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British expat who doused girlfriend in petrol and set her on fire reportedly arrested in Thailand


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5 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

I would deliver it for you personally if Hanoi was not such a s@&t hole

Didnt some other more famous asshat use an expression like this recently ?

In fact Hanoi is one of the most beautiful and interseting cities in Asia .. Even more so than Si Saket.


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5 minutes ago, sklmeeera said:

Have they got the scum yet ? I heard reports he escaped Thailand to Phillipines . 

It seems to be a misinformation posted by someone from the Philippines.




  P.S. The images are pretty scary.....

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12 hours ago, bust said:

Who the fark takes pictures while the poor woman is burning ????????

It may seems to be a really sick pyromaniac covered behind a press card as a journalist whilst in reality it may appears to be nothing but a youtuber...:coffee1:

Edited by ttrd
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14 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


If you ever need advice on travel, I can suggest an excellent hotel with first class service in Hanoi. 


Trouble is it costs 2000baht a night so likely far above what you budget for accomadation.  


The Temple of Literature is amazing but then it costs 150 baht entrance so your weeks budget for entertainment would be gone as well.


In my opinion Hanoi is a very nice city,  sad how abject poverty colours some posters some views

You will have to do a little better than that, I base my assessment on personal experience

As for my financial position no problem there, TRUST ME

As for your Hotel recommendation no thanks as I stopped slumming 50 years ago

Happy travels

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On 1/20/2018 at 5:31 PM, seminomadic said:

No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.

Ok we all have horrible things done to us in our lives But to retaliate like he did there is no place for that in this world Please dont try and defend the undefendable  But then again OJ Simpson was undefendable and he got off murdering his wife I hope to god i am not capable of doing something like this I dont feel superior in condemning him  I think it was a bloody sick act and my god i hope he get the treatment he deserves doing this  God may save the queen but nothing will save this prick

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3 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

 But to retaliate like he did there is no place for that in this world Please dont try and defend the undefendable  But then again OJ Simpson was undefendable and he got off murdering his wife 

No  he didnt .

OJ's Son may have done it .

Do a google search

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20 hours ago, vogie said:

You are not a nice person, but you probably get your kicks from baiting other members. Blocked!

This is entertainment, you dont know them from Adam dont censor them you wont get to see their ignorance in all its glory if you do


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On 1/20/2018 at 5:31 PM, seminomadic said:

No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.

All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.

There is no way that you can justify setting another person on fire , no way .

It doesnt matter what they do or say , there is no way that its even remotely justifiable to set them on fire .

   Everyone does have their limits ,but only a few peoples limits stretch to burning a person alive ..

If you are capable of resorting to these measures , then, you really shouldnt get into a relationship with anyone .

   If you cannot handle rejection , then do not get into any relationship .

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On 1/20/2018 at 3:31 AM, seminomadic said:

No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.


Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel,  no it is kept with the reference books at most libraries right beside Alice in Wonderland.  I would tell you what I really think of your post, but I fear that you may have a fragile ego and would feel justified in setting me alight.

Edited by isaanbanhou
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On 1/20/2018 at 5:44 PM, jenny2017 said:

Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


Shame on you. 


          All of you so quick to judge? Have you got a sister, a daughter, a wife, or anybody you like? What would you think if somebody would set this person on fire just because she had enough of a guy who must have been insane. Are you really trying to tell us that it was her fault that she's in a coma now with 70 % of her flesh burned? 




Well, I wouldn't think.... I'd just make sure the guy was brought to justice for doing such a thing, legally or otherwise if he did it to a woman I love or care about.


Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say it was her fault. I'm saying we don't know the full story and never will. For a guy to walk into a shop in a foreign country, pour gasoline on someone he was intimate with who is a native of that country he's living in, and set her and the shop on fire, when he's well into middle age with no apparent priors... he was clearly at some extreme. Could have been drugs. Might not have been entirely that, though.

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3 minutes ago, seminomadic said:

Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say it was her fault. I'm saying we don't know the full story and never will. 

You are suggesting that it "may" have been her fault , depending on what She done .

It doesnt mater what she done , whatever she did wouldnt justify his actions 

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42 minutes ago, sanemax said:

   If you cannot handle rejection , then do not get into any relationship .


Oh, right. A lot of people, after seeing someone they're attracted to, are gonna deny themselves the prospect of coupling with that person because of how they might feel months later.


