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Trump will not negotiate on immigration until government reopened


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9 hours ago, PattayaAngel said:

Oh really?  never look at Fox unlike your good self it seems... but is it true?  (rhetorical because it is obviously true).  Everyone should stop playing politics with government workers salaries and pass the Bill and fight the other issues where they should be fought. 

So tell the democrats 

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One of the reasons the Democrats are holding out on DACA is that they do not trust Trump. He agrees to a proposal at one point and the meeting is set and then his 'advisors' from the alt right get to him and he scuttles the deal.  Trump has had a habit of doing this in private business; also refusing to pay on contracts and generally reneging on deals.  


Everyone knows that DACA must be passed as almost 90% of Americans support it and everyone knows the Child health bill has to be passed to ensure children don't die from lack of medical care. Both parties are to blame for refusing to negotiate in good faith and playing politics.


It's no wonder the US has become the laughing stock of the World and is now seen as a 3rd rate 'Banana Republic'.  At  least when Obama was President- America was respected.


The Trump supporters have been lied to; fooled and for some reason believe Trump is going to make America a great country again when in reality just the opposite is happening.


Trump's day of reckoning is coming and it will be soon. The Mueller investigation is starting to track the money and what they will find out is that the Trump business organization is infected with Russian money garnered through illegal means and placed into Trump owned real estate.  Trump is a lousy businessman who was on the verge of insolvency when the Russian Oligarchs bailed him out.  Why do you think Trump refuses to show his tax returns?

In addition, once Trump ran for President- the Russians ramped up their ability to put out fake news stories and possibly even affect the vote count.  However, what will do Trump in is the fact that he maybe guilty of money laundering and in violation of the emoluments clause of the  US Constitution (Using his position for Gain). 


All of the above are grounds for a criminal prosecution and certainly grounds for impeachment and conviction. The 2018 election will be critical and I expect the Democrats to regain Congress and once that happens Trump will lose all numerical advantage but once the facts come out -even the Republicans will turn on him-like rats running from a sinking ship.


"The truth is on the march, and nothing can stop it!"-        Emile Zola


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11 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

The Dems thought they had agreements with Humpty Dumpty three times, only to have him toss it out a couple days later. Why negotiate with a person who doesn't really negotiate?

Do you know what the issues at hand are ?Perhaps you can enlighten us supporters of the message, why PTrump  would want to let millions of illegals in without a pathway! You want the supporters to give a clear DACA to the Dem's without the other four pillars lol

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It's so simple- all  Trump had to do was to  codify the DACA people and renew the Child Health Bills as part of a continuing resolution. The Dems were even willing to throw in almost $2 Billion for the silly and unneeded border wall - you remember- the one Trump said Mexico will pay for,  He at one point said he would sign the bill and then refused-  now the Government is closed and the tax refund checks won't go out and the military won't get paid.


The only truth I have ever heard from the Trump team is from Sec of State Rex Tillerson who stated- 'Trump is a freaking  Moron'

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hope Trump stands firm on this. If he gives in he might as well pack his bags and go back to Florida. The Dems will know that he doesn't have the determination needed to defeat them, and will tear him down every time he tries to do anything.

Go Trump, go.

Nail on the head !! This is the high of high watermark's.If the CLEAR  DACA  gets in ,we will all have to turn our red and white hats in for the liberal black.We must have liberty ( the wall,no chain migration,no lottery and.... ) or death.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's so simple- all  Trump had to do was to  codify the DACA people and renew the Child Health Bills as part of a continuing resolution. The Dems were even willing to throw in almost $2 Billion for the silly and unneeded border wall - you remember- the one Trump said Mexico will pay for,  He at one point said he would sign the bill and then refused-  now the Government is closed and the tax refund checks won't go out and the military won't get paid.


The only truth I have ever heard from the Trump team is from Sec of State Rex Tillerson who stated- 'Trump is a freaking  Moron'

Their you go, throwing out insults.Please show where the  SofS admitted to that! I'll be waiting

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The Secretary of State was given every opportunity to deny his statement and refused to deny it and changed the subject. This has been reported in every media outlet Worldwide. Oh, I know they are all fake news - but guess what even Fox news reported it.


Why do people continue to support a man like Trump who has no respect for anyone; denigrates people of  color; the poor; the disabled and refuses to apologize for any of it. Donald Trump is a sorry excuse for a human being.  I could probably even overlook some of his nonsensical statement if he actually did something for the 99% of Americans who are suffering.

