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Trust in U.S. institutions plunges in Trump's first year


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Trust in U.S. institutions plunges in Trump's first year

By Noah Barkin



U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the annual March for Life rally, taking place on the nearby National Mall, from the White House Rose Garden in Washington, U.S., January 19, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Trust in U.S. institutions, particularly the government, has plunged in President Donald Trump's first year in office, according to a leading survey released on the eve of the World Economic Forum in Davos.


The annual Edelman Trust Barometer showed overall trust in the four institutions it measures - the government, media, business and non-governmental organisations - falling more steeply in the United States than in any of the 28 countries surveyed.


Trump has broken with presidential tradition and repeatedly denounced the media and judiciary - attacks his critics say risk undermining public confidence in those institutions.


By contrast, the country that saw the biggest trust gains among its own citizens was China, after a year in which President Xi Jinping cemented his hold on power at a triumphal party congress.


Faith in the Chinese government jumped 8 points to 84 percent. In the United States it fell 14 points to 33 percent.


"The United States is enduring an unprecedented crisis of trust," said Richard Edelman, head of the communications marketing firm that commissioned the research.


Xi was the headliner in Davos last year, days before Trump was inaugurated. This year, Trump is the main attraction. He is expected to defend his "America First" policies in a speech on the final day of the conference of policymakers, CEOs, bankers and celebrities in the Swiss Alps, which runs from Jan. 23-26.


Pointing to the steep erosion in trust in the United States, Edelman said it was the first time since the survey began 18 years ago that such a precipitous drop was not linked to a specific event, such as an economic crisis or catastrophe, like the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.


Instead it comes at a time when the U.S. economy is showing robust growth and stock markets are at record highs.


"Normally when things are going well, trust is pretty good," Edelman said. "Increasingly there is a disconnect between trust and economic outcomes."




He attributed this to a politicisation of the public discourse in the United States and elsewhere that has left many people confused about what is fact and what is fiction.


The survey showed nearly 2 in 3 people are unable to distinguish reliable news from rumours and falsehoods. While trust in journalism rose to its highest level in years, faith in search engines and social media platforms like Google, Twitter and Facebook fell in 21 of the 28 countries, making media the least trusted of the four institutions globally.


The Edelman survey, based on the opinions of over 33,000 people and conducted between Oct. 28 and Nov. 20 of last year, showed an even deeper lack of trust in U.S. institutions among the "informed public" - people who are college educated, earn above-average incomes and consume news regularly.


Among this group, trust declined a whopping 23 points, putting the United States in last place among the 28 countries surveyed, below Russia and South Africa. In 2017 it ranked sixth.


In the broader U.S. population, faith in the government was equally low among respondents who said they voted for Trump and those who supported his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. But trust in the media was significantly higher among Clinton backers.


The survey also showed that Americans' trust in their own companies fell more steeply than in any other country, with Switzerland and Canada registering the highest levels of trust in their homegrown brands. It showed a revival of faith in "experts", including academics and businessmen.


(Reporting by Noah Barkin; editing by Mark Heinrich)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-01-22
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47 minutes ago, webfact said:


Pointing to the steep erosion in trust in the United States, Edelman said it was the first time since the survey began 18 years ago that such a precipitous drop was not linked to a specific event, such as an economic crisis or catastrophe, like the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

It WAS linked to a single event, and that event WAS a catastrophe! It seems the whole world with the exception of a few Americans understand this. I note with interest that those Americans listed as educated or informed, rank the fall much worse than those less intelligent, who coincidentally make up a fat chunk of the Trump support base.

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Actually, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 Million votes and Trump eked out a win via the outdated Electoral College. It remains to be seen whether Russian interference in the electoral process was the real reason for Trump's victory. There is an investigation that is under way that will have a startling conclusion.


While Donald Trump has indicated he has no business dealings IN Russia- he has plenty of Russian money that has poured through his Trump Holdings Company which sells very expensive real estate such as houses and Condo's all over the US. The investigation will find the following:

1.  Trump declared bankruptcy 5 times and at some point was in such a precarious financial position that his business empire was in danger of insolvency. He could not borrow from banks due to to the bankruptcy.  However, he and his  minions have contacts in Russia with many Russian oligarchs to include  Putin himself. Several of these people need a place to hide millions and millions of dollars made through arms deals and underground business dealings.


2.  The Trump business empire was the perfect place to funnell funds from Russia to America. High priced condo and house sales in prime American markets would allow Russian money to come into America in the form of 'investment' funds while making the Trump empire solvent again. Most likely - Billions were funneled in.  Of course, Trump and his accountants reported this to the  US Internal Revenue Department and that is why Trump refuses to show his tax returns because they will surely show income from offshore - namely Russians. What they forgot is that money laundering is against the law and if Trump had not been elected President- they would have been home free.


