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Hi all.

The title says it all realy. I am currently using Tramadol 50mg's and taking aprox 400mg per day. It helps with a painfull ear infection I have but i was hoping there may be something stronger available over the counter?

Is it possible to buy opium based painkillers out here? And if so, are they safe to take for anyone? A friend of mine took them after having wisdom tooth removed and he swares it just killed the pain, without suffering any kind of dreamy high you may expect with opium based meds.





As you have been already advised you need to be seen at a hospital ASAP, when you are, ask about a short-term supply of stronger pain meds.

The severe pain you have is in itself an important symptom that should not be masked until an appropriate medical evaluation has been done.

Opiates are not legally available over the counter in Thailand, although some pharmacies may ignore this.

One good reason for this, aside from concerns about abuse, is that anyone with pain bad enough to require opiates ought to be under medical care.


Thanks for the comments all.

Sheryll I suppose that does make sense, but i was hoping that i may be able to buy something stronger to get me through the rest of the day and the bus journey to Bangkok tommorow. I guess for the sake of one more day i may aswell stick with the tramadol.

Thanks for the comments all.

Sheryll I suppose that does make sense, but i was hoping that i may be able to buy something stronger to get me through the rest of the day and the bus journey to Bangkok tommorrow. I guess for the sake of one more day i may aswell stick with the tramadol.

OK, understandable and didn't mean to sound heartless!

Don't know what dose tramadol you are on but assuming you don't have liver or kidney problems, you can safely go as high as 100mg maximum 4 times a day (short-term only). Thais seem to have a very low threshold for pain relieving and sedating drugs and prescriptions given here are often at doses too low for most westerners.

You can also ADD either aspirin or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with the tramadol, if so tho be sure to take with food or it will irritate your stomach.

Lastly, an ice pack probably will help.

Hope it's not a very long bus ride.


As far as I know, all the opiates (of which codeine is one) are controlled substances in Thailand, which doesn't mean you can't find a pharmacy to sell them to you. Just that they aren't supposed to. Even the cough medications with tiny amounts are now off most shelves.

You can, however, readily buy a variety of codeine preparations (with and without codeine) over the counter in Cambodia, although care must be taken in selection of pharmacy (problems with counterfeits).


Dr. of Audiology here....

You best get on this ear issue ASAP. You could have an infection started within the Mastoid Bone. You do not want that.... Also, the infection can lead to meningitis. The good news about meningitis is, you usually only get it once.... shortly before you die.

So go see an ENT ASAP


Ibuprofen may help some. I usually take an 800mg pill twice a day when I get back pains. Nothing over the counter is going to help much. It might take the edge off though.


Tramadol is a powerful painkiller. I was taking it in lower amounts after an operation and it blocked out any pain I was feeling. Pure relief from pain.

In my case ibuprofen provided no relief.

I mentioned this thread to a pharmacist friend and they suggested the OP be very careful of addiction to Tramadol due to the amounts they are taking.

In fact they were very surprised how much the OP was taking. :o

On topic, I had surgery in Chiang Mai, and for my recovery the surgeon prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, 30 mg. Is that available only by a doctor's prescription? It's powerful.

I take Tyenoll/ Codine Tablets called PARCONO.

But they are only available upon prescriptsion.

I use them to control my back pain.

You can but ordinary Tyenol over the counter though and I have found these to be a good substitute when I have run out of the prescriced medication

Good Luck


Tramadol is a powerful painkiller.

In my case ibuprofen provided no relief.

I mentioned this thread to a pharmacist friend and they suggested the OP be very careful of addiction to Tramadol due to the amounts they are taking.

In fact they were very surprised how much the OP was taking. :o

I was informed that Tramadol was on equal par wiyh Codeine, although I am now a little concerned about the adiction comment.

I always take 8nr 30mg Codeine and 8nr 500mg Paracetamol every day, topped up with Tramadol when the pain is too great, Tramadol takes the place of Codeine when not available.

Sheryl, I had no idea that Codeine was illegal in Thailand, I just took over enough to last a 3 week holiday, what would have happened if I got stopped for any reason?

I have also been informed that pain killers are generally not addictive when accompanied with a suitable amount of pain, as one counter acts the other, the problem starts when you continue to take the pain killers as a crutch after the pain has gone, any thoughts on this?

Good Luck



SKO, as others have said, please see a Doctor, is that the reason for visiting Bangers? It is too much pain killers for a problem that could be allieviated, hopefully?


