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Video: Dead on her birthday - 20 year old uni student dies on way home


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On 10/01/2018 at 11:11 PM, shy coconut said:

Have you 1st hand experience of items a) B) and c) ?

Yes I do. A couple of weeks before my accident with the motorbike taxi I witnessed an incident on Pattaya 2d road where a songthaew drove backwards onto a Western guy taking his motorbike from the side of the road. The guy was not injured but obviously there was some damage caused to both the vehicles by the crash. The songthaew driver rushed out of the car and started shouting at the guy. A policeman arrived at the scene by motorbike in no time and after a brief negotiation with the songthaew driver, he asked the Western guy to pay for the damage caused to the songthaew. The guy got barely his mouth open when the policeman was already speaking of the option to take him to the main station to be breathalyzed. The guy had not even started the engine yet and was not sitting on the bike, so he definitely was not "driving drunk". That is when I left the scene.


The amount 2000-3000 THB that I mentioned in the original post was the price that a friend had to pay to a car driver in an incident he got into at the traffic lights on Pattaya 3rd road two years ago. That time the reason was "scratching a car next to him". He paid 5000 THB in total to the police officers for their middleman services.



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On 12/01/2018 at 6:21 PM, GBW said:

and if you had bothered to have read this forum in its entirety, prior to you direct post to me, you would have realised that I have had this pointed out to me on several occasions and have noted my over site!  


you mean 'oversight'...


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On 1/9/2018 at 11:29 PM, Thian said:

That motocytaxidriver saw it happen right infront of him, he shaked his head of disgust and drove off like nothing happened.


Those guys are soo selfish, i have no words for it.

Looks like he followed the bus and flagged it down.  It appears that the bus ran over her head or upper torso ...


Unfortunately, the rider seemed to be in a real hurry and tried to cut in front of the bus.

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The reaction (not even stopping to see her condition, let alone trying to help) of that motorcycle taxi guy is so sickening !


But, having said that, I now see that some posters wrote that he didn't stop there, in order to pursue the bus so that the driver would stop. Not a great move, I think ! He could have just noted down the number of the bus, and instead of following it, he could have stopped to try to see if he can assist the girl.


There has been at least one other thread here recently, where there was a video where several people were CLEARLY seen as not showing any interest to the injured person on the ground.


I wonder if this kind of stuff has been talked about and criticised in at least some Thai TV shows (like, 'Where is our society heading ?' kind of way). Any idea ?


Sad !



Edited by JemJem
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