3    There is ample evidence that there exists a money trail into the US as all transactions over $10,000 have to be reported  to the IRS and deeds prepared transferring ownership.  All the investigators need to do is to follow the money trail and then determine who these Russians are; their background and who they are connected to.  For the uniformed- money laundering is against the law. 


4.  When Trump ran for President and was nominated against Clinton- the Russian Oligarchs who are all friends and allies of  President Putin of Russia saw a unique opportunity to influence the election and get their colleague and money laundering friend Donald Trump elected and once elected use the relationship to get Trump to ease Russian sanctions and rebalance World power to the Russian liking.


5. Russia went to work planting news stories regarding Hillary Clinton regarding her use of a private server as well as releasing emails showing her in a negative light all funneled through Assange and Wikileaks.  At the same time the Russians hacked confidential files of both Clinton and the Democratic party again releasing  damaging info.- but surprise-surprise- they never hacked into the Republicans.  In addition, there has been evidence that a 'group' yet unnamed had attempted to hack into the actual voting machines in several key states.


6.  Trump surprisingly won the election and praised Putin and indicated he wanted to open a new Chapter in relations.  General Flynn has already admitted speaking to the Russian Ambassador regarding getting rid of sanctions and Trump's son met with a Russian operative regarding getting 'dirt' on Clinton.


7.  According to Trump-  all of the above is fake news and unfounded. However, there is ample evidence that Russian money has entered the US and placed in US property; Donald Trump Jr- has admitted he met with Russians and made statements in the past indicating the Trump Group didn't need banks to obtain funding.;  General Flynn and 2 others have been indicted and plead guilty to criminal charges and it won't be long before others join the list.

The Mueller investigation is ongoing and will eventually find the missing money link  and make all the connection needed to actually go after Trump for money laundering and violating the emoluments clause in the Us Constitution (using the Presidency for Gain) both of  which are criminal felonies and grounds for impeachment.


This is the person who is President of the US and is representing Americans-  at home and abroad and is putting the country  at risk. Even Steve Bannon-once the most trusted of Trump's minions   has to admit that some of these actions maybe treasonous.


How anyone can continue to support this man is beyond belief.  


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3 hours ago, milwaukeeboy said:

"The annual Edelman Trust Barometer"

Until today, I never heard of it.


Yeah, me too but I went to their website to do some research. It seems that Edelman is a marketing and PR firm. That in itself makes me skeptical about their findings but they seem to pride themselves on earning trust and using trust as a path. So I am willing to at least listen to what they found and what their thoughts are about their findings.


Here is the link to their full findings if anyone is interested.




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Thai Dream   -  I don't know about all that other stuff - all I know is I am making over $10-15K USD a month in the US Stock market since he took office.  Will pay my bar bills for awhile...............

Edited by TunnelRat69
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14 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Thai Dream   -  I don't know about all that other stuff - all I know is I am making over $10-15K USD a month in the US Stock market since he took office.  Will pay my bar bills for awhile...............

And were you losing before he took office? If so, you ain't much of an investor.

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If someone is currently making 10-15K per month in stocks they are part of the 1% and that indeed is what is wrong with America.  During 2017- 82% of income generated went to 1% of the population.  In addition- the Chinese have become the greatest purchaser of American Debt and should they reduce their purchases markets will tumble and should they refuse to buy- markets will go potentially bankrupt.  


While the poster finds he is doing well- unfortunately 99% of Americans are not doing well. Do you seriously believe someone working at minimum wage can afford to purchase stocks?

There has to be more income equity in America so everyone has the chance to move up the ladder and someday be able to make investments.


The fact is that American business is basically greedy and it uses this greed to feed the 1% huge profits through stocks while people struggle to support families on a minimum wage. There is so much wrong with the American economy and how it is structured that it would take me a week to spell it all out.


A few things are certain- what is going on now in America is not sustainable and if not changed will cause an uprising of the 99% against the 1% and in the end everyone loses. America will be turned into a 'Banana Republic'.


In addition, continuing with huge deficits funded by countries like China is placing America's national interests in the hands of a potential foreign power and an enemy. It is almost ironic that America-once a bulwark against Communism and dictatorship is placing its destiny in the hands of Communist dictators and no one seems to care.


Every great  Nation or Civilization of the past has been destroyed by greed and selfishness and unfortunately America  is on its way to its own destruction.  It can be stopped  but people like Donald Trump simply accelerate the process. America has about 30 years left before we end up like the Incas and Mayans- Extinct.