I can guarantee you that Trump will sign a bill allowing the DACA Immigrants to remain and provide a renewal of the Children's healthcare bill. Why not do it right now so the government remains open and Americans get their Tax refunds and the military gets paid.

The answer is simple- he doesn't care about you and me- only the wealthy.  His days are numbered and soon he will simply be a bad memory on the scrap heap of history.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

The Secretary of State was given every opportunity to deny his statement and refused to deny it and changed the subject. This has been reported in every media outlet Worldwide. Oh, I know they are all fake news - but guess what even Fox news reported it.


Why do people continue to support a man like Trump who has no respect for anyone; denigrates people of  color; the poor; the disabled and refuses to apologize for any of it. Donald Trump is a sorry excuse for a human being.  I could probably even overlook some of his nonsensical statement if he actually did something for the 99% of Americans who are suffering.

I can guarantee you that Trump will sign a bill allowing the DACA Immigrants to remain and provide a renewal of the Children's healthcare bill. Why not do it right now so the government remains open and Americans get their Tax refunds and the military gets paid.

The answer is simple- he doesn't care about you and me- only the wealthy.  His days are numbered and soon he will simply be a bad memory on the scrap heap of history.


 Reporter-Q: "Can you address the main headline, that you called the president a moron"?


 Tillerson-A: "I won’t deal with petty stuff like that. This is what I don’t understand about Washington—again, I’m not from this place. But the places I come from we don’t deal with that kind of petty nonsense. And it is intended to do nothing but divide people, and I’m just not going to be part of this effort to divide this administration".


It all sounds like the constant beat of hatred and ridiculous criticism coming from the liberal left media. Any chance to get a gotcha moment from the administration instead of asking about positive things that can help the American people. 

     He is trying to help the 99%,jobs jobs jobs.America needs to go back to work and get off federal assistance 


Edited by riclag
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11 hours ago, Becker said:

Here's a little gift to the man-child supporters who bleet on about how much the despicable one has boosted the economy. Seems he got is a$$ whooped by that uppity black guy in this area as well






Or put another way, after Obama's first year the S&P 500 closed at the same level it was at in 1998. Cherry picking numbers is fun isn't it?

Edited by lannarebirth
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18 hours ago, PattayaAngel said:

Don't like Trump but Dems are holding up funding on an UNRELATED issue. Blackmail is an unpleasant dish whenever served. All it will do is turn people against the Dems for supporting illegal aliens in preference for paying government staff.  What happens when you are illegal in Thailand? or any other country?

I agree did it not happen a few years back when the Republicans held Obama to ransom???

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18 hours ago, PattayaAngel said:

Don't like Trump but Dems are holding up funding on an UNRELATED issue. Blackmail is an unpleasant dish whenever served. All it will do is turn people against the Dems for supporting illegal aliens in preference for paying government staff.  What happens when you are illegal in Thailand? or any other country?

The delays in funding and/or budget agreements, have for all to many years been highjacked by one faction or another with alternative issues unrelated to funding and used to blackmail the opposition into getting what they want.  In this current case the Democrats have used it to try to get a clean deal on the Dreamers.  It's blackmail and the Dreamer issue has nothing to do with funding the government. 


The Dreamer problem is an issue that should be related to the overall immigration issue but the Democrats do not want to really give in on this. If they can get this now over a budget deal they they can tie the other issues to another deal somewhere else down the line for which they will bleed less and the Republicans more. It's my view that the Democrats want to get the Dreamer deal done without giving up their hand on any other immigration issues and that's why they have effectively shut down the funding issue.  There is no doubt in my mind that most Republicans will vote for the Dreamers amnesty if the Democrats will help revise the laws associated with chain migration, lottery system and give Trump "some" funding for the wall.  In the 1980's Reagan signed an Amnesty bill and the Congress was to come up with reforms to the immigration issue. Congress did nothing for 30 years and now we face the same issues we did in the 1980's. Nothing changed. Republicans, at least those in Congress, would no doubt work with the Democrats but don't want to give up something for nothing in return. The central issues in this round are the lottery system, chain migration, and boarder security (the wall).  If the Democrats will not consider the fact that if something is not done to drastically alter the laws relating to immigration, etc., the nation will be faced with this whole issue again in another 20/30 years.  If anyone needs to look at how the do nothing Congress has affected population demographics, one has to look no further than Los Angeles County.  By 2050 Latino/Hispanic population of the County is estimated to be 56/57% of the population.  Anyone living in Los Angeles County knows that the majority of the past growth has been a result of immigration, legal or illegal.  Now if I wanted to live in Latin America I would move there but instead the failure of Congress to effect immigration reform over the last 30 years will have me living in a Latin American majority community in less than 20 years. A good percentage of these people will be living (unfortunately) at or near the lower spectrum of the economic scale. It's a fact of life, don't believe it drive around Los Angeles County. All the effects of massive shifts in population demographics lead to isolation, disenfranchisement, etc.  All the things that lead to urban ghettos. That's the future.  We only need to keep on the current path.  