Three years ago I blew out 4 discs in my back and have been on painkillers a long time. For a long time I was taking Vicodin, which is one of the opiate-based painkillers along with Oxycontin & Percocet. These pills are not available in Thailand as far as I know because I have checked. Eventually I got off Vicodin and went down to Tramadol which is not nearly as powerful but it helps. I think Tramadol is the strongest your going to find in Thailand. It's available in 50 mg or 100 mg pills.

I have also been informed that pain killers are generally not addictive when accompanied with a suitable amount of pain, as one counter acts the other, the problem starts when you continue to take the pain killers as a crutch after the pain has gone, any thoughts on this?

From rxlist.com


This medication may cause dependence, especially if it has been used regularly for an extended time or if it has been used in high doses. In such cases, withdrawal reactions (e.g., anxiety, sweating, sleeplessness, shaking, diarrhea, rapid breathing) may occur if you suddenly stop this drug. Also, if you are taking regular doses of narcotic medications for ongoing pain (e.g., cancer pain), starting tramadol may cause a withdrawal reaction. To prevent withdrawal reactions when stopping extended, regular treatment with this drug, gradually reduce the dosage as directed. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details, and report any withdrawal reactions immediately.


This medication may cause dependence, especially if it is used regularly for a long period of time or if it is used in high doses. In such cases, if you suddenly stop this drug, withdrawal reactions may occur. Such reactions can include restlessness, runny nose, watering eyes, trouble sleeping, severe abdominal/muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, and fast heartbeat. Report any such reactions to your doctor immediately. When stopping long-term, regular treatment with this drug, gradually reducing the dosage as directed will help prevent withdrawal reactions. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details.


Seven discs fro me, Three for 13 years and seven a of two years ago. I use tramadol as well, but I havever used eight of them. It does allow me to do things wihtin limits, even bolwing and motorcycle riding. But I do know if I do these things I will be down the following day and maybe longer.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tramadol can be addictive, however that being said. for me it' a choice I don't particulary want to get high, but I do want to function somewhat. So the trade off for me is trying to keep it in limits.

I couple my usage with a massage, not Thai Massage that kills me. This is the same as the physical therapy that really helped with pain management in the states. Yep I have tried other things such a accupuncture, sorry this is what works fo me. After 13 years is really don't need a doctor to explain the problem to me and applying bandiade approaches. sorry one more Tymes machine and I'll scream.

The comes a time when limitations are set upon you like it or not, so you adjust as best. I would love a beer form time to time, but I dont do that I can have the beer or I can have the pain relief. I think the dosages this guy is taking is huge, remember pain relief only masks the problem I know what mine is and what I need to do short of seven surgeries. If at all possible attack the problem early on, I tried wihtin the limitations I was willing to accept.

I will also point out to everyone no one else is going to understand internal pain unless they have been there. Simpla a thi if he can;t see the blood they don't believe it. So others are going to judge your actions based on what they know.

One of the biggest mistakes here was being honest about the problem, Haven't figured it out quiet yet, I got drunks and guys smoking dope chasing down morphine telling me I'm a addict.

Well I guess maybe my posion is different then thiers.

Anyway if you half to this as some of us do then you have to do what is best for you, don't expect other people to understand they won't. My recommendation don't discuss it with so called friends, they will lable you in a heart beat. Everything you do that does not meet thier expecatations will be because your are an addict.

Try to get through this the best you can and maintain some qaulity of life. But only do what you have to do and avoid the usage as much as you can.

I wish all luck and hope you find the happy medium.

Seven discs fro me, Three for 13 years and seven a of two years ago. I use tramadol as well, but I havever used eight of them. It does allow me to do things wihtin limits, even bolwing and motorcycle riding. But I do know if I do these things I will be down the following day and maybe longer.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tramadol can be addictive, however that being said. for me it' a choice I don't particulary want to get high, but I do want to function somewhat. So the trade off for me is trying to keep it in limits.

I couple my usage with a massage, not Thai Massage that kills me. This is the same as the physical therapy that really helped with pain management in the states. Yep I have tried other things such a accupuncture, sorry this is what works fo me. After 13 years is really don't need a doctor to explain the problem to me and applying bandiade approaches. sorry one more Tymes machine and I'll scream.

The comes a time when limitations are set upon you like it or not, so you adjust as best. I would love a beer form time to time, but I dont do that I can have the beer or I can have the pain relief. I think the dosages this guy is taking is huge, remember pain relief only masks the problem I know what mine is and what I need to do short of seven surgeries. If at all possible attack the problem early on, I tried wihtin the limitations I was willing to accept.

