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Is Yingluck really wanted?


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The JUNTA are finished nobody wants Prayut. They will decieve and bully to try to win..

The only way a army party will win is by a illegal vote count. 

It has been amusing to watch. YINGLUCK is protected by real laws. The regime made up laws to suit. This all coming from a ' non elected government ' That in fact committed treason lol.

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2 hours ago, thrilled said:

I’m surprised that she can’t talk to the government.For A reduced sentence maybe 

pay up some money.

What sentence ? They are a illegal army coup who changed laws to bury her. To infact move in and repeat the same money making. Jail innocent people and suppress human rights. Brainwashing Thais to believe the country is in trouble lol. The trouble is them

Edited by Media1
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13 minutes ago, lonewolf99 said:

I think there should be a fair and just, democratic public vote by the Thai people to see if she can come back or not.................:smile:

Gen. is already thinking about that referendum.


Voting bulletins layout has been done already..


Question: Do you want Yingluck to come back


Answers: Select one answer only

-1- Prayut

-2- Prayut

-3- Prayut

-4- All of the above 


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2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


The status quo will prevail, the Red Bull Brat rules, if Thaksin came back and was jailed or Ying luck there may well be riots.

Many people especially the North east people love them.

I never speak of them to Thai people.

If the government was serious they would go after the Bull Brat and Ying Luck /Thaksin, however high so rules the roost, corruption is rife and healthy amongst whoever rules, the argument is over I suspect who cuts the cake up.


And if the Jaunta had a conscience they would release the B2, the most disgusting scape goat cover up ever seen in LOS.



1 hour ago, Johnboxer said:

She will be back to face trial the same time as the Red Bull Heir NEVER ?

The argument very probably started (back in Thaksins first term) as a dispute over who cuts the cake.

It is.now more fundamental, and with much higher stakes. Who controls and is to control the country (and all its wealth and the benefits which flow from that wealth) for the foreseeable future. The self perpetuating closed shop of the traditional "elite" or the people, through the political parties they choose.


As for returning, well unlike (Red Bull) she has faced trial. She then disappeared - was she pushed or did she jump?

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Is there anybody on this planet who actually believes Yingluck did a runner unaided by the junta and that they are are serious about wanting her back? 


This sounds about as likely as a an aging senior politician borrowing a bunch of fancy watches from his rich mates just to show off.



Edited by Krataiboy
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The OP mentions the fact that there is no extradition treaty between the UK and Thailand.  Well, it seems to me that there is, unless it has been repealed and I'm sure one of the 31 offences that are extraditable will fit the bill and it is fair to say there are some interesting ones there




But whether there is or there isn't, it's a no-brainer, they don't want her back.

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Ekachai Chainuvati, a legal expert and political critic, said yesterday he could not conclude that the junta was not serious in pursuing Yingluck. He explained that it was rather because the Thai government had no extradition treaty in place with the UK to have the fugitive former PM sent home.

No extradition treaty in place with the Uk? 

I've just googled it, here's the answer.

Currently, the following countries have extradition treaties with Thailand

theUS, the UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.

Some legal expert he is.


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Ekachai Chainuvati, a legal expert and political critic, said yesterday he could not conclude that the junta was not serious in pursuing Yingluck. He explained that it was rather because the Thai government had no extradition treaty in place with the UK to have the fugitive former PM sent home.

From Reuters:


He declined to comment specifically on whether Thailand would seek Yingluck's extradition. Thailand and the United Kingdom have an extradition treaty.


Hey, today's Reuters report quoting the Thai FM re YL says Thailand and the UK DO have an extradition treaty... This guy above is quoted saying they don't...  So Brits, which is it???



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13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


What a stupid question!


It isn't hard to know where Yingluck has been for the last several months, I have read it in the newspaper! And if I can read where she is "hiding" in the Nation and/or the Newspaper that shall not be named, then it ain't hiding.


Do they want her back? No.


She was put on trial by the military regime that supplanted her government; no right thinking person on the planet would claim that she got a fair trial (regardless of whether you think she was innocent or guilty).


If the Junta believed that she was treated fairly, they would try to extradite her. And no country on the planet would ever extradite a former PM to the coup-makers who supplanted her. It just ain't done. Don't believe me? Let me ask; why hasn't there been an extradition request made for Thaksin? Its not like no one knows where he is? It wouldn't be honoured- that is why it doesn't happen. 


And it would be the same for Yingluck- no government would ever extradite her back to the Junta.


If Yingluck ever comes back, it'll be because she chose to do so and for no other reason.

Very succinct explanation, which I agree 100%

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2 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Who cares where she is.

Maybe a few lovers of rich older women might but not many "Toy Boys" on TV let's face it.

Sensible people will rejoice she has gone...



Agreed. It's just a shame the rest of her fellow cronies, along with the current bunch of scammers can't, the bloody lot of them, be sent into exile with all their ill-gotten gains, so that a new breed of relatively honest politicians can come through. We can dream.

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