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Prawit ‘close to resigning’ amid scandal


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1 hour ago, Blackheart1916 said:

The real question, is her and her family independently wealthy enough to afford twenty pairs of the aforementioned boots, or was she living on a military salary? A fair difference I think.

Is it not, then, an equally fair question to ask if Prawit's family was rich, or is that something that can't be considered because of your prejudice?

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2 hours ago, HooHaa said:

where, in this article, is there any indication that prawit is even contemplating resignation?

i see people saying he should resign, but no reports from him or anyone close to him saying that he has contemplated the action.


Well said.

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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If he had any sense of shame whatsoever, he would have gone already.

But does he have any sense of shame? :whistling:


I doubt it, but hope I am proven wrong. It is people like him who drags (further?) down the standing of his country in the eyes of the world.

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55 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"So the only reason Prawit should resign is because of the pressure against him and NOT because he did anything wrong?"


What, so far, has he been proved to have done wrong?

What, so far, has he done to ease the public’s worries about his ‘alledged’ corruption?


You know, with this story being of huge public interest. 

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On 22/01/2018 at 7:59 AM, colinneil said:

Bye bye, dont bang the door on your way out.

You don't get it do you ? it sais ‘close to resigning’ ...that can be a couple months or years away...

And he still will get he'se "General" pension, and avoid real punnishment.!!! The boy's club takes care of eachother !?!?

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That's certainly true about the Prem government. My wife and I were trying to get permission to take her son, whom I had adopted, to the States. My wife, being a simple Northeastern uneducated woman, tried to pass an unmarked envelope to an official in one of the agencies we were involved with. The official was horrified, threatened to throw our application out, and asked if my wife was trying to get her in trouble. Later, I was dealing with the Department of Commerce and the Customs House down by the Khlong Toey Port. There were signs everywhere saying, "You are not required to pay anything except what is shown in the official schedule." He really cleaned up the whole government, but, of course, when Chatichai brought his "buffet cabinet" in things were worse than ever. Then the junta that threw Chatichai our was even worse than him. The current group is surprisingly restrained in comparison.

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11 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Doesn't matter yet, the investigation isn't over.

Oh, yes. 'The investigation'.


But it does matter. He should have come out from day one with assurances. He also should have said he'd borrowed many other watches. But being so arrogant, he thought he could just swat his hand and it would all be over. No one would dare question him further. Now he has 25 watches to account for (and we'll probably see more in the future).


If it were me, and I backed a coup of my country saying one of the big reasons was because corruption, well, I wouldn't be wearing expensive watches in any capacity. And even if I genuinely did borrow all 25 (hard to say that with a straight face) I'd resign in embarrassment for being so stupid. How could I have been so stupid to be going around in public with such expensive watches. How utterly vulgar and crass. I've been a right div and I deserve the wrath of the public. 


Can't stand the heat........jog on. 

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Oh, yes. 'The investigation'.


But it does matter. He should have come out from day one with assurances. 


If it were me, and I backed a coup of my country saying one of the big reasons was because corruption, well, I wouldn't be wearing expensive watches in any capacity. And even if I genuinely did borrow all 25 (hard to say that with a straight face) I'd resign in embarrassment for being so stupid. How could I have been so stupid to be going around in public with such expensive watches. How utterly vulgar and crass. I've been a right div and I deserve the wrath of the public. 


Can't stand the heat........jog on. 

"I've been a right div and I deserve the wrath of the public".

You said it, not me!


He supplied his explanation within the time frame he was given to do so, so if you've got a bone to pick, have a go at the NACC who set the timescale.


"Can't stand the heat........jog on".

Are you suggesting that I can't stand the heat, or you can't, or Prawit can't?  If you're referring to me, let me assure you that your tepidity is never going to cause a sweat.

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1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

"I've been a right div and I deserve the wrath of the public".

You said it, not me!


He supplied his explanation within the time frame he was given to do so, so if you've got a bone to pick, have a go at the NACC who set the timescale.


"Can't stand the heat........jog on".

Are you suggesting that I can't stand the heat, or you can't, or Prawit can't?  If you're referring to me, let me assure you that your tepidity is never going to cause a sweat.

Yes, I did say it. Clearly written down by me. Not once did I say you said it. 


Okay, I’ll go and see the NACC. I’m always up for a laugh.


As for people sweating....... Gdgbb. 

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14 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, I did say it. Clearly written down by me. Not once did I say you said it. 


Okay, I’ll go and see the NACC. I’m always up for a laugh.


As for people sweating....... Gdgbb. 