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If someone is currently making 10-15K per month in stocks they are part of the 1% and that indeed is what is wrong with America.  During 2017- 82% of income generated went to 1% of the population.  In addition- the Chinese have become the greatest purchaser of American Debt and should they reduce their purchases markets will tumble and should they refuse to buy- markets will go potentially bankrupt.  


While the poster finds he is doing well- unfortunately 99% of Americans are not doing well. Do you seriously believe someone working at minimum wage can afford to purchase stocks?

There has to be more income equity in America so everyone has the chance to move up the ladder and someday be able to make investments.


The fact is that American business is basically greedy and it uses this greed to feed the 1% huge profits through stocks while people struggle to support families on a minimum wage. There is so much wrong with the American economy and how it is structured that it would take me a week to spell it all out.


A few things are certain- what is going on now in America is not sustainable and if not changed will cause an uprising of the 99% against the 1% and in the end everyone loses. America will be turned into a 'Banana Republic'.


In addition, continuing with huge deficits funded by countries like China is placing America's national interests in the hands of a potential foreign power and an enemy. It is almost ironic that America-once a bulwark against Communism and dictatorship is placing its destiny in the hands of Communist dictators and no one seems to care.


Every great  Nation or Civilization of the past has been destroyed by greed and selfishness and unfortunately America  is on its way to its own destruction.  It can be stopped  but people like Donald Trump simply accelerate the process. America has about 30 years left before we end up like the Incas and Mayans- Extinct.

The same old story about the 1% vs the 99 %.  Sour grapes is the way I see it. Blaming the 1 % for their success at the expense of the 99%.  I can tell you that while the very bottom end of the economic scale still might not be seeing income growth there is certainly growth in the upper lower and middle classes.  Los Angeles is in a building boom right now. That's constructions jobs, supply chain jobs, and staff jobs when the projects are completed.  No the picture is not 100% rosy but the stagnation during the last President's terms is over. All the indicators are good and growth is taking place if one can judge by the number on construction projects going on all over town. That also helps the bottom because jobs are being created and the ability to move up. How long is will last is anyone's guess but right now there is growth full steam ahead. And please, the talk of American greed gets old.  Businesses have investors who want profits, businesses borrow money, create jobs, and bring about growth. They risk investors money so obviously risk returns a bigger reward.  They are not in business as a charity program, so get over this greed thing.  Anyone who has saved or borrowed to start a business takes a risk of failure.  Risk is always rewarded by larger return.  Nothing new about that.  You would have risk and  success taxed at 90% if you had it your way.  If America ends up like the Incas and Mayans, the 1% will have fled for greener pastures and seen investment in the country as a loosing proposition. Until then they will probably still be trying to build businesses, create jobs, and invest in the country. 

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5 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Thai Dream   -  I don't know about all that other stuff - all I know is I am making over $10-15K USD a month in the US Stock market since he took office.  Will pay my bar bills for awhile...............


That's horrible news! And all the people getting bonuses and pay raises because of the Trump tax cuts? It's "crumbs"! Just ask Nancy Pelosi. Of course, she's used to ripping off the taxpayers for millions. So in her defense, the pay raises and bonuses are crumbs from her perspective.

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9 hours ago, Thaidream said:



2.  The Trump business empire was the perfect place to funnell funds from Russia to America. High priced condo and house sales in prime American markets would allow Russian money to come into America in the form of 'investment' funds while making the Trump empire solvent again. Most likely - Billions were funneled in.  Of course, Trump and his accountants reported this to the  US Internal Revenue Department and that is why Trump refuses to show his tax returns because they will surely show income from offshore - namely Russians. What they forgot is that money laundering is against the law and if Trump had not been elected President- they would have been home free.





Money laundering involves an attempt to disguise the origins or provenance of money. If what you say is true and I don't know if it is or not, you have both accused Trump and exonerated him in the same paragraph.

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6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If someone is currently making 10-15K per month in stocks they are part of the 1% and that indeed is what is wrong with America.  During 2017- 82% of income generated went to 1% of the population.  In addition- the Chinese have become the greatest purchaser of American Debt and should they reduce their purchases markets will tumble and should they refuse to buy- markets will go potentially bankrupt.  


If Chinese stop buying US debt one of the consequences will be a rise in interest rates on that debt. That is good for American savers. A demographic that has been mercilessly punished for a decade now.

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7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If someone is currently making 10-15K per month in stocks they are part of the 1% and that indeed is what is wrong with America.  During 2017- 82% of income generated went to 1% of the population.  In addition- the Chinese have become the greatest purchaser of American Debt and should they reduce their purchases markets will tumble and should they refuse to buy- markets will go potentially bankrupt.  