You have a wonderful grasp of human behavior, Mr. Spock. 

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1 minute ago, seminomadic said:


Oh, right. A lot of people, after seeing someone they're attracted to, are gonna deny themselves the prospect of coupling with that person because of how they might feel months later.

You have a wonderful grasp of human behavior, Mr. Spock. 

No, a person who will kill, or attempt to kill their ex , when the relationship finishes, should refrain from getting into relationships in the first place , if they cannot handle being rejected, once that relationship comes to an end

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On 1/20/2018 at 10:01 AM, robblok said:

I thought this was a Muslim thing.. or a Thai thing (when people start commenting on the frail Thai ego). But it seems foreigners can do it too. When rejected some people react totally crazy at times. 


Hope he goes to jail for real long time.

    This guy needs disposed of as behavior like this is a danger to everyone!  I don't believe in the death penalty use very often but this guy should definitely get it.  In his case I think something slow and painful no need to think about being humane. 

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

There is no way that you can justify setting another person on fire , no way .

It doesnt matter what they do or say , there is no way that its even remotely justifiable to set them on fire .

   Everyone does have their limits ,but only a few peoples limits stretch to burning a person alive ..

If you are capable of resorting to these measures , then, you really shouldnt get into a relationship with anyone .

   If you cannot handle rejection , then do not get into any relationship .

I havent read seminomadic  post as a justification from the act of this guys  act, but as an possible explain of it and a warning to the people who thing its impossible for them to fall that low... if you have never be yourself pushed to an extreme emotional state, (whatever its love/fear/anger)  you still can not  know for sure how you will really react if that happen as our "normal thinking" get obliterated in those situation.

Understand something not mean you  forgive/pardon it, and may help other people who happend to get in a similar situation to see it come before lose the control and not reproduce this same terrible scheme or a variation of it.
This guy have make the unpardonable, but that dont mean he a pure evil who would have ended doing something terrible sooner or later, thing are never that simple.

Men kill, women make crazy.

Edited by French mate
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9 minutes ago, French mate said:

I havent read seminomadic  post as a justification from the act of this guys  act, but as an possible explain of it and a warning to the people who thing its impossible for them to fall that low... if you have never be yourself pushed to an extreme emotional state, (whatever its love/fear/anger)  you still can not  know for sure how you will really react if that happen as our "normal thinking" get obliterated in those situation.

How ever far you may get pushed , whatever extreme emotional state you get into , there is no justification for setting another person on fire .


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On 1/20/2018 at 5:34 PM, Thaiwrath said:

I think you are are on your own there.

You must be as sick as he is. 

On 1/20/2018 at 5:36 PM, fasteddie said:

" we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this".....speak for yourself, no way am I capable of doing such a thing.

2 hours ago, sanemax said:

   Everyone does have their limits ,but only a few peoples limits stretch to burning a person alive ..


Try reading some C.G.Jung. Or Dostoyevsky. You clearly need to become more aware of what your 'average' human animal is capable of when subject to certain vicissitudes in life. I suspect you might not be inclined toward books, so here's a youtube vid to help familiarize (or re-familiarize) you with The Stanford Prison Experiment


Or you could just take a quick look in this thread at what other TVers enjoy suggesting be done to him??

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5 minutes ago, seminomadic said:


Try reading some C.G.Jung. Or Dostoyevsky. You clearly need to become more aware of what your 'average' human animal is capable of when subject to certain vicissitudes in life. I suspect you might not be inclined toward books, so here's a youtube vid to help familiarize (or re-familiarize) you with The Stanford Prison Experiment


Or you could just take a quick look in this thread at what other TVers enjoy suggesting be done to him??

I have no desire to read CG Dung or Dostoyevsky and I do realise that T.V posters who suggest punishments , do not literally mean it .

   I am aware of humans being able to do some horrendous things , like the guy in the O.P.

I am aware that some guys carry out acid attacks , rape , torture and murder .

I do know that it happens, I just think that its the wrong thing to do and its unjustifiable .


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10 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Private Dancer is about Jools Bar on Soi 4 (now closed) and the patrons that frequented the place.


I should know, I am mentioned in the book. 


Names have been changed to protect the innocent. 

That's disgraceful, I'm writing to the Vatican.

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