now everything will go fine. Thanks for the update.



Just got this email for the lovely Shima.

I'm not sure if she is still confused as to my visa request, or whether this really is a new requirement.

Here's the email:

Dear Sir,

Effect on the 15th Jan 07, we at the thai embassy in singapore is cheking the bank book or

letter from the bank in regards of the financial status,to make sure you can support your

family while you are with them, just for our records only.

Best regards


Hope the writing is not on the wall.



Dear members. I sent another email to Shima asking for clarification and received another confusing response. Please give me you feedback and if possible explain what she means.

Thanks in advance,


My email

Dear Shima,

I do not intend to stay in Thailand permanently as I will be working overseas. My wife is employed and supports herself at the moment.

I will simply be visiting my wife in Thailand every month and therefore require a multiple entry visa. I will not be supporting her financially during this time and therefore do not understand the need for me to show proof of income/savings.


Dear Sir,

I would like to advised you to contact our immigration dept in Thailand to make a request

for your re-entry, and explained to them if required to do so.

Best regards



1. They have told you of the new requirement they have, proof of 400k in a bank account, to obtain a multi entry non immigrant visa.

2. You object to that rule so they present you with the alternative - extension of stay with proof of income to immigration and then obtaining a re-entry permit to allow you to make your trips/money.

1. They have told you of the new requirement they have, proof of 400k in a bank account, to obtain a multi entry non immigrant visa.

2. You object to that rule so they present you with the alternative - extension of stay with proof of income to immigration and then obtaining a re-entry permit to allow you to make your trips/money.

I did not object to the new rule, if that's indeed what it is. I said I did not understand the need to show 400,000Baht. I also stated that I would not be living in Thailand, but visiting. My aim was simply to clarify.

If this is the new rule, then this is the new rule, but the figure of 400,000Baht as proof of income falls under the old rules (pre Oct1,2006), doesn't it? Unless I'm mistaken, the new rules state that you must show an income of 40,000Baht per month income in order to apply for an extension of stay for a Non-Immigrant O visa for the purpose of marriage.

I understand that various new rules are being introduced. I am simply trying to understand the situation regarding this one. Shima's comment about re-entry permits leads me to believe that she is advising me to apply for an extension of stay. Again, this would mean the 40,000Baht income requirement would apply.

Anyway, it will all become clear on Monday when I apply for the visa. I just thought it prudent to try and find out what was needed beforehand. Thank you all for your comments.



Correct me if I am wrong (and I'm sure you will!! :o ) but under the pre 1/10 regs, wasn't it 400,000 in the bank OR 40,000 a month OR a combination (200K and 20k a month)!!????

My understanding of the new regs is they have changed it to earnings only and it's now household rather than the visa applicant only!!

BTW see you on Monday!!!!!!


The objection is how they would likely have read your email. They had provided the rules and you indicated you did not want to abide by them. It seems this is a new requirement and not a mistake and email 2 provides the the non multi entry visa option (which would be extension of stay and re-entry permits). I suspect the 400k is proof to them you can pay your own way without illegal work being involved.


I went to Penang last October for a Non O multiple entry, before leaving I e-mailed Penang they replied with no mention of 400,000 in the bank I then phoned them to make sure he said yes you need it but if you don't have we'll see what we can do( nice freindly guy ) I then phoned an agent who said yes I should be able to get you it without the money in the bank. Result single entry 90 visa. You need to show 400,000 for a Multiple Entry Non O Marraige Visa, unless you go back to your own country to apply.

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