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Trump blames U.S. Senator Durbin for blowing immigration deal


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On 1/16/2018 at 1:27 AM, riclag said:

He wasn't representing a nation in diplomacy in the oval office during that meeting. He was doing what every President and lawmakers do,talk!Their was nothing racist about wanting to have the best people migrate to America.

 It is if you think "the best people" only come from white countries.

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46 minutes ago, klikster said:

Unlike your comment(?)  .. which to me, sounds a bit racist.

"He wasn't representing a nation in diplomacy in the oval office during that meeting. He was doing what every President and lawmakers do,talk!Their was nothing racist about wanting to have the best people migrate to America".


Really!Since when does best describe skin color! It's not the most fortunate and successful  of people that want to migrate to my country and help contribute to MAGA.Most not all of the fortunate and successful(the best) want to stay in their perspective countries.

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

"He wasn't representing a nation in diplomacy in the oval office during that meeting. He was doing what every President and lawmakers do,talk!Their was nothing racist about wanting to have the best people migrate to America".


Really!Since when does best describe skin color! It's not the most fortunate and successful  of people that want to migrate to my country and help contribute to MAGA.Most not all of the fortunate and successful(the best) want to stay in their perspective countries.

It's a shame that all those failures from Ireland, Germany, Italy, and Eastern Europe emigrated to America. Thank goodness America got those emigrants from Africa. After all, they came unwillingly. By your criteria, on the average they must have been superior to those failures who emigrated from Europe.

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On 1/18/2018 at 8:42 AM, mrwebb8825 said:

1 dem says he said it while seemingly no one else in the room heard it or heard it differently. Well hell, let's believe the 1 dem who has a record of misrepresentation to favor his own ends. :coffee1:


Ryan will not deny he said it. Ryan said what he heard was very unfortunate and divisive. Other republicans have made similar statements. None have denied he used hateful and racist language, they simply refuse to answer if he used the word sh****le. Not sure if you can use that word on here. The others, like the Homeland Security director are whores. Bought and paid for. $35 Washington street whores. 

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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

$35 Washington street whores

At least they give you something for your $35 as opposed to Ryan and his ilk that just take, take, take


Anyone else notice the similarities between Trump and Prayut neither one is ever wrong, it is always someone else's fault 

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


It depends on your definition of "best". In Canada the "best" were the ones who could cough up $600k. Hence the diversity of Chinese and Indians.

 In the US we don't or should judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. As Dr King so eloquently stated.  

Any definition that fails to consider the above will only achieve the best result for some, and certainly fail to achieve the best possible result for all .  

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20 hours ago, riclag said:

Since when does best describe skin color! It's not the most fortunate and successful  of people that want to migrate to my country and help contribute to MAGA.

It is about time somebody defined for us when this era was when America was Great. Please do many on here a great service and tell us what it is that you miss, what was America doing? what decade or two was it in that you long for so much again. Nobody can make America Great again unless the benchmark is set. Tell us, identify the period and 'qualities' and then maybe we can get behind you and push for the same things. We just need to know what it is that will identify we have got there. This is a serious request/enquiry.

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22 hours ago, riclag said:

"He wasn't representing a nation in diplomacy in the oval office during that meeting. He was doing what every President and lawmakers do,talk!Their was nothing racist about wanting to have the best people migrate to America".


Really!Since when does best describe skin color! It's not the most fortunate and successful  of people that want to migrate to my country and help contribute to MAGA.Most not all of the fortunate and successful(the best) want to stay in their perspective countries.

Are you really having trouble connecting those dots? Trump's "s_hole countries" are predominately black/brown/tan, aren't they? Surely sounds racist to me.


As far as the "best" goes, you are putting that additional spin on the issue.

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1 hour ago, klikster said:

Are you really having trouble connecting those dots? Trump's "s_hole countries" are predominately black/brown/tan, aren't they? Surely sounds racist to me.


As far as the "best" goes, you are putting that additional spin on the issue.

Did you notice that your definition attack and assumed meaning includes 80% of the countries in the world?

Name me 6 countries that don't have any black/brown/tan populations.