I will also point out to everyone no one else is going to understand internal pain unless they have been there. Simpla a thi if he can;t see the blood they don't believe it. So others are going to judge your actions based on what they know.

One of the biggest mistakes here was being honest about the problem, Haven't figured it out quiet yet, I got drunks and guys smoking dope chasing down morphine telling me I'm a addict.

Well I guess maybe my posion is different then thiers.

Anyway if you half to this as some of us do then you have to do what is best for you, don't expect other people to understand they won't. My recommendation don't discuss it with so called friends, they will lable you in a heart beat. Everything you do that does not meet thier expecatations will be because your are an addict.

Try to get through this the best you can and maintain some qaulity of life. But only do what you have to do and avoid the usage as much as you can.

I wish all luck and hope you find the happy medium.

Nice to hear your story Ray. You're exactly right that people in our situation are automatically labeled as addicts because we need to take the pain meds just to operate somewhat normally how everyone else does automatically. People take their pain free lives for granted. I have to live with this for the rest of my life and the only thing I can do is take the pain meds to get me through the pain. I was on Vicodin for a long time which is really strong and not good for you. I didnt want to keep taking that my whole life so I bought some Tramadol in BKK when I was there once and while it doesnt work as well as Vicodin, it gets the job done. So I have been off Vicodin for a while now and just take the Tramadol.

By the way, I have heard great things about acupuncture. You say it didnt work at all for you?


Inseatd of telling you a good painkiller .

i would tell you - about painkiller.

most pain killer is very acidic and you need a good drug to coat your stomach .

i take painkill but i try to go without it if i can ..

i use xanadine to coat my stomach . buy a good meal can help also .

is very hard on the liver .

yes ibuprofen is powerfull but is also very bad for the liver and is also relaated to some headache and stomach ulcer

which will give you more pain .

visit a doctor and get his help .

i am not sure if you are the same guy that complain about a bad ear infection and had try visting 6 different doctor ..

if you are ..

i strongly suggest stop trying to cure yourself , and seek some serious advice .

fly to singapore if you must , you can get more professional service ,.

Good luck .. painkiller is not the best cure to pain .. is self control . that help you more .

. * i just check you are the same guy ..

i am seriosuly worry for you and in your ear infection is as bad as you said .. i am seriously worry for you . try to get some professional and serious advice .. an ear infection that last so long can grow into other problem .. if you notice you r ear is really near your BRAIN.. and you would lost balance and get serious giddy feeling if it get worst ..

so do take care and get well soon .

i will try to talk to some friends and if i got more info i will post a reply for you or send you a Pm .


I remember reading up about Tramadol and it was supposed to be addictive, I took them for a few days for severe toothache (Wisdom Teeth) and they sure made me high. It is also an Opiod.


Tramadol is additive no doubt about it. In my case prior to that was Darvocet, much stroger. The only time I get high on the stuff is if I don't watch the consumption carefully.

Mind over matter, good luck with a bunch of pinched nerves in your spine, but it it works for that is wonderful. As I said before if you don't walk in the same shoes hard to understand.

I fully agree that pain medication only masks the symptoms and all avenues should, be considered to try to treat the problem not the result. I didn;t come to this approach over night we are talking 14 years of this.

I've have heard of accupunture working I'm not putting it down. Seven herniated discs in three locations is not an easy thing to treat, maybe if I had a localized problem it might have been effective. I'm certainly am not saying don't try it.

Whatever you do make sure to be careful in using meds.


I once got opium based painkillers in one of the pharmacy at MBK. I asked for a pain killer, they wanted to give me para, I asked for something stronger, and here it was, don't remember the name but definitely opium based.


Remember, about 10% of patients do not respond to treatment with the analgesic codeine. Codeine is converted into morphine in the liver, and some people lack the enzymes to achieve this.

The most potent analgesic I have obtained in Thailand was Temgesic (Buprenorphine) which I bought without difficulty at a pharmacy. I was using it for post-operative pain and proved this to the pharmacy manager.

For back pain, I used to use Co-Proxamol (dextropropoxyphene); which was prescribed in the U.K. and has now been banned. Long term use caused addiction in many, in fact I did not realise it, but it is a mood elevator, withdrawal was nasty. Often known as distalgesic overdose was a big problem. (The molecular structure of dextropropoxyphene resembles that of methadone.)

Pain killers are often a matter of trial and error, paracetamol often works very well for some, and other NSAIDS work well for others. Codeine is very constipating for long term use, and addictive.

Good luck in your quest to ease your pain.

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