While the poster finds he is doing well- unfortunately 99% of Americans are not doing well. Do you seriously believe someone working at minimum wage can afford to purchase stocks?

There has to be more income equity in America so everyone has the chance to move up the ladder and someday be able to make investments.


The fact is that American business is basically greedy and it uses this greed to feed the 1% huge profits through stocks while people struggle to support families on a minimum wage. There is so much wrong with the American economy and how it is structured that it would take me a week to spell it all out.


A few things are certain- what is going on now in America is not sustainable and if not changed will cause an uprising of the 99% against the 1% and in the end everyone loses. America will be turned into a 'Banana Republic'.


In addition, continuing with huge deficits funded by countries like China is placing America's national interests in the hands of a potential foreign power and an enemy. It is almost ironic that America-once a bulwark against Communism and dictatorship is placing its destiny in the hands of Communist dictators and no one seems to care.


Every great  Nation or Civilization of the past has been destroyed by greed and selfishness and unfortunately America  is on its way to its own destruction.  It can be stopped  but people like Donald Trump simply accelerate the process. America has about 30 years left before we end up like the Incas and Mayans- Extinct.

Yeah, how dare someone work their whole life, scrimp, save and see nice returns on their saving and investments.


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6 hours ago, Trouble said:

The same old story about the 1% vs the 99 %.  Sour grapes is the way I see it. Blaming the 1 % for their success at the expense of the 99%.  I can tell you that while the very bottom end of the economic scale still might not be seeing income growth there is certainly growth in the upper lower and middle classes.  Los Angeles is in a building boom right now. That's constructions jobs, supply chain jobs, and staff jobs when the projects are completed.  No the picture is not 100% rosy but the stagnation during the last President's terms is over. All the indicators are good and growth is taking place if one can judge by the number on construction projects going on all over town. That also helps the bottom because jobs are being created and the ability to move up. How long is will last is anyone's guess but right now there is growth full steam ahead. And please, the talk of American greed gets old.  Businesses have investors who want profits, businesses borrow money, create jobs, and bring about growth. They risk investors money so obviously risk returns a bigger reward.  They are not in business as a charity program, so get over this greed thing.  Anyone who has saved or borrowed to start a business takes a risk of failure.  Risk is always rewarded by larger return.  Nothing new about that.  You would have risk and  success taxed at 90% if you had it your way.  If America ends up like the Incas and Mayans, the 1% will have fled for greener pastures and seen investment in the country as a loosing proposition. Until then they will probably still be trying to build businesses, create jobs, and invest in the country. 

Let's not forget that when Obama took office in 2009, economic growth was at -2.8% and the economy had positive growth for the next 8 years including 2017 which can be attributed to the last administration and not the current one. With Trump we are returning to policies of the past that will give large short term gains while removing consumer protections that could end the US back in the same sinking boat it was in in 2008.

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I am not arguing against investment, savings, expansion and prosperity.  I am arguing against a situation in America in which so much wealth is concentrated in so few (percentage wise) that the 99% of Americans can never move ahead because the wages are not there to make it happen and the cost of goods and services are too high to enable the normal upward movement.

When you have the top management of companies making millions of dollars and the lowest person in the company making minimum wage- this is pure greed.  At the same time, you have stocks gaining simply because economics dictates that a company making huge profits will reward its stockholder- but the money is coming off the backs of the 99% ad this causing the imbalance.

I am advocating a tax policy and a social contract which forces business  and the rich to share more of its profits and wealth with the people who have actually made the money-the workers.

In addition, government has to provide universal healthcare and free education to allow its citizens a life the same as is offered in Europe; the UK; Australia and Japan. Every industrialized nation provides this. America does not and is causing many of its citizens to drift into 3rd World status.

The concept of working hard and you will get ahead doesn't work- you can work 24/7 in today's environment and  never move forward.  There are solutions but they will involve making the wealth -less wealthy and making  business still profitable but raising  wages to a level where Americans can get ahead.

Trump's tax overhaul is complete BS- it does nothing to address what is wrong with America  and the fact that some Companies are giving their employees a bonus is just window dressing. I don't want a $1000 bonus- which is a one time issue and peanuts- I want to see  a company raise wages significantly and provide enhanced retirement benefits. The Us Federal minimum wage is $7.25- a complete joke and Trump has no plan to raise it.

I will say it again- if there is no change  in the next 30 years to things like income inequality; universal healthcare and  enhanced education opportunities- America will be a 3rd World country and any wealth the 1% have obtained will be gone- taken away by a revolution caused by greed and incompetence.