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

How's that democratic kool-aid taste today? Try going back and listening to Schumer and McConnell. 

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Seems Republicans forget just how appallingly they behaved with Obama. The Republicans spent 8 years doing nothing for the country just blocking EVERYTHING Obama tried to achieve. Now they are in power they just want to eradicate anything that Obama did achieve whether it was good for the country or not. Pitiful - THAT is the swamp.




Despite Republicans now having the House, the congress and the senate they still cannot do anything, yet blame it on Democrats. It is astonishing that anyone with more than two brain cells falls for this baloney.


McConnell often said that Obama was a 'lame duck President', and I guess now we have replaced him with a 'Lame Duck a la Orange President'

Edited by Andaman Al
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39 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

McConnell often said that Obama was a 'lame duck President'

He was a "lame-duck" president. Have you already forgotten his world apology tour to end his time?

I find it interesting that all these dems have all this free time and money to organize and attend all these protest marches every time President Trump says or does anything. Good thing all the republicans are working. :coffee1:

Maybe some of those dreamers should get a job instead.

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24 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

He was a "lame-duck" president. Have you already forgotten his world apology tour to end his time?

I find it interesting that all these dems have all this free time and money to organize and attend all these protest marches every time President Trump says or does anything. Good thing all the republicans are working. :coffee1:

Maybe some of those dreamers should get a job instead.

That lame duck, left you with a booming economy and had done all possible to wipe out the utter mess he was handed by Bush. He created more jobs than Trump has done month for month and importantly the rest of the world bar the usual crowd LOVED the USA. My family won't go to Disney in Florida at the moment because Trump has made you one of the sh*thole countries he so despises. You watch the state of the US economy when Trump has finished!

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He was a "lame-duck" president. Have you already forgotten his world apology tour to end his time?
I find it interesting that all these dems have all this free time and money to organize and attend all these protest marches every time President Trump says or does anything. Good thing all the republicans are working. :coffee1:
Maybe some of those dreamers should get a job instead.
Dreamers are worried about being deported. Don't be sadistic. Whether they are currently working or not they will be subject to deportation to countries they don't know against their will.

Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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13 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

That lame duck, left you with a booming economy and had done all possible to wipe out the utter mess he was handed by Bush. He created more jobs than Trump has done month for month and importantly the rest of the world bar the usual crowd LOVED the USA. My family won't go to Disney in Florida at the moment because Trump has made you one of the sh*thole countries he so despises. You watch the state of the US economy when Trump has finished!

To correct your misinformation; he gave billions of taxpayer dollars to top billion dollar companies just so they wouldn't have to file bankruptcy for being incompetent. His regulations and restrictions drove jobs out of the US.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Dreamers are worried about being deported. Don't be sadistic. Whether they are currently working or not they will be subject to deportation to countries they don't know against their will.

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The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was an American immigration policy that allowed some individuals who entered the country as minors, and had either entered or remained in the country illegally, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work permit.

In November 2014 President Barack Obama announced his intention to expand DACA to cover additional illegal immigrants. But multiple states immediately sued to prevent the expansion, which was ultimately blocked by the courts. The United States Department of Homeland Security rescinded the expansion on June 16, 2017, while continuing to review the existence of the DACA program as a whole.


Seems people aren't as supportive as these new fake polls try to tell you they are. It was done illegally in the first place and President Trump gave them AND BOTH HOUSES an additional 6 months to come up with something that would be legal and acceptable but guess what, NOBODY did a damn thing until the last minute and then only to use those dreamers as a bargaining chip for political reasons.


The DACA policy was rescinded by the Trump administration on September 5, 2017, but full implementation of the rescission was delayed six months to give Congress time to decide how to deal with the population that was previously eligible under the policy.


Because it turned out to be a worthless bargaining chip and in a snit the dems withheld support on the government budget deal effectively shutting down the government for 33 million legal American citizens.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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2 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

To correct your misinformation; he gave billions of taxpayer dollars to top billion dollar companies just so they wouldn't have to file bankruptcy for being incompetent. His regulations and restrictions drove jobs out of the US.