You don't know the expression "you said it, not me!"?  I was not saying that you had attributed it to me!


What is a gdgbb that you keep going on about, have you missed out some vowels?  If it's part of the LOL, YMMV, etc 'cool' language  you're wasting your time with it on me, pal.   Just in case you're being offensive, our kid, (in addition to the "jog on" in your previous post and we all know what you mean by that, so don't push your luck), gdgbb right back at you...with brass knobs on!

Edited by Just Weird
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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Is it not, then, an equally fair question to ask if Prawit's family was rich, or is that something that can't be considered because of your prejudice?

And clearly there is absolutely no bias in your defence of your hero?  Would you accept the same ridiculous statements about the expensive watches, had a poor Thai been in a similar situation?  He also has a lot more explaining to do about his excessive wealth, assuming of course that he is ever asked to do so by his friends in the NACC.


For my part, were Prawit to resign, I would be heartbroken and would wonder how the country could possible go on functioning without him.  :sleep:

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If he had used a smart phone instead to tell time (like all the common folk), he would have avoided all this disgrace. And he would have learned about the power of social media. TIMEs are changing. 

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14 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

And clearly there is absolutely no bias in your defence of your hero?  Would you accept the same ridiculous statements about the expensive watches, had a poor Thai been in a similar situation?  He also has a lot more explaining to do about his excessive wealth, assuming of course that he is ever asked to do so by his friends in the NACC.

I haven't defended him once as you would know if you had noticed that I use the qualification "so far" when commenting on the ongoing investigation that has found him guilty of nothing, so far.  What I have done is comment on the deliberately inaccurate observations, claims and accusations, not to mention the wild speculations that almost every poster here seems to take great delight in making.


"He also has a lot more explaining to do about his excessive wealth..."

That's an example of what I mean.  He doesn't have any explaining to do unless an investigation is started about that and so far that hasn't happened.  Prawit has no obligation at all to disclose his wealth, nor explain it, until he leaves office and even then he only has to explain any increases that happened during the time he was in office.

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8 minutes ago, neeray said:

If he had used a smart phone instead to tell time (like all the common folk), he would have avoided all this disgrace. And he would have learned about the power of social media. TIMEs are changing. 

And just think what a 30 million baht phone would look like!   Think of all the expensive phone calls he could make.

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9 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

I haven't defended him once as you would know if you had noticed that I use the qualification "so far" when commenting on the ongoing investigation that has found him guilty of nothing, so far.  What I have done is comment on the deliberately inaccurate observations, claims and accusations, not to mention the wild speculations that almost every poster here seems to take great delight in making.


"He also has a lot more explaining to do about his excessive wealth..."

That's an example of what I mean.  He doesn't have any explaining to do unless an investigation is started about that and so far that hasn't happened.  Prawit has no obligation at all to disclose his wealth, nor explain it, until he leaves office and even then he only has to explain any increases that happened during the time he was in office.

Of course, you have absolute faith in the guy in charge at the NACC pulling out all the stops in the investigation into his boss? 


Most of us on here, justifiably, based on previous corruption cases, expect a simple statement (eventually) that the investigation has concluded that everything was satisfactorily explained by Prawit and that everything was in order.


Unfortunately for the Government, if that turns out to be the case, they will not get away with it this time, unlike when the Army investigated the Army's handling of the special "7 Statue" Park in Hua Hin, where they predictably found that there was no corruption, despite considerable evidence to the contrary.  

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Although as far as im concerned the whole world is still laughting at the old excuse THEY WERE LENT TO ME.The ardosity of it all,lets face it they should be made to enter in a lie tournament and the winner gets a chocolate watch with a mickey mouse face,well lets face it we could actually look at that type of face a lot better than the one thats telling the big PORKIES thats for sure.With a face like that im sure all the houses in his area are haunted,well what do you expect with so many faces?maybe ask X Samuel.

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Is it not, then, an equally fair question to ask if Prawit's family was rich, or is that something that can't be considered because of your prejudice?

Not really. If there'd be any reasonable explanation to his fantastically expensive watches he would have given it a long time ago - can't believe I have to point that out for you.

But you're partially excused since your knowledge of Thailand seems very limited.


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1 hour ago, Becker said:

Not really. If there'd be any reasonable explanation to his fantastically expensive watches he would have given it a long time ago - can't believe I have to point that out for you.

But you're partially excused since your knowledge of Thailand seems very limited.


You do not have to point out anything for me, believe me. 


He was given 30 days in which to provide an explanation to the NACC which he did and no one, apart from the NACC, knows how many days he took because that has not been made public.

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