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Since Trump won the US top job, we are used to hear lies, lies ….. and „alternative facts“. Examples for this? You can read or hear them every day in the medias. So he deserve the new title: LOTUS, The Liar Of The United States. The term alternative facts, built by a minon of Trump, contains already the system of the new government and its constitutions.


Therefore no surprise that people in the US - and in the world, too -, cannot trust a country with an incompetent, volgar, egomanic …. (the negativ list goes on) LOTUS on its top, and a party that supported and didn't stop such a moron.


I have found an excellent symbol for this situation



Edited by puck2
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22 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And were you losing before he took office? If so, you ain't much of an investor.

Wasn't losing, jus wasn't making as much in 2016 as I did in 2017.  But you are right, I am not a professional investor, I dabble in stocks, starting out in Penny Stocks.

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9 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I am not arguing against investment, savings, expansion and prosperity.  I am arguing against a situation in America in which so much wealth is concentrated in so few (percentage wise) that the 99% of Americans can never move ahead because the wages are not there to make it happen and the cost of goods and services are too high to enable the normal upward movement.

When you have the top management of companies making millions of dollars and the lowest person in the company making minimum wage- this is pure greed.  At the same time, you have stocks gaining simply because economics dictates that a company making huge profits will reward its stockholder- but the money is coming off the backs of the 99% ad this causing the imbalance.

I am advocating a tax policy and a social contract which forces business  and the rich to share more of its profits and wealth with the people who have actually made the money-the workers.

In addition, government has to provide universal healthcare and free education to allow its citizens a life the same as is offered in Europe; the UK; Australia and Japan. Every industrialized nation provides this. America does not and is causing many of its citizens to drift into 3rd World status.

The concept of working hard and you will get ahead doesn't work- you can work 24/7 in today's environment and  never move forward.  There are solutions but they will involve making the wealth -less wealthy and making  business still profitable but raising  wages to a level where Americans can get ahead.

Trump's tax overhaul is complete BS- it does nothing to address what is wrong with America  and the fact that some Companies are giving their employees a bonus is just window dressing. I don't want a $1000 bonus- which is a one time issue and peanuts- I want to see  a company raise wages significantly and provide enhanced retirement benefits. The Us Federal minimum wage is $7.25- a complete joke and Trump has no plan to raise it.

I will say it again- if there is no change  in the next 30 years to things like income inequality; universal healthcare and  enhanced education opportunities- America will be a 3rd World country and any wealth the 1% have obtained will be gone- taken away by a revolution caused by greed and incompetence.


I stepped out of line when they were issuing the free koolaid.     I was one of the 99% you speak of (though I say the number is much smaller now, say 35%)  I started buying penny stocks when I was in my twenties, some did good some tanked,   play with ponies long enough they turned into dollars.   I didn't work 50 years to give it to someone not willing to wash dishes like I had to, and sell my own blood to take care of my sisters in the inner city.  The United States you speak of doesn't exist and will never exist  -  forcing a company to share profits with employees is Socialism/Communism on steroids, not gonna happen.


One point I agree with, the minimum wage should be brought up to the $9.00 an hour range, with annual increases of a dollar an hour a year until it reaches $15.00 an hour, that will give business time to plan ahead.  In the meantime, while they are at it - abolish the Unions.

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You sir- actually have verified what my point is- years and years ago when you were a young man like I was we were able to work hard and the money we made and saved gave us the ability to move upward.  Prices were low in those days and business paid a reasonable wage which people could live on.  Like you- I washed dishes; worked in the fields with migrant workers and did any job I could. I was in the Amy and went to Vietnam because I was forced to but did my duty. I managed a university education and worked my way up the ladder.

Fast forward to now- no one earning minimum wage could possibly find any money left to invest in anything.  The cost of living is such that with medical care; education; housing those who are poor are destined to remain that way and those in the middle class are moving backward and not forward. Hard work and sacrifice are not enough today.

The reason for the current situation is corporate greed and Governments that are not responsible to the average person but to the corporations; the wealthy and  think only of themselves. The Us does not have Capitalism- it has materialistic capitalism.  The inequality in wealth is  staggering and it is not sustainable.  Trump's election was a testimony that the 99% want change but they won't get an assist from Trump because he knows nothing about sacrifice and real  work.

The only way forward is a Government that provides universal healthcare and education  and a tax structure that taxes the wealthy at higher rates and redistributes those monies back to the struggling poor and middle class.

This is not Socialism or Communism-  It's call equity and fairness and it will happen because there are alot more people in the 99% than in the 1%. Greed did it and like every society in history- greed has been responsible for their destruction.

America hs the unique chance to be different- it has to reform itself.

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