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10 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Why do you think Trump refuses to show his tax returns?

Can you clarify if a President's tax returns are siloed or are they available for relevant authorised Fed government Department investigation?

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8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Can you clarify if a President's tax returns are siloed or are they available for relevant authorised Fed government Department investigation?

All President's and Vice President's tax return's are subject to mandatory examination by the IRS.



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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

All Presidents and Vice President's tax return's are subject to mandatory examination by the IRS.



Thanks. Are the IRS enabled by legislation to pass on findings of irregularity in a President's tax return to the likes of the FBI or State level investigators?

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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Thanks. Are the IRS enabled by legislation to pass on findings of irregularity in a President's tax return to the likes of the FBI or State level investigators?

The IRS has its own investigative division. If it disagrees with a filer's return they serve notice and they either reach agreement or it goes to US Tax Court. If there is evidence of felonious conduct I imagine they make referrals to other appropriate government law enforcement agencies.

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^ Much like the law, there are a lot of gray areas in the US Tax Code. Tax filers may be aggressive or timid with respect to their interpretation of the tax code. Much like a defense attorney has a "theory of the case" tax filers can present their justification (or lack thereof) to the IRS if their return is ever called into question.

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21 hours ago, PattayaAngel said:

Oh really?  never look at Fox unlike your good self it seems... but is it true?  (rhetorical because it is obviously true).  Everyone should stop playing politics with government workers salaries and pass the Bill and fight the other issues where they should be fought. 

I  take part in another forum about politics where are resident conservatives have a habit of cut and pasting from FOX articles into their posts. Getting something original from them is ... like getting water from a rock. Then I come over here and see the exact same thing. What can I say, I find it amusing.  Just coincidence. Vikings are up SKOL

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20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Thats the part I dont get, why does a party that controls the congress and senate, need the minor party votes ?


it is confusing.  they don't control the senate in all votes, like this one.  as you say, if they have 'control' they wouldn't need the minority party votes.  but they might go to this 'nuclear option' which was created to block stalemates.  it is a bit of 'they do control, oh wait, they don't, oh wait, they might, we'll see'.  and in the 'nuclear' part, they might not get the votes they need from their own party.  i think senator rand paul refuses to vote for any bill that raises the debt.  the article below, makes mention of this confusing 'control' thing.




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Donald Trump is not creating any jobs for the 99% that pay a living wage.  He has not brought back the 'good paying' jobs that went offshore.  He has lied to the American public by saying his tax plan is geared towards the middle class.  The middle class will get a tax saving of $2.50 per day- hardly enough to make a dent in the family debt.  The rich will get on average a $50K savings.

If Trump really wanted to help the middle class and poor- he would have raised taxes on the rich and gave the middle class a tax credit which would return money to their bank accounts.


By the way- in regards to my prior posts- I never called Trump a moron- these words were said by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and reported widely. In addition- Robert Murdoch- the Australian billionaire also called Trump  'a (deleted) idiot.'.  Again widely reported and never denies.


I would agree that calling people names is uncouth -but I would remind the poster that Donald Trump uses vulgarity; sarcasm; assigning people  nicknames to criticize them; makes fun of the disabled and generally desparages people he disagrees with. His own words which are on record will attest to this.  However, I will attempt to stop calling him an idiot and. Secretary of state Tillerson can do what he wants.

Edited by Thaidream
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On 1/21/2018 at 7:28 AM, isaanbanhou said:

And after the government is reopened he won t negotiate in good faith

Yep. He is a pathological liar. I saw a nick name for him that's fitting i.e. Dishonest Don. :-) He is a pathetic person with absolutely no redeeming qualities. I hope he eats a lot of cheeseburgers or better yet - double Big Macs. 

dictators say.jpg

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21 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Thats the part I dont get, why does a party that controls the congress and senate, need the minor party votes ?