To correct your misinformation, the billion dollar bailouts were given by the Bush Administration. And if you're referring to the automobile companies, the money was all paid back with interest and lots of American jobs were saved. Thank you, George Bush.  As for the banks and hedge funds that created the financial disaster, Trump wants to undo the regulations that kept them in check so that they can do it all again.

As for "his regulations and restrictions drove jobs out of the US'" , just more data-free rightwing cant.

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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was an American immigration policy that allowed some individuals who entered the country as minors, and had either entered or remained in the country illegally, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work permit.

In November 2014 President Barack Obama announced his intention to expand DACA to cover additional illegal immigrants. But multiple states immediately sued to prevent the expansion, which was ultimately blocked by the courts. The United States Department of Homeland Security rescinded the expansion on June 16, 2017, while continuing to review the existence of the DACA program as a whole.


Seems people aren't as supportive as these new fake polls try to tell you they are. It was done illegally in the first place and President Trump gave them AND BOTH HOUSES an additional 6 months to come up with something that would be legal and acceptable but guess what, NOBODY did a damn thing until the last minute and then only to use those dreamers as a bargaining chip for political reasons.


The DACA policy was rescinded by the Trump administration on September 5, 2017, but full implementation of the rescission was delayed six months to give Congress time to decide how to deal with the population that was previously eligible under the policy.


Because it turned out to be a worthless bargaining chip and in a snit the dems withheld support on the government budget deal effectively shutting down the government for 33 million legal American citizens.

"Seems people aren't as supportive as these new fake polls try to tell you they are."

I know what you mean. Look at this poll from those lying liberals at Fox News who spend all their time trying to make President Trump look bad:

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants


"Large majorities of voters favor granting work permits or citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients, or Dreamers, who do not apply for renewal in time will lose their status starting in March 2018. President Donald Trump announced Sept. 5 he was ending the Obama-era program giving Congress a six-month window to act on the program."



The poll showed 86 percent in favor of granting Dreamers work permits, but when asked about giving them a pathway citizenship the numbers plummeted all the way down to a miserable 79%. 



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3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:
17 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

That lame duck, left you with a booming economy and had done all possible to wipe out the utter mess he was handed by Bush. He created more jobs than Trump has done month for month and importantly the rest of the world bar the usual crowd LOVED the USA. My family won't go to Disney in Florida at the moment because Trump has made you one of the sh*thole countries he so despises. You watch the state of the US economy when Trump has finished!

To correct your misinformation; he gave billions of taxpayer dollars to top billion dollar companies just so they wouldn't have to file bankruptcy for being incompetent. His regulations and restrictions drove jobs out of the US.

I see you have been sucked in to Kelly Ann Conway's universe of alternative facts.

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On 1/21/2018 at 12:51 PM, Andaman Al said:

I see you have been sucked in to Kelly Ann Conway's universe of alternative facts.

As I pointed out, the bailout was actually done under George W. Bush. And ask the workers whose jobs were saved if they care that their jobs weren't created but saved. And the government ended up making a big profit on the deal. Not only were the loans repaid in full, but all those workers were paying taxes instead of getting unemployment.

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On 1/20/2018 at 6:11 AM, Andaman Al said:

That lame duck, left you with a booming economy and had done all possible to wipe out the utter mess he was handed by Bush. He created more jobs than Trump has done month for month and importantly the rest of the world bar the usual crowd LOVED the USA. My family won't go to Disney in Florida at the moment because Trump has made you one of the sh*thole countries he so despises. You watch the state of the US economy when Trump has finished!

Booming economy??? Sure, if you think slow, European-style growth is *booming*. The fact is, Barack Hussein Obama is the first president in decades to not pull off 3% annual economic growth. Booming is obviously and clearly a poor choice of an already highly subjective term.

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On 1/20/2018 at 7:22 AM, Jingthing said:

Dreamers are worried about being deported. Don't be sadistic. Whether they are currently working or not they will be subject to deportation to countries they don't know against their will.

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Yes, it's quite a shame their parents put them in such a horrible position. But have no fear. If they are deported, they are welcome to take their family with them. If they opt against that, it is THEY who choose to abandon and tear apart their family.

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