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Six ‘coloured’ tourists arrested for overstaying visa


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I find all this PC talk quite confusing, I thought negro was a polite word, it's in the dictionary, I also thought that coloured was better as opposed to black, after all most aren't black they are a nice sort of chocolaty brown, some are even just a suntanned white, whatever, you hear them described on the news as Afro-American or of African origin. We aren't white, a bit pinkish perhaps,sometimes brown,sometimes an unhealthy chalky white, Caucasian and Afro would be better.but it's not important to me.

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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 3:59 AM, JoePai said:

Technical point, is Black a colour ?

Don't know but these guys are all dark brown.  Had a British neighbour in Chiang Mai who was as racist as they come. He had a fit when Lewis Hamilton won the F1 Championship because he wasn't English, he was black!  Didn't want to point out to him that his Thai wife was just about the exact same colour as Hamilton and given that he spent a great deal of time working on his tan he wasn't far behind.


But racism isn't about colour, it is about ethnicity, colour is just an easy call for the ignorant.

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On 20/01/2018 at 9:31 PM, Bluespunk said:

It wasn't an accusation...


Posts get the response they deserve.

and yours certainly have on this thread - funny I used to respect you when you made sensible posts a few years ago since then it seems your only intention is to carry on the left wing practice of taking everything from the white race - I wonder how many Africans would jump in to help white farmers when they have their farms destroyed and their families shot and burnt in Zimbabwe? Not all would do it but none would go to the lengths YOU have gone to with posters on this page!! Very sad you dont poster when your own countrymen re the victims!!

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On 20/01/2018 at 10:45 PM, Machiavelli said:

At least they did not rape a hooker and throw her over a balcony or pour petrol on a woman and set her on fire just because she has dumped them. White fellas do that.

ONE white fella did that and every poster on here condemned them for it and suggested the death penalty!!

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On 1/20/2018 at 11:35 AM, reenatinnakor said:

Haven't heard the word coloured to describe a black person since the 80s. Which makes sense since thailand is generally 30 years behind the rest of the world.

Actually this year's all new, racially inoffensive term is "People of Color". (Or PoC)


So we've come full circle now. In a couple years some privileged activist at an expensive university will decide that this term is also racist, and come up with a new one.

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Whites are a small "minority" globally.


By the middle of the 21st century (only 30 years away) there will be less than 10% whites on Earth.


So the term "minority" should never be used globally (outside of any specific country) because it makes zero sense.


(Nobody isn't a minority. And whites are one of the smallest and most endangered in terms of population growth).

Edited by Senechal
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On ‎20‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 11:00 AM, Bluespunk said:

Racial profiling is bigotry. 


It is rooted in hate and prejudice. 

It is also a way to reduce crime more quickly.

Look at the UK.  The fear of using racial profiling (and upsetting a very vocal minority) is allowing knife crime in London to get out of control.


And I don't believe it would be rooted in hate and prejudice.  It would be based on facts and would simply be to make the place safer for everyone.

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

It is also a way to reduce crime more quickly.

Look at the UK.  The fear of using racial profiling (and upsetting a very vocal minority) is allowing knife crime in London to get out of control.


And I don't believe it would be rooted in hate and prejudice.  It would be based on facts and would simply be to make the place safer for everyone.

"And I don't believe it would be rooted in hate and prejudice."


In regard to this action I could not agree less.

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10 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

"And I don't believe it would be rooted in hate and prejudice."


In regard to this action I could not agree less.

But if they target a group of people of a certain profile because statistically that group are committing that crime, why do you think it is based on hate? What reason do they have to hate that group?


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On 1/20/2018 at 5:29 AM, Thaiwrath said:

They should have been more blatant, and given the PC brigade something to shout about.

Nothing wrong calling them African or Arab. It is not like the whole world doesn't know where they are from.

It would help avoiding people becoming victims of these nigerian princes and their romance scams.


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On 1/21/2018 at 2:54 PM, Kasset Tak said:

1. I said apparently, and that's because from what friends in RTP say, black Africans are generally over-represented according to their statistics. And we are talking statistics that mean if there are 100 people from 1 country and 10 of them commit crimes then you have 1/10 compared to if there are 1,000 people from 1 country and 10 commit crimes then you have 1/100. This is why now everyone from African countries needs a police clearance certificate before they can extend their visas, including white South Africans!
2. Last year in this school district, almost all foreign teachers lost their jobs, we were 10 westerners, 8 from Africa and a bunch of Filipinos. All of us almost lost our jobs but by a final decision of the school area, only black teachers were banned. This is because over the period of a year 9 teachers had been arrested: 1 European arrested for drunk driving and 8 Africans arrested (2 got sentenced to jail) for various reason. And back to the statistics... that leave us a 10% possibility for Westerners and 100% possibility for Africans committing crimes according to the statistics! 3 Filipino teachers lost their jobs too, not because they had done anything wrong but because the agency they worked for got banned because the Africans were hired via those agencies.

To add to this, I know that at least 2 provinces here in Thailand don't allow public schools to hire Cameroonians as foreign teachers because they have had so many problems with Cameroonians over the years!

Just look at the statistics over foreigners in Thailand and you see that there is no African country in the top 25 and still, the Thai police are rounding up black Africans every week for anything from overstaying their visa to...

This is all I can say without starting to offend people but I would guess that you are either African/black, delirious or an alcoholic.

so what happened to the European did he get fired too>?

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OK. So racial profiling is everywhere. So, the PC correct people are enflamed. So what? Did anyone study the bell curve? The minority do get sucked into the un-justification. When I came to Thailand 12 years ago, this problem didn't exist. There was no graffiti on the walls, and no Nigerian prostitutes out-numbering the Thai girls trying to make a living. In fact, I don't remember any black girls loitering the streets back then. There were no white trash girls doing it either. Let the Thai police clean it up, thank you.

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