Current Senate rules require a super-majority of three-fifths of the chamber, usually 60 out of 100, for legislation to clear procedural hurdles and pass.

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7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Or put another way, after Obama's first year the S&P 500 closed at the same level it was at in 1998. Cherry picking numbers is fun isn't it?

Obama wasn't president from 1998 so your comparison is less than ingenious.

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8 minutes ago, Becker said:

Obama wasn't president from 1998 so your comparison is less than ingenious.


Just pointing out how silly these comparisons are. Trump's first year the Dow outperformed the Dow during Obama's first year from date of inauguration. Trump blow's Obama away with the Dow gaining 35% to Obama's 15.7% if counted from the day of their respective election victories. What does it all mean? Absolutely nothing.

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19 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Democrat propaganda is always untrue.

60 Votes needed - not enough GOP members.

But wait a few years - there will be less Dems in the way after 2018 and even less in 2020 when Trump gets another 4 years to continue to MAGA.

You're going to be proven so wrong in November.  Look at the trends:  NJ, VA, GA, .....and many more upsets to come.  Are Trumpists tired of winning so much? ha ha ha.


12 hours ago, riclag said:

     He (Trump) is trying to help the 99%,jobs jobs jobs.

If so, Trump is going about it the wrong way.  Here are some of many reasons why Trump is a job-killer:


>>>  he wants to trash NAFTA which will hurt US farmers and manufacturers

>>>  For his construction projects, Trump only buys steel, aluminium, appliances made overseas.

>>>  For his (and Ivanka's) clothing and other businesses: they only buy foreign-made products.

>>>  Opting out of the Paris Accords. When foreigners want alternative power solutions, who are they going to turn to?  Not the USA.

>>>  He disses Africa, calling it a shithouse or shithole.  Will Africans look to go into business partnerships with Americans?  Not likely.

>>>  He continually hopes major newspapers will go out of business. That doesn't help jobs, does it?

>>>  He wants to trash TPP. China will take over the lead, as the US wimps-out, thereby losing yet more jobs for the US.





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13 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Just pointing out how silly these comparisons are. Trump's first year the Dow outperformed the Dow during Obama's first year from date of inauguration. Trump blow's Obama away with the Dow gaining 35% to Obama's 15.7% if counted from the day of their respective election victories. What does it all mean? Absolutely nothing.

That was kind of the point of my post written in reaction to the man-child supporters heaping praise on the abominable one for everything from the economy to the weather. I happen to believe that any sitting president has a limited influence on the state of the economy - except in special circumstances. One such special circumstance was the economic crisis during the Obama presidency where he performed admirably.

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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

That was kind of the point of my post written in reaction to the man-child supporters heaping praise on the abominable one for everything from the economy to the weather. I happen to believe that any sitting president has a limited influence on the state of the economy - except in special circumstances. One such special circumstance was the economic crisis during the Obama presidency where he performed admirably.

With the exception of your exception you and I are agreed.

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On 1/21/2018 at 11:56 AM, malibukid said:

Trump needs to start acting presidential, and make good on his word. lol. waiting for the pigs to fly over D.C.

Oh like the "words" I'll be glad to release my tax return after the audit? lol Or Mexico will pay for the wall (I want)? Or I'll hire the best people/drain the swamp/ etc. He is a pathological liar. Face it Trump defenders he conned you, and is taking the money to the bank. He cares not a/b America. Hell his own son said he only cares about money. Trump is an abomination.

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23 hours ago, Srikcir said:

No he did not.

Four Republicans, including Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Mike Lee of Utah, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul also opposed the measure.

Trump also refused a bipartisan bill that he solicited and promised to sign out of his trust for bipartisanship.

In fact Trump is not in control of his party:

"President Trump appeared to throw a wrench into congressional budget negotiations on Thursday morning — tweeting a policy position fundamentally at odds with that of Republicans on the Hill."



You miss the point. He needs the Dem whingers votes and the four were irrelevant and wanted tougher measures.  Dems are blackmailing and although a Bernie supporter myself, and loathe Reps, the Dems are simply wrong on this.  The Bill and 'illegals' are not related